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Everything posted by nosferatu

  1. mai era "gagica" lu' flama, dar ne-a lasat
  2. Ca sa intelegeti cat de fara o doaga e trupa Amo presim?ire c? la noapte os? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun?, bun? (X2) O presim?ire, iuhu, c? la noapte o sa fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun?, bun? (X2) Noaptea asta e noaptea, s? o tr?im! Am banii mei, s?-i cheltuim! S? ie?im s? o spargem (?) ca ?i vai Dumnezeule S?ri de pe canapea, s?, s? ie?im ?tiu c? o s? ne distr?m Dac? o ardem ?i ie?im ?i ne dezl?n?uim (gen) M? simt stresat, vreau s? m? relaxez Hai s? ie?im f?cu?i varz? ?i pierzând controlul Umple-mi paharul, mazel tov Uit?-te la ea dansând, d?-o jos S? vopsim ora?ul, s?-l închidem S? ardem acoperi?ul ?i apoi s? o facem din nou Hai s? o facem, hai s? o facem, hai s? o facem ?i s? o facem ?i s? o facem, s? tr?im, ?i s? o facem ?i s? o facem ?i s? o facem, o facem, o facem Hai s? o facem, hai s? o facem, hai s? o facem C? am o presim?ire, iuhu, C? la noapte os? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte os? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte os? fie o noapte bun?, bun? (se mai repet? ni?te rahaturi) Hai c? venim, hai c? ne ducem, tre s? ne bâ?âim (bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, ) Vine u?or, se duce u?or, acum noi pe vârf (vârf, vârf, vârf, vârf, vârf) Simte shot-ul, corp se bâ?âie, bâ?âie-o, nu te opri (stop, stop, stop, stop, stop) De jur împrejur, sus ?i jos, tot timpul (bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, bâ?âial?, ) Luni, mar?i, miercuri ?i joi (f?-o!) Vineri, sâmb?t?, sâmb?t? pân? duminic? (f?-o) Hai, hai, hai, hai, hai cu noi, ?tii tu ce zicem, zicem Petrecere în fiecare zi, p-p-p-petrecere în fiecare zi ?i presimt, iuhu, c? la noapte os? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun? C? la noapte o s? fie o noapte bun?, bun? (X2) iuhu! Am ras 5 minute si 60 de sec in continuu citind asta Credite? - nu spun ca e secret
  3. nosferatu


    da .
  4. Bangai era interesat de rahaturi dastea. Vorbeste cu el le: Rechinu sa sugi pula lu' paxnwo. Copil retard nascut borcan. Te bagi in seama ca pula mea in pizda lu' ma-ta
  5. Sa ne pipi pe domeniile lu tinkode. N-a vrut saracu' sa imi dea si mie 2-3
  6. Eu sunt un pustan roman cu cc-uri. Scuzati interventia. Doar am simtit nevoia sa ma afirm
  7. Nemessis si-a luat chiloti noi
  8. @kabron Imi place ca de revelion in gandul tau ma voi afla eu. Daca vrei putem incerca sa facem sex mental. Macar asa poate nu o sa mai fii virgina. ps: in vocabularul lui kabron, cuvantul "fetita" se transpune CU CUvantul "baiat" O sa stau ca boschetaru in piata revolutiei, dupa care sper sa ma retrag cu juma' de creier functionabil la cineva acasa si in sfarsit sa adorm dupa vreo cateva ore cu 1/4 creier functionabil. ps2: kabron te iubesc. Sper sa ne casatorim pe acest forum
  9. DLD petreciuieste doar cu ierburi si ciuperci. Bauturile e pentru femei
  10. Arata bine fmm. Felicitari Esti cel mai tare, seful meu.
  11. Da un system restore, ar trebui sa rezolve problema. Sau baga un cd cu versiunea de windows, dupa care din cmd: sfc/scannow Daca merge si nu dai +rep te sparg la mumu ps: @python, ba da tu esti roman sau strain?
  12. Sarbatori fericite tuturor. Sa dea d-zeu sa muriti toti la anu' . ps: Cine imi recomandeaza si mie un film gen
  13. ahahhahaaha saracu' n-are credit nici sa sune la politie Familia lui e asa saraCA CA mananca cereale cu lapte cu furculita ca sa economiseasca laptele @ codex Foarte frumos
  14. opaaa Nu stiam ca ne putem compara cu tari ca Olanda si metropole la Hong Kong.
