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Pentru cei cu cloudflare, cloudflare (cel putin la pro) a patchuit deja vulnerabilitatea
Cateva idei: Bird Telecom SRL Proof IT SRL Proof Telecom SRL RedCode SRL Blue Light IT SRL - ideea e ca numele sa fie compus din cuvinte simple, in engleza, usor de retinut, chiar pentru unul din Kenia ce acum invata engleza. - sa fie cuvinte de sugereaza ceva, cu ce ti-ai asocia firma. ex o culoare intensa, o actiune, un animal ce este recunoscut pentru abilitatea exceptionala de a face ceva. Spor!
RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Black Friday 2013 Reduceri speciale de Black Friday 2013, RoTunneling VPN ofera 90% reducere pentru toti abonatii noi si existenti la toate pachetele! Anul acesta Black Friday va fi vineri, 29 noiembrie 2013. Si promotia se aplica pentru toate platile facute in acea zi. Pentru a beneficia de reducere introduceti in cadrul Black Friday, in contul dvs. cuponul de reducere: blackfriday Cuponul va fi disponibil doar in data de 29 noienbrie 2013. In cadrul reducerii sunt disponibile platiile prin: card online, cash la automate si transfer bancar, plata prin sms nu este disponibila in cadrul reducerilor. https://www.rotunneling.net/articole/black-friday-2013/- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Trimite si primeste SMS GRATUITE cu RoTunneling VPN Din dorinta de a fi cat mai aproape de dvs. si de a va aduce cat mai multe facilitati incepand de astazi 31.10.2013 oferim posibilitatea de a trimite sms-uri gratuite tuturor abonatiilor RoTunneling VPN, din contul de abonat! Suplimentar prin gateway-ul nostru sms puteti primi sms-uri, detalii privind procedura de primire sms gatuit sunt in contul de abonat. Timpul de trimitere (masurat de la trimitere pana la livrarea efectiva) a unui SMS gratis, este intre 2 si 4 secunde, din care 2 - 3 secunde este timpul necesar retelei de telefonie mobila pentru a prelua si livra SMS-ul. Momentan numarul de sms-uri gratuite ce pot fi trimise de catre fiecare utilizator este nelimitat, in toate retelele de telefonie mobila din Romania. De asemenea am actualizat termenii si contitiile de utilizare incluzand si termenii/conditiile de folosire a gateway-ului de trimitere SMS GRATUIT astfel: Serviciul de trimitere si primire SMS este oferit cu titlu gratuit abonatiilor RoTunneling VPN, functionalitatea acestuia nu este garantata. RedShift IT SRL, nu este responsabila si nu poate fi trasa la raspundere pentru continutul mesajelor, unicul responsabil moral si legal este utilizatorul din contul caruia sunt trimise/primite acestea. Spor la trimis SMS GRATUITE! https://www.rotunneling.net/articole/trimite-si-primeste-sms-gratuite-cu-rotunneling-vpn/- 37 replies
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App de ort, uite ce algoritm/metoda de criptare dragutza folosesc, daia imi place asa mult: https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/Protocol-v3-4.0.0.html
RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Nu se poate plati prin paypal, dar se poate plati online cu cardul, oricum pt a avea paypal verified, ai nevoie de card, deci plata online cu cardul nu face decat sa simplifice procedura de plata, nemaifiind astfel nevoie de paypal. Altfel sunt disponibile toate metodele de plata mai importante: Puteti plati prin: sms, online cu cardul, cash la automatele Zebra Pay, Qiwi si transfer bancar.- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
RoTunneling VPN acum in Cloud In incercarea continua de a imbunatati serviciile am implementat o noua metoda de conectare la serverele RoTunneling VPN, anume prin Cloud. Astfel in noua versiune a aplicatiei RoTunneling VPN v 2.3, aveti disponibile optiunile de conectare: Cloud-Bucuresti-1, Cloud-Bucuresti-2 si Cloud-Timisoara. Aceste metode sunt recomandate in special utilizatorilor ce folosesc RoTunneling VPN din afara Romaniei, dar pot duce la rezultate impresionante folosite chiar din tara. https://www.rotunneling.net/articole/rotunneling-vpn-acum-in-cloud/- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
