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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/21 in all areas

  1. A fost anul trecut prin Aprilie cred, o luna free pentru oricine. Am avut si eu, merita. De fapt merita sa cumper 1-2 luni, cred ca e vreo 20-30 USD pe luna si daca stai de ele, chiar merita.
    1 point
  2. Kobalos’ codebase is tiny, but its impact is not. A small but complex malware variant is targeting supercomputers worldwide. Reverse engineered by ESET and described in a blog post on Tuesday, the malware has been traced back to attacks against supercomputers used by a large Asian Internet Service Provider (ISP), a US endpoint security vendor, and a number of privately-held servers, among other targets. The cybersecurity team has named the malware Kobalos in deference to the kobalos, a small creature in Greek mythology believed to cause mischief. Kobalos is unusual for a number of reasons. The malware's codebase is tiny but is sophisticated enough to impact at least Linux, BSD, and Solaris operating systems. ESET suspects it may possibly be compatible with attacks against AIX and Microsoft Windows machines, too. While working with the CERN Computer Security Team, ESET realized the "unique, multiplatform" malware was targeting high performance computer (HPC) clusters. In some cases of infection, it appears that 'sidekick' malware hijacks SSH server connections to steal credentials that are then used to obtain access to HPC clusters and deploy Kobalos. Kobalos is, in essence, a backdoor. Once the malware has landed on a supercomputer, the code buries itself in an OpenSSH server executable and will trigger the backdoor if a call is made through a specific TCP source port. Other variants act as middlemen for traditional command-and-control (C2) server connections. Kobalos grants its operators remote access to file systems, allows them to spawn terminal sessions, and also acts as connection points to other servers infected with the malware. ESET says that a unique facet of Kobalos is its ability to turn any compromised server into a C2 through a single command. The malware was a challenge to analyze as all of its code is held in a "single function that recursively calls itself to perform subtasks," ESET says, adding that all strings are encrypted as a further barrier to reverse engineering. As of now, more research needs to be conducted in the malware -- and who may be responsible for its development. Via zdnet.com
    1 point
  3. Salut fac script-uri pentru copiat articole de pe orice site-uri pe wordpress.Copiez doar pe wordpress, deoarece cunosc doar functiile de implementare in wordpress si nu prea am timp sa invat sa implementez si pe alte platforme (nu implementez pe ecommerce). Script-ul il fac in php cu crawlere, alaturi de mysql. Se va forma o baza de date cu toate articolele copiat pentru a nu copia acelasi articol de mai multe ori. Daca site-ul respectiv contine tag-uri,categorii,imagini,text etc. atunci eu copiez tot exact cum este sau la specificatiile clientului.Nu pot eu sa fac script-ul pentru categorii daca site-ul respectiv nu are categorii sau tag-uri. Script-ul se va activa se cate ori vrea clientul pe zi,ora,saptamana,luna etc.Poate copia cate articole doreste clientul fara nici o limita.(lucrul acest il fac cu cronjobs) Daca site-ul respectiv are cloudflare ( https://www.google.ro/search?q=ce+inseamna+cloudflare ) nu pot sa fac nimic deoarece nu detin cunostintele necesare sa trec de protectie, iar protectia nu ma lasa sa folosesc script-ul. Daca doriti sa copiati multe articole de pe un site fara sa miscati un deget atunci script-ul meu este solutia. Script-ul copiaza articole de pe un singur site!Pentru fiecare site va fi un script diferit. Pret : 25$ / site .
    0 points
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