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Everything posted by pyth0n3

  1. Nu exista categoria Frauda
  2. Deja problema a fost expusa intrun mod divers ,si are ca scop obtinerea ilegala a unor obiecte Nu este etic dar unii probabil se p**a pe ea etica.
  3. Sper ca nu iti vor trimite pachetul la adresa ta. Ar fi prea stupid sa pui adresa de acasa. Nici din punct de vedere informatic "ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la apa"
  4. You can help protect yourself by taking a few simple precautions on third party hosting.
  5. Request:extinderea filesystem-ului cu 60 Gb FileSystem = /production_db_01 OS Type: Unix | HP-UX B.11.11 Obiective: Avand in vedere faptul ca vine utilizat VxVM 1.Se cauta numele grupului unde se afla discurile 2.Se cauta informatiile in legatura cu marimea actuala a grupului 3.Se extinde spatiul grupului in cazul in care spatiul disponibil nu este indeajuns 4.Se extinde file system-ul Numele grupului de diskuri poate fi gasit in diverse moduri ,cunoscand punctul de mount o metoda ar fi urmatoarea ###Cod: cd /production_db_01 df -k . ###Output: /production_db_01 (/dev/vx/dsk/dg_production_db/v_production_db_01) : 429019200 total allocated Kb 24772256 free allocated Kb 404246944 used allocated Kb 94 % allocation used Din output se va extrage numele grupului numele volumului si spatiu folosit pe filesystem nume grup = dg_production_db nume volum = v_production_db_01 spatiu = 94 % allocation used Se vor cauta informatiile in legatura cu modul de layout a volumului, marimea actuala a grupului "dg_production_db" ###Cod vxprint -htg dg_production_db | grep v_production_db_01 ###Output ... v_production_db_01 ENABLED ACTIVE 489579584 CONCAT - RW ... Din output am extras modul de layout a volumului creat si anume CONCAT Va trebui observat cat spatiu este disponibil in grup ###Cod vxassist -g dg_production_db maxsize layout=concat ###Output Maximum volume size: 8643584 (8441Mb) Din output se deduce ca spatiul nu este suficient pentru a extinde filesystem-ul cu 60 Gb In acest caz vor trebui adaugate alte disk-uri Se dau urmatoarele discuri: c88t8d1 - 6291456 Kbytes c88t8d2 - 54000640 Kbytes Inainte de a folosi diskurile se va controla prezenta lor in system ###Cod diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c88t8d1 diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c88t8d2 ###Output SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c88t8d1: vendor: DGC product id: CX3-80WDR10 type: direct access size: 6291456 Kbytes bytes per sector: 512 SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c88t8d2: vendor: DGC product id: CX3-80WDR10 type: direct access size: 54000640 Kbytes bytes per sector: 512 Inainte de a introduce disk-urile intrun volum acestea trebuie configurate pentru VXVM ###Cod vxdisksetup -i c88t8d1 c88t8d2 Pentru a verifica discurile configurate ###Cod vxdisk list | grep -E "c88t8d1|c88t8d2" ###Output c88t8d1 simple - - online c88t8d2 simple - - online In acest caz disk-urile se pot introduce in disk_group , nu inainte de a verifica modul in care trebuie introduse ###Cod vxprint -g dg_production_db -ht | more ###Output ... dm c213t1d1 c88t1d1 simple 1024 251657932 - dm c213t2d2 c88t2d2 simple 1024 52527502 - ... Vom construi comenzile cu urmatoarea sintaxa respectand valorile c213 c213t8d1=c88t8d1 c213t8d2=c88t8d2 ###Cod vxdg -g