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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/21 in all areas

  1. Gogu prim rezultat: https://www.scoalarutiera.ro/curs-legislatie/codul-rutier/zona-rezidentiala-si-pietonala "Zona rezidentiala" e definita in lege diferit fata de intuitia polulara "unde sunt case".
    1 point
  2. Encoding.tools is a utility for performing a series of arbitrary transforms on binary data. This tool can be useful for security researchers or programmers who need to encode or decode strings with multiple steps, e.g. to decode an obfuscated string in a web application, you may need to perform multiple steps, e.g. URL decode, then base64 decode, etc. URL: encoding.tools Source: https://markhaa.se/posts/encoding-tools-gets-svelte/
    1 point
  3. inteleg ca sunt crescute organic dar nu cred ca poate fi monetizata vreo una cum trebuie ca sa se merite preturile astea.just saying
    1 point
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