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Everything posted by wvw
De acord. Fapt divers: eu voi fi mereu pentru recompensarea membrilor care contribuie ?i mai pu?in cu pedepsirea celor care o freac? aiurea. Deci, mai multe recompense pentru cei care o merit?, mai multe modele pozitive, mai mult? ac?iune. Poate a?a ajunge RST o meritocra?ie.
La fel cum ?i IRC-ul este inutil ?i învechit, nu? Cum ar fi? Facebook Groups? Sau poate Apache (ex-Google) Wave?! E rost de o discu?ie separat? pe tema asta. Dar aici, ok? Continua?i, v? rog.
Avem Electronica - RST ?i cam bate vântul pe acolo
Voted comedy option
Chiar ave?i nevoie de toate tutorialele ?i documentele din lista ini?ial??
Cei mai buni lideri de proiect sunt oameni care au scris cod cel pu?in 3 ani. ?stia care se cred mari PM/whatever, dar n-au scris în via?a lor un "Hello, world!" sunt degeaba. ?i sunt destui. Utile ?i cuno?tin?ele de economie, nu zic nu, dar totu?i... Sau (dac? e?ti prin apropiere) UAIC singura facultate de informatic? din ?ar?
*bump* Becoming an ACP ICPC medalist in 2011 is about 20 times harder than it was in 2001. People who can do it now are coding machines and algorithm junkies. They practice every day on TopCoder, Google Code Jam, and Code Force to stay sharp. They memorize whole books filled with algorithms and equations in case they need a tool to solve a problem quicker than their opponent. Where Should Top Coders Work?
- 3 replies
- code junkies
- comp sci
(and 4 more)
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C? bine zici Dimethyltryptamine
Nu l-au ?ters, a r?mas doar hashul. Pentru cei curio?i b32298dbf015c7fdcb75372fd4e5371402ebcfc8d6c77539c24142f9e4ea21cc694fb0e29adb15c0d603948b4ac1b9966268563b03edd209d1e722ae41d1b742
Apropo de asta: ce minuni crezi c? se g?sesc în sec?iunea pentru VIP-uri?
E?ti sigur? V?d c? e?ti aici din august 2010 (vorbesc de contul t?u vechi). Nu cred c? vorbe?ti în cuno?tin?? de cauz?. Paradoxal este c? toate topicurile de genul "Se duce de râp? RST-ul" sunt f?cute de persoane întregistrate de cel mult un an. N-am observat plângeri din partea membrilor veterani/care chiar au contribuit cu ceva. Oare de ce? Dar s? revenim: nu vârsta medie a membrilor RST este problema. Mereu au fost, sunt ?i vor fi pu?ti care freac? aiurea coatele de tastatur?. ?i nici lipsa unui t?tuc/Lidero Hacka Maximo Cojones Grande al RST-ului nu este problema. Forumul ?sta nu a fost sus?inut niciodat? de un singur om. Ce pute?i face voi, utilizatorii simpli? Chestii simple, evident: citi?i (c?r?i, tutoriale, loguri de IRC ?i bloguri), testa?i cât mai multe tool-uri ?i tehnologii, scrie?i cod (de?i nu-i musai pentru un hacker s? fie un programator des?vâr?it). A? putea ad?uga: "ini?iati proiecte, orice fel de proiecte", dar simt c?-i prea mult. Mai pu?ine lament?ri, mai pu?in offtopic, mai mult? ac?iune. Mul?umesc.
Ce activit??i ilegale ai observat pe forumul RST?
Dac? este s? o lu?m statistic, num?rul de poli?i?ti de pe RST este aproximativ egal cu num?rul de hackeri azteci. Mai avem ?i câ?iva masoni...
G?se?ti materiale pe LNU. F?-?i cont ?i uit?-te aici: http://library.nu/shelves?id=2867 De preferat s? cau?i ?i s? începi cu ni?te cursuri audio. Nota bene: Arabic language profile ?tii vreun dialect sau doar araba standard?
Google+, site-ul care ar putea îngropa cândva marele Facebook
wvw replied to MazaBoY's topic in Stiri securitate
Nu mai face?i cere?i aici. Cu pl?cere. -
Touché! http://forum.wordreference.com/index.php http://how-to-learn-any-language.com/forum/ Dintre cele enun?ate de tine sugerez mandarina chinez?.
Google+, site-ul care ar putea îngropa cândva marele Facebook
wvw replied to MazaBoY's topic in Stiri securitate
Deocamdat? Google Circles mi se pare cea mai tare func?ionalitate. La Sparks mai au de lucrat. Hangouts n-am încercat înc?. Ah, ?i Send file din browser. Excelent! Cel mai important lucru: Google+ va fi un concurent serios pentru Facebook. Monopolurile nu sunt un lucru bun. Dar mai este pân? atunci. -
Spam -- the Internet's original sin -- dropped for the first time ever at the end of 2010. In September, Cisco System's IronPort group was tracking 300 billion spam messages per day. By April, the volume had shrunk to 34 billion per day, a remarkable decline. "The largest spam-sending botnets are being shut down and a lot of the big pharmaceutical spam has disappeared," said Nilesh Bhandari, a product manager with Cisco. -- Criminals break into Hotmail or Gmail accounts and send messages to every one of the victims' mail contacts before anyone realizes. This type of spam -- sent between two people who know each other -- is much more likely to evade filters. Scammers have taken this game to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter too. Sometimes they send @messages to their targets. Other times they hack into an account and use it to send out their messages. That's what happened last week to "Shaun of the Dead" actor Simon Pegg's Twitter account. It was used to spam out a Trojan horse program disguised as a screensaver to his 1.2 million followers. -- Scammers know how search engines work, and they work hard to get their dodgy pages to pop up near the top of search results. They bombard online forums with links to their pages or hack into websites to add links -- all in an effort to boost their Google ranking. For less than $100, crooked marketers can automatically add 10,000 links --typically from the comments section of blogs -- to whatever webpage they want. This can quickly push a webpage to the top of Google or Bing's results. -- Robert Soloway believes spam will never die, so long as email is free. But the barriers to entry are getting higher. According to the former Spam King, people will try it out, then once they realize how hard it is to make it big, most will move on to something else. http://it.slashdot.org/story/11/06/30/1534210/Spamming-Becoming-Financially-Unfeasable
Google+, site-ul care ar putea îngropa cândva marele Facebook
wvw replied to MazaBoY's topic in Stiri securitate
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