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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Pune un link/link-uri la produsele exacte care le vrei si probabil ti le voi gasi ieftin, la bucata.
  2. Governor criticised after failing to inform officials about the massive cyber-theft, allegedly by hackers in Asia. The central bank governor submitted his letter of resignation on Tuesday after hackers allegedly stole $81m of government money from a US account and he failed to sound the alarm over the massive cyber-heist. Central Bank Governor Atiur Rahman told reporters he was "ready to resign from my post for the sake of the country". Preliminary investigations suggest that hackers accessed Bangladesh Bank's computer systems and stole key information in order to pull off the brazen electronic theft. Another $20m was transferred to an account in Sri Lanka, but that money has been recovered, officials said. The US Federal Reserve Bank in New York transferred $81m from Bangladesh's bank account on February 4 into the accounts of four men in the Phillipines, after receiving what appeared to be legitimate transfer orders. The governor has been strongly criticised in recent days for failing to inform the finance minister about the huge loss, which only came to light following news reports in the Philippines - one month after the money was illegally transferred. "I am very unhappy about the handling of the matter by Bangladesh Bank - very incompetent," Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said on Sunday. Bangladesh's government said last week it will sue the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for failing to prevent the theft. But the bank announced on its Twitter account that "there is no evidence of attempts to penetrate Federal Reserve systems and no evidence Fed systems were compromised". SOURCE
  3. Aici e treaba http://thenextweb.com/insider/2016/03/14/one-of-the-worlds-most-notorious-hackers-just-revealed-his-identity-to-me/ Daca e adevarat... good luck fatso, prepare your anus for action!
  4. @aelius parca il banasi pe pulifricul asta... iar a aparut creatura.. @Sveratus esti mai prost decat prevede legea
  5. Ai folosit un dummy account sa incerci fara cel de admin sa vezi daca se repeta problema? E cam enervanta treaba, mai ales de pe mobil/tableta.
  6. Tot la fel. Nu merge pus si index-ul facut de monsieur @Gecko ?
  7. Potential pentru porn - grudge sex. Daca ai un webcam si calitate buna de net - erau cativa pe aici care se ocupau cu ewhoring, vezi ce aranjezi. P.S. - who gives a fuck? P.S. 2 - daca iti doresti aplaudaci iti poti face rost pe fiverr.com
  8. De asta fiecare contract mai "modern" care este pe perioada nedefinita de obicei include un "probation" period, timp in care poate sa ti se dea jet fara nici o despagubire salariala, justificare, etc. Cu cat e postul mai important/mai sus, cu atat e probation period-ul mai lung. E un fel de "honeymoon" intre angajator si angajat.. si daca nu se potrivesc atunci Cand am aplicat pentru job-ul meu actual scria in descriere ca probation period-ul este de 6 luni de zile.. insa de obicei se pune undeva la 1-3 luni.
  9. Unii sustin ca pe viitor poate vor sa lase serverele in pace si sa se axeze pe software la fel cum a facut Apple. Insa nu sunt prosti, vor doar sa acumuleze mai multi clienti, mai ales ca vor muta licenta / core
  10. Mick the taxi man
  11. De obicei, cardurile bancare (si nu numai) se trimit separat fata de PIN care vine intr-un plic aparte. Asta pentru a reduce riscul de acces/uz neautorizat. Asteapta o saptamana si daca nu il primesti ia legatura cu ei.
  12. Erau nu de mult unii pe aici care cereau idei de facut bani online. Navigand pe unele TOR markets, am vazut ca se cauta DeadDrops (DD), care necesita munca online si offline - se imbina plimbarile in aer liber/natura cu online-ul Pentru cei carora nu au alte solutii de munca sau ii intereseaza domeniul, m-am gandit sa dau un copy-paste (de pe un market numit Outlaw insa sunt si altele asemanatoare) la ceea ce presupune. Daca va surade ideea... "succesuri"! http://pastebin.com/PVSny8Cr http://pastebin.com/nvUFET8R
  13. QuoVadis

