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Everything posted by nosferatu

  1. Bai, dar daca nu faceti o oferta de ce pula mea comentati aiurea? Abtineti-va
  2. Mi l-au furaaaaaat
  3. fmm Credeam ca vorbesti de Andreea Esca
  4. sau mai bine lasa...
  5. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; usage() unless $ARGV[2]; my @searchTerm; my @checkTerm; if(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "r57") { push(@searchTerm, "inurl:r57.php"); push(@searchTerm, "\"[ phpinfo ] [ php.ini ] [ cpu ] [ mem ] [ users ] [ tmp ] [ delete ]\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:r57shell"); push(@checkTerm, "r57"); push(@checkTerm, "safe_mode"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "c99") { push(@searchTerm, "inurl:c99.php"); push(@searchTerm, "\"Encoder Tools Proc. FTP brute Sec. SQL PHP-code Update Feedback Self remove Logout\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\" - phpshell\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\" - c99shell\""); push(@checkTerm, "c99"); push(@checkTerm, "Safe-mode"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "mys") { push(@searchTerm, "\"Auto error traping enabled\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"MyShell 1.1.0 build 20010923\""); push(@checkTerm, "MyShell"); push(@checkTerm, "Echo commands"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "phs") { push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.5\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.6\""); push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"PHP Shell 1.7\""); push(@searchTerm, "\"Enable stderr-trapping?\""); push(@checkTerm, "PHP Shell"); push(@checkTerm, "Choose new working"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "phm") { push(@searchTerm, "\"PHPShell by Macker\""); push(@searchTerm, "\"[ Main Menu ] [ PHPKonsole ] [ Haxplorer ]\""); push(@checkTerm, "Haxplorer"); push(@checkTerm, "PHPKonsole"); } elsif(lc($ARGV[0]) eq "rem") { push(@searchTerm, "intitle:\"phpRemoteView: \""); push(@searchTerm, "\"REMVIEW TOOLS\""); push(@checkTerm, "phpRemoteView"); push(@checkTerm, "perms"); } if(!@searchTerm) { print "Error: [shell to find] is a unknown shell\n" and die; } my $outputOn; if(lc($ARGV[1]) eq "on") { $outputOn = 1; } elsif(lc($ARGV[1]) eq "off") { $outputOn = 0; } else { print "Error: [screen output] must be \"on\" or \"off\"\n" and die; } my $outputFile; if(index(lc($ARGV[2]), ".htm") > 0) { $outputFile = $ARGV[2]; } else { print "Error: [output HTML file] must be *.htm or *.html\n" and die; } open(FILEHANDLE, ">$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "<html><head><title>PHP Shell's</title></head><body>\n"; close FILEHANDLE; my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new; $userAgent->agent("User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/"); my @resultLinks; foreach(@searchTerm) { print "[*] Query for \"$_\"\n" if($outputOn == 1); my $isLastPage = 0; for(my $gPage = 0; ; $gPage++) { if($isLastPage == 1) { last; } my $gRequest = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://www.google.de/search?q=$_&start=$gPage"."0"); my $gResource = $userAgent->request($gRequest); if($gResource->is_success) { my @gContent = split("<div class=g>", $gResource->content); if(@gContent < 10) { $isLastPage = 1; }; for(my $gPiece = 1; $gPiece < @gContent; $gPiece++) { my $shellLink = substr($gContent[$gPiece], index($gContent[$gPiece], "href=\"") + 6); $shellLink = substr($shellLink, 0, index($shellLink, "\"")); print "[*] Check status of site \"$shellLink\"\n" if($outputOn == 1); my $sRequest = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $shellLink); my $sResource = $userAgent->request($sRequest); if($sResource->is_success) { if(index($sResource->content, $checkTerm[0]) != -1 && index($sResource->content, $checkTerm[1]) != -1) { open(FILEHANDLE, ">>$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "Link: <a href=\"$shellLink\">$shellLink</a><br>\n"; print FILEHANDLE "Search Term: <i>$_</i><br><br>\n"; close FILEHANDLE; print "[+] Found shell: $shellLink\n" if($outputOn == 1); } else { print "[-] No shell\n" if($outputOn == 1); } } else { print "[-] Offline\n" if($outputOn == 1); } } sleep 20; #wait 20 seconds so google dont think we are a bot } else { print "Unable to query google\n" and die; } } } open(FILEHANDLE, ">>$outputFile"); print FILEHANDLE "<br><br><center><small><a href=\"http://www.vx-dia.de.vu\">Find PHP Shells via Google - by DiA/RRLF</a></small></center></body></html>"; close FILEHANDLE; sub usage { print qq( Find PHP Shells via Google - by DiA/RRLF (http://www.vx-dia.de.vu) Usage: perl $0 [shell to find] [screen output] [output HTML file] [shell to find] can be: r57 - find r57shell c99 - find c99shell mys - find MyShell phs - find PHP Shell phm - find PHPShell (Macker) rem - find phpRemoteView [screen output] can be: on - every step the script doas get printed on the screen off - no output, the script just writes to the output file [output HTML file] must be: *.htm or *.html Example: perl $0 c99 on c99shells.htm perl $0 mys off manyshells.htm ) and exit; } // http://www.bec0de.com
  6. Muie Messi...
  7. would you eat that?
  8. Realu' cu 4-2
  9. am reusit...
  10. Gata!!! Am vorbit cu Boc, si dupa ce a revizuit posturile voastre a decis sa legalizeze toate tipurile de droguri din Romania si ce pula voastra mai vrea. sugeti pula....mai ales fitty
  11. ba, dar terminati in mortii vostri cu topicurile de genu' asta. Incepeti sa plictisiti. S-a discutat atat de mult pe tema asta ca imi este scarba cand vad ca vin alti pustani sa porneasca iar "dezbaterea". Este(era) forum de securitate web, nu de drogati. Nu veniti cu rahatu ala, "Este offtopic ba, avem voie" . E offtopic, dar nu pentru ca sa discutati voi acelasi subiect de nspe mii de ori handicapatilor. Macar de-ati stii despre ce vorbiti... Mare efect o sa aveti voi. Vedeti ca se uita Boc peste topic si maine legalizeaza verdele v-as da ban la toti ps: zippy, o legalizam pe ma-ta !?
  12. @ fitty onanist ratat intra in mm pe y!m aaaaaaaah cacat, ma duc sa ma uit la dragon ball z
  13. ahahhahahahhahaha i-a dat maxim lu' pax. Cat de labar sa fii? in locu lui ma puneam la murat in beci
  14. ^la el cuvantul sex s-a transpus CU CUvantul laba. Face laba de mai multe ori pe zi decat se pisa tataie. (si el are prostata) O sa faca sex cand oi avea eu 127 de coaie
  15. in noaptea de inviere am sa colectez muie pentru prietenul meu tinkode
  16. cum ma? cartofi cu cur? e oximoron @benny_loppa in cacat, era la mintea cocosului metoda Cei care pricepusera ce ai facut, stiau sa si faca scriptu. Cei care nu pricepusera, nu's in stare sa faca scriptu. Deci le-ai spus degeaba
  17. YouTube - Romeo Fantastik - Fu la la
  18. nosferatu

    muie rst

    da credite in mm de fitty ratat acu tre sa fac public, si vroiam sa fie privat
  19. daca vrei pizda, ti-o da si pe masa....numa sa ai bani
  20. Cine cacat a spus ca e cea mai frumoasa femeie din Romania? mie unu imi place de andreea mantea
  21. nosferatu


    sunt prost si nu inteleg nimic
  22. nosferatu

    Chatroulette fun

  23. sper ca-ntr-o zi sa imi cresca 3 puli sa iti pot fute toata familia deodata
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