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Everything posted by begood

  1. mai merge ? la un moment dat...adica aproape vreo 4 luni nu mergea. incerc din nou ^^ thx for the update LE : mwhahaha it's alive !
  2. pe ce distante poti prinde semnal ? felicitari.
  3. begood

    Old School Games

    multam fain ! nu mai stiam cum il cheama. Jucam cu saptamanile ! Wolfenstein 3D ftw
  4. sexy, bookmarked. thx !
  5. slax livecd are 200 mb... damn small linux cateva zeci de mb.
  6. begood

    Hai noroc

    salut salut !
  7. http://forum.torrents.ro/ vezi la invites, sunt tone...
  8. e doar ianuarie...ce best of 2010?
  9. (PhysOrg.com) -- Aerobic exercises such as running or jogging have long been known to be good for the health, but now new research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has shown that it also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and improves the memory and ability to learn. more : Aerobic exercise grows brain cells
  10. msi ! o sa ma interesez de ea
  11. ....si vor pica 99/100 elevi, sau cum ? astia habar nu au sa aplice matematica pe ceva "real"...ai de pl lor (ma refer la cei cu medii <8 la liceu)
  12. sexy imi place cum gandesc !
  13. begood


    n-ai ce invata aici. inveti singur. de aici doar a fura idei se poate. welcome.
  14. begood


    posteaz-o in topicul "postati aici hashuri"
  15. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 GTB6 la mine nu cere niciun fel de aprobare !
  16. mergeti la http://www.royalsociety.org/turning-the-pages/ rulati http://rs.onlineculture.co.uk/xbap/ Se va executa un program fara niciun fel de confirmare din partea userului, pur si simplu apare in memorie ca "presentationhost.exe" S-ar putea crea o aplicatie malware care sa foloseasca metoda de mai sus pentru a se autoexecuta ? Care ar fi limitarile unui asemenea program ?
  17. Physicists have finally managed to demonstrate quantum entanglement of spatially separated electrons in solid state circuitry. For the first time, physicists have convincingly demonstrated that physically separated particles in solid-state devices can be quantum-mechanically entangled. The achievement is analogous to the quantum entanglement of light, except that it involves particles in circuitry instead of photons in optical systems. Both optical and solid-state entanglement offer potential routes to quantum computing and secure communications, but solid-state versions may ultimately be easier to incorporate into electronic devices. In addition to the possibility of using entangled electrons in solid-state devices for computing and secure communications, the breakthrough opens a whole new vista on the study of quantum mechanically entangled systems in solid materials. http://www.physorg.com/news182430388.html http://physics.aps.org/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.026801.pdf Ne apropriem de era cuantica cu pasi de elefant
  18. @ My&Mysefl pe cine cunosti de pe forum ? f/b ? am impresia ca te cunosc uelcome
  19. The Invention of Lying (2009)
  20. asta-i foarte foarte bun, il folosesc de 1 an si ceva
  21. begood


    rstcenter.com pentru hackpedia. pentru freerainbowtables.com pentru 3.14.by/forum
  22. ahahahha haahahaha
  23. sexy, mie mi-ar prinde bine pentru stocarea tabelelor rainbow Faza nasoala e ca se degradeaza in timp, dupa cateva mii / zeci de mii de "scrieri". Asadar e eficient pentru stocare si citire, nu pentru a te juca in mod continuu cu el. backup shit, rt storage , a big + for me. Din pacate sunt prea scumpe vs HDD asa ca inca nu ma atrage optiunea. Have fun with the new toy ! # Flash-memory cells have limited lifetimes and will often wear out after 1,000 to 10,000 write cycles for MLC, and up to 100,000 write cycles for SLC.[28][29][30][31] Special file systems or firmware designs can mitigate this problem by spreading writes over the entire device, called wear leveling.[32] # As a result of wear leveling and write combining, the performance of SSDs degrades with use.[33][34] // my 1000th post ^^ desi poate ma insel
  24. sunt curios daca avea nevoie de operatie din cate am vazut e cea mai simpla operatie posibila.
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