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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/22 in all areas

  1. Surely you’ve been expecting our email about the DefCamp conference, right? We are happy to officially announce that we’re back with DefCamp - the offline edition, this fall, as we've become accustomed to over the last 10 years. Registrations are NOW OPEN, which means you can book your early bird ticket right now! Ready, steady, gooooo pack your bags and cyber knowledge for #DefCamp12! https://def.camp/tickets/ WHEN: 10th-11th November, 2022 WHERE: Bucharest, Romania Call for papers: https://def.camp/call-for-papers/ Call for contsts: https://def.camp/call-for-contests/ Become a volunteer: https://def.camp/become-a-volunteer/ Website: https://def.camp/
    3 points
  2. Fiecare zi in care apare un nou topic de la Kev sau Che este speciala 🤣
    3 points
  3. Îmi plac filmele precum Harry Potter, Stăpânul inelelor, Avatar... Sau filmele cu supereroi cu aplicația {edited} Hotstar TV
    2 points
  4. Mare ti-e gradina ta Doamne https://speedcamanywhere.com/
    2 points
  5. Multumesc de share! Incurajez participarea la Call for *.
    1 point
  6. Si de unde sa ghiceasca telefonul tau ce viteza are masina? Vrei si aplicatie care sa vada cu raze-x prin pereti sau poate aplicatie cu bricheta care sa aprinda tigara? Telefonul n-are senzori pt asa ceva, deci ce aplicatii gasesti vor fi toate sa afiseze ceva random sau pseudo-random. Poate-poate maxim sa gasesti ceva cu object-detection care sa estimeze distanta cu ceva acuratete de 60%. Sau ceva care sa necesite sa faci masuratori din prealabil. (gen veloca-metro-speed-gun care necesita sa masori distantele inainte) Nota: Masoara distanta intre 2 stalpi de iluminat public, 100m sau cat e. Stai cu cronometrul si cand trece la stalpul 1 ii dai start, la stalpul 2 ii dai stop. Pac 100m in 3 secunde, 33.3m/s = 120km/h. Mai inveti si tu o matematica acolo, o impartire, o inmultire.
    1 point
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