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Everything posted by buxmen

  1. Da, sa fi vrut sa ma ascund, atunci cu siguranta imi schimbab ip-ul, insa eu nu ma ascund. Acel user e o peroana care imparte cu mine acelasi ip, aceiasi retea. E o problema ? Daca da, pune ban frate. Bafta
  2. Nu stiu daca mai inteles corect. Uite, cei care intra pe site-ul meu (victimile) trebuie sa faca ceva anume, sa se logheze undeva... sau simplu viziteza site-ul dupa care mie imi vin datele de la el(in caz ca le are salvate) ms, sper ca de data asta mai inteles
  3. Ms, Dar, userul care acceseaza site-ul unde este instalat Coailii trebuie sa se logheze undeva sau doar simplu intra pe site-ul meu
  4. E dreptul tau sa cumperi de unde doresti! Bafta !
  5. Salutare tuturor! Cum spune si titlul, vand conturi Adsense gata facute sau creez altele de la 0(in 2 - 3 zile sunt activate) Conturile au fost create si aprobate pe domeniu, respectand politica Adsense. Cine doreste, imi trimite PM cu urmatoarele informatii: Name : Address: City: State : Country: Zipcode: Mobile: Pretul per cont este de 45 euro.
  6. Scuze daca am gresit categoria.
  7. buxmen

    Email SCAM BCR

    Cu parere de rau a sters acel mail, il primise saptamana trecuta.
  8. buxmen

    Email SCAM BCR

  9. buxmen

    Email SCAM BCR

    Nu am de unde, e un mail de tip psihing ce la primit un prieten de-al meu.
  10. thx
  11. wtf
  12. Spuneti-mi si mie va rog, ce face mai exact acest program ? Coailii Password Recovery Sa inteleg ca iti arata datele ce au fost salvate in browser(user;pass...) multumesc anticipat. Edit: Am inteles in mare parte care-i faza cu acest Coailii Password Recovery. Intrebare: Userul care acceseaza site-ul unde este instalat Coailii trebuie sa se logheze undeva sau doar simplu intra pe site-ul meu, dupa care mie imi vin parolele salvate la el in browser(in caz ca are ceva salvat) Si inca ceva, cine ma poate ajuta sa instalez aceasta aplicatie. ms.
  13. Want to find out all the things Google knows about you? Here are 6 links that will show you some of the data Google has about you. 1. Find out what Google thinks about you In order to serve relevant ads, Google collects data about you and creates a profile. You can control and review the information Google has on you here: Ads Settings Google also has a tool called Google Analytics, that helps publishers see what pages you have viewed on their website, how many times you have visited it, how long did you stay etc. You can opt out if you don’t want this type of data to be collected: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page 2. Find out your location history If you use Android, your mobile device may be sending your location to Google. You can see your entire location history here: https://maps.google.com/locationhistory 3. Find out your entire Google Search history Google saves every single search you have ever done. On top of that, they record every Google ad you have clicked on. This log is available in Google web history controls: https://www.google.com/history/ 4. Get a monthly security and privacy report from Google Google offers an Account activity page that tells you about all the Google services you are using. You can even enable a monthly report that will be sent to your email: https://www.google.com/settings/dashboard 5. Find out all the apps and extensions that are accessing your Google data The Account activity page also offers a list of all the apps that have any type of access to your data. You can see the exact type of permissions granted to the app and revoke access to your data here: https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions 6. Export all of your data out of Google Google lets you export all your data: bookmarks, emails, contacts, drive files, profile info, your youtube videos, photos and more here: https://www.google.com/takeout Google also keeps a history of your YouTube searches. You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/feed/history/search_history Source: http://www.google.com/goodtoknow/online-safety/security-tools/
  14. Cine doreste pot sa-i creez si activez eu un cont adsense pe domeniu. La doar 40 euro.
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  19. Cine doreste pot sa-i creez si activez eu un cont adsense pe domeniu (in 2-3 zile) 40 euro. Detalii in PM.
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