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Everything posted by watsonAI

  1. Che, Tu acolo lucrezi in c++/cli care de fapt e un fel de c#.net doar ca sintaxa este de c++. In principiu, din cate stiu, se foloseste de aceleasi librarii ca si c#, si codul generat este similar, pentru ca este cod managed. Daca vrei sa lucrezi in c++ pur, atunci iti sugerez sa incerci una din librariile multi platform pentru gui(qt si wxwidgets sunt cele mai folosite).
  2. Inainte sa spui "nimeni pe bune"(nimeni, pe bune?) incearca sa dai mai multe detalii, ce anume incerci sa faci, primesti vreo eroare. Observ ca incerci sa descarci un fisier, si sa executi niste comenzi in shell. Unde anume scriptul esueaza?
  3. deschide cmd, navigheaza la locatia unde ai fisierul salvat si executa-l de acolo. Posteaza un print screen la ce mesaj iti afiseaza. E posibil ca nmap sa isi fi schimbat din setari avand in vedere ca tutorialul are vreo 3 ani.
  4. Din pacate nu o sa functioneze foarte bine o astfel de abordare, asta pentru ca sunt prea multi factori externi care pot influenta variatiile bursei. Cel mai probabil era vorba despre cineva care incerca sa "convinga" lumea sa ii incerce botul de forex. Cred ca imi aduc aminte sa fi citit despre mai multe astfel de firme ce utilizau "AI-uri" pentru predictia bursei si cica iti "dublau banii garantat". E doar o schema de marketing. Daca asa ceva chiar ar functiona, crezi ca s-ar oferi sa ofere chestia asta ca pe un serviciu pentru toata lumea cand ar putea la fel de bine sa il foloseasca doar el si sa devina miliardar in cateva saptamani/luni?
  5. We previously announced that we were working on support for Edit and Continue for both x86 and x64 in the default debug engine in Visual Studio 2015. Today we’re pleased to announce that Edit and Continue (EnC) is enabled by default in Visual Studio 2015 RTM. As a quick reminder, EnC enables you to make changes to your code when you’re stopped in the debugger, and have those changes applied when you continue execution without the need to stop debugging, recompile and run the application back to that location. In Visual Studio 2015 we’ve made great progress on satisfying this top customer request, so in this post I’ll walk you through the current state of Edit and Continue including what doesn’t currently work and when we hope to enable it. How do I use Edit and Continue? Edit and Continue will work with the default project and debugging settings for new C++ apps, but there are a few things to check since projects created with older versions of Visual Studio might not have the correct settings. If you upgraded a machine from a previous build of Visual Studio 2015 (e.g. you installed RTM on top of RC as opposed to uninstalling the previous build and then installing RTM) the debugger setting will not be enabled by default: The Debug Information Format needs to be set to “Program Database for Edit and Continue (/ZI)”. If this option is incorrectly set the debugger will ignore the edit, it will be just like modifying a file with edit and continue disabled. If you make an edit in a binary not compiled with this option, the debugger will ignore the edit and you will see an error message when you continue execution “The source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the file used to build the application being debugged.” Enable Incremental Linking needs to be set to “Yes (/INCREMENTAL)”. Note: Using the linker flags /OPT:ICF, /OPT:REF, or /SAFESEH will disable incremental linking. If this option is incorrectly set and you try to make an edit while debugging you’ll see an error message along the lines of “Edit and Continue : error : Failed to map memory for the edit on the debugged process. Out of reserved address space in module [some module path]” Enable Native Edit and Continue needs to be enabled under Debug -> Options: This should be enabled by default in 2015 RTM but if Edit and Continue is not working check the setting. Additionally as previously announced it remains our long term plan to unify this setting into the single “Enable Edit and Continue” checkbox If those three things are correctly set, you should be able to use Edit and Continue with your x86 or x64 project with the exception of the known limitations in the following section. Known Limitations While we continue to work hard to improve the Edit and Continue experience, here a few important limitations to note regarding what doesn’t currently work and our plans around the limitations: Editing binaries compiled with /bigobj (e.g. this is used for Windows Store apps). If you try to make an edit in a binary compiled with /bigobj you’ll receive an error message stating that “Edits were