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Everything posted by dev-master

  1. Până l-ai ajutat tu și-a ispășit băiatu' jumate de sentință... Iar gluma aia de scuză ar funcționa în generală dacă nu ți-ai făcut tema, nu în fața unor anchetatori care au de-a face cu uituci de genul ăsta zilnic.
  2. Acesta este scriptul folosit pe acel site. http://www.teamshare.ro/servicii/teamshare-cms
  3. Am cumparat o masina noua. Apoi am gasit una furata la un dealer. Am comparat toate piesele intre ele si sunt exact la fel. Sa inteleg ca am platit degeaba pentru aia noua? Cand cumperi o tema, nu cumperi doar fisierele curate si siguranta de a nu avea backdoor-uri. Cumperi munca dezvoltatorului, cumperi beneficiul de a avea update-uri (o tema cumparata de 10 ori si piratata de 1000, nu va avea suport de lunga durata de la dezvoltator). Offtopic: multi dintre cei care descarca nulled, lasa cate 5 lei la taximetrisi jegosi care pun manele in masina, sparg banii pe tigari si alte prostii dar nu platesc munca unui om, pentru simplul motiv ca e "online" si se gaseste si moka. Fratilor, se termina 2015, nu 1995... nu tot ce-i online e free si softurile platite nu mai sunt pe CD-uri...
  4. Times New Roman - Anonymous suspend? r?zboiul cibernetic contra ISIS pe perioada tezelor
  5. Î?i zic eu cum (nu fac mi?to), dac?-mi zici ?i tu mie ra?ionamentul cu care pot converti o roat? de biciclet? într-o roat? de logan. Nu neap?rat de biciclet? ?i nu neap?rat de logan, s? zicem de TIR ?i vreau de motoret?. Acum s?-?i explic ra?ionamentul afirma?iei mele de mai sus: un plugin nu este o arhiv? .zip cu fi?iere magice, este un script, con?ine anumite comenzi specifice CMS-ului pentru care a fost conceput. Nu exist? o conversie automat?, pentru c? fiecare CMS are propriul set de comenzi (API) ?i propriul mod de a apela aceste pluginuri, unele permit o flexibilitate mai mare, altele mai mic?. Singurul mod prin care po?i converti un plugin e s? pl?te?ti pe cineva s? o fac? sau s? înve?i programare (PHP, MySQL în principiu).
  6. dev-master

    O idee

    Frate, fumat iarba in chiloti in camin nu se numeste "mare perioada de timp de studii"... Iar la problema ta, am o solutie simpla: lasa iarba si mars la scoala (sau la sapa, ca la cum scrii nu cred ca esti apt de alt fel de munca).
  7. Eram sarcastic. Era o referire la calculul cu Fahrenheit de mai sus (?i implicit cel din siteul pentru copii semiretarda?i de unde a fost copiat? ?i "adaptat?" problema. Ce m? face s? cred c? sunt 0 grade Celsius? Enun?ul original al problemei pe care "challengerul" nu a fost în stare s?-l copieze corect [sau e un trol bun].
  8. -136.575 °C. Logica e bulletproof: 0 °C = 273.15 °K (grade Kelvin... doar nu credeai c? exist? doar Celsius ?i Fahrenheit, nu?) De 2 ori mai frig, înseamn? 273.15 / 2 = 136.575 °K 136.575 °K = -136.575 °C "Challenge-ul" ?sta e la fel de idiot ca "problema" asta: Vreau sau cumpar un tricou costa 97de lei ma imprumuta mama cu 50de lei si tata cu 50 de lei dupa ce cumpar tricoul imi raman 3lei ii dau un 1leu mamei si 1leu tatei si un leu mie.trebuie sa ii dau mamai 49 si tatei 49 deci:49+49+1(al meu)=99lei unde este 1leu.
  9. Filmul cu perchezi?ia: https://www.facebook.com/PolitiaRomanawww.politiaromana.ro/videos/794474967330406
  10. Încearc? ?sta IP: user: root pass: 1@m57up1D
  11. Ba p??e?ti ?i doar dac? afirmi. Important e contextul. Inducerea în eroare pentru a ob?ine foloase materiale este în?el?ciune (sau scam cum îi place s? i se zic? pe aici) ?i se pedepse?te cu închisoare. În plus, dac? încasezi bani f?r? s? îi declari sau din servicii pe care nu e?ti autorizat legal s? le prestezi, e fraud?. Sarcasm: nu p??e?ti nimic, angajezi pe cineva care afirm? c? e avocat ?i te va ajuta garantat 100%.