VITEZA DE 1GB/S PENTRU TOTI ABONATII! Promo! intre 09/10/2013 si 09/11/2013, toti abonatii noi si existenti beneficiaza de ridicarea restrictiilor de viteza specifice abonamentului. Totusi viteza maxima pe care o puteti atinge este data de viteza maxima de conectivitate cu serverele RoTunneling VPN. Aceasta promotie are rolul de a experimenta viteze superioare abonamentului ales, cat si de a ne testa capacitatea de loading in servere. Viteza maxima aplicata de noile restrictii este de 1Gb/s, ce este una simbolica. Atentie! VPN-ul nu mareste viteza la internet, daca dvs aveti o viteza cu serverele RoTunneling VPN de 50Mb/s nu puteti avea mai mult de atat folosind VPN-ul indiferent de abonament, de aceea recomandam efectuarea testelor de viteza din pagina de autentificare la servere, pentru a putea alege abonamentul optim pt dvs. https://www.rotunneling.net/articole/viteza-de-1gbs-pentru-toti-abonatii/- 37 replies
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Te-ai gandit bine, este una din cele mai eficiente, capabile configuratii, dar nu uita ca si os-ul conteaza asa ca recomand freebsd. Succes!
Foloseste pfsense pe serverul pt routere, acolo ai firewall layer 7 si poti face limitari, respectiv bloca anumite aplicatii dupa semnaturile din pachete. Asta daca nu foloseste un vpn ff evoluat adica poti bloca openvpn, pptp, l2tp, ipsec, dar au aparut si serivicii vpn noi (ex: rotunneling.net ), ce encapsuleaza pachetele in trafic nativ https/dns/icmp astfel nu le poti filtra, caci nu au semnaturi individuale speifice si risti sa blochezi trafic legitim.
Vezi si tu pe aici: Code signing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Si google, apoi am scris si in cadrul postului lucruri la care te ajuta...
Merge folosit impreuna cu Ettercap, aste-i si scopul tutorialului.
La multi ani domnu', multa sanatate, putere de munca, si mult spor in gasirea 'cheilor potrivite' in sistemele doririte!
Zilele trecute am descoperit un site ce ofera Code Signing gratuit, valid pentru aplicatiile OpenSource. Care-i procedura: Code Signing Certificates Aici avem prezentarea produsului, tot ce trebuie este sa complectam un formular: https://sklep.unizeto.pl/en/ankieta/form.php Astfel cream un cont nou la ei si cerem acest certificat gratuit. Putem incarca un certificat CSR, sau putem alege sa il genreze ei, daca alegem generarea, private key va fi instalat in browser, iar dupa eliberarea certificatului va trebui sa il instalam in acelasi browser, apoi il putem exporta si folosi in aplicatii. Dupa ce totul este ok, vom primi un mail prin care suntem rugati sa trimitem scan dupa buletin/pasaport pt persoana fizica, sau juridica: scan dupa CUI, adeverinta de angajat al pers responsabile pt certificat, buletin/pasaportul persoanei. Si o foaie prin care ne asumam raspunderea ca nu facem fals si ca tot ce am trimis e pe bune, nu photoshop . Dupa o zi lucratoare, chiar daca pe site scrie 7, vom primi mail ca certificatul a fost eliberat, si link de download. Certificatul are valabilitare un an, dupa care se poate reinnoi tot gratuit. TESTAT MERGE PERFECT. (singura chestie e ca scrie la proprietar OpenSource, Gica Ion), unde Gica Ion, e firma, sau persoana/serviciul ce beneficiaza de certificat. Acest certificat ajuta in mai multe cazuri: Aplicatia necesita elevation. Putem semna un driver pentru a-l putea instala automat, fara avertismente. Antivirusii, ex: avast, considera toate executabilele noi suspecte, daca nu sunt semnate, la fel si alti antivirusi . PS: pentru certificate ssl moca folositi https://www.startssl.com/ - folosesc de cativa ani si totul merge snur.
