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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/20 in all areas

  1. Nu va asteptati la prea multe de la asa ceva, aici e cam tot ce face; https://github.com/zigoo0/webpwn3r/blob/master/vulnz.py Mai exact trimite cateva request-uri sa verifice cateva lucruri simple. Eu am un tool privat: ./nytro --hack ISS Hacking in progress... Getting satellite communication working... Scanning ISS... Found open ports: 69, 1337 Sending 5G payload to COVID-19 port... Hacking complete! Getting root... Got root! Dar va dati seama ca nu il pot publica...
    7 points
  2. @aismen Ca sa nu o dam in conspiratii prea mari, NASA nu prea construieste rachete. Nasa comanda si foloseste rachete de la alte firme. deci ei nu prea pot folosi nimic din ce ar fura. Ca exemplu SLS (o noua racheta in dezvoltare) e facuta de Boeing care e contractat de NASA. In plus 'Commercial Crew Program' in care SpaceX lanseaza astronauntii acum e vechi de zece ani. Dupa parerea mea face sens ca NASA sa incurajeze companii private sa-si dezvolte tehnologia proprie si dupa NASA sa cumpere doar cate un zbor(in loc sa cumpere toata racheta+tehnologia). Dupa parerea mea, se incearca o colaborare care sa reduca preturile pt toata lumea. Asta nu inseamna ca Boeing nu face lobby politic si nu face mizerii ca sa castige mai multi bani de la guvern... Inspector General Accuses NASA of Favoritism to Boeing Over SpaceX NASA paid SpaceX for safety review after Musk smoked pot (sponsored by boeing)
    2 points
  3. Also, gobuster (https://github.com/OJ/gobuster) instead of dirbuster (https://sourceforge.net/projects/dirbuster/files/DirBuster Source/1.0-RC1/)
    2 points
  4. Regression testing (rarely non-regression testing one ) is re-running purposeful and non-functional tests to ensure that antecedently developed and tested software system still performs once a modification. Anytime a developer makes changes or enhancements to code, they're careful to not accidentally break or disrupt alternative functions of the application. It isn't always clear to QA that the development team may have added code in other areas of the application and if that code had impacts on other areas. NOTE: don't confuse prioritization” with risk.” Risk-based Testing doesn't apply to regression prioritization. First, confirmation testing is done to ensure that the code has successfully been fixed. It is common for companies to introduce minor changes from time to time in their products. Basically, these 2 implementation approaches depend upon the scope of changes, software development methodology, and the stage of the software process. You can find yourself guaranteeing a transparent software-development mechanical phenomenon for yourself and your dev team whereas unknowingly ignoring immense swaths of the application, letting your end users stumble upon undetected glitches at their own peril. Like i discussed higher than, regression take a look ating is associate activity of re-running test cases to create positive new changes don't break operating options. For more information on the Regression Testing (and knowing whether or not it will be helpful for you), You can find it read more here.
    1 point
  5. Ahh, au TFTP ai naiba .... (69)
    1 point
  6. Posibil sa se lege la un nod si sa trimita nush unde parola de la mc
    1 point
  7. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9e8d0979cc6f74925c4979c38a38202c2e698d9412a3931ee4c4b98fa5cf35f2/detection https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/9e8d0979cc6f74925c4979c38a38202c2e698d9412a3931ee4c4b98fa5cf35f2 Fisierul e detectat suspect/not trusted. (nu neaparat malicious) Pare a avea o parte packed. Daca deschizi arhiva jar gasesti: UFuckedUpSkid.class geoip.txt geoip6.txt tor.zip Imi ridica numeroase semne de avertisment toata treaba asta. Poate cineva se pricepe mai bine si are timp/chef sa faca o analiza si sa dea o parere mai informata. TLDR: parerea mea e ca ai vrut minecraft si te-ai ars cu un virusel
    1 point
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