dg_production_db adddisk c213t8d1=c88t8d1 vxdg -g dg_production_db adddisk c213t8d2=c88t8d2 Cu urmatoarea sintaxa se poate controla daca discurile au fost introduse cu success in disk_group ###Cod vxprint -g dg_production_db -ht | grep -E "c88t8d1|c88t8d2" ###Output dm c213t8d1 c88t8d1 simple 1024 6290158 - dm c213t8d2 c88t8d2 simple 1024 53999345 - Folosind urmatoparea sintaxa se poate determina daca spatiul grupului a fost marit Daca sintaxele precedente au nu au avut greseli , va trebui sa existe un output pozitiv ###Cod vxassist -g dg_production_db maxsize layout=concat ###Output Maximum volume size: 60560384 (59141Mb) Avand spatiul necesar se poate extinde volumul logic "v_production_db_01" ###Cod vxassist -g dg_production_db growby v_production_db_01 59141m Un exit status de 0 conferma sintaxa precedenta ###Cod echo $? Urmatoarea sintaxa va determina cu cat va trebui marit filesystem-ul ###Cod vxprint -g dg_production_db -th | grep v_production_db_01 ###Output ... v_production_db_01 ENABLED ACTIVE 489579584 SELECT - fsgen ... Se va extrage urmatoarea valoare pt extensie 489579584 Avand in vedere faptul ca filesystem-ul vine modificat in timp ce este montat se pot efectua urmatoarele verificari in real time inainte si dupa extensie Statistica spatiu inainte de a extinde ###Cod cd /production_db_01 df -k . ###Output /production_db_01 (/dev/vx/dsk/dg_production_db/v_production_db_01) : 429019200 total allocated Kb 24772256 free allocated Kb 404246944 used allocated Kb 94 % allocation used Extinderea filesystem-ului ###Cod fsadm -F vxfs -b 489579584 /production_db_01 Statistica spatiu dupa extensie ###Cod cd /production_db_01 df -k . ###Output /production_db_01 (/dev/vx/dsk/dg_production_db/v_production_db_01) : 489151520 total allocated Kb 84376608 free allocated Kb 404774912 used allocated Kb 82 % allocation used Rezultat inainte de extensie 94 % allocation used Rezultat dupa extensie 82 % allocation used Download wget http://sprunge.us/TUhC -O vxvm_filesystem_extend.txt
  6. SecLists.Org Security Mailing List Archive
  7. sched este primul proces care ia viata dupa boot , vine gazduit de catre kernel si da viata unui nou proces child chemat init care poate fi definit ca tatal tuturor proceselor care iau viata dupa.
  8. Nimeni altul nu mai aduce afirma?ii pro sau contra? BIOS > GRUB > KERNEL > ?PROCESS?
  9. Care este primul proces creat de catre Kernel intrun sistem UNIX? R?spunde?i cu numele procesului si valoarea de PID numeproces valoare_pid
  10. Exista o mare diferenta cand conduci o companie pe care ai creato de la 0 si o companie creata de altii unde tu vi numit presedinte. Din punct de vedere comercial un produs apple costa o anumita suma de bani ca orice alt produs comercial si tot din punct de vedere comercial este corect. Apropo de genii , ei au creat primul computer apple de la 0 intrun garaj 1979 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  11. "Unique individual with unique skills" Pyth0n3 Steve Jobs on death
  12. Webserverul e Up , doar cateva probleme probabil cu serverul pt caching Cel putin cand arata ca e down raspunde AkamaiGHost un serviciu intermediar , plus pe langa faptul ca ar putea folosi si Load Balancing.
  13. pyth0n3


  14. Sunt de acord cu faptul ca informa?ia trebuie sa fie libera , sunt de acord ca este offtopic dar nu sunt de acord cu prostia omeneasca.
