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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Box.net, OneDrive for Business, sau daca vrei sa-ti faci ceva custom pentru nevoile tale https://owncloud.org/ + http://www.soyoustart.com/en/essential-servers/
  2. @astingengo - la ce redeschizi un topic mort de jumatate de an? How about: nu umblati cu mizerii si nu mai e nevoie sa va ascundeti? @robyyxx2 - daca e un VPS prin bitcoin (adica sa fie nevoie de plata care te poate identifica) se poate sterge cu ele la fund pentru ca bitcoin-ul se poate da printr-un mixer iar atunci cand plasezi comanda o poti face printr-un vpn gratuit + tor pe o retea wifi publica. T/C
  3. Iti pui un reminder cu 5 zile inainte sa ii dai tu singur cancel. D'uh!
  4. Salut. Off: Daca tot ti-a fost lene sa scrii ceva de la capat si ai dat copy-paste la postarea (analfabeta) a altui user de pe alt forum, pe viitor incearca macar sa folosesti "remove formatting" care apare atunci cand dai paste, ca sa nu fie 3 culori de 7 feluri. On: Te astepti sa ghicim contextul? Nu toti de pe RST au cont pe FileList sa vada ca e vorba despre "Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86 / x64 FULLY ACTIVATED! Genuine Aug 2010 [PDU]". Aceasta problema iti apare pe un Desktop PC sau laptop? Ce fel de placa de retea ai? Cand spui ca nu "iti vede de loc" - descrie exact ce se intampla, eventual un screenshot. Daca vrei sa fii ajutat nu astepta totul mura in gura.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-36110421 ...The bank had no firewall and used second-hand routers that cost $10 to connect to global financial networks...
  6. From your mom's pussy. Banned & closed.
  7. A new web application security scanner, developed by a former MIT student now Berkeley postdoctoral researcher, could be a real find for developers wishing to lock down bugs that live outside the OWASP top 10. The static-analysis tool is called Space and will be unveiled at the upcoming International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Space, used in conjunction with two other MIT-built web application security tools called Alloy (a language that describes programming structures) and Derailer (a tool that enumerates how app data might be exposed), can make bug-hunting in web apps more efficient. Its developer Joseph P. Near, under the supervision of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory professor Daniel Jackson, ran the scanner against 50 open source Ruby on Rails applications that were favorited on Github for one reason or another. The scans turned up 23 new vulnerabilities that were reported to the respective developers; the maximum time per scan, MIT said, was 64 seconds. “The classic flaws we detect are basically inadequate mechanisms to protect read-write access to critical resources,” Jackson told Threatpost. “We were very interested from the beginning in application-specific bugs,” Jackson said. “We saw so much progress on generic anomalies such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting, things that blacklisting, whitelisting and sanitization could take care of, that we saw a need to address application-specific errors.” Jackson said that web application developers make assumptions about context when it comes to securing applications and therefore certain behaviors are allowed. Without checking whether those assumptions about context are correct, vulnerabilities could arise that could enable unwanted read-write access, Jackson said. Space, Jackson said, brings a catalog of known common patterns to scans. It checks code independent of context and extracts the conditions used to determine whether access should be allowed, he said. Space was part of Near’s PhD work, MIT said. In building Space, he identified seven ways Web applications control access to data such as the public availability of data, or administrative access, for example. For each access pattern, MIT said, Near built a model that describes the level of access users should be granted. Space then evaluates whether the application conforms to policy, and if not, flags behavior as potentially malicious. Space is still a prototype, and Jackson said developers can run it free-standing or it someday could be packaged as part of a bigger scanner. “It has great promise,” Jackson said. “It’s exciting for the potential it has and the paths it could open for better application security. SOURCE
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  8. Poti sa dai submit URL-ului https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url in caz ca nu te gaseste crawler-ul lor. Cat despre restul interbarilor: http://www.boostsuite.com/2012/03/01/how-long-does-it-take-for-a-new-site-to-appear-in-the-google-search-results/ http://support.rocketspark.co.nz/customer/portal/articles/1450424-how-long-does-it-take-to-appear-in-google- https://blog.kissmetrics.com/get-google-to-index/ Cat despre intrebarea "cand" sa pui reclame vezi aici (chiar daca se refera la bloguri, tot poti trage unele concluzii): http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/05/31/how-quickly-after-starting-a-blog-should-i-put-ads-on-it/ http://www.johnchow.com/when-should-you-put-ads-on-your-blog/ http://www.modestmoney.com/when-to-put-ads-on-my-blog-a-personal-choice/253