made which cannot be compiled” (the output window will contain the error message “cl : Command line error D8016 : '/bigobj' and '/ZX' command-line options are incompatible”). You’ll then have the option to go back and manually modify the file, ignore, or have Visual Studio revert (undo) all of your changes. This is something we plan to fix in a future update to Visual Studio 2015. Editing binaries linked with /DEBUG:FASTLINK debug information. If you attempt to make an edit in a binary compiled with this you’ll receive an error message “Edit and continue is not supported for this binary. The binary was linked with /DEBUG:FASTLINK which is not currently compatible with edit and continue. Use /DEBUG instead”. This is something we plan to fix in a future update to Visual Studio 2015. Binaries support a limited number of edits: In order to support Edit and Continue the compiler reserves empty space in the binary that updated code is written into when edits are made (the /ZI flag is what tells the compiler to do this). That means it is possible to fill up the reserved space after multiple edits (the space used by each edit will depend on the scope and magnitude of the edit, it’s not deterministic simply based on a supported number of edits). If you run out of reserve space in the binary you’ll see the error message “Failed to map memory for the edit on the debugged process. Out of reserved address space in module '[module name]'.”. We plan to add the ability for you to increase the reserved space if needed in a future update to Visual Studio 2015. Edit and Continue is not compatible with optimized code: EnC is not currently supported in binaries compiled with optimizations. We are working on a workaround to unblock this scenario in a future update to Visual Studio 2015. Adding or modifying global or static variables. If you try this you will see an error message that “Edits were made which cannot be applied while debugging”. You’ll then have the option to go back and manually modify the file, ignore, or have Visual Studio revert (undo) all of your changes. Support for this is not currently scheduled. Editing binaries linked with Safe Structured Exception Handlers (/SAFESEH). If you try to make an edit with this incorrectly set, you’ll see an error message along the lines of “Edit and Continue: error : Failed to map memory for the edit on the debugged process. Out of reserved address space in module [some module path]”. Support for this is not currently scheduled. Stale Code If you make an edit in a location that supports Edit and Continue but for some reason the edit cannot be applied you’ll see the message “Changes were made that could not be applied. The debugger will show you the original source code that is currently executing” The debugger will then open a read only version of the original source file so you can see the actual code that is executing. There are several situations where you can encounter the stale code scenario: If the edit was not able to be compiled you’ll continue to see the original source file in the stale code editor for the remainder of your debug session. For example, this will happen if your edit results in a compilation error (the error list will show you the compiler error). If the edit was successfully compiled but the debugger was not able to update the process to execute the new code rather than the originally compiled version. If this happens you’ll see the stale code editor while that function continues to execute, the next time the function is called the updated code will execute and you’ll return to the standard editor and continue to have the ability to make additional edits. For example, this can happen if you add or remove a local variable that requires construction or deletion earlier in code execution than the current instruction pointer location (indicated by the yellow arrow in the breakpoint margin). Summary In summary, we discussed that Edit and Continue is now available for C++ applications including x64 without the need to change debug engines which means you still have access to features like natvis and async call stacks while using EnC! Additionally, we looked at the limitations with the feature in Visual Studio 2015 RTM and which ones we plan to address. Please try out the capability and let us know how it is working for you in the comments section below, through Visual Studio’s Send a Smile feature, or send us a tweet.
  6. daca vrei sa iti faci cu adevarat o parere fata de ce aplicatii sunt in fiecare poti sa arunci o privire aici(matriux) si aici(kaly). Acolo gasesti liste cu aplicatiile destinate pen testing-ului instalate in cele 2 distributii. Comparatiile le faci singur.