  15. http://rstcenter.com/forum/119-ce-ascultati-acum.rst
  16. Problema este urmatoarea : Executabilul are nevoie de pycrypto >= 2.1 iar unele sisteme suporta pycrypto pana la versiunea 2.0 Deci chiar daca pycrypto vine instalat nu va functiona daca nu este egal sau mai mare decat 2.1 . Aici am creat un installer universal care ar trebui sa functioneze in majoritatea distributiilor ccsc-v1.0-dev-universal-installer.tar md5sum f7101c3de741f1271258dcf5bc755e65 ccsc-v1.0-dev-universal-installer.tar tar -xvf ccsc-v1.0-dev-universal-installer.tar cd ccsc && sudo python setup.py install Ce face? In primul rand cauta ultima versiune de pycrypto si incearca sa o compileze in sistem dupa care creaza un executabil care poate fi chemat cu ccsc Unde este problema? Installerul descarca ultima versiune de pycrypto dar in cazul in care nu reuseste sa o compileze renunta si trimite in stdout errorile . Ultima versiune de Pycrypto are nevoie de anumite dependente si nu toate sistemele sunt in grad sa o suporte . Asadar no pytcrypto >= 2.1 no chat
  17. man(8) ccsc man page man(8) NAME ccsc - chess club secure chat SYNOPSIS ccsc DESCRIPTION ccsc is a simple low level CLI pythonic chat server and client , in server mode accepts MAX clients simultaneously and waits for reply As client it works in a similar way. OPTIONS After starting the client session: /help Will display the help menu /quit Will shutdown /mass Write message to all /list List online users /nick [NICKNAME] Change the default nickname /to [NICKNAME] Write message to [NICKNAME] /block [NICKNAME] Ignore user /unblock [NICKNAME] Unblock user BUGS in client mode if Ctrl+C is pressed it will make server crash somehow and the connection will remain open. I think timeout is changed auto? matically to None AUTHOR Developer(cmin764@gmail/yahoo.com) Package management, documentation, beta testing (python3aka@gmail.com) 1.0 25 September 2011 man(8) Tested on Debian && Fedora Linux Debian installer: ccsc-1.0-dev-linux-2.6-intel.deb md5sum 7a6500ed43cebc5bacd67815048b8205 ccsc-1.0-dev-linux-2.6-intel.deb man page Alternative download mediafire Source Code Dependencies pycrypto >= 2.1 The chess club project under contruction Thanks also must go to Flubber && Zatarra for beta testing.
  18. Description: Makes port-hits by sending a TCP packet with syn flag set . #!/usr/bin/python #Author: pyth0n3 #Date:19.09.2011 #Purpose:Knock client (SYN-sequence) from __future__ import print_function import logging logging.getLogger('scapy.runtime').setLevel(logging.ERROR) import sys import socket try: from scapy.all import IP,TCP,sr1 except ImportError: print('[+] Need to install python-scapy first') print('[+] http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/') sys.exit() def display(): print('#'*50) hand = '\n# Usage: myknock.py <ip> <seq 1> <seq 2> <seq n> #\n#' print('#',' '*47 + '#',hand ,' '*47 +'#') print('#'*50) sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) < 3: display() seq = sys.argv[2:] addr = sys.argv [1] try: socket.inet_aton(addr) except socket.error: print ('[+] You have entered an ilegal address') sys.exit() def getinteger(n): try: return int(n) except ValueError: print ('[+] Bad sequence numbers') sys.exit() ports = map(getinteger,seq) hand = range(1,65536) for sq in ports: if sq in hand: pass else: print('[+] Sequence out of range') sys.exit() def session(): i = IP() i.dst=addr t = TCP() t.dport = ports t.flags = 'S' get = sr1(i/t,timeout=1) print('[+] Knock done!') if __name__ == '__main__': session() Download: wget http://sprunge.us/QNDJ -O mycknock.py
  19. @SuntTarfaDinMamaTarfa You can't control what you can't measure.
