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Everything posted by virusz

  1. Happy new year, everyone. I'm happy to announce Nmap 5.20--our first stable Nmap release since 5.00 last July! It offers more than 150 significant improvements, including: o 30+ new Nmap Scripting Engine scripts o enhanced performance and reduced memory consumption o protocol-specific payloads for more effectie UDP scanning o a completely rewritten traceroute engine o massive OS and version detection DB updates (10,000+ signatures) The Nmap 5.00 source code and packages for Linux, Mac, and Windows are available for download at the usual place: Download the Free Nmap Security Scanner for Linux/MAC/UNIX or Windows More: http://seclists.org/nmap-hackers/2010/0
  2. versiunea PHP portabila: RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace Edited: am editat pentru ca am observat ca versiunea anterioara nu era "buna" @Fitty ai zis mersi dar nu cred ca ai incercat sa vezi daca "merge", oricum acum sper ca asta merge, nu ai dc, mersi noi pentru cod lelele: tot nu ai zis daca acum iti merge...
  3. verifica linkurile inainte sa postezi... poti pune si mirror
  4. CommView for WiFi is a powerful wireless network monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks. Loaded with many user-friendly features, CommView for WiFi combines performance and flexibility with an ease of use unmatched in the industry. CommView for WiFi captures every packet on the air to display important information such as the list of access points and stations, per-node and per-channel statistics, signal strength, a list of packets and network connections, protocol distribution charts, etc. By providing this information, CommView for WiFi can help you view and examine packets, pinpoint network problems, perform site surveys, and troubleshoot software and hardware. ---------------------------------------------------------- sunt mai multe, ex: http://www.airmagnet.com/products/wifi_analyzer/ ah, si care e treaba: astea nu suporta prea multe chipseturi...
  5. WGA crack release works on ALL Microsoft Windows 2000,XP,Vista,7 Release: 15.02.2009 Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.9.9.1.CRACKED-ETH0
  6. 1. e CommView 2. cititi pe pagina lor ce chipseturi suporta: http://www.tamos.com/products/commwifi/adapterlist.php 3. as prefera: CommView For WiFi v6.0 Build.585 VoIP (chiar recomand) nu ai specificat ce versiune e...
  7. pentru cine nu a apucat: o versiune mai veche: Driver.Magician.3.45-GWD sau incercati: Driver.Magician.3.48 + serial-Giveaway of the Day -----------------------------------
  8. am spalat un spv c600 la masina dupa ce a stat vre-o 5 ore la inmuiat...(era in blugi), m-a ajutat foarte mult uscatorul de par pe care cred ca trebuia sa il pui si in postul de mai sus ...
  9. suna bine, mersi pentru munca depusa revin cu un edit dupa ce il testez LE: Merge perfect, e bine ca e mic, interfata e ok, are si un "file manager"...
  10. SIW is an advanced System Information for Windows tool that gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings and displays it in an extremely comprehensible manner. SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode (for Computer Software and Hardware Inventory, Asset Inventory Tracking, Audit Software Licenses, Software License Compliance). The system information is divided into few major categories: * Software Inventory: Operating System, Installed Software and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Installed Codecs, Software Licenses (Product Keys / Serial Numbers / CD Key), Secrets (Password Recovery). * Hardware Inventory: Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers. * Network Information: Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections, Open Ports. * Network Tools: MAC Address Changer, Neighborhood Scan, Ping, Trace, Statistics * Miscellaneous Tools: Eureka! (Reveal lost passwords hidden behind asterisks), Monitor Test, Shutdown / Restart. * Real-time monitors: CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic. SIW is a standalone utility that does not require installation (Portable Freeware) - one less installed program on your PC as well the fact that you can run the program directly from an USB flash drive, from a floppy, from a network drive or from a domain login script. SIW can be distributed freely (ftp, archives, CD-ROMs ...). Client Platform: Windows 7 / Vista / Windows XP / 2000 / NT4 / Me / 98 / Media Center / Tablet PC / WinRE / Bart PE / Winternals ERD Commander Server Platform: Windows Server 2008 (R2) / Windows Server 2003 (R2) / Windows Server 2000 / NT4 -------------------------------------------------- Homepage: SIW | System Information for Windows by Gabriel Topala Downloads: Freeware: Standalone Version: http://www.gtopala.com/download/siw.exe Pro: Technician's Version: http://rapidshare.com/files/327050935/siw.rar.html mirror: http://www.dump.ro/fisiere/siw-rar/169521/gb7pSWnlp84B2SHP ---------------------------------------------------
  11. TinKode , exact la fel cand am dat logout.. dar asta ce mai e: e normal?, am dat recover la password si mi-a trimis si mail cand "eram logat"
  12. E clar ca e ceva in masa... . si daca ar fii vre-o facatura atunci daca tot se schimba nick-ul (random), tema ce legatura are?.... daca nu e o problema atunci de ce atunci cand nu esti logat primesti un oarecare user? oricum ceva bai e, (o fii kwe beat)
  13. nytro ) macar vezi cate mesaje are... si cand a intrat ultima data le: ciudat e ca atunci cand s-a logat PetreTerror la un moment dat am fost "in locul lui" dar cand a postat si-a revenit.. si acel SECURITYTOKEN s-a schimbat cu al lui... pana am dat refresh le2: are o legatura cu userii ce se logheaza, daca in acele momente dai un refresh (cand cineva s-a logat) atunci ai sansa sa patesti faza (asa am observat) le3: si nici nu trebuie sa fii logat.. se intampla si daca nu esti..
