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Everything posted by Elohim

  1. Nu ti-am dat eu dumb dumb, dar meritai. Aici nu e spatiu public. Daca nu iti place sa mananci ceapa si slanina cu noi pe ziar, poti sa pleci )) ( @aelius )
  2. Subscriu, aveti grija cu omul. Uitati o victima mai veche a lui acest tex, zis si levier i-a dat de l-a mutat de la locul faptei
  3. vBulletin are backdoor Ce v-a apucat bre ? Te-ai cacat pe munca si banii cheltuiti de baietii astia https://opencryptoaudit.org/reports/iSec_Final_Open_Crypto_Audit_Project_TrueCrypt_Security_Assessment.pdf Is TrueCrypt Audited Yet?
  4. Ne poti da un exemplu sau articol unde este mentionat bootkit anti truecrypt?
  5. Foarte frumos, multumim ca ai postat si aici. Cu apa sau fara ? L-ai fortat si apoi inchis, sau e liber sus ? Cat ai de gand sa il lasi aprins ? Faci un update cand incepe sa isi piarda din putere, te rog ?
  6. In caz ca nu au vazut toti Da, offtopic, dar in cazul asta, who cares @Open nu e doar un membru sau doi care iti spun ca e ceva in neregula cu tine, ci un intreg forum. Esti la al N -lea cont, si tot o arzi aiurea. Doar un sfat, intra aici, poate iti gasesti chemarea lacatus mecanic de intretinere si reparatii - A.C.C.R.S.R.- CENTRUL DE CALIFICARE SLATINA
  7. Until today, Microsoft Windows users who’ve been unfortunate enough to have the personal files on their computer encrypted and held for ransom by a nasty strain of malware called CryptoLocker have been faced with a tough choice: Pay cybercrooks a ransom of a few hundred to several thousand dollars to unlock the files, or kiss those files goodbye forever. That changed this morning, when two security firms teamed up to launch a free new online service that can help victims unlock and recover files scrambled by the malware. First spotted in September 2013, CryptoLocker is a prolific and very damaging strain of malware that uses strong encryption to lock files that are likely to be the most valued by victim users, including Microsoft Office documents, photos, and MP3 files. Infected machines typically display a warning that the victim’s files have been locked and can only be decrypted by sending a certain fraction or number of Bitcoins to a decryption service run by the perpetrators. Victims are given 72 hours to pay the ransom — typically a few hundred dollars worth of Bitcoins — after which time the ransom demand increases fivefold or more. But early Wednesday morning, two security firms – Milpitas, Calf. based FireEye and Fox-IT in the Netherlands — launched https://decryptcryptolocker.com/, a site that victims can use to recover their files. Victims need to provide an email address and upload just one of the encrypted files from their computer, and the service will email a link that victims can use to download a recovery program to decrypt all of their scrambled files. The free decryption service was made possible because Fox-IT was somehow able to recover the private keys that the cybercriminals who were running the CryptoLocker scam used on their own (not free) decryption service. Neither company is disclosing much about how exactly those keys were recovered other than to say that the opportunity arose as the crooks were attempting to recover from Operation Tovar, an international effort in June that sought to dismantle the infrastructure that CryptoLocker used to infect PCs. That effort culminated in the takeover of the GameOver Zeus botnet, a huge crime machine that infected an estimated 500,000 to 1 million PCs and that was being used as a distribution platform for CryptoLocker. “After Operation Tovar, a significant blow was dealt to criminals infrastructure and we stopped seeing new Cryptolocker infections being spread,” said Uttang Dawda, a malware researcher with FireEye. “They tried to recover that infrastructure, but in the process copied over the private encryption keys to a part of Fox-IT’s infrastructure.” Dawda said it’s important to note that this service only unlocks files encrypted by CryptoLocker. Although there are several copycat strains of malware — including CryptoWall, CryptoDefense and OnionLocker — CryptoLocker has by far the largest “market share” among them. It’s not clear how many systems are infected with CryptoLocker, but it is likely to be in the six figures. According to Fox-It, when CryptoLocker infections first started in September 2013, the largest number of infections in one month occurred during October 2013, with over 155,000 systems affected worldwide. After October 2013 the rates dropped, but still steadily pacing at around 50,000 infections per month. Sadly, most of those victims probably lost all of their most treasured files. Fox-It says that only 1.3% of victims paid a CryptoLocker ransom. “Therefore, a large amount of victims likely permanently lost files due to this attack,” the company wrote in a blog post about the new service. SRC: krebsonsecurity[dot]com
  8. http://rghost.net/57610911 Are o gramada de lucruri in el, foarte bun pt cine vrea sa isi dezolvte unul la fel Sunt vreo 4-5 fisiere pentru documentatie, dar sunt in rusa. Sursa: e.in
  9. Te rugam frumos sa nu iti exteriorizezi molestarile din copilarie pe acest forum. Mai bine lasi thread-ul asta si te preocupi de altceva. Ai fost moderator, si totusi vorbesti ca si cum ti-ar fi luat banca locuinta. Sfatul meu este sa vizitezi link-ul asta One Laptop per Child si sa te linistesti. Salut!