  7. https://rstforums.com/forum/83028-cateva-carti-de-securitate.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/79987-operating-system-tutorials.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82040-carti-pentru-cetit.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/85272-deep-understanding-ida-pro.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/85435-wild-windows-trojan-source-reverse-engineered.rst#post549339 https://rstforums.com/forum/86711-largest-collection-free-microsoft-ebooks-ever.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/86176-buffer-overflow-exploitation-beginners.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/80885-asm-ia-32-basic-shit.rst#post552098 https://rstforums.com/forum/79942-5-video-tutorial-playlists-assembly-programming.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/88465-python-tutorials.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/87589-brief-introduction-neural-networks.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/88231-c-run-program-memory-not-file.rst#post564768 https://rstforums.com/forum/89032-c-c-buffer-overflow-topics.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/87031-elliptic-curve-cryptography-non-algebraists.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/86658-nick-walker-android-security-assessments-101-a.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/78808-relatively-easy-understand-primer-elliptic-curve-cryptography.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/83309-protocoale-tcp-transmission-control-protocol-rezumat.rst#post536909 Astea ar fi o parte din ele, cele mai interesante Acum sa imi si fac timp sa termin sa le citesc
  8. E treaba doar de atentie la detalii (ce si mie imi lipseste de multe ori). Succes in continuare, iar daca mai ai intrebari, posteaza
  9. Ai dreptate, nu am analizat foarte atent functiile de verificare. Scuzele mele. Problema e la functia type, tu returnezi true daca tipul tau NU este in lista cu tipuri permise si false daca este. Mai mult, din cauza erori mele, nici macar nu se prelua tipul fisierului asta deoarece clasa parinte era instantiata prea tarziu. primul lucru ce trebuie facut este sa muti "parent::__construct()" inaintea tuturor comenzilor din __construct-ul clasei CheckFile, astfel CheckFile::__construct devine: function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); $this -> size = $_FILES["file"]["size"]; echo "size: " . $this->size . "<br>"; $this -> typefl = pathinfo($this->namefile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); echo "type: " . $this->typefl . "<br>"; } Iar a 2-a ai 2 optiuni, fie inversezi returnurile functiei type fie pui ! in fata in_array. astfel functia devenit fie: public function type(){ if(in_array($this->typefl, $this->type)){ return true; } else{ return false; } } fie public function type(){ if(!in_array($this->typefl, $this->type)){ return false; } else{ return false; } } Mai era o mica problema, in array-ul cu tipuri, ai pui ".txt" in loc de "txt" asta insemna ca orice fisier de tip txt nu era permis.
  10. Sa le luam pe rand.Nu instantiezi clasa parinte in constructorul clasei derivata. Facem asta prin comanda "parent::__construct();" pe care o adaugam dupa linia "$this -> typefl = pathinfo($this->namefile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);" in constructorul clasei CheckFile. Alta problema e ca nu ai pus path-ul corect in clasa UploadFile in variabila $source. Tu ai pus /upload/, asta insemna ca sistemul incerca sa faca upload file_system/upload/ in loc de folderul_proiectului_tau/upload/. Indepardant / din fata problema asta e rezolvata. Asta e tot ce era necesar sa faci pentru ca proiectul sa functioneze, in rest ceea ce ai facut tu e ok. Ca o regula, atunci cand ai de lucru cu path-uri (in linux) adaugang "/" in fata spui sistemului ca acel path pleaca de la baza sistemului de fisiere, daca vrei sa adaugi un fisier/folder existent in locatia curenta atunci pui path-ul acelui fisier/folder fara / in fata.
  11. watsonAI

    room s4

    Cauta Omega rom, e destul de ok, mie imi merge foarte bine pe un s2(i9100)
  12. De acasa nu ai, daca vrei un pret bun, mergi direct la sursa aici. Tipul e roman si a rezolvat mai multe telefoane pentu cunostinte. Daca intarzie contacteaza-l pe fb sau yahoo.
  13. Pozitia nu este destinata juniorilor, nu?
  14. Incearca sa faci un server de chat, fie in stilul irc, fie in stilul messenger. Dupa ce termini de implementat asta, incearca sa ii adaugi si encriptie la comunicare, incearca sa ii adaugi optiuni pentru trimitere fisiere. Ar trebui sa il poti face sa functioneze exclusiv in fereastra terminalului.
  15. Functioneaza bine si in functie de felul in care compilezi libraria aceasta poate sa nu aiba aproape nici o dependinta(daca o compilezi sub forma de librarie statica).
  16. wxWidgets e ok, in general codul de c++ nu se decompileaza(prea usor). Iar daca doresti cu dinadinsul sa nu poata fi reverse engineered atunci va trebui sa folosesti niste tehnici de obfuscare a codului sau un program similar cu un crypter. wxWidgets este portat pe windows, linux si mac(desi pe mac nu e tocmai crozav portat), si functioneaza foarte bine. Are totusi cateva mici probleme, nu este optimizat tocmai excelent, din aceasta cauza unele widgeturi functioneaza mai greu. Nu folosi wxGrid, nu este optimizat de loc, iar pentru orice tabel cu mai mult de 2-3 coloane si 10-15 randuri grid-ul se va misca infect. Foloseste wxDataView sau wxListView sau clasele lor apropiate.
