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Everything posted by Whai_Nooa

  1. Cum spune si titlul, daca puteti sa imi recomandati ceva bun de ~1.600 lei.
  2. Pentru butoanele de la HTC Desire exista asa ceva? Butoanele nu sunt pe ecran... http://cdn1.xda-developers.com//devdb/deviceForum/screenshots/594/20120618T082644.jpg
  3. Uite in postul asta: https://rstforums.com/forum/85604-yuis-omegle-spreader-1-4-3-4-update-10-6-2014-a.rst E un video acolo.
  4. Ai incalcat cateva reguli.. Ai folosit boti sau? Chiar sunt curios daca te platesc.
  5. Da, inca functioneaza, chiar acum il folosesc.
  6. Daca folosesc boti pentru a da share la linkuri si alte de astea, voi primi ban? Ma refer la metode folosite in afara site ului bubblews.
  7. Poze
  8. Pentru comentariu copiez id-ul? Sau?
  9. Ba da, sunt. Scuze pentru OFF.
  10. Pentru vizionarea filmelor ai putea folosi Popcorn Time. Daca asta urmaresti. Download: Popcorn Time - Download
  11. Am postat eu mai sus. Poti sa bagi un WAIT SECONDS=3 pe acolo ma gandesc ca e mai putin dubios..
  12. Si cu si ar putea da seama ca folosesti un script si nu dai manual?
  13. Ce trebuie sa steg pentru a scapa de comentarii? Ma tot chinui si nu imi iese. //Am reusit:
  14. Mersi. Chiar ma gandeam la un script de genu. Nu exista riscul de a lua ban, nu?
  15. This is a good weekend for free games. We already told you that Borderlands 2, the Gearbox "looter-shooter," is free on Valve's Steam platform, but you'd rather sneak and assassinate instead, you're in luck. Dishonored is also free to play all weekend long. Well, most of it. From now until 1pm Pacific, you can download Dishonored on Steam and play to your steampunk heart's content. And you should, because Arkane's magnum opus is one of our favorite games. Our review praised the level of detail in the world, and the multiple ways you can solve challenges—unlike a lot of stealth-based games, you can kill your way through if you're feeling bloodthirsty. If you really put yourself to it, you can finish Dishonored over its free weekend. But you'll enjoy it more if you take your time. Thankfully, Steam has the game on a 75 percent discount, so it'll only cost you $5 / £2.5 to purchase and play whenever you want. Or you can buy the Game of the Year version, which includes The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore WItches DLC packs, for just $10.19 / £6.79. Cheap is almost as good as free. Sursa: Dishonored is free on Steam this weekend | PC Gamer
  16. Xyvos System Explorer is a sophisticated system information utility .It shows running process, active TCP /UDP connections and Autorun entries from registry .Xyvos System Explorer displays helpful information about the processes including process name, Path, PID,Company name, Authenticode signed etc. If you are connected to network, it shows process connecting to outside of your network. Xyvos system explorer provides a better way to find out hidden spywares and other potentially unwanted software in your computer. • Process Explorer • TCP/UDP Connection Viewer • Autorun Entries Download. Sursa: Xyvos Technologies - System Explorer
  17. Daca e prea frumos sa fie adevarat, chiar nu e. Am facut si eu la misto cativa Bitcoins..
  18. Salut! Am avut nevoie recent sa downloadez ceva poze dupa un grup de pe Facebook. Am gasit o solutie si m am gandit sa o dau mai departe. Merge numai pe Chrome. 1. Downloadati aceasta extensie pentru Google Chrome link. 2. O adaugati, nu necesita restart. 3. In colutul din dreapta sus va apare extensia: 4. Intrati pe pagina cu grupul respecti la sectiunea fotografii si apasati pe iconita, apoi pe Normal: Veti fi redirectionat catre o pagina unde o sa gasiti toate pozele. 5. Apasati Ctrl+S si salvati ca Pagina Web, Completa. Fotografiile vor aparea intr un fisier cu numegrupului_files. Cred ca extensia functioneaza pentru downloadarea pozelor dintr un album sau orice alte poze publice. Sper ca nu a mai fost postat si ca am fost de ajutor.
  19. Sa folosesti butonul edit. Daca am inteles bine, da, exista.
  20. Whai_Nooa


    Da mi un PM cu informatii.
  21. @Elohim singurul raspuns care a fost pe subiect, mersi
  22. Merge. Apasa acolo, la 1 si apoi la 2. O sa iti dea redirect.
  23. Salut! Vreau sa imi deschid o afacere locala. Sa vand de exemplu bratari confectionate de mine si alte astfel de lucruri. As vrea sa fac si un site unde sa imi promovez prostiile.. Este ceva ilegal?
  24. HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system. Download: Download HTTrack Website Copier 3.48-13 - HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL)
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