  9. Nu mai deschide atatea thread-uri, poti pune toate intrebarile care le ai in unul singur.
  10. Da. e putin #mindfuck, suntem constienti de problema asta si anume ca userii banati nu apar ca fiind banati, doar daca sunt mutati manual iar cei carora li se scoate ban-ul, trebuie mutati manual si ei, altfel tot ramane acel title. Ar fi ideal si daca ar notifica userii ca un post/thread a fost raportat deja pentru a nu se trimite 10 reports pentru acelasi lucru. Vreun coder inteligent care vrea sa ajute? @Webz te oferi?
  11. Systems Affected Microsoft Windows with Apple QuickTime installed Overview According to Trend Micro, Apple will no longer be providing security updates for QuickTime for Windows, leaving this software vulnerable to exploitation. [1] (link is external) Description All software products have a lifecycle. Apple will no longer be providing security updates for QuickTime for Windows. [1] (link is external) The Zero Day Initiative has issued advisories for two vulnerabilities found in QuickTime for Windows. [2] (link is external) [3] (link is external) Impact Computer systems running unsupported software are exposed to elevated cybersecurity dangers, such as increased risks of malicious attacks or electronic data loss. Exploitation of QuickTime for Windows vulnerabilities could allow remote attackers to take control of affected systems. Solution Computers running QuickTime for Windows will continue to work after support ends. However, using unsupported software may increase the risks from viruses and other security threats. Potential negative consequences include loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data, as well as damage to system resources or business assets. The only mitigation available is to uninstall QuickTime for Windows. Users can find instructions for uninstalling QuickTime for Windows on the Apple Uninstall QuickTime (link is external) page. [4] References [1] Trend Micro - Urgent Call to Action: Uninstall QuickTime for Windows Today (link is external) [2] Zero Day Initiative Advisory ZDI 16-241: (0Day) Apple QuickTime moov Atom Heap Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilit (link is external) [3] Zero Day Initiative Advisory ZDI 16-242: (0Day) Apple QuickTime Atom Processing Heap Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulner (link is external) [4] Apple - Uninstall QuickTime 7 for Windows (link is external) SOURCE: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA16-105A
  12. Ma lasa rece faptul ca ma suporti/nu ma suporti tu si daca vei cauta cearta si aici nu iti voi face aceasta placere. Pur si simplu mi-am exprimat un punct de vedere, care poate sau nu poate fi luat in considerare de colegi. daca tu te tai ca maioneza.. e alta problema. Nu am facut pe desteptul insa ai dat dovada de ce fel de creatura esti. Ai dat zeci, nu sute, pardon greseala. Nu trebuie sa cunosti o persoana in mod intim insa poti sa-ti dai seama cat il/o duce capul dupa cum se raporteaza la altii. Cum sa raspund "in mod general" cand tu ai facut o cerere in mod personal? Cat de puerila si inepta e incercarea de a arunca cu noroi in altii cand se aduce lumina reflectoarelor asupra ta. Nu este nici o eroare - ban ai luat pe acel cont in Decembrie 2015 datorita warn-urilor care ti s-au adunat de la alti moderatori. Anyway.. vorba multa saracia omului! Am o presimtire ca acel cont ramane banat.
  13. Nu sunt de acord sa ti se scoata ban-ul. Ai incalcat regulamentul de mai multe ori cu buna stiinta si cu mult tupeu. Si ca bonus, erai unul din "creaturile" care dadeau sute de dislike-uri. Ai libertatea sa intorci o pagina noua pe RST si sa incepi de la 0 daca chiar te-ai schimbat (ceea ce e putin probabil)...
