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  1. Official site: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ PDF: https://www.pdfdrive.com/automate-the-boring-stuff-with-python-automate-the-boring-stuff-with-python-e26956384.html https://github.com/timofonic-otherdevstuff/ebooks-1/blob/master/Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.pdf Files used in the book: https://www.nostarch.com/download/Automate_the_Boring_Stuff_onlinematerials.zip Check Additional Content on official site.
    2 points
  2. Salutare, am vazut un filmulet care mi-a atras atentia. ( va las un link) Ceea ce as vrea sa stiu e, cum instalezi o aplicatie ca parte din sistemul de operare si sa restrictionezi anumite lucruri cum ar fi actualizari software, si ce mai este descris acolo. Va rog sa vizionati clipul pentru a intelege despre ce vorbesc. Sunt curios daca a facut cineva asa ceva ? Cum ati integrat-o in acea parte a telefonului ? Daca ati testat alte solutii ? Am cautat pe XDA, dar nu am gasit mare lucru, decat aplicatia in sine (APK). Ca si experienta personala pe acest domeniu, detin ONEPLUS ( am mers prin toate modelele) - le-am brickuit, le-am refacut, am schimbat bootloader, recovery, si am testat diverse OS-uri. Insa as vrea sa incep acest proiect si sa incerc sa experimentez cat mai mult cu aceasta parte, intr-un final end purpose ar fi sa imi fac propriul OS (bazat pe ceva existent cu modificari, optimizari si personalizari) Open discussion, Please Join NO TROLLING !
    1 point
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Gardner_(record_holder)
    1 point
  4. Nu exista un Guiness World Records, ceva, pentru treaba asta? Intreb pentru un prieten
    1 point
  5. Cup challenge în plm (cafeaua am băut-o deja, am zis că încep iară cu ele)
    1 point
  6. Pentru cine vrea să învețe ceva util: https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/events/app-dev Sunt cursuri live de la Google pentru app development și infrastructură. Plus, dacă vă jucați pe acolo, vi se dau jucării, adică un server de la ei prin platforma de learning pe care să faceți deployment: https://imgur.com/a/UL1K1H4 Succes
    1 point
  7. ROP Emporium Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges designed to teach ROP techniques in isolation, with minimal reverse-engineering and bug-hunting. Beginner's Guide All Challenges ret2win ret2win means 'return here to win' and it's recommended you start with this challenge. Visit the challenge page by clicking the link above to learn more. split Combine elements from the ret2win challenge that have been split apart to beat this challenge. Learn how to use another tool whislt crafting a short ROP chain. callme Chain calls to multiple imported methods with specific arguments and see how the differences between 64 & 32 bit calling conventions affect your ROP chain. write4 Find and manipulate gadgets to construct an arbitrary write primitive and use it to learn where and how to get your data into process memory. badchars Learn to deal with badchars, characters that will not make it into process memory intact or cause other issues such as premature chain termination. fluff Sort the useful gadgets from the fluff to construct another write primitive in this challenge. You'll have to get creative though, the gadgets aren't straight forward. pivot Stack space is at a premium in this challenge and you'll have to pivot the stack onto a second ROP chain elsewhere in memory to ensure your success. Sursa: https://ropemporium.com/
    1 point
  8. In RO, gasesti ceva pe OKIAN.ro Daca vrei sa le cumperi in format fizic iti recomand Free delivery worldwide on all books from The Book Depository (transportul este gratuit). Altfel, le downloadezi - http://gen.lib.rus.ec apoi le dai Print.
    1 point
  9. E cu crima organizata?
    -1 points
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