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Android vs. Windows Mobile vs. Symbian vs. iPhone OS
wvw replied to CrashOverride's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Symbian este pe moarte. Si sa scrii aplicatii pentru Symbian a fost/este destul de hardcore. Windows Mobile... trebuie sa ai motive foarte bune sa alegi asa ceva cand Android si iOS rup malul (chestii de genul "iubesc Windows si Microsoft si tot ce tine de" sau "visez noaptea cum lucrez in Visual Studio, cel mai tare IDE de pe planeta" sau "Steve Ballmer este zeul meu"). Dar sa vedem ce as au in maneca MS si Nokia. Mai raman Android si iOS. Iar aici este o discutie lunga. -
empathy/certifiable/1749? Tu esti? Nu te-ai plictisit sa-?i iei ban dupa ban de pe RST?
Profunde observatii, stimabile costybarbu. Si apreciem faptul ca vrei sa rezolvi aceasta problema exprimandu-ti indignarea fata de niste copii care se cred hackeri de hackeri, haus haus, sa moara dusmanii can'le dau DDoS, plm. Tragic este faptul ca pe sus-mentionatii ii doare fix in varful pu?ei de ce scrii tu aici. Mi se rupe inima cand ma gandesc. Pe de alta parte, faptul ca tu nu mai poti accesa Hackforums... este pierderea lor. Mai ales ca ai dat de inteles ca esti un om cu o reputatie zdrobitoare. Nu pot sa-ti ofer decat o solutie foarte simpla: cauta alte forumuri de securitate. Sunt convins ca ai multe lucruri interesante cu care poti contribui. Cu adanca stima si respect, Gigi W.
Hackerii adevarati au 3 ficati
N-avem sectiune de Carti/Docs. Sunt tone de carti aici. Daca nu chiar toate... Si daca tot vorbim de locul potrivit: nici (strict) de programare nu sunt cartile de mai sus. On: de pe LNU, ordonate frumos http://library.nu/shelves?id=2382
Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine
Chestii mai IRL http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Interviews-Exposed-Secrets-Programmer/dp/047012167X/ http://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Interviews-Adnan-Aziz/dp/1453792996 Amazon.com: Cracking the Coding Interview, Fourth Edition: 150 Programming Interview Questions and Solutions (9781451578270): Gayle Laakmann: Books http://www.amazon.com/Google-Resume-Prepare-Microsoft-Company/dp/0470927623/ Amazon.com: How Would You Move Mount Fuji?: Microsoft's Cult of the Puzzle -- How the World's Smartest Companies Select the Most Creative Thinkers (9780316778497): William Poundstone: Books aici: Tech_Interview_Foo.zip - ifile.it
Crede-m?, cu 15 oameni ai umplut Beer O'Clock. Dar vedem...
Curtea Berarilor este iar??i ok. 100 de beri mai este de pus pe list?. Sau Beer O'Clock, dar este cam mic... dac? rezerv?m, rezerv?m tot localul
O discu?ie excelent?. V-am f?cut o sec?iune special? pe forum unde v? pute?i desf??ura.
F?r? parol? The Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System
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In fact, the infusion of Jobs' thinking into the Apple culture has been so effective that by the time of his first medical leave of absence in 2009, not that much changed. He still showed up on Apple's campus to check in and see how his latest babies were progressing, but most of the work was done in his absence. He was involved not because he had to be but because he wanted to be. Still not convinced? Well, the second coming of Jobs to Apple was actually not the first time he pulled off the feat of instilling a culture of innovation and creativity in a company that would outlast his own presence there. The first time was when he built Pixar — which has had a string of success similar to Apple's that has involved minimal involvement on Jobs' part. Why Apple Doesn't Need Steve Jobs - Harvard Business Review
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În general? Mnu. Sunt pu?ine evenimente care pot anihila total via?a de pe Terra. Cea uman?? Poate. Dar nu bag mân? în foc.
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Nu ?tii s? trollezi, tinere. Pune mâna ?i cite?te Schopenhauer.
care oricum sunt irelevante. Deci, nu
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Înc? nu m-am apucat. Poate la anul
Normal c? se poate, doar c? trebuie s? investe?ti destul de mult timp (eventual s? te bagi ?i la medita?ii) ca s? acoperi toate golurile acumulate în 3 ani de liceu. P.S. How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education