Bine ai venit, apreciez romanii 'pur sange'
RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Daca am tine informatii cu privire la activitatea pe internet a unui user se incadreaza la interceptare si este ilegal. Plus gandeste-te ca se fac sute de MB/s, GB/s in total pe toate serverele, ce ar fi imposibil le logat/stocat si cum spuneam ilegal. Revin cu update dupa inregistrare folositi cuponul de reducere RST inainte de plata si veti avea 10% reducere pentru orice pachet!!! PS: la reduceri nu este disponibila plata prin sms, aceast cupot poate fi aplicat o singura data pe cont.- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Conform legii suntem obligati sa tinem loguri de conectare timp de 6 luni iar apoi sa le stergem automat. "Scopul serviciului RoTunneling VPN este de a ajuta utilizatorii cenzurati sa acceseze internetul cat si de a asigura securitatea navigarii pe internet. Este strict interzisa folosirea acestuia in activitati ilegale." Mai multe detalii la: https://www.rotunneling.net/articole/intrebari-frecvente/- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN: UT-VPN, Ipsec/L2TP, OpenVPN plata: card, sms
Cheater replied to Cheater's topic in RST Market
Momentan este posibila plata doar prin metodele de pe site. Daca vreti o metoda de plata care sa nu implice sms(credit), card bancar, puteti alege cash la automatele Zebra Pay si Qiwi. Intentionam pe viitor, 4-8 luni, sa facem un redesign, iar atunci vom implementa si varianta in limba engleza + metode de plata internationale.- 37 replies
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RoTunneling VPN va oferta servicii VPN rapide, la viteze intre 16Mb/s si 500Mb/s la preturi exceptionale. Plan VPN "Big" BEST PRICE Viteza (maxima): 16 Mb/s Trafic: Nelimitat Dispozitive simultane: 1 Conexiune criptata: DA Mai putine detalii P2P: DA ** Conectivitate Cloud: DA Conectare prin IPv6: DA * SMS cadou (Romania): DA Trafic compresat: DA Uptime: 99% Activare instant: DA Alerte SMS: DA 3 €+TVA (pe luna) 16.1 lei TVA inclus (pe luna)TVA folosit: Romania - 20% CONT NOU "BIG" Plan VPN "Omega" MOST CHOSEN Viteza (maxima): 50 Mb/s Trafic: Nelimitat Dispozitive simultane: 1 Conexiune criptata: DA Mai putine detalii P2P: DA ** Conectivitate Cloud: DA Conectare IPv6: DA * SMS cadou (Romania): DA Trafic compresat: DA Uptime: 99% Activare instant: DA Alerte SMS: DA 5 €+TVA (pe luna) 26.83 lei TVA inclus (pe luna)TVA folosit: Romania - 20% CONT NOU "OMEGA" Plan VPN "Gyga" Viteza (maxima): 250 Mb/s Trafic: Nelimitat Dispozitive simultane: 1 Conexiune criptata: DA Mai putine detalii P2P: DA ** Conectivitate Cloud: DA Conectare IPv6: DA * SMS cadou (Romania): DA Trafic compresat: DA Uptime: 99% Activare instant: DA Alerte SMS: DA 6 €+TVA (pe luna) 32.19 lei TVA inclus (pe luna)TVA folosit: Romania - 20% CONT NOU "GYGA" Plan VPN "Terra" BEST VALUE Viteza (maxima): 500 Mb/s Trafic: Nelimitat Dispozitive simultane: 3 Conexiune criptata: DA Mai putine detalii P2P: DA ** Conectivitate Cloud: DA Conectare IPv6: DA * SMS cadou (Romania): DA Trafic compresat: DA Uptime: 99% Activare instant: DA Alerte SMS: DA 16 €+TVA (pe luna) 85.85 lei TVA inclus (pe luna)TVA folosit: Romania - 20% CONT NOU "TERRA" Detalii: Modalitati de plata: Puteti plati prin: sms, online cu cardul, cash la automatele Zebra Pay /QIWI si transfer bancar. TRIAL: fiecare abonat are 1 zi trial. Facturare: dupa efectuarea platii veti gasi in contul dvs. factura fiscala in format PDF. Utilitate: Scopul serviciului RoTunneling VPN este de a ajuta utilizatorii cenzurati sa acceseze internetul cat si de a asigura securitatea navigarii pe internet. Este strict interzisa folosirea acestuia in activitati ilegale. Redshift IT SRL este procesator de date cu caracter personal NR: 27772, conform legii 677/2001. RoTunneling VPN este un serviciu de VPN, ce foloseste tehnologii noi, inovatoare, atingand astfel performante cu pana la 980% mai mari decat prin protocoalele clasice! Tot traficul este criptat in DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA (pf enabled), si encapsulat in trafic specific https. http, icmp si dns, tehnologia folosita deschide pana la 32 conexiuni simultane pe porturi tcp/udp pentru a accelera banda! Reducere pentru membrii RST: Folositi cuponul (de mai jos) in contul dvs. si beneficiati de 10% reducere: RST Facilitati: -trimiti si primesti