    RST Bashed

    Din categoria "Lost in Google Translate" / "Nu te baza pe Google Translate"
  14. Apple customers were targeted by hackers over the weekend in the first campaign against Macintosh computers using a pernicious type of software known as ransomware, researchers with Palo Alto Networks told Reuters on Sunday. Ransomware, one of the fastest-growing types of cyber threats, encrypts data on infected machines, then typically asks users to pay ransoms in hard-to-trace digital currencies to get an electronic key so they can retrieve their data. Security experts estimate that ransoms total hundreds of millions of dollars a year from such cyber criminals, who typically target users of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Palo Alto Threat Intelligence Director Ryan Olson said the “KeRanger” malware, which appeared on Friday, was the first functioning ransomware attacking Apple’s Mac computers. “This is the first one in the wild that is definitely functional, encrypts your files and seeks a ransom,” Olson said in a telephone interview. An Apple representative said the company had taken steps over the weekend to prevent attacks by revoking a digital certificate from a legitimate Apple developer that enabled the rogue software to install on Macs. The representative said he could not immediately provide other details. The malware is programmed to encrypt files on an infected personal computer three days after the original infection, according to Olson. That means that if Apple’s steps prove ineffective in neutralizing malware that has already infected Macs, the earliest victims will have their files encrypted on Monday, three days after the malicious program first appeared on the Tranmission website, he said. The Transmission site offers the open source software that was infected with the ransomware. Palo Alto said it planned to release a blog advising Mac users on ways to check to see if they were infected with the virus and steps they can take to protect against it harming their data, Olson said. Transmission is one of the most popular Mac applications used to download software, videos, music and other data through the BitTorrent peer-to-peer information sharing network, according to Olson. Representatives with Transmission could not be reached immediately for comment. The project’s website, www.transmissionbt.com, on Sunday carried a warning saying that version 2.90 of its Mac software had been infected with malware. It advised users to immediately upgrade to version 2.91 of the software, which was available on its website, or delete the malicious one. It also provided technical information on how users could check to see if they were affected. SOURCE
  15. Doar PoC 1.2 merge pe 5s si iOS 9.2.1. Incercand PoC 1.1 imi da ecranul cu pin-ul iar 1.3 si 1.4 Siri imi zice "you need to unlock your iPhone first". Interesant, nonetheless si macar o varianta merge...
  16. Nu ma pot pronunta in contextul in care esti tu insa trecand prin mai multe interviuri pentru joburi si intervievand pe altii pentru diferite pozitii, pentru viitor, daca vrei sa te angajezi la o firma, da foarte bine la CV si poate fi lucrul care te scoate in evidenta pentru a te chema la interviu sau nu. Chiar daca nu vei folosi Cisco in acel job, multi adauga la job description ca fiind "desirable". Multe dintre JD's sunt intocmite de "fufe" din HR si manageri care nu au habar cu ce se mananca job-ul si atunci se ajunge la tot felul de cerinte printre care si certificari Cisco, Microsoft (mai ales Sharepoint, e nebunie pe alea) si alte cele. Mai pe scurt: depinde de cursul carierei tale insa chiar daca nu vei folosi cunostintele acumulate, e posibil sa iti foloseasca in mod indirect. Daca ti se ofera suport pentru un astfel de lucru (financiar, timp, etc) cred ca merita acceptat/profitat. Unele firme iti ofera CPD (continuing professional development) de toata prastia si gratuit altii deloc ori cu "strings attached" (Ultimul angajator ar fi vrut sa semnez contract ca nu plec minim 2 ani de la ei daca mi-ar fi platit pentru niste cursuri insa am refuzat.) Daca mergi pe ruta freelancing-ului sau firmei proprii, tot arata bine in portfoliu, chiar daca nu are legatura sau relevanta. Un "low-level mindfucking" Succes!
  17. Dupa ce mi-am fixat site-urile mele am zis sa postez si aici ca nu am vazut un thread pe tema asta : DROWN is a serious vulnerability that affects HTTPS and other services that rely on SSL and TLS, some of the essential cryptographic protocols for Internet security. These protocols allow everyone on the Internet to browse the web, use email, shop online, and send instant messages without third-parties being able to read the communication. DROWN allows attackers to break the encryption and read or steal sensitive communications, including passwords, credit card numbers, trade secrets, or financial data. Our measurements indicate 33% of all HTTPS servers are vulnerable to the attack. What can the attackers gain? Any communication between users and the server. This typically includes, but is not limited to, usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, emails, instant messages, and sensitive documents. Under some common scenarios, an attacker can also impersonate a secure website and intercept or change the content the user sees. Who is vulnerable? Websites, mail servers, and other TLS-dependent services are at risk for the DROWN attack, and many popular sites are affected. We used Internet-wide scanning to measure how many sites are vulnerable: More info: https://drownattack.com/ Q&A: https://drownattack.com/#question-answer Paper: https://drownattack.com/#paper Checker: https://drownattack.com/#check
  18. pune bre si sursa la copy-paste-uri ca asa e frumos si de obraz