  17. @shareban cred ca tu nu prea intelegi cum sta treaba cu supercomputerele. Un "Super computer"(e un termen foarte inselator) este de fapt o colectie de foarte multe calculatoare mai mici, care functioneaza in "aceeiasi parametri". Idea cu raspberry pi e urmatoarea. Iei 40-50-100-1000 de placute din astea. Le pui frumos intr-un rack, le legi in retea. Pui pe ele un linux, si un soft care sa coordoneze ce vrei tu sa faci pe ele. Conceptul(ce e folosit de majoritatea supercomputerelor existente) este numit "Beowulf cluster". Prima cautare pe google dupa "raspberry pi supercomputer" ne ofera destule resurse pe acest subiect exemplu.
  18. O simpla observatie, de ce bas64encryption() decodeaza textul base64 si base64decryption(): il encodeaza? Nu ar trebui sa fie invers numele?
  19. Intamplator, in ziua in care am citit topicul asta, am primit pe mail un articol pe aceeasi tema. click. Acum, a nu se intelege ca c/c++ sunt in vreun fel speciale. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu vor fi inlocuite. Problema e, dupa cum unele persoane au pus-o in acest topic, faptul ca o buna parte din infrastructura si o buna parte din aplicatiile si sistemele de operare existente, sunt scrise in c/c++. Ganav a dat destule exemple. Totusi, pentru a intelege ce inseamna inlocuirea c/c++, trebuie sa realizati urmatoarea chestie: Ar trebui rescris, spre exemplu, php-ul(interpretatorul php) din c/c++ in rust spre exemplu, si recompilat, apoi distribuite binarele pentru el. Aceeasi chestie trebuie facuta pentru majoritatea limbajelor de programare, sistemelor de operare, si aplicatiilor deja folosite. Da, rust, D, Golang, au probabil un viitor, pentru aplicatii noi, pentru domenii noi, pentru infrastructuri noi, dar in ziua de astazi, inlocuirea infrastructurii existente, rescrierea aplicatiilor existente, e aproape imposibila.
  20. Pentru a instala aproape orice versiune de linux, este suficient sa ai un stick, sa descarci unetbootin si sa descarci iso-ul(cd-ul/dvd-ul) cu distributia de linux dorita. Pasi: Descarci ce unetbooti. Descarci linux-ul pe care il doresti. Formatezi stick-ul ca si fat32 Pornesti unetbootin Selectezi "Diskimage", din dropdown selectezi Iso, si dai pe butonul "...", si selectezi iso-ul descarcat mai devreme. Da-i ok si ar trebui sa porneasca procesul de scriere al stick-ului usb.(Dureaza intre cateva minute si un sfert de ora, in functie de marimea dvd-ului descarcat si viteza stick-ului. Dupa ce termina, dai restart la calculator, apesi imediat pe butonul pentru bootscreen(f11, f12, f8) in functie de producatorul placii de baza. Cand iti afiseaza meniul de bootare, selectezi fie, USB-HDD fie Hdd, si ar trebui sa iti afiseze numele stick-ului(modelul stick-ului). O sa iti porneasca dupa acest stick. O sa iti afiseze un meniu(probabil) ce iti va permite sa selectezi fie live cd, fie direct instalare.(nu e valabil pentru toate distributiile, dar pentru ubuntu ar trebui sa fie). Urmaresti pasii de instalare. Daca ai vreo partitie goala, o poti folosi pentru a instala linux-ul pe ea, fara a iti pierde partitia cu windows. Daca ai o singura partitie, poti incerca sa faci o redimensionare, dar... implica riscuri de pierdere de date. Dupa ce incepe procesul de instalare, doar urmezi pasii si aia e.
  21. Pai, nu ai citit foarte bine ceea ce ti-am postat. Poti ceea clase si fara a mosteni din cineva anume. De exemplu ideone.
  22. Uitandu-ma prin unele limbaje de programare, cred ca ceea ce vrei tu, s-ar putea face in python, relativ simplu. In c++ este imposibil, dupa cum a spus si S.L.C. deoarece clasele au insemnatate doar in codul c++, nu si in aplicatia in sine. aici ai un exemplu despre cum se poate genera o clasa, mostenind din alta clasa, si la care sa ii adaugi proprietati noi, totul intr-o singura functie. Iar pentru a cauta in membri, si pentru a ii enumera poti folosi modulul inspect
  23. Se intreaba de ce viteza de upload este asa mare. In interiorul retelei, viteza de upload este destul de mare. Doar in afara retelei aceasta este mai mica. Verifica cu contractul pe care il ai, ar trebui sa iti specifice ce viteze de upload/download ai intern si metropolitan.
  24. Specifica te rog, aici, ce ai de facut si sigur se vor gasi cel putin cateva persoane care sa te indrume pe drumul cel bun.
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