sexy, mie mi-ar prinde bine pentru stocarea tabelelor rainbow Faza nasoala e ca se degradeaza in timp, dupa cateva mii / zeci de mii de "scrieri". Asadar e eficient pentru stocare si citire, nu pentru a te juca in mod continuu cu el. backup shit, rt storage , a big + for me. Din pacate sunt prea scumpe vs HDD asa ca inca nu ma atrage optiunea. Have fun with the new toy ! # Flash-memory cells have limited lifetimes and will often wear out after 1,000 to 10,000 write cycles for MLC, and up to 100,000 write cycles for SLC.[28][29][30][31] Special file systems or firmware designs can mitigate this problem by spreading writes over the entire device, called wear leveling.[32] # As a result of wear leveling and write combining, the performance of SSDs degrades with use.[33][34] // my 1000th post ^^ desi poate ma insel