sms nelimitat in toate retelele de telefonie mobila din Romania. -tehnologie UT-VPN cu pana la 980% mai rapida. -trafic criptat in DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA (pf enabled). -trafic compresat si encapsulat in https:http, icmp si dns. -32 conexiuni simultane pt accelerarea conexiunii. -pachetele sunt distribuite pe cele 32 conexiuni simultate altfel este aproape imposibil de recompus traficul pentru decriptare, fara algoritmul si criterile negociate intre server si client. -posibilitatea de a seta timpul de viata a unei conexiuni intre 1 secunda si infinit. -viteze pana la 500Mb/s. -alterte cu statusul contului prin sms. -conectare si prin IPV6. -cele mai mici preturi. -bonusuri lunare pentru fiecare recomandare. -disponibil si prin cloud. Metode de plata: sms, card online, cash la automatele Zebra pay si Qiwi, transfer bancar. (prin parteneriat cu MobipPay, astfel plata si informatiile privind plata sunt introduse si administrate in mod exclusiv de catre MobilPay) Tehnologii de conectare suportate pana in prezent: UT-VPN (tehnologia nativa prin aplicatia RoTunneling VPN) Ipsec/L2TP si SSTP OpenVPN Detalii suplimentare: https://www.rotunneling.net/
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E-HACK is an Information Security Workshop, organized by infySEC. The workshop aims at creating awareness about INFORMATION SECURITY by showing in what all ways information or data can be stolen. Meddle in cyber-warfare, battle with our machine master mind who will throw challenges on web application security, network security, algorithms, reverse engineering and decryption. The team which cracks the final level will attain the glory of being Winner at our E-HACK Guinness record attempt with tons of prizes waiting. Be simple but not simpler is quote by Einstein, that’s secret of success for E-HACK. Be there to witness the epic battle of brains. It’s planned to be done in a more fun way, through a game called CTF (Capture the Flag). The only way to know how to protect our information is by knowing the ways in which it can be stolen. So, we’ll be having wide range of discussions on what all ways a HACKER can get his hands on your information and in what all ways you can thwart him. Capture the Flag (CTF) is a real time scenario game. You’ll be given a scenario which will require you to HACK into a server/site. There will be multiple levels and you have to progress through each level by HACKing through it. For instance the first level will need a password to enter, so you’ll have to identify the password and progress to the next level. It’s not going to be straight forward like this, it’s just an example. With a total of 50 levels, the team/person which cracks the maximum number of levels within the time limit, will be announced the winner. The first couple of levels are bound to be easier because of the training provided throughout day 1, but in the later levels you’ll be facing things which you might’ve never faced before like a combination of HACKs for instance. There will be a live leader board which will be reflecting the performance of each and every team. That will heat up the contest more. Amidst all this, social engineering is totally allowed and please do have fights but only online! Use of fists not allowed!! Be prepared for a jaw dropping, entertaining and educative learning experience. This is a great networking opportunity for the security enthusiasts and ethical HACKers across the country to have intense knowledge sharing sessions. Apart from that, live demonstration, hands on experience on the latest tools, capture-the-flag competition and various other technologies will enable you to discover and contribute to make the world a secure place to live in. E-HACK is a 2 day event. Starts on 27th July 2013(Saturday) and ends on 28th July 2013(Sunday). The first day will begin with the registration at 08.15 followed by breakfast for all. After breakfast, the keynote of the event will delivered and the instructions, rules and regulation of the event will be explained. Then the Record Clock will be officially setup at 09.59 and after that the training begins. The participants will be trained in the various aspects of HACKing by industrial experts. The training ends after lunch. The registration for the event will be closed and the registration