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  1. Daca ii blochezi siteurile naspa si il faci sa vina spre tine, sa petreceti timp frumos impreuna, va veni singur sa iti povesteasca. Arata-i ca esti barbat si ca nu iti e frica de el sa il confrunti? Cati ani are copilul? Am vazut oameni care le dau pe mana gadgeturi si apoi se mira ca se instraineaza copiii de ei. Copiii lasati la conducere devin cel mai greu de stapanit. Cauta pe net cum sa devii un parinte autoritativ. Sunt multe carti despre acest tip. Scopul tau pentru el este sa devina un om independent, nu un om sub control. Succes!
    1 point
  2. Da. Mai repede stie daca vorbesti decat sa il monitorizezi pervers. Plus ca are de invatat din lucrurile astea.
    1 point
  3. Daca era asa de smecher AI-ul nu mai angajau astia programatori romani/rusi/ucraineni/indieni...
    1 point
  4. Cand o sa inteleaga si publicul de rand ca AI-ul e defapt statistica+big computing. Ca sa intelegi ce model de "AI" trebuie folosit pentru taskul X trebuie sa intelegi cum functioneaza acel model. (adica statistica/matematica din spate) Ce vrei tu se poate face cu OpenCV. Cauta "OpenCV pattern recognition" Ce vrei tu e sa quantifici deviatile dintre 2 imagini. Dupa le poti clasifica fie automat(clustering) fie dupa parametrii specifici. OFF: Vrei AI sa-ti puna tapet la farmacie? E destul de amuzant cum brainwashed mainstream media convinge publicul de rand ca "exista AI care face orice. bagi o comanda in terminal, si se downloadeaza AI cam de inteligenta unui caine. Si ii explici ce sa faca cu training, 2-3 exemple, si el face acolo"
    1 point
  5. Writing shellcodes for Windows x64 On 30 June 2019 By nytrosecurity Long time ago I wrote three detailed blog posts about how to write shellcodes for Windows (x86 – 32 bits). The articles are beginner friendly and contain a lot of details. First part explains what is a shellcode and which are its limitations, second part explains PEB (Process Environment Block), PE (Portable Executable) file format and the basics of ASM (Assembler) and the third part shows how a Windows shellcode can be actually implemented. This blog post is the port of the previous articles on Windows 64 bits (x64) and it will not cover all the details explained in the previous blog posts, so who is not familiar with all the concepts of shellcode development on Windows must see them before going further. Of course, the differences between x86 and x64 shellcode development on Windows, including ASM, will be covered here. However, since I already write some details about Windows 64 bits on the Stack Based Buffer Overflows on x64 (Windows) blog post, I will just copy and paste them here. As in the previous blog posts, we will create a simple shellcode that swaps the mouse buttons using SwapMouseButton function exported by user32.dll and grecefully close the proccess using ExitProcess function exported by kernel32.dll. Articol complet: https://nytrosecurity.com/2019/06/30/writing-shellcodes-for-windows-x64/
    1 point
  6. https://www.easybill.ro/
    1 point
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