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Everything posted by 1337

  1. 1337
  2. 379
  3. Nu-ti lua un jaf de router ca o sa regreti . Ia-ti un Linksys pe care se poate pune dd-wrt
  4. 1337

    salut, mai ai licenta?

  5. ^^^^
  6. Depinde la ce sume te raportezi, sumele care se faceau atunci reprezentau pentru mine o suma mai mult decat ok, deci mergeau bine, e o chestie de interpretare aici //Nytro, nu sunt si aia bani. Mie mi se pareau niste bani ok pe vremea aia, lucrurile s-au schimbat intre timp
  7. 1337

    DOX service

    Pot sa aflu diferite informatii, inclusiv, locatie, nume, facebook, poze samd. Trebuie sa-mi dati niste date de pornire cum ar fi un ID de ym. Dupa ce am toate detaliile va contactez. Pretul variaza, depinde de dificultatea taskului. Plata prin LR/BitCoin (in cazuri exceptionale si PP)
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      • Downvote
  8. Dude, cine e pe aici de mult stie ca au fost bagate si bannere adsense si din cate stiu mergeau foarte bine
  9. Conteaza? Important e ca scap de ei. Ti-am zis actiunea e facuta "silent". Oras mic, 100 de caini se lichideaza repede. 1000 mai greu si e posibil sa te vada/filmeze cati mosnegi nebuni de pe balcon noaptea cum le omori companionii blanosi si agresivi.
  10. Nu, mai bine iti musca copilul de coaie, de cap, il sfasie si il omoara in drum ce vine de la scoala, mai ales ca sunt in haita. Sau de ce nu , te musca de cur, oute si nu mai poti sa faci copii / sex samd. Ti-ar conveni? Ai fost vreodata in situatii de astea? Sau daca nu va cumparati un "Cane corso" il atrenati sa fie agresiv, il hraniti corespunzator, si o sa aiba el grija de javre cand cobori din masina, doar ca trebuie sa-l ti in masina... si il cam chinui. La mine in oras ii executa peste noapte, cu tranchilizante, usor, nu stie nimeni, nu aude nimeni nimic. Fain nu?
  11. Imi bag pula in ei de caini (aia vagabonzi) , i-as unge cu benzina si le-as da foc la toti. Sau ia-ti un ciocan daca nu esti slab de inima, si le dai hammering, mai usor cu lopata, le dai doua lopeti peste cap si i-ai linistit, la propriu.
  12. 1337

    Anunt Anuntator!

  13. Mai are cineva problema cu BSOD?
  14. Cumpar diploma facultate de mecanica, orice tara. Platesc bine. Cei care nu sunt in tema va rog sa evitati orice discutie off-topic, daca aveti oferte astept un PM de la voi. //Nicio oferta? Chiar asa.. daca aveti informatii trimiteti-mi un pm.
  15. Sau folosim WP-Scan cu "darkc0de.lst".
  16. 1337

