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Everything posted by Undeath

  1. Esti ciudat."You? pay well?" Salut.
  2. N-ai invatat sa decriptezi o parola . Un site a facut asta. Bun venit.
  3. Ce dragut esti.
  4. Pentru ce pula mea o criptezi in 3 moduri ? Te temi sa nu ti se fure mancarea ? E de ajuns intr-un mod si un reverse , indeajuns sa nu inteleaga lumea "crypted".
  5. Intr-un fel .. esti tot impiedicat printre cuvinte. Thanks de loguri.
  6. Daca nu ai , UPC !
  7. Undeath

    Hyper CD-Rom

    Multumesc de informare ! Respect
  8. Undeath

    Hyper CD-Rom

    HYPER CD-ROM Three Dimensional Optical Memory with Fluorescent Photosensitive Glass What is the Hyper CD-ROM? The Hyper CD-ROM is a tridimensional multilayer optical memory, based on the phenomenon of controlled extinction of the fluorescence. The Hyper CD-ROM allows the recording of information inside the “shelves” of a glass disk using laser beams. Such a glass disk has a storing capacity of over 10,000 Gigabytes (GB) of memory - an amazing size in comparison with those developed by the highest level computer firms and benchmarks - that allows storing of approximately 10 million books of standard format. It is in fact, an “optic tridimensional multilevel memory” so it can store data in over 10,000 different levels inside a glass disk 10 mm high and 120 mm in diameter. The most attractive aspect is that the support for storage (i.e. fluorescent photosensitive glass) is a very stable in time medium (information can be read during all the life of the glass - estimated to at least 5,000 years). The features Capacity: 10TB with extension to 100TB Average data-transfer rate: 3Mb/s Dimensions of CD-ROM-Drive: 80x150x300mm Dimensions of CD-ROM: 10xø120mm Thermic resistance: up to 550 deg. Celsius Very high fiability Stable in time (estimated to at least 5,000 years) The product can be produced using commercial equipment Technical details The support of the optical memory is a fluorescent photosensitive material specially designed for this application. The writing / reading of the memory is realized with a system formed by a disk drive having the size doubled compared to the usual disk drives of the desktops PC, which incorporates a confocal microscope. The writing procedure is realized by the irradiation of a selected volume of the optical memory. Following the radiation, there appears an electronic transition at atomic level, and the irradiated areas will present a modified fluorescence compared to the non-irradiated areas. The effect is stable in time at the surrounding temperature and is used for recording one bit of information. The same confocal microscope is used for reading, optical memory being scanned with three displacement systems: vertical, radial and rotative. Due to the fact that in 1micron^3 of fluorescent photosensitive material there are approximately 10^8 fluorescent atoms, the improvement of the techniques for three-dimensional limiting of the atoms, will allow the increase of the storage capacity up to one hundred million times. The writing and reading on groups of atoms located in equivalent positions will allow the increase of storage of more than 100 times, which means that on a disk with a 120 mm diameter and 10 mm thick more than 1 PB (1,000,000 GB) can be stored. The need - Estimations regarding the necessary storage capacity As presented by Constellation 3D at a demonstration in Silicon Valley on 30 November 1999, quote “the growth in demand for digital storage capacity exceeds 60% per annum, with no indication of a let up in the trend. Facilities such as Storage Area Networks, data warehouses, supercomputers and e-commerce related data mining require ever-greater capacity in order to handle the volume of data to be processed. In addition, with the advent of high bandwidth Internet and data intensive applications such as High Definition TV and Video & Music-On-Demand, even smaller devices such as Personal VCRs, PDAs (personal digital assistant), mobile phones and the proliferating range of other Information Appliances will in the next couple of years demand multi-gigabyte and terabyte capacities. High Definition TV and Video & Music-On-Demand applications require over terabit/sec reading speed” unquote. According to OITDA (Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association), optical memories of 100 Gb / in^2 will be needed in 2005, and of 1,000 Gb / in^2 (or 1 Tb / in^2 ) in 2010. Market applications Initially, the 3D optical memory was developed for military purposes. Having in mind the storage capacity of the Hyper CD-ROM mentioned above, of 10 TB, this invention has many applications both in the civilian and military world. The field of applications for the Hyper CD-ROM technology is extremely diverse, this device becoming in short period the most secure and stable storage facility: - Data archiving systems for large organizations: governmental institutions, banks, insurance companies, hospitals, libraries, museums, TV networks, movie studios, space and military applications, Internet servers - Data archiving systems for individual owing PCs: encyclopedia, music, movie, literature, scientific journals and books, school manuals, commercial catalogues, etc. Se gasesc in comert ? Daca da , unde ?
  9. File Info Report date: 2012-07-14 07:01:16 (GMT 1) File name: registry-exe File size: 178278 bytes MD5 Hash: 4fda5ad2db920cebe6b44f526da167b5 SHA1 Hash: ef7b6ce393371fe06371bfa952cf0b8bd595c7cc Detection rate: 3 on 14 (21%) Status: INFECTED Detections Asquared - Avast - MSIL:Crypt-AH [Drp] AVG - Avira - TR/Dropper.Gen BitDefender - Gen:Heur.MSIL.Krypt.2 ClamAV - Comodo - DrWeb - Fprot - IkarusT3 - Panda - STOPZilla - TrendMicro - VBA32 - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org
  10. Sa ma treziti cand nu mai exista ratati la suprafata.
  11. Undeath