  20. In practica pune in confrunt urm?toarele sisteme AIX -> FreeBSD -> HP-UX -> LINUX (RedHat) -> SOLARIS -> Tru64 Acoper? urm?toarele subiecte: #Directory Mappings #User Accounts #General Commands #Printers #TCP/IP #System Files #DISK/LVM Commands #MISC #Software #Devices #Links Link: UNIXguide.net ( AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, LINUX, SOLARIS & Tru64) PDF: http://unixguide.net/unixguide.pdf Source: UNIXguide.net ( AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris & Tru64 )
  21. Dupa instalarea unui sistem Solaris am intalnit o mica problema in configurarea interfetei de retea. De obicei solaris face un scan initial pentru a identifica hardwarul existent iar in cazul in care un driver nu este suportat sau nu exista sistemul vine oricum instalat atata timp cat pot fi incarcate driverele necesare pentru a porni sistemul. In cazul meu a nu a fost identificat nici un fel de driver pentru interfata de retea. De obicei sistemul vine cu o serie de drivere de default dar nu acopera fiecare necesitate. In acest caz vor trebui incarcate si instalate in mod manual. #scanpci creaza un raport cu informa?ii despre set?rile de configurare pentru fiecare PCI In acest caz am indentificat numele Interfetei de retea si anume Nvidia /usr/X11/bin/scanpci -v ............................. pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x04 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x0066 nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller CardVendor 0x1695 card 0x1000 (EPoX Computer Co., Ltd., Card unknown) STATUS 0x00b0 COMMAND 0x0007 CLASS 0x02 0x00 0x00 REVISION 0xa1 BIST 0x00 HEADER 0x00 LATENCY 0x00 CACHE 0x00 BASE0 0xed080000 addr 0xed080000 MEM BASE1 0x0000d001 addr 0x0000d000 I/O MAX_LAT 0x14 MIN_GNT 0x01 INT_PIN 0x01 INT_LINE 0x0b BYTE_0 0x95 BYTE_1 0x16 BYTE_2 0x00 BYTE_3 0x10 ............................. prtconf -pv La randul lui acest tool face un rezumat cu informa?iile de configurare a sistemului ............................. model: 'Ethernet controller' power-consumption: 00000001.00000001 66mhz-capable: fast-back-to-back: devsel-speed: 00000000 interrupts: 00000001 max-latency: 00000014 min-grant: 00000001 subsystem-vendor-id: 00001695 subsystem-id: 00001000 unit-address: '4' class-code: 00020000 revision-id: 000000a1 - > vendor-id: 000010de device-id: 00000066 name: 'pci1695,1000' Cu un query facut in urmatorul url The PCI ID Repository am observat ca vendor-id:000010de este intradevar nVidia Corporation GeForce 8800 GT 512 La aceasta adresa Free NIC drivers for OpenSolaris am gasit o serie de drivere pentru diverse interfete de retea printre care si: "nfo driver for NVIDIA nForce chipset built-in ethernet controller" Avand in vedere faptul ca interfata de retea este incorporata pe placa de baza nu am avut nici un fel de alternativa si as fi ramas cu un sistem instalat fara access la internet avand doar o interfata de loopback. Neavand access la internet arhiva va trebui incarcata din extern folosind un cd sau un stick usb (de preferat ar fi un cd deoarece exista posibilitatea ca un stick sa nu fie recunoscut de catre sistem sau sa fie incarcat doar cu optiunea read) Instalarea driverului tar -xvf nfo-2.6.3.tar.gz && cd nfo-2.6.3 /usr/ccs/bin/make /usr/ccs/bin/make install ./adddrv.sh Incarcarea driverului devfsadm -i nfo && modinfo | grep nfo "plumb" stabile?te fluxurile necesare pentru TCP / IP pentru a utiliza interfata "nfo0" numele interfetei de retea Configurarea interfetei de retea ifconfig nfo0 plumb Am configurat in asa fel incat ip-ul pc-ului sa fie alocat de catre serverul DHCP Am procedat in acest fel deoarece serverul DHCP imi permite sa setez ip-uri statice pt fiecare sistem in parte folosind ca filtru adresa MAC Configurarea dns-ului ifconfig nfo0 dhcp start && touch /etc/dhcp.nfo0 In cazul meu am folosit ca ca nameserver gateway-ul cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf route add default svcadm restart svc:/network/dns/client:default