  12. B?, care-a?i dat cu haviju'?
  13. Both the cloud and the enterprise depend on high-speed, highly available networks to power their services. This makes it critical for network operators to be able to control their own destiny by rapidly adding to their network features they need while keeping out feature changes that increase risk and complexity. At Microsoft, we believe there are many excellent switch hardware platforms available on the market, with healthy competition between many vendors driving innovation, speed increases, and cost reductions. However, what the cloud and enterprise networks find challenging is integrating the radically different software running on each different type of switch into a cloud-wide network management platform. Ideally, we would like all the benefits of the features we have implemented and the bugs we have fixed to stay with us, even as we ride the tide of newer switch hardware innovation. The Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) is our foray into building our own software for running network devices like switches. It is a cross-platform modular operating system for data center networking built on Linux. ACS allows us to debug, fix, and test software bugs much faster. It also allows us the flexibility to scale down the software and develop features that are required for our datacenter and our networking needs. ACS also allows us to share the same software stack across hardware from multiple switch vendors. This is done via the Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) specification, the first open-standard C API for programming network switching ASICs, of the Open Compute Project (OCP). Microsoft was a founding member of the SAI effort and remains a leading contributor to the project as we view SAI as an instrumental piece to make the ACS a success. While the ACS respects and learns from the experiences of years of quality switch software stacks, it deviates in many aspects from conventional switch software stack to achieve some of the objectives just highlighted. Traditional switch software is built for several customers with several scenarios and feature requests. Since the ACS focuses on feature development based on Microsoft priorities, it has a Lean Stack. The thin software stack focuses on software needed for our Datacenter Networks and strives to fix, test and remediate network device software bugs faster than the current run rate. The ACS is also a Modular Stack as opposed to one monolithic image. The advantages of a lean and modular stack are plenty. It makes validation easier with less probability for hidden, high priority bugs and reduces new feature request time lag. ACS strives for Easier Configuration and Management by integrating with Microsoft’s monitoring and diagnostics system. By deviating from the traditional enterprise interactive model of command line interfaces, it allows for switches to be managed just as servers are with weekly software rollouts and roll backs thus ensuring a mature configuration and deployment model. ACS believes in the power of Open Networking. ACS together with the open, standardized SAI interface allows us to exploit new hardware faster and enables us to ride the tide of ASIC innovation while simultaneously being able to operate on multiple platforms. Running on Linux, ACS is able to make use of its vibrant ecosystem. ACS allows to use and extend Open Source, Microsoft, and Third Party applications. The main functional blocks from top to the bottom of the ACS stack are shown in the figure below. ACS Stack Applications: These include open source applications such as Quagga, Microsoft specific applications that could relate to an entire configuration management system like Autopilot or a feature like SWAN, and also third party applications. Switch State Service (SSS): The SSS is a subset of the global network state. It helps in driving the switch towards its goal state. It avails open source key-value pair stores like Redis to manage all switch states requirements. Having a database layer which is also a SAI object management sublayer helps in the object sharing and dependency among different applications. The database is modular and provides application with a view of the states. SAI: Before SAI, the underlying complexity of the hardware, with its strict coupling of protocol stack software, denied us the freedom to choose the best combination of hardware and software for our networking needs. SAI allows software to program multiple switch chips without any changes, thus making the base router platform simple, consistent, and stable. A standardized API also allows network hardware vendors to develop innovative hardware architectures to achieve great speeds while keeping the programming interface consistent. Additionally, SAI also enables open and easier software development of features, stacks, and applications. As of July 2015, SAI has been officially accepted into the Open Compute Project (OCP). Read more about it here. Vendor provided hardware and software: This comprises of the actual ASICs, its drivers, the software development kit (SDKs) which talk northbound to the SAI. The ACS with SAI was demonstrated at the SIGCOMM conference in August 2015. It showcased the ACS, four ASIC vendors (Mellanox, Broadcom, Cavium, and the Barefoot software switch), six implementations of SAI (Broadcom, Dell, Mellanox, Cavium, Barefoot, and Metaswitch), and three applications stacks (Microsoft, Dell, and Metaswitch). It showcased the ACS’ lean and modular stack. It unleashed the power of a standardized SAI, an ASIC agnostic interface by having one software application talk to the various ASICs. Additionally, the ACS also interworked with Dell’s and Metaswitch’s application stacks. The features were demonstrated on a real world clos topology that Microsoft uses in its datacenters. The features encompassed basic layer3 router functionality to complicated ones such as QoS. We’re talking about ACS publicly as we believe this approach of disaggregating the switch software from the switch hardware will continue to be a growing trend in the networking industry and we would like to contribute our insights and experiences of this journey starting here. Sursa: Microsoft showcases the Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) | Microsoft Azure Blog
  14. Scuze b?ie?i, am vorbit cu el acum ?i aparent e ocupat în urm?toarele luni ?i nu poate s? ia clien?i noi... Ar fi trebuit s?-l întreb înainte, doar c? nu apucase s?-mi r?spund? înainte s? postez aici.