for the CTF will start after dinner. Overnight CTF starts around 21.31 with live scoreboard which will constantly track which team is leading. The game will continue into the second day and will end by 14.45 (Don’t even think about sleep!! We bet you can’t!) After this point CTF can’t be attempted. The experts provide CTF demos after it ends and will explain all the levels. The winner is announced and the clock ends at 19.30 with which E-HACK comes to an end. After 19.30 every single person in that room will be a record holder. The entire atmosphere in the hall is going to be electrifying, with each team trying to overpower one another and climb up the leaderboard. The entire night will be activity filled with performances, shows and various other entertainments and not to mention the HACKING. The event is going to be graced with the presence of various eminent personalities and industrial experts to share their views and thoughts about Information Security. We are going to have Mr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Inventor of EMail Technology , Mr.Patrick Martinent from Google Development team, India , Dr.Prateep Phillips, ADGP of cyber Crime Branch Division, Chennai, Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS,Commisioner Indian Medicine , Mr. Santhosh Srinivasan, Ex-Director of Symantec, Mr.Karthikeyan, Business consultant and Innovation Expert as speakers for this 2 day extravaganza. As far as the eligibility for the event is concerned, if you have been to high school and have huge interest to showcase your skills or interested in learning new things, you can be a part of E-HACK. Just bring a laptop with a decent internet connection. Can’t come down to Chennai to be a part of the event but have a huge group of enthusiasts?? No worries, physical barriers are no excuse for you to be a part of the event. Collect the group, contact and us and be an Organiser of E-HACK Xtended in your own locality. You can have live webinar and what more; you can also be a part of CTF and a part of history. This event, E-HACK, is going to be the largest ever workshop on information security in 2013. On its way, we are also attempting for some records. MICROSOFT holds the record for most number of participants in a software development marathon in a single location, by having a head count of 2567 participants. We are going to beat that record by having 3000+ participants in a single venue. This event is going to be an attempt for a record, in The Indian Book of Records, The Asian Book of Records and The Guinness Book of World Records, as the event with the largest number of participants in an information security workshop. Don’t be a part of History; Create History, with us! The event also aims at helping people grow along with us. Any company that wants to have a product launch or expand their business; they can just be our event sponsors and have a huge reach. The brand value and image of the sponsors can be easily boosted as they have a chance to publicize themselves among the 3000+ students participating in the event. Apart from this, we also have a huge following base online, so your brand can have viral publicity. . Imagine a reach of 3000+ target audience overnight! That’s what we are offering you! REGISTRATION FOR THE EVENT IS FREE P.S: World renowned web security experts will be watching you at E-HACK, who knows you might end up working for them. Prove you’re potential. SURSA: Want to be the Part of History? Just be a part of E-HACK - The Hacker News
Am uitat sa mentionez valuarea. Voucherul este in valuare de 1500 euro.
Dap, altfel nu vindeam.
Vand cupon remat, pret negociabil. Astept oferte pe privat!
Ideea nu este de cine pe cine verifica si de ce, ci era ca asta este un pas intermediar la ceva, daca acum au facut asta ce va urma, si unde pot conduce toate? Finalul fara doar si poate este o cenzura a netului, a dreptului la libera exprimare, cum utilizezi un astfel de sistem si mai precis cum poate fi utilizat este mai important decat scopul lui, oficial, inspecial cel initial. Idea este ca poate este momentul sa acordam mai multa importanta criptarii, sistemul lor se dezvolta, daca nu ne dezvoltam si noi cu contra-masuri o data cu el , s-ar putea sa nu mai avem contra-masuri cand vom avea nevoie.
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