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  1. DOM-Based XSS at accounts.google.com by Google Voice Extension. This universal DOM-based XSS was discovered accidentally, it is fortunate that the google ads' customer ID is the same format as American phone number format. I opened Gmail to check my inbox and the following popped up I rushed to report it to avoid dupe, without even checking what's going on, as a Stored XSS in Gmail triggered by google ads rules as the picture shows, but the reality was something else. Why did it work? Because two things: google voice extension was installed and this text '444-555-4455 <img src=x onerror=alert(1)>' was in the inbox page. after a couple of minutes, I realized that this XSS was triggered by Google Voice Extension, which could execute javascript anywhere and thus on accounts.google.com and facebook.com. I extract google voice source code to find out what is in the question. in the file contentscript.js, there was a function called Wg() which was responsible for the DOM XSS. function Wg(a) { for (var b = /(^|\s)((\+1\d{10})|((\+1[ \.])?\(?\d{3}\)?[ \-\.\/]{1,3}\d{3}[ \-\.]{1,2}\d{4}))(\s|$)/m, c = document.evaluate('.//text()[normalize-space(.) != ""]', a, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null), d = 0; d < c.snapshotLength; d++) { a = c.snapshotItem(d); var f = b.exec(a.textContent); if (f && f.length) { f = f[2]; var g = "gc-number-" + Ug, h = '<span id="' + g + '" class="gc-cs-link"title="Call with Google Voice">' + f + "</span>", k; if (k = a.parentNode && !(a.parentNode.nodeName in Og)) k = a.parentNode.className, k = "string" === typeof k && k.match(/\S+/g) || [], k = !Fa(k, "gc-cs-link"); if (k) try { if (!document.evaluate('ancestor-or-self::*[@googlevoice = "nolinks"]', a, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null) .snapshotLength) { if (0 == a.parentNode.childElementCount) { var w = a.parentNode.innerHTML, y = w.replace(f, h); a.parentNode.innerHTML = y } else { w = a.data; y = w.replace(f, h); var u = Qc("SPAN"); u.innerHTML = y; h = u; k = a; v(null != h && null != k, "goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter expects non-null arguments"); k.parentNode && k.parentNode.insertBefore(h, k.nextSibling); Vc(a) } var t = Ic(document, g); t && (Ug++, nc(t, "click", ma(Sg, t, f))) } } catch (E) {} } } } The function wasn't difficult to read, the developer was looking for a phone number in the body's elements content, grab it, create another span element with the grabbed phone number as its content so the user can click and call that number right from the web page. Let's break it down, from line 1 to line 9, it is looping through the body's elements' contents with document.evaluate, document.evaluate is a method makes it possible to search within the HTML and XML document, returns XPathResult object that represents the result and here it is meant to evaluate and grab all body's elements' contents, technically select all the texts nodes from the current node and assign it to the variable 'a', and this was the source, note here it was a DOM XPath-injection: (var b = /(^|\s)((\+1\d{10})|((\+1[ \.])?\(?\d{3}\)?[ \-\.\/]{1,3}\d{3}[ \-\.]{1,2}\d{4}))(\s|$)/m, c = document.evaluate('.//text()[normalize-space(.) != ""]', a, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null), d = 0; d < c.snapshotLength; d++) { a = c.snapshotItem(d); then executes a search (variable 'b' which is a regex for America phone number format) for a match in the returned result that is stored in variable 'a'. then if the match found assign it to variable 'f' then put it as span element's content in variable 'h'. Line 10 and 11 was checking the tag name that HTML element from which the variable 'f' got its content, is neither one of these tags SCRIPT, STYLE, HEAD, OBJECT, TEXTAREA, INPUT, SELECT, and A, nor it has the class attribute with the name of "gc-cs-link", this checking was mainly for two things: 1) prevent the extension from messing with DOM because it doesn't want to play with the content on an element such as SCRIPT, STYLE, and HEAD and doesn't achieve what it wants to do on elements like INPUT, SELECT, etc... 2) it stops the script from looping infinitely, because it doesn't want to create span element with phone number again if it already exists. From line 12 to line 27, there is an if condition, if variable k is true, means no element with a class attribute name of "gc-cs-link" has been found, it will execute a try statement, another an if condition inside the try statement check, if there is nowhere an element with a "googlevoice" attribute and "nolinks" as its value can be found, again using the document.evaluate, then nested if condition check if the variable 'a' has no child elements, and here is where the sink happens: w = a.parentNode.innerHTML, y = w.replace(f, h); a.parentNode.innerHTML = y this in case the variable 'a' has no child elements, othewise it will excute the next statment where it sinks again in the following line: k.parentNode && k.parentNode.insertBefore(h, k.nextSibling); The fix: I believe the developer was going to execute variable 'f' that was holding the value of phone number for example '+12223334455' on the sinks (innerHTML, insertBefore), instead for reason I couldn't understand he executes variable 'a' which was holding the payload ex: '444-555-4455 <img src=x onerror=alert(1)>' on the sinks, this XSS could be spared if he did not do so. Reward: $3,133.7 Sursa: http://www.missoumsai.com/google-accounts-xss.html
    1 point
  2. Trebuie sa inveti atat teoretic cat si sa lucrezi practic. Da, am vazut multe pareri bune despre acea carte asa ca ti-o recomand. Ulterior poti trece la altele, trebuie sa le iei pe rand. Gasesti documentatie legat de orice pe Internet, trebuie doar sa fii motivat.
    1 point
  3. Vulnerabilities reminiscent of Stuxnet found in two Schneider Electric products could allow an attacker to gain operation control of a device by intercepting then retransmitting commands. Trustwave’s Global OT/IoT security research team uncovered the flaws in Schneider’s SoMachine Basic v1.6 and Schneider Electric M221, firmware version, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). By exploiting the flaws, a malicious actor could take control of the devices in the same manner operators circa 2005 used the Stuxnet worm to control and ultimately cause Iran’s nuclear centrifuges to destroy themselves. Trustwave analysts were able to use the Schneider Electric vulnerability to intercept, change, then resend commands between the engineering software and the PLC. The second issue is spun off the fact that SoMachine Basic does not perform adequate checks on critical values used in the communications with PLC. If exploited an attacker could potentially be used to send manipulated packets to the PLC, without the software being aware of the manipulation. That’s eerily similar to Stuxnet’s modus operandi, which, according to a 2010 Symantec report, infected one of the Iranian engineering workstations that was being used to manage and control the Siemens Step 7 PLC. Stuxnet infected all the Step 7 projects and side-loaded a malicious dynamic linked library (DLL), which is used by the software to communicate with the PLC. It intercepted and modified all the legitimate packets to the controllers and successfully uploaded malicious logic codes to change the controller behaviors. The malicious library file prevented PLC operators from realizing that the PLCs were compromised. Schneider has patched the SoMachine Basic v1.6 vulnerability and is working on a final mitigation for the second attack. In the meantime the company recommended users block the port on the firewall or disable the protocol. In addition, Trustwave urged organizations to harden the network through micro segmentation and zoning, ensuring that ICS assets and network are monitored for abnormal communications. Via scmagazine.com
    1 point
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