    Fun stuff

  17. Google on Friday said it acquired online virus-scanning service, VirusTotal, a provider of a free service that detects computer viruses and other malicious software in files and websites.VirusTotal, company based in Spain with only a handful of employees, performs the free service by pooling data from scores of “antivirus engines, website scanners, file and URL analysis tools,” according to its site. Users only have to head to the online tool, select the file from their desktops, and the system is supposed to take care of the rest. The maximum file size currently supported by the service is 32MB. In a blog post on Friday, VirusTotal reps asserted that the merger is good news for consumers and bad news for malware generators for the following two reasons: The quality and power of our malware research tools will keep improving, most likely faster; and Google’s infrastructure will ensure that our tools are always ready, right when you need them. “Our goal is simple: to help keep you safe on the web,” VirusTotal said in the post today. “And we’ve worked hard to ensure that the services we offer continually improve. But as a small, resource-constrained company, that can sometimes be challenging. So we’re delighted that Google, a long-time partner, has acquired VirusTotal.” VirusTotal was set up in 2007 and uses over 40 different antivirus engines to scan files and URLs for malware for free. Users can upload small files for checking, or just input a URL, to see if it's on a blacklist, and VirusTotal shares its results with other security vendors to allow them to beef up their defenses. VirusTotal will continue to operate independently and maintain existing partnerships with other antivirus companies and security experts.Neither Google nor VirusTotal have revealed any further plans about how this might affect Google services, but it is possible that VirusTotal's solutions could be integrated throughout Google Apps to protect users against malicious files shared through Gmail and other programs. Sursa: Google buys Online Malware Multi Scanner VirusTotal | THN Security and Hacking News
  18. According to release announcement on Pastebin by unknown developers in a Russian-language BlackHole Exploit Kit 2.0 released with more latest Exploits. BlackHole is one of the most dominant exploit toolkits currently available in the underground market. It enables attackers to exploit security holes in order to install malicious software on victim's systems. The new variant doesn’t rely on plugindetect to determine the Java version that’s installed, thus speeding up the malware download process. Old exploits that were causing browsers to crash and “scary visual effects” have been removed. The exploit kit is offered both as a "licensed" software product for the intrepid malware server operator and as malware-as-a-service by the author off his own server. Some interesting claims by developer about new version: -prevent direct download of executable payloads -only load exploit contents when client is considered vulnerable -drop use of PluginDetect library (performance justification) -remove some old exploits (leaving Java atomic & byte, PDF LibTIFF, MDAC) -change from predictable url structure (filenames and querystring parameter names) -update machine stats to include Windows 8 and mobile devices -better breakdown of plug-in version information -improved checking of referrer -block TOR traffic http://s7.postimage.org/ycjrdhdzd/Black_Hole_Exploit_Kit_2_0.png Finally, a number of “private tricks” have been implemented, which the author prefers to keep a secret because he fears that competitors and antivirus companies are “sneaking around.” The developer offers a one-day rental of capacity on his server for as little as $50, up to a month-long lease for $500 (with larger fees for traffic over 70,000 web hits per day). For those who want to run their own BlackHole server, licenses start at $700 for a 3-month license (which includes software support) and range up to $1,500 for a full year, plus $200 for the multidomain version. For those who want to cover their tracks, a site clean-up package comes priced at $300. Source : BlackHole Exploit Kit 2.0 released with more latest Exploits | THN Security and Hacking News
  19. Nu cred ca esti asa de potent financiar incat sa te judeci cu E-ON care invarte sume mari de bani, doar cu "buna" poti sa rezolvi ceva, cheltui foarte mult daca ii dai in judecata. Mai ales daca nu ai pagube materiale, gen PC ars samd.
  20. Irish websites Google.ie and Yahoo.ie went offline on Tuesday afternoon after their DNS servers were apparently hijacked to point to those of a third party, resulting in visitors being redirected to an 'allegedly fraudulent' address - farahatz.net. That site has now been taken offline, but it is not known whether the site could have been created with malicious intent. A short note on the homepage of the IE Domain Registry said the move followed a "security incident on Tuesday 9th October, involving two high profile .ie domains that has warranted further investigation and some precautionary actions on the part of the IEDR." The IE Domain Registry have requested assistance from the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation. There was an unauthorised access to one registrar’s account [MarkMonitor] which resulted in the change to the DNS nameserver records for the two .ie domains. The IEDR worked with the registrar to ensure that the nameserver records were reset and corrected promptly. Serious questions are being raised about how this breach occurred. Security experts have suggested that the login details for the IEDR registrar’s console may have been ‘socially engineered’ eMarkmonitor, the company which is listed as having registered google.ie on Google’s behalf, is also responsible for the registration of the Irish domain names for the likes of eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and PayPal. None of those sites appeared to have been affected. Sursa: Google Ireland and Yahoo Domains Hijacked | THN Security and Hacking News
  21. Do your ever use YouTube Instant Search engine (a really fast way to search YouTube) ? That was developed by a 21 years old developer name - Feross Aboukhadijeh in 2012. Chad Hurley, CEO and co-founder of YouTube, was so impressed that he immediately offered him a job at YouTube. He a web developer, designer, computer security researcher. Recently he has developed an attack concept that exploits the fullscreen application programming interface in HTML5 in order to carry out advance phishing attacks. The HTML5 "Fullscreen API" allow web developers to display web contents in full-screen mode, that is, filling-up the display screen completely. Fullscreen API is perhaps known for its spoofing potential, leading to major browser vendors canvassing for the implementation of an overlay to notify users when full-screen is activated. Feross demonstrated how the Fullscreen API can aid phishing attack portals appear rather innocuous to the end users, by utilizing the API to hide the interface elements of the users' browser, thereby preventing the user from knowing the URL of the actual website visited. Unfortunately, Apple's Safari browser, version 6.01 and later, provides little or no sign that full-screen mode has been activated. Google Chrome, version 22 and later, offers some notice, though as Aboukhadijeh observes, the notification is "pretty subtle and easily missed." Mozilla Firefox, version 10 and later, alerts the user with a conspicuous notification. Aboukhadijeh's attack depends on social engineering rather than flawed code. There are a variety of ways to deceive people online and the only way to mitigate that risk is constant vigilance. The demo’s source code is also available on GitHub. /Aveti aici POC-ul http://feross.org/html5-fullscreen-api-attack/ , e superb Source-code https://github.com/feross/fullscreen-api-attack
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