  10. Limbajul tinere, ca nu am cersit bani de laptop amandoi pe acelasi trotuar!
  11. Bitch, please... go make some fucking money for your laptop ! hXXps://exploit.in/forum/index.php?showtopic=81365
  12. https://rstforums.com/forum/87480-dendroid-botnet-full-source-code-php-web-panel-apk-binder-apk-source-read-more.rst https://mega.co.nz/#!vRlX2IAa!qYNzUDiUELsO7530IKvtKj-8Y__i1R0XNFP218aYLRo APK+Panel+Builder Enjoy
  13. Pe scurt, indiferent cum privesti situatia, cel putin in Romania: 1. Nu este legal, absolut deloc, ai nevoie de o licenta anume, si chiar in cazul acela, tot nu esti total in regula. 2. Banca dupa o suma anume, te cheama sa semnezi niste declaratii cum ca nu te ocupi cu spalare de bani etc, parca 10k Eur era pt Romania, sau ceva in vecinatate Sfat: 3. Oferta escrow intre PM, BTC si crypto adiacente gen LTC, NMC, etc, Egopay si c-gold. Un 5-7% e acceptabil pentru multa lume. Inregistreaza-ti domeniu cu PM sau BTC pentru ca sunt in mare parte anonime, sub un nume aiurea, sa eviti eventuale probleme neasteptate iar profitul ti-l scoti prin wire, pe numele tau sau etc. Incearca sa te incadrezi intr-un MAXIM 7% comision, deoarece cam atat percem si site-urile de exchange, si atunci ai avea teoretic mai multe sanse ca sa atragi mai multi clienti. Nu te incurca si firme, site-uri etc pe numele tau, o sa regreti mai tarziu. Succes.
  14. Elohim


    Dedicatie ptr Oana Niculescu Mizil, Apucati va de munca! - YouTube
  15. Nu o sa gasesti pentru ca acele script-uri costa bani. Cei "deja foarte multi" de care amintesti tu, in cel mai probabil caz au platit bani pentru dev / cumpararea lor + modificari / personificari / etc. Este o piata destuo de ravnita, nu te astepta sa gasesti asemenea lucruri la libera mana pe net. Nu totul se obtine cersind.
  16. Recent, pretul pt un asemenea magazin pe baza de zencart a fost de 550 euro cu factura ( pe langa domeniu + hosting ) in Bucuresti. La fel in jur de 230 de produse, modul de zencart in romana, logo, mici personalizari. Cam intre 500-600 se invarte pretul cu factura.
  17. Lasand la o parte prostiile, jabber in sine nu e neaparat sigur, cine il hosteaza poate foarte frumos sa tina loguri. Partea buna este OTR. Stiu ca folosesti, deci nu iti mai explic ce este. INSA, daca chiar vrei ceva military grade, cea mai buna optiune este Psi+ pe un linux desktop + gnupg cu o cheie de 2048 sau mai mare. Din pacate Pidgin nu suporta pgp.
  18. Daca e propriul tau host, ai impresia ca faci vreo exceptie la ce a spus Ganav mai sus ? Oricum ai da-o, este piraterie. Solutii sunt, dar incep de la 600-800$ pe luna minim pt a gazdui ce vrei tu.
  19. Sunt sigur ca stie si el ca i se pot fura banii prin paypal de la baieti, probabil o arde dubios si el in felul lui. Asteptam 2-3 zile sa apara si eventualele probleme
  20. Daca ai erori de genul asta, mai bine instalezi python 2.7 decat sa te apuci sa il carpesti
  21. Freebies ? Free shit ? Free custom blowjobs?
  22. Ti-am argumentat din experienta proprie ca sunt extrem de multe cazuri unde nu ti se recunoaste doar LF (\n) ci este nevoie de CRLF(\R\N). Nu vad de ce te agiti, niciun cod nu este perfect, ti-am atras doar atentia ca nu se respecta RFC-urile. Nu esti la vreun concurs. Daca nu esti dispus sa asculti si partea negativa a unui cod, nu esti departe de modelul copy/paste. Nici nu mai vad cazul unei demonstratii. Felicitari daca este scris de tine.
  23. Sunt cazuri si servere ( iti pot demonstra ) unde DOAR \N nu este deajuns, fiind nevoie de CRLF ( \R\N ) cum se specifica in RFC-uri.
  24. Bre, ai ceva probleme cu capul / nervii. Daca te-a lasat femeia curand, nu iti descarca aici amarul. Pune mana pe ceva iarba si relaxeaza-ti creerul un pic. Injuratul altor membri nu o sa schimbe faptul ca te-a inselat cu un prieten cunoscut, treci peste.
  25. Dpdv legal, atat timp cat declari veniturile si platesti impozit, nu e nimic ilegal. In realitate, no one gives a phuck.
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