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  1. Am uitat sa pun poza de la Cluj: Poate mai facem unul cu ocazia RST Con. Apoi ne vedem la Defcamp.
    3 points
  2. It’s ON. Registration for DefCamp 2021 is OPEN. Hi Ionut! We live in strange times when everything we know has to be changed from one day to the next. 2020 was the year of remote and digital and we are fighting the accelerated digitalization consequences: threats and vulnerabilities left uncovered. The world needs #cybersecurity more than ever and we are happy to announce the dates and new format for DefCamp 2021. When: November 24-25, 2021 Format: Hybrid - both online and onsite in Bucharest, Romania Spread the news by telling your friends or Share it on social media but make sure you secure your seat first. We’re working to make DefCamp a legendary experience that creates plenty of opportunities to learn from and grow as an infosec specialist. That is why we have a couple of logistics to share with you: OPEN Call for papers OPEN Call for contests As a community oriented conference, we encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration, which is why we have opened DefCamp Call for Papers. Once you have a piece from the DefCamp Hacking Village, most definitely you want more excitement, more hacking, more activities but why not create your own competition? Apply with your paper! Bring your ideas to the Hacking Village! OPEN Registration - Secure your seat according to your preferences. On-site, in Bucharest - Romania Online We hope to meet some of you offline, in Bucharest to remember the good old days and to exchange knowledge or hacking in the Hacking Village for two full days. Get access to speakers, other professionals just like you and to both online and offline Hacking Village competitions. As the worldwide limitations won’t allow us to have more people under the same roof, we will open the online streaming for all of you who want to attend but cannot do so for various reasons. What is amazing is the fact that you will be able to engage also in the online Hacking Village happening on CyberEDU with this pass. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? We will do our best (and beyond) to make sure we will enjoy another DefCamp conference edition. COVID related arrangements - make sure you check our website if you have any questions related to logistics and other information. We have a FAQ area where we explain what will happen with all the variables taken into consideration. Until we meet again in your inbox, keep an eye on all our social media channels and let’s stay safe because autumn is coming! Secure your DefCamp ticket now! See you with more news soon! The DefCamp team. Detalii: https://def.camp/
    2 points
  3. Multumesc de preluare! Cu ocazia asta, subliniez doua linkuri foarte utile, unde va incurajez sa aplicati: 1. Daca aveti topicuri interesante: https://def.camp/call-for-papers/ 2. Daca aveti competitii de hacking, ctf, tournaments etc: https://def.camp/call-for-contests/
    2 points
  4. Regula se aplica si aici: relocarea este necesara, aveti 2 zile pe saptamana remote office iar in perioada aceasta aveti full remote office. Daca sunteti interesati, PM si vorbim.
    1 point
  5. https://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/
    1 point
  6. Imi petreceam pretiosul meu timp liber pe TikTok si la un moment dat mi-a aparut un dude care zicea ca el face bani din pariuri pe cote mici. Totul frumos pana cand m-am gandit ce-ar fi daca s face eu o mica simulare in piton. Timpul zicea ceva de genul ca daca nu esti in stare sa castigi o cota de 1.20 sa te lasi de meserie, asa ca am ales asta ca reper si am construit urmatoriul scenariu: - Se porneste cu un buget de 2000 RON - Se face un singur pariu pe zi cu o cota de 1.20 si un pariu de 100 RON (excluzand taxele) - Daca bugetul ajunge sub 100 RON murim de foame Targetul este sa aflam cate zile putem sa supravietuim si care este bugetul maxim pe care l-am atins. Pentru a putea face acest lucru primul lucru care l-am facut a fost sa vad care este probabilitatea in procede de a castiga un pariu de 1.2, asa ca am gasit acest tabel: Ceea ce inseamna ca am 83.3% sanse sa castig un pariu. Plecand de la aceasta premisa am facut acest mic programel in piton. import random capital = 2000 bet_count = 0 max_capital = 0 def random_percent(): if random.randint(0,1000) <= 833: return 1 else: return 0 def bet(capital): global bet_count bet_count+=1 if random_percent() == 1: capital = capital + 20 else: capital = capital - 100 #print(capital) return capital while capital >= 100: capital = bet(capital) if capital > max_capital: max_capital = capital print("I survived " + str(bet_count) + " days and I had a maximum capital of " + str(max_capital)) Cand l-am rulat, spre neuimirea mea am realizat ca TikTokeru pierduse toti banii in aprox 16 ani jumate si cel mai mult a avut undeva la 3560 (adica un 75% profit maximum din suma initiala. I survived 6059 days and I had a maximum capital of 3560 Bineinteles, asta a fost o simulare, fiecare poate rula cate vrea el, morala povestii fiind urmatoarea: Indiferent cum invarti banii la pariuri, daca nu iti faci o simulare pe strategia ta la un moment dat sigur vei pierde toti banii. Chestiile astea pot fi explicate si matematic, din pacate nu prea mi-a placut scoala, preferam DotA sau Counter Strike, asa ca nu va pot ajuta cu asta. Codul poate fi rulat aici: https://pynative.com/online-python-code-editor-to-execute-python-code/ Daca mai aveti idei sau alte simulari, feel free to contribute!
    1 point
  7. Nu au venit toti cei care s-au anuntat, dar a fost fun Nu uitati: 28 august, Cluj, bere! Cine vrea sa mearga de la Bucuresti sa imi zica zilele astea!
    1 point
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