  14. https://www.google.ro/#q=123-reg&tbm=nws Marfa
  15. (Niste puncte de vedere interesante. Chiar daca articolul este din 2014, cred ca merita explorata tema.. daca are cineva articole asemanatoare pe tema adaugati aici ) PDF download Brain computer interfaces (BCI) are becoming increasingly popular in the gaming and entertainment industries. Consumer-grade BCI devices are available for a few hundred dollars and are used in a variety of applications, such as video games, hands-free keyboards, or as an assistant in relaxation training. There are application stores similar to the ones used for smart phones, where application developers have access to an API to collect data from the BCI devices. The security risks involved in using consumer-grade BCI devices have never been studied and the impact of malicious software with access to the device is unexplored. We take a first step in studying the security implications of such devices and demonstrate that this upcoming technology could be turned against users to reveal their private and secret information. We use inexpensive electroencephalography (EEG) based BCI devices to testthe feasibility of simple, yet effective, attacks. The captured EEG signal could reveal the user’s private information about, e.g., bank cards, PIN numbers, area of living, the knowledge of the known persons. This is the first attempt to study the security implications of consumergrade BCI devices. We show that the entropy of the private information is decreased on the average by approximately 15% - 40% compared to random guessing attacks.
  16. Multam de sugestii. Dupa ce am mai facut putin research am mers pana la urma cu LiquidWeb. Dupa putine negocieri au oferit niste discount insa nu semnificativ. Pana acum totul a decurs bine, ramane de vazut dupa "honeymoon" daca totul continua la fel, in special rapiditatea cu care raspund la mesaje...
  17. Daca te ocupi cu lucruri dubioase vei sta tot timpul cu morcovul la fund. We are watching you! P.S. - Daca ai fi fost sub investigatie, sunt ei mult mai "stealth" si nu i-ai putea vedea in analytics. Pentru ca astfel un suspect ar putea distruge lucrurile incriminatorii. Or fi ei mai "" dar nici chiar asa. Asa ca ia un chill pill si nu iti fa griji. Cand venim sa te saltam, aducem si niste apa si Distonocalm, totul pentru comfortul dvs.
  18. Bine ai venit domnul "Stephanie McGill" aka "Larry Bunrau"! Daca vrei sa nu te invarti de ban permanent si alte cele, ti-as recomanda sa nu continui pe aici ce ai inceput prin alte parti (scam page). Asigura-te ca respecti regulamentul!
  19. Ti-as recomanda sa sezi bland in banca ta daca a. nu vrei sa fii tepuit de bani sau b. iti e draga libertatea. "Rog seriozitate" e un cliseu inept care demonstreaza doar cat de mult iti lipseste. Bine ai venit pe RST insa daca vrei sa ramai in comunitatea noastra, iti recomand citirea si respectarea regulamentului: https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/100304-regulamentul-forumului/ Succes! T/C
  20. Il gasiti pe localbitcoins. Si istoria feedback-ului: https://localbitcoins.com/accounts/profile/Spooky01/feedback/ Nu inteleg de ce se nu isi face lumea cont si schimba acolo la cele mai bune cursuri posibile, cu serviciu de escrow si foarte multi useri cu sute si mii de tranzactii si 100% feedback pozitiv.
  21. QuoVadis


    "Postati aici doar linkurile despre securitate!" - Ce e mai neclar de atat? E usor sa-ti faci reclama pe spinarea RST-ului insa nu se tolereaza astfel de magarii. Iar pentru ca ai mai calcat odata pe bec si aici, astazi, ia o pauza de 5 zile.
  22. https://www.xservers.ro/ Restul.. e cancan..
  23. The Imperial Library of Trantor (also known as Galactic Library) is a repository of DRM-free ebooks on ePub format. There are 85691 books on the library. Link: http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion Direct link to 352 "Computers" ebooks: http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/search/?num=400&q=subject%3ACOMPUTERS Requires TOR browser
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  24. Se face cam mult off-topic si nu mai e mult pana se ajunge la insulte. Sandu69 ti-am explicat pe chat de ce cred ca nu e "premium" insa e doar o parere, nu e musai sa fie corecta. Ce sa zic, succes la vanzare! Daca are cineva intrebari sau vrea sa il cumpere luati legatura cu el in privat, asa cum a mentionat in prima postare. Topic closed.
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