    Nu sunt credincios de fel , n-am fel.
  12. Eu vin.Fac cinste.Daca ai drum pe aici , lasa-mi un PM.Breeeee'. Romanu' , fac doua.
  13. Programul Zilelor Dejului. Smiley va concerta la Dej dupa miezul noptii Vine cineva ? Nu pentru Smiley sau pentru altcineva. Pentru bere .
  14. Varsta unui domeniu e data la care a fost inregistrat - data actuala. Vezi pe google ; whois (you got it)
  15. Nu va inteleg fratilor .. ar trebui sa vina unu' din generatia ta si sa faca un tutorial "Cum sa spargi DOUA siteuri" 2 zile cat mai frumoase sa ai.
  16. Undeath

    Fan curier

    Maxim , defapt , 48 ore. Vezi pana la ce ora depune coletul (cine-l depune , lol) . Colectele se impacheteaza pana la ora 12:00 (nu sunt sigur).Se impacheteaza pe ture.Pana la 12:00 e o tura si incepe alta tura. De exemplu ; coletul e depus la 10:47 - e in prima tura care consta in maxim 36 ore.Alba Iulia - orasul ?
  17. @Wubi Sub "What's New" e New Posts.
  18. Undeath

    Windows 7

    conceptu' .. Dezinstaleaza driverul actual de sunet.Descarca DriverEasy si ia'tz driverele cu el.
  19. Fiecare generatie e sacrificata asta insemnand ca acel sacrificiu rezulta dintr-o situatie care are anumite cauze din care incepe. Generatia bunicului tau a fost sacrificata in razboi , generatia tatalui tau a fost sacrificata in perioada comunista.Generatia noastra se sacrifica in aceasta perioada , plina de criza economica.Generatia noastra este sparte de dorinta de a afla cat mai multe lucruri noi , dar prind metode usoare.Toate lumea are facebook , telefon , masina.Nimeni nu mai e preocupat de cel din spate.Am gasit ceva sa ne distruga timpul , nu sa ni-l piarda. le1 : 2 sticle de jidvei le2 : nu-mi place cum scriu.
  20. Ce simpatic e Enigma asta.
  21. Generatia noastra o sa fie o generatie care va fi sacrificata de sistemele care ne inconjoara.
  22. @ps-axl @DarkyAngel Daca aveti nevoie de plata in legatura cu hostul , sunt deschis la valuta.So , If I can help PM me.
  23. Ofer o invitatie pe consacratul tracker romanesc Login (hell yeah).Cei care au nevoie , comentati aici.Imi rezerv dreptul sa aleg persoana care va primi invitatia. Pace ! La Familia feat. Baxter - Viata buna
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