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  1. Nu ai ce gestiona. E un bullshit treaba cu atacurile, iar raportul este facut pentru a putea invalida alegerile, in caz ca nu le convine ceva. Nu Simion, Georgescu sau care mai sunt au distrus tara. Consumam ce ne este servit, de +30 de ani. Rahatul cu convocarea CSAT este la ordinul evreului refuzat la export (Iohannis). Nu am votat si nu voi vota niciodata pentru ceva legat de Romania. Sunt plecat de multi ani din tara si nu consider ca ar fi corect sa influentez directia in care merge, prin vot. Ma consider de partea dreptei extreme si cred ca democratia este gresit inteleasa de multi. Multe legi ar trebui schimbate sau pur si simplu eliminate Daca ai un angajat care te fura, nu astepti patru ani. Il dai afara pe loc. Acelasi lucru ar trebui sa se aplice si functionarilor publici. Ei sunt acolo sa ne reprezinte interesele, nu sa faca ce vor. Sa zicem ca esti primar. Dupa cinci-sase luni, daca nu ai realizat nimic, venim peste tine, te luam la rost si iti dam un ultimatum: doua luni sa ne arati rezultate. Calea catre adevar incepe cu fermitatea – ranga intr-o mana si Biblia in cealalta. Pentru cei care striga "vrem democratie" – ce fel de democratie doriti? Cea "moderna", in care alegerile sunt libere doar pe hartie, dar de fapt manipulate prin propaganda si populism? Sau poate cea in care institutiile, platite din bani publici, se autointituleaza democratice, dar sunt ineficiente si corupte? Ori preferati varianta in care drepturile sunt garantate, dar raman inaccesibile pentru pulime?
    3 points
  2. Campania lui CG a fost prea bine pusa la punct si el e prea retardat ca sa faca asa ceva. Cand el se plange de cezariana ca se rupe firul devin desi nevasta-sa a facut de 2 ori cezariana, cand zice ca apa contine informatii dar nu daca e imbuteliata, cand zice ca nu exista Covid ca nu l-a vazut nimeni, cand nevasta-sa zice sa porti fusta ca de jos vine energia in corp si o gramada de alte mizerii, incepi sa realizezi ca cea mai buna alegere e oricine altcineva.
    2 points
  3. L-a favorizat o pula. CSAT e o dugheana infiintata de scarba tiganeasca si evreiasca de Ion Iliescu George Simion a avut 396 milioane de vizualizări Tik Tok Marcel Ciolacu a avut – 328 milioane de vizualizări. Elena Lasconi a avut 202 milioane de vizualizări. Călin Georgescu a avut 135 milioane de vizualizări.
    1 point
  4. tot cloud-ul guvernamental e plin de vulnerabilitati mari ca Marea Neagra.degeaba vorbesc ei de atacuri ca nici dracu nu a atacat. stati sa vedeti registrulelectoral.ro parca asa ii zicea. cu cnp cu tot.sa nu mai zic de ghiseul si an..fura.
    1 point
  5. A Russian cybercriminal wanted in the U.S. in connection with LockBit and Hive ransomware operations has been arrested by law enforcement authorities in the country. According to a news report from Russian media outlet RIA Novosti, Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev has been accused of developing a malicious program designed to encrypt files and seek ransom in return for a decryption key. "At present, the investigator has collected sufficient evidence, the criminal case with the indictment signed by the prosecutor has been sent to the Central District Court of the city of Kaliningrad for consideration on the merits," the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement. Matveev has been charged under Part 1 of Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which relates to the creation, use, and distribution of computer programs that can cause "destruction, blocking, modification or copying of computer information." He was previously charged and indicted by the U.S. government in May 2023 for launching ransomware attacks against "thousands of victims" in the country and across the world. He is also known by various online aliases Wazawaka, m1x, Boriselcin, Uhodiransomwar, and Orange. Matveev has also gone public about his criminal activities, stating that "his illicit activities will be tolerated by local authorities provided that he remains loyal to Russia." He was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury and has been the subject of a reward of up to $10 million for any information that could lead to his arrest or conviction. A subsequent report from Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFT revealed that Matveev has been leading a team of six penetration testers to carry out the ransomware attacks. Besides working as an affiliate for Conti, LockBit, Hive, Trigona, and NoEscape ransomware groups, he is said to have had a management-level role with the Babuk ransomware group up until early 2022. Furthermore, he is believed to have deeper ties with the Russian cybercrime group known as Evil Corp. The development comes a little over a month after four members of the now-defunct REvil ransomware operation were sentenced to several years in prison in Russia after they were convicted of hacking and money laundering charges. Update# A security research community that goes by the alias "club1337" said in a post on X that they received confirmation from Matveev that he had been charged in Russia, and that he had paid two fines and forfeited a chunk of the cryptocurrency earned. "He is currently out on bail, unharmed, and awaiting the next steps in the legal process," the researcher said. In a related law enforcement action, Stanislav Moiseyev, the founder of the now-defunct Hydra darknet marketplace, has been sentenced to life in prison. He has also been ordered to pay a fine of 4 million rubles. The recent wave of arrests and prosecution of Russian cybercriminals are an unusual departure from the norm, as it's uncommon for the Kremlin to prosecute its own hackers as long as they stay out of targeting companies and individuals located within its borders. Source: https://thehackernews.com/2024/11/wanted-russian-cybercriminal-linked-to.html
    1 point
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