  14. da... si eu m-am chinuit sa imi fac tot felul de antene, asta m-a ajutat Homebrew antenna shootout dar pana la urma am luat un calamp pg24...
  15. dap, sau puteti cauta: BreakPoint.HexWorkshop.v6.0.1.4603.Incl.Keyfilemaker.And.Patch-EMBRACE - macar e mai sigur
  16. Demonoid: virusbestX0ygh2hvjjo1j0pawgsaauqqx9 virusbestXdkecgg9sjgvj7q16zquito2go am deschis topicul pentru ca am vrut sa dau si pentru filelist, am editat pentru ca: Limita de utilizatori a fost atinsa. Peste aceasta limita, pot face invitatii numai pentru clasele VIP+ si donatorii. imi cer scuze..
  17. sufletul, cufarul? : corpul?
  18. the fastest search engine discovery tool that retrieves domains which are located at specified ip address/hostname. ----------------------------------------- Introduction FindDomains is a multithreaded search engine discovery tool that will be very useful for penetration testers dealing with discovering domain names/web sites/virtual hosts which are located on too many IP addresses. Provides a console interface so you can easily integrate this tool to your pentest automation system. It retrieves domain names/web sites which are located on specified ip address/hostname. I have prepared this tool by starting with Bing API 2.0 code sample. In order to use FindDomains : * Create an appid from "Bing Developers", this link. * It'll be like that : 32AFB589D1C8B4FEC73D4BCB6EA0AD810E0FA2C7 * When you have registered an appid, enter it to the "appid.txt" which is on program directory. Some outlines : * Uses Bing search engine. Works with first 1000 records. * Multithreaded on crawling and DNS resolution. * Performs DNS resolution for extracted domains to eleminate cached/old records. * Has a console interface so it can be very useful with some command-line foo. * Works with Mono. But running under Windows is more efficient. Sample usage : * FindDomains.exe * FindDomains.exe Sign In Requirements : * NET Framework 3.5. Also working with Mono. Bug & Feature Request : * Use Issues tab to report a bug or request a new feature, a new test. ------------------------------------- Project homepage: http://code.google.com/p/finddomains/ Download: http://finddomains.googlecode.com/files/FindDomainsv0.1.1.rar
  19. Antares Audio Technologies
  20. pai daca vrei windows atunci vezi sa nu iti lipseasca: 1. Colasoft Packet Capsa 2. Network Stumbler/Inssider 3. aircrack-ng - 4. THC Hydra / Brutus 5. http://airsnort.shmoo.com/windows.html ..... 1- www.colasoft.com 2- http://www.netstumbler.com/downloads/ http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider 3- http://download.aircrack-ng.org/aircrack-ng-1.0-win.zip 4- www.hoobie.net/brutus/ http://freeworld.thc.org/thc-hydra/hydra-5.4-win.zip
  21. baaa...ori nu inteleg ce zici da nu inteleg ce vrei sa spui... da cred ca e tare ...haha
  22. virusz


    ai mai multe optiuni, poti sa boot-ezi de pe retea si sa instalezi, poti folosi eventual un stick de pe care sa boot-ezi sau poti sa boot-ezi de pe o imagine de disk, daca ai downloadat windows7 si il ai pe hdd poti boota de pe el, mai multe vezi aici: http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2009/05/25/boot-an-iso-via-grub2/ daca nu poti incerca si isoemu sau vezi: http://www.lockstockmods.net/2008/04/25/install-windows-over-network-with-pxe/ http://www.overclock.net/networking-security/345500-how-install-windows-over-network.html sau mai bine: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&fkt=1586&fsdt=6934&q=install+windows+from+network&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=b36c7832dbb01be6
  23. daca va place cumparati, 90 lei bucata -------------------------------------------- daatdraqq vezi ca pe 13 iese cedry2k, ala e tare, daca o sa poti face rost.... ps: intro de pe albumul lui spike e tare
  24. Votul pentru Obreja Maria Teodora a fost înregistrat.
  25. daaa, pai si de aia se chinuie altii sa dea milw0rm/nasa si altele jos cu tone de ip-uri si tu de la tine de acasa il dai jos, fii serios, nu zii ca ai si dialup da mai bine lasa, daca merge bine, bravo!
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