  15. Pandemia (piticigratis & futezatorii) a pornit in prima faza de la vic, dupa care a ajuns la mine, dupa care a ajuns la specimenele de mai sus
  16. Macar pentru a avea o idee despre ce inseamna preaking-ul... Oricum ceva mai nou nu am gasit. Daca ai tu articole up to date, as vrea eu .
  17. -Prank calling section updated -Red boxing section updated -BBAS section updated -More literature added -Scanning section added -Cell phone section added -And many more DOWNLOAD: Phreaking_LAMERS.txt
  18. A large scale SQL injection attack has injected a malicious iframe on tens of thousands of susceptible websites. ScanSafe reports that the injected iframe loads malicious content from 318x.com, which eventually leads to the installation of a rootkit-enabled variant of the Buzus backdoor trojan. A Google search on the iframe resulted in over 132,000 hits as of December 10, 2009. Infection sequence Injected iframe - <script src=hxxp://318x.com> Executes a script that creates a new iframe to 318x.com/a.htm. That iframe (a.htm) does 2 things: 1. Loads a second iframe from aa1100.2288.org/htmlasp/dasp/alt.html 2. Loads a script: js.tongji.linezing.com/1358779/tongji.js (used for tracking). The aa1100.2288.org/htmlasp/dasp/alt.html frame: A. Creates a third iframe pointing to aa1100.2288.org/htmlasp/dasp/share.html B. Loads a script: js.tongji.linezing.com/1364067/tongji.js (similar to above, but different number) C. If <noscript> it has an href tag that points to ?????????????????????? with an img src of img.tongji.linezing.com/1364067/tongji.gif The share.html detects browser type and writes/loads multiple iframes pointing to obfuscated script files located in the same directory (all are javascript regardless of extension). The combined action results in checks for MDAC, OWC10, and various versions of Adobe Flash. Depending on the results, the malcode then delivers one of several possible exploits. Observed exploits include: 1. Integer overflow vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player, described in CVE-2007-0071 2. MDAC ADODB.Connection ActiveX vulnerability described in MS07-009 3. Microsoft Office Web Components vulnerabilities described in MS09-043 4. Microsoft video ActiveX vulnerability described in MS09-032 5. Internet Explorer Uninitialized Memory Corruption Vulnerability – MS09-002. Successful exploit leads to the silent delivery of hxxp://windowssp.7766.org/down/down.css. The file ‘down.css’ is actually a Win32 executable that is a variant of the Backdoor.Win32.Buzus family of trojans. Malware description Threatname: Backdoor.Win32.Buzus.croo Aliases: Trojan-PWS.Win32.Lmir (Ikarus, a-squared); TR/Hijacker.Gen (AntiVir); Trojan/Win32.Buzus.gen (Antiy-AVL); W32/Agent.S.gen!Eldorado (F-Prot, Authentium); Win32:Rootkit-gen (Avast); Generic15.CBGO (AVG); Trojan.Generic.2823971 (BitDefender, GData); Trojan.Buzus.croo (Kaspersky, QuickHeal); Trojan.NtRootKit.2909 (DrWeb); Trj/Buzus.AH (Panda). Drops the following files to the specified folder: %UserProfile%\ammxv.drv %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Syesm.exe Modifies the Registry to load when Windows is started: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DrvKiller HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\DrvKiller\Security HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\DrvKiller HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\DrvKiller\Security The malware contains a rootkit component which can prevent the dropped files and registry changes from being readily viewable. Backdoor.Win32.Buzus.croo then attempts to contact via port 80 and sends a POST request to hxxp://dns.winsdown.com.cn/Countdown/count.asp. source: SQL injection attack claims 132,000+
  19. YouTube - RioNegro & Solimões - Muia Larga Mori !!!!! hipster ratat
  20. nu ...
  21. Black_Death_cat: Eu, impreuna cu 20,925 membrii al acestui forum, o sa ne facem vasectomie si o s-o futem pe ma-ta pana in ziua in care vom murii
  22. Uneori ma intreb de ce nu ai luat ban pana acum
  23. bookmarked
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