    1. geeko


      gata, multumit ?

  19. Daca esti capabil discuta subiectul/topicul si nu omul. Insa e un maaare DACA
  20. Pai si eu nu acelasi lucru am zis, ca sunt de condamnat ca nu isi apara tara? Daa..
  21. Fiecare tara care au primit refugiati au problemele lor, saracii lor, batranii lor.. mai ales Iordanul, Turcii si altii. Vai de noi, ce ne facem ca vin cativa si in Romania.. Dar cand am primit fonduri nerambursabile de la UE a fost bine? Imprumuturile de la UE, FMI si restul au fost bune si ele? Si asa mai departe, lista poate continua... (ca s-au furat si nu s-au folosit cum trebuie asta e alta mancare de peste). Daca ar fi o catastrofa naturala in Ro am vrea sa fim ajutati din exterior, nu-i asa? De exemplu daca da un cutremur decent in Bucuresti, unde jumatate de cladiri pica la o flegma mai puternica, imi pariez mana dreapta ca vor fi morti si raniti de ordinul sutelor si miilor. Atunci vom vrea orice ajutor ni se va da, nu-i asa? Nu le iau apararea Sirienilor, pe de o parte au incurajat astfel de lucruri, sunt de condamnat ca nu stau sa lupte pentru tara lor, unii din ei se comporta mai rau ca animalele pe unde ajung, fac si mofturi, etc. etc. Ce vreau sa spun cu toate astea? Faptul ca acordarea de ajutor umanitar nu este problema esentiala si ceea ce trebuie criticat/dezbatut ci ceea ce se intampla in Siria si zonele adiacente. Din pacate Rromanika e un pion foarte mic pe o tabla de sah enorma si nu are nici un cuvant de zis referitor la nimic. Mai pe scurtatura, Romania trebuie sa urmeze un sfat ce a aparut acum 2 saptamani in serialul The Walking Dead:
  22. Lucrurile, in fiecare situatie, nu sunt atat de albe si negre (competenta sau frauda), ci in functie de conjunctura. Un judecator competent si intelept aplica si ia in considerare atat litera cat si spiritul legii in care au fost scrise si circumstantele individuale. La fel si victima/ele. La fel si perceptia publicului. Spre exemplu respectivul a faptuit un "harmless crime", chiar daca a fost ilegal ce a facut, nu i-a pasat nimanui, ba chiar a fost apreciat. Insa daca prin astfel de actiuni ar fi cauzat ceva pierderi (fie ca sunt de imagine, materiale, etc.) lucrurile ar fi stat altfel. Depinde enorm si de cultura in cauza - care este in continua miscare si schimbare - unele companii initiaza programe de bug bounty in timp ce altele sar ca arse daca cineva descopera vreo problema si ii mai si acuza si incearca sa-i infunde (fie ca e din prostie, aroganta, insecuritate, zgarcenie, ignoranta sau toate laolalta). Intervine conceptul de risk/rewards de care multi tin cont, chiar in subconstient, inainte sa faca ceva. Pe cei tineri, media ii poate influenta foarte mult, incropind in mintea lor o imagine distorsionata a lucrurilor, a risk/reward in privinta infosec. (Poate ca ar trebui sa imi public lucrarea de licenta care a fost pe tema asta :D)
  23. Ar fi frumos sa precizezi si sursa de unde dai copy-paste...
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