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Everything posted by Kalashnikov.

  1. ))
  2. index.php include("function.php"); $a = new scanner(); echo " <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./css/style.css' /> <body text='white' bgcolor='#111111'> <center><table class=hov style='border-collapse: separate; background-color: #2E2E2E;border: solid 1px; border-radius: 5px;width:1300px;'> <tr> <td> <form action=?scan method=post> <center><input type=text name='url' style='border: 1px solid;background-color:transparent;color:#99CCFF;border-radius: 5px' size=100 value='".dirname(__FILE__)."'></center> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='border:solid 1px; border-radius: 5px;'> <table class=hov style='border-collapse: separate; background-color: #2E2E2E;border-radius: 5px;width:100%;height:80%;align:center' id= ''> ".$a->scanProcess()." </table> </td> <td></td> </tr> </table></center><br><br><br> </body>"; echo (isset($_GET['viewfile']) ? $a->viewSource($_GET['viewfile']) : ''); function.php class scanner{ function __construct() {} function scanProcess(){ if(isset($_POST['url'])){ $ret = array(); $this->directoryscan($ret, $_POST['url']); $contents =" <tr bgcolor='#413B3B'> <td align=center><font color=#3cbddd>PathFile</font></td> <td align=center><font color=#3cbddd>Function</font></td> </tr>"; foreach ($ret as $key => $value){ $contents .= "<tr bgcolor='#191919'><td width=30%><a href='?viewfile=".$key."' target=_blank><font color=#3cbddd>".$key."</font></a></td><td><font color=#3cbddd>".$this->string_fromArray($value,",")."</font></td></tr>"; } return $contents; } } function string_fromArray($list,$diff){ $stack = $list; $separator = $diff; $string = ""; for($i=0;$i<sizeof($stack); $i++) { if(strlen($string)==0) { $string .= $stack[$i]; }else { $string .= $separator." ".$stack[$i]; } } return $string; } function path_strip($path) { $raw = array(); $path = $this->setSeparator($path); if($this->str_startsWith(".".$this->getSeparator(), $path)) { $ppath = explode($this->getSeparator(), dirname(__FILE__)); $raw = $this->path_strip_pdp($ppath, $raw); } $tpath = explode($this->getSeparator(), $path); $raw = $this->path_strip_pdp($tpath, $raw); if(sizeof($raw) == 0) $raw[] = ""; return $raw; } function str_startsWith($needle, $string) { $length = strlen($needle); return (substr($string, 0, $length) === $needle); } function str_endsWith($needle, $string) { $pos = strlen($string) - strlen($needle); return (substr($string, $pos) === $needle); } function path_strip_pdp($path, $stack) { for($i=($this->getOs()== 1? 0:1); $i<sizeof($path); $i++) { if($path[$i] != "" && $path[$i] != ".") { if($path[$i] == "..") { if(sizeof($stack) > ($this->getOs()== 1? 1:0)) array_pop($stack); }else $stack[] = $path[$i]; } } return $stack; } function setSeparator($path) { if($this->getOs() == 1) return str_replace("/", "\\", $path); else return str_replace("\\", "/", $path); } function getSeparator() { if($this->getOs() == 1) return "\\"; else return "/"; } function getOs() { if(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') return 1; else return 0; } function str_fromArray($stack, $delimiter="", $type="") { $string = ""; for($i=0; $i<sizeof($stack); $i++) switch($type) { case "path": if ($this->getOs() == 1) { if($i<sizeof($stack)-1) $string .= $stack[$i].$delimiter; else $string .= $stack[$i]; }else { $string .= $delimiter.$stack[$i]; } break; default: if(strlen($string) == 0) $string .= $stack[$i]; else $string .= $delimiter.$stack[$i]; } return $string; } function array_add(&$array, $input) { if(is_array($array)) { if(!in_array($input, $array)) array_push($array, $input); } } function directoryscan(&$foundMatch, $url){ $thDir = $url; $contents = ""; $thDir = $this->str_fromArray($this->path_strip($thDir),$this->getSeparator(), "path"); if(is_dir($thDir)) { $handle = opendir($thDir); $list = array(); $dir = array(); $file = array(); while(false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))){ if(is_dir($entry)) array_push($dir, $entry); else array_push($file, $entry); } sort($dir); sort($file); $list = array_merge($dir, $file); closedir($handle); foreach ($list as $filsscan){ if($thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan == __FILE__) { continue; } if(is_dir($thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan)) { if($filsscan != "." && $filsscan != "..") { $this->directoryscan($foundMatch, $thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan); } }else { $ext_this = pathinfo($thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if($ext_this == "php" || $ext_this == "pl" || $ext_this == "py" || $ext_this == "nzri" || $ext_this == "izo" || $ext_this == "cgi" || $ext_this == "htaccess") { $file = fopen ($thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan,"r"); $funcfound = array(); while(!feof($file)){ $contents = fgets($file); if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])copy\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "copy"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])move\_uploaded\_file\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "move_uploaded_file"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])passthru\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "passthru"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])shell\_exec\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "shell\_exec"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])exec\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "exec"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])base64\_decode\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "base64_decode"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])eval\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "eval"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])proc\_open\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "proc_open"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])system\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "system"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])curl\_exec\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "curl_exec"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])popen\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "popen"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])curl\_multi\_exec\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "curl_multi_exec"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])rename\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "rename"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])parse\_ini\_file\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "parse_ini_file"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])\$\_FILES\s*?[\[].*?[\]]\s*?[\.\,\;\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "\$_FILES"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])show\_source\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "show_source"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])fopen\s*?[\(].*?[\)]\s*?[\.\,\;\{\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "fopen"); } if(preg_match("/(|[\;\(\{\s\.\,])\$\_COOKIE\s*?[\[].*?[\]]\s*?[\.\,\;\}\_]/i",$contents)){ $this->array_add($funcfound, "\$_COOKIE"); } if(preg_match("/.*\s*AddType\s+application\/x\-httpd\-php.*/i",$contents)) { $this->array_add($funcfound, "AddType application/x-httpd-php"); } if(preg_match("/.*\s*AddType\s+application\/x\-httpd\-cgi.*/i",$contents)) { $this->array_add($funcfound, "AddType application/x-httpd-cgi"); } if(preg_match("/.*\s*AddType\s+application\/x\-httpd\-perl.*/i",$contents)) { $this->array_add($funcfound,"AddType application/x-httpd-perl"); } if(preg_match("/.*\s*AddHandler\s+cgi\-script.*/i",$contents)) { $this->array_add($funcfound, "AddHandler cgi-scrinpt"); } } if(sizeof($funcfound) > 0) { sort($funcfound); $foundMatch[$thDir.$this->getSeparator().$filsscan] = $funcfound; } fclose($file); } } } } return $foundMatch; } function viewSource($path){ $content = file_get_contents($path); return "<pre>".str_replace("<", "<", $content)."</pre>"; } } sursa: http://thieves-team.com/forum/index.php?topic=5853.0
  3. Sunt de parere ca vor sa il foloseasca la ceva, nu ar fi dat recompensa de 1 milion de euro pentru un om care cu siguranta nu poate plati 1 milion de euro.
  4. cine vorbeste on: bine ai venit !
  5. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor imi dai pm, am si eu nevoie de ceva experienta si cred ca m-ai putea ajuta .
  6. si asa sunt prea multi "hackeri" pe internet, bine ca am mai scapat de cativa...
  7. sal.
  8. bine ai venit pe rst .
  9. Ba io stiu ca vrei sa-ti faci reclama dar nici chiar asa, pune sursele reale la texte nu site-ul tau. 666 Soarele Negru: Adolf Hitler
  10. Mai citeste o data ce am scris, merci .
  11. De ce ai face acceasi chestie ca si cei de la kali ? daca tot vrei sa faci lasa doar cli, cine foloseste kali ca main desktop? tre sa fii masochist sa il ai pe desktop . le: fa pe lubuntu, are deja dezinstalat mai toate chestile nefolositoare + optimizat
  12. merci, am pus
  13. La ce raspuns te asteptai cand folosesti root si flood in acceasi propozitie? fii sincer te rog.
  14. A fost raspuns pe baza intrebari tale, nu trebuie sa te agiti. Poti sa iti dai seama daca e bun sau nu de flood invatand, google este prietenul tau, Folosestel !
  15. Kalashnikov.


    Incercati sa va axati doar pe ceva, e o mare harababura ce aveti voi acolo.
  16. le: folositi un editor hex (ex hxd). source : Sublime 3 Crack(last version Build 3059.3061,3062,3064,3065,3066 X32 and X64) - Thieves-Team Explicare crack:
  17. am primit un fisier .txt si mi-am infectat toata reteaua.
  18. nasol coaie iti lipseste o droaie
  19. Ce crede?i c? ?i-ar putea cump?ra altceva de cât un vibrator? uit?-te p? ideesexy.com ce vând. on: teapa, site fantom?, firma de curier fantom?, sun? la protec?ia consumatorului c? nu ?i-a intrat în po?t? coletul .
  20. ok, ce e cu asta in tutorial ? Am ajuns de la cum sa faci spread la serverfiles, si ce cacat e serverfiles.
  21. nu rezolva problema daca esti tinta unui veteran oare de unde stiu astia ce facem noi ? doar asa ca fapt divers @Aerosol eh, ce mai buna metoda oricum e cea fizica (dai o banda izolatoare peste camera) .
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