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Everything posted by nosferatu

  1. Prietene esti retardat.
  2. zbeng aduce useri cu posturi din 2006
  3. fmm mosad r?sad
  4. Tot urata esti.
  5. esti urata
  6. Degeaba au inchis domeniul cand aplicatiile lor inca functioneaza. Au oprit pula.
  7. Se numeste controlul pietei retardatilor. Neavand concurenta pe piata romaneasca, or sa poata sa-si impuna propriile preturi.
  8. Probabil erai abuzat de tactu cand erai mic. Si te-ai refugiat in televizor uitandu-te la filme pentru idioti gen Titanic. Astfel ti-au ramas tiparite in minte propozitiile alea. "O sa memorez astea ca sa le folosesc sa par si eu inteligent cand defapt sunt un cacat cu ochi", ti-ai zis tu... Pentru celelalte persoane care nu sunt retardate
  9. Eleonore, mi-a prins bine la vremea lui. Insa n-am mai auzit de ceva vreme de el. A disparut de aproape un an cred... Orisicum, daca gasesti ceva ce-ti place, foloseste'l cu mariposa.
  10. sursa: CISA Consulting cisa.info.ro Esti prost, ce plm informatii crezi ca primesti aici. Apeleaza la un consultant blegule.
  11. Sunt multe chestii care necesita bani, iar 16 mil nu este o suma imensa pentru o afacere gen wikipedia. Chiar daca si-a luat ala bani de acolo, asta fiind cea mai mare prostie pe care am auzit-o, i-a meritat!
  12. On November 13th, Wikipedia launched its yearly fund-raising campaign by placing a dedicated banner on top of all pages. On the last day of the year, it appears that their target of $16 million has not been reached, being less than $1 million short. In order to gather the aforementioned amount, Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikimedia Foundation, the company behind Wikipedia and its sister sites, appealed directly to all visitors via a message. Displayed on top of all articles, Wales' letter aims to persuade people all over the world to donate in order to keep the service free and available to everyone. “[...] we need you. It is you who keep this dream alive. It is you who have created Wikipedia. It is you who believe that a place of calm reflection and learning is worth having,” these are only some of the words meant to convince visitors to make a donation. According to Wales, all the raised money will be used for managing “servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development,” in other words, it will all be used for ensuring Wikipedia is up and running at all times. Furthermore, this money is also needed to help keep the project ads-free, since Wales makes it a point that advertising “[...] doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia,” therefore he and all the other volunteers will continuously strive to prevent any advertisements from being published on the site. Launched in 2001 and currently the 5th most popular website in the world, Wikimedia sites are visited by 400 million persons on a monthly basis, while their audience has doubled since 2007. Every year they resort to fund-raising campaigns which encourage users to donate as little as they can, by emphasizing that every gesture counts. Since the 2010 campaign kicked off, Wikimedia managed to raise around $15 million to this day, with more donations getting in almost every minute. Some might argue that $16 million was an ambitious sum to start with, but it appears it is needed to properly orchestrate the 10-year anniversary that will take place in 2011. It should be mentioned that their targeted sum was supposed to be gathered in two-months time, so they still have a fortnight to get their last million – and they will probably succeed too.
  13. Ca s?'l nume?ti hobby tre' s? fii si bun la el ratat.
  14. S? moar? nepo?ii mei de nu zici c?'s manele. Rahaturi dalea pot sa fac? toate pizdele care tocmai au dat de pubertate ?i au or? fix? pentru telenovele. Nu v?d nimic original acolo. "uite-l si pe asta care scrie cacaturi de love" Nu conteaz? despre ce scrii. Important este s? fii original, s? nu pari un cacat cu ochi care se crede noul Blaga intr-ale versifica?iei cu substrat. E?ti ratat, las?-te! ps sau: http://www.versuri.ro/versuri/mjjjl_sorin+copilul+de+aur+ai+vrea+sa+plang.html
  15. ^ Idiot alert!
  16. Sunteti ratati Franz Kafka
  17. Thanks, Captain Obvious ps, isi face veacul pe la o sala de forta de prin crangasi
  18. YouTube - Fachiru, condamnat de El Diablo ORIGINAL VIDEO
  19. ^^Esti proasta
  20. ^Exact, trebuiau sa bage referral'uri catre jasmin. N-am cuvinte sa descriu cat de retardati sunteti. Sincer, chiar nu am...
  21. Daca nu era wikipedia voi nu terminati liceu' bai derbedeilor @iceman Si site-ul il intretinea ma-ta din alocatia ta...?!
  22. nosferatu


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  23. nosferatu


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