  15. ?i-a? putea recomanda un freelancer. Am lucrat cu el în trecut, e foarte bun. Nu ?tiu dac? ofer? factur?, dar cred c? da. Dac? te intereseaz? s? te pun în leg?tur? cu el, las?-mi ni?te date de contact pe privat.
  16. "Job" de tip "concurs". Îl pl?te?te pe cel mai ieftin dintre cei care prezint? demo-uri func?ionale. Pierdere de vreme.
  17. ?i cum faci tu s? "dai jos" o pagin?? Mai ales definitiv?
  18. Depinde ce înseamn? pentru tine mini-loterie. Poate fi un script simplu care alege dintre X cump?r?tori un câ?tig?tor sau poate fi ceva complex cu scheme de joc, precum 6 din 49 de la Loteria Român?. Astfel pre?ul (strict pentru mini-loterie, nu pentru tot siteul) poate oscila între 50€ ?i 2-3000€. Dac? vrei o estimare mai exact? a costurilor de produc?ie, d?-mi un PM cu o descriere cât mai detaliat? a ceea ce vrei ?i-?i fac o ofert? de pre?.
  19. Aaa... atunci, dac? nu apar pe România, ce vrei mai exact s? faci? Pentru 600$ ai putea s? faci o plimbare într-un week-end. Adic? nu-s chiar bani de-o bere... unii muncesc o lun? ?i nu iau a?a mul?i bani.
  20. Du-te la po?t?. Eu am scos bani din WU cu numele gre?it (idiotul a pus L în loc de I).
  21. Spune aici ce ai nevoie. Sunt mai mul?i pe forum care se pricep la "dedicate" (a se citi Linux, Apache, nginx ?i alte softuri pentru servere sau networking). ?i mai mult ca sigur sunt ?i al?ii care au nevoie de ajutor pentru aceea?i problem? sau probleme similare.
  22. Dac? doamna e major? ?i nu folose?ti filmarea pentru ?antaj, def?imare sau ob?inere de foloase materiale, e perfect legal. Fiind pe proprietate privat? ai voie s? filmezi ce vrei, iar filmarea în sine nu prezint? nici un dezavantaj pentru doamn?. Din secunda în care ai publicat imaginea, voit sau accidental, sau dac? amenin?i, te lauzi sau "avertizezi" c? o publici, devine caz penal.
  23. Cristian, nu î?i face deloc bine acest topic. În primul rând dovede?ti c? nu e?ti suficient de matur ?i de preg?tit pentru a gestiona o situa?ie de criz?. R?spunsurile tale nu î?i sunt deloc favorabile, încearc? s? p?strezi un ton mai profesional. Cel mai indicat ar fi s? tratezi cu respect ?i seriozitate acel post în care e?ti acuzat, iar dac? tu nu te ?tii cu musca pe c?ciul?, dovede?te-?i nevinov??ia, ap?r?-?i cauza, nu-?i ascunde recenziile, fie ele pozitive sau negative. Mult succes cu "firma" (PFA-ul abia deschis)
  24. De ce nu slack?
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