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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/22 in all areas

  1. Adica s-a rupt receiverul de la tastatura. Microsoft All-In-One este RF (Wireless), nicidecum Bluetooth. Nu iti va functiona cu niciun alt receiver wireless pentru ca vin special facute asa (fiecare dongle functioneaza doar cu tastatura din acel set).
    2 points
  2. Pare ceva ce necesita si cunostiinte hardware si "finete", eu nu m-as baga. Ultima oara cand am incercat sa repar o tastatura (de laptop) a iesit urat.
    2 points
  3. OPEN TO EVERYBODY Registration In order to inspire even more people for this topic and to strengthen the objectives of the ECSC in the long term, the openECSC is planned in 2022 alongside the ECSC. Only young talents up to the age of 25 and only 10 finalists per country per year can take part in the ECSC. In order to promote even more talents, everybody (also non-Europeans), regardless of whether they are a security enthusiast or an expert, can demonstrate their skills at the openECSC without restriction and become part of the ECSC community. This is a welcome opportunity, especially for the security experts of many companies in Europe, to demonstrate their skills. VALUATION openECSC: The participants not only represent their country in a national ranking, but also have the chance to compete against the best in Europe in an individual ranking. In the Nations Cup, it is decided how many participants per country can solve the most tasks. In order to ensure equal opportunities between smaller and larger countries, the number of participants per country – divided by the total number of its inhabitants – who can solve most of the tasks is evaluated. The individual evaluation decides who was able to solve the most tasks during the day. In the case of a tie, it is decided who was able to solve the tasks faster. The winners of the individual ranking will be awarded. The respective ECSC team of the top 3 countries will receive the prizes for the Nations Cup at the award ceremony of the ECSC. The openECSC is conducted as an “online” competition. Participants can register on the online HackingLab platform from February 20th. After registration, each participant will be provided with exercises for training and preparation. The competition day is September 15, 2022 Start is at 08:00 to 17:00 (CET) Registration openECSC 2022 Communication Phase Round 1 12 Challenges 19/03 - 29/04/2022 Shadow Event 1 Finale openECSC 15 Challenges 15/09/2022 Round 2 12 Challenges 30/04 - 17/06/2022 Shadow Event 2 Round 3 12 Challenges 18/06 - 26/08/2022 Small trophys for each round winners! Sursa: https://www.ecsc2022.eu/about-ecsc/open-ecsc-2022/
    1 point
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