  22. The Paper Trip II # The laws on fake ID # Evading government control of ID # Adopting an alias-and making it stick # Taking over the ID of another person-safely # How changes are made on ID forms # Getting "tools of the trade" for creating your own ID # Latest developments in the "classic" Paper Trip (infinite identity) # How to change your name legally-step-by-step details # The laws on legal name change for all fifty states # Getting new ID in your new name-legally # Use one of our forms for changing your name without going to court-and still get new, legal ID # Best of all, how to disappear by using your legal name change # How to create an identity out of thin air, and make it work # Where to write for birth and death certificates in every state # Source of government-issued birth certificates # How and where to get "genuine" ID # Useful art for do-it-yourself ID # Where to get hundreds of stamps and seals # Driver's license codes and validations for all states # The SOUNDEX System for driver's license numbers-how it works # Social Security codes by state and by number # Creating a Social Security number to match your "background" # Latest methods for getting passports under other names # How to enter (return) without a passport as often as you like # Details of all the States' ID cards (non-driver identification) # Types and sources of private, non-government ID # Upgrading military "SPN" codes, and how to get them changed or removed Download: request download ticket 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free To "live free" means to be able to control your own life and to avoid violence, or the threat of violence, by others. What you do and how you do it will almost always determine whether or not freedom will be yours. But YOU must take the responsibility for creating your own freedom. No one, especially the "government" will do it for you. To "disappear" means to make it impossible for other people to invade your personal world of freedom. Since most of such invasion is by means of electronic data gathering and cross-referencing, you must be able to short-circuit these procedures effectively. Download:http://www.textfiles.com/survival/livefree.txt Unauthorised Access: Physical Penetration Testing For IT Security Teams #The Basics of Physical Penetration Testing #Planning Your Physical Penetration Tests #Executing Tests #An Introduction to Social Engineering Techniques #Lock Picking #Information Gathering #Hacking Wireless Equipment #Gathering the Right Equipment #Tales from the Front Line #Introducing Security Policy Concepts #Counter Intelligence # UK Law #US Law #EU Law #Security Clearances #Security Accreditations Download:request download ticket More, without download link : How to Steal a Job #Discover the hidden job market and how to penetrate it. (You’ll find jobs even the personnel department doesn’t know exist!) #Learn to get rid of the person who is in the job you want, and then how to get the job for yourself. #How to gain inside information about a job before you even apply. #Gain the personal endorsements of Very Important Persons. #If you need “experience,” learn how to create a corporation which will vouch for your last three busy years. Status:No free download How to Get the Job You Really Want #Finding the good jobs. #Becoming an expert. #Creating the right documents. #Presenting a useful past. #Handling interviews. #Job success. #Real life examples. #Sources of documents. #And much more! Status:No free download Other links: http://www.undercoverpress.com/new_id.html http://www.ritesite.com/Login/index.cfm http://www.edenpress.com/
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  23. pyth0n3

    Python books

    Un consiliu ar fi Learning Python, 4th Edition by Mark Lutz , o g?si?i în prima lista Mark Lutz's Book Support Site
  24. Poate ai vrut sa spui ca ai absolvit Facultatea de Limbi ?i Literaturi Str?ine dar nu ?tiai în care context sa introduci expresia. Nu am absolut nimic cu faptul ca m-ai corectat sunt mul?umit sa vad ca cineva totu?i analizeaz? ceva ?i nu pierde timpul dar dac? vrei sa promovezi aplica ceva constructiv. Putem critica intr-un mod constructiv în loc sa o facem doar pentru a ie?i în evidenta ?i pe lîng? asta comunitatea nu se bazeaz? doar pe critica . Pe forum s-au creat diverse grupuri unde se studiaz? spre exemplu limbajele formale. Experienta acumulat? ?i cuno?tin?ele dobîndite în cadrul facult??ii le po?i folosi intrun mod constructiv , într-un mod care s? le po?i face accesibile altora. A?adar ai putea crea un grup NLC (Natural Language Coder) unde faci si tu cîteva lec?ii în leg?tur? cu: Taxonomy Linguistic diversity Controlled languages Constructed languages International auxiliary languages Written languages Sign languages A fost doar un exemplu, po?i in continuare sa cite?ti forumul f?r? sa contribui cu nimic. Ca fapt divers, forumul mai are si alte categorii inafara de Off-topic.
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