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Everything posted by Dragos

  1. Ti-am spus foarte bine cauza pentru care nu mai vreau sa iau parte si anume faptul ca X voia sa ma dea in judecata pentru punerea unor poze publice (specificand sursa) pe site-ul acela de socializare. Daca el (ca sef) gandeste asa, atunci ce sa mai zic de restul cuibului? De asemenea, nu ma consider extremist sau rasist pentru a face parte din ND. In timpul petrecut acolo am aflat foarte multe lucruri, si pozitive, si negative (mai mult negative), despre organizatie. In fine, nu vreau sa o dam aiurea. Am plecat atunci si a iesit scandal. Punct. Continuati..
  2. Cand o sa vad vreo actiune clara si benefica a ND-ului, atunci o sa ii votez eu cu mana mea (nu marsul anti-popo sau sarbatorirea zilelor nationale). Deocamdata numai vorba e de ei. EDIT: E o opinie personala. Nu e instigare.
  3. Nu am auzit cuvinte pe care sa le pot intelege. Eh, nevermind. Closed.
  4. Nu e aia dragose. E doar o chitara si canta lent tipul. "Ta naaa NANANANAAA NAAA." Penibil #092;
  5. Nu e Tool.
  6. E balada. Am auzit-o cand am mers cu un amic la repetitii la chitara.
  7. Nu e Monster. Canta ascendent (tadaam) si apoi descendent (tadadadam dam).
  8. Am auzit astazi o melodie rock gen tadaam tadadadam dam tadaam tadadadam dam. E la inceputul piesei si e pe chitara. Cum se numeste?
  9. Dragos

    Noul rom

    Am vazut si eu azi o reclama la noul rom cand mergeam cu prietena. Trist ca se vinde totul in tara asta. 6 days left..
  10. Este un motiv in plus pentru a nu (mai) folosi produsele Microsoft.
  11. The conviction of a former University of Tennessee student for breaking into Sarah Palin's webmail account during the 2008 presidential election campaign has been upheld. David Kernell was found guilty of computer hacking and obstruction of justice at a trial in April, during which he was acquitted of identity theft and wire fraud charges. During the trial, the former Alaska governor and Republican VP candidate testified that the hack caused emotional distress as well as disrupting her election campaign. Lawyers for Kernell appealed against the conviction for obstruction of justice on the grounds that Kernell tried to delete evidence of his misconduct in a panic and before federal authorities had even launched an inquiry. They further argued that Kernell 's successful attempt to guess Palin's webmail password reset question and break into her account before posting extracted emails online was little more than a college prank gone wrong. US District Judge Thomas Phillips rejected both these arguments in upholding the two convictions last Thursday. The ruling still leaves the possibility of a further appeal by Kernell's legal team before a sentencing hearing, scheduled for 29 October. Defence lawyers will hope to secure probation if the case goes that far although federal sentencing guidelines suggest Kernell ought to be sent to jail for somewhere between 15 to 21 months, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports. Palin hacker's verdict stands Knoxville News Sentinel
  12. Network Rail is suffering its highest ever levels of copper theft - mostly signalling cables running alongside tracks. The thefts have waxed and waned with the price of copper but thieves have swiped £35m worth of copper from Network Rail since 2006. The company warns thefts could total £20m a year by 2014 if nothing is done. It has started a special taskforce to deal with the growing problem, along with British Transport Police and train operators. The group is calling for greater police powers over scrap dealers who sell the copper on, the Guardian reports. Thieves typically go after signalling lines and are centred in north-east England, which can see up to 40 raids a day. Network Rail has even resorted to swapping out copper cables with alternative metals on the Sunderland metro line after it was hit by copper thieves 35 times in just over a year. It has also introduced copper cables which are harder to cut and easier to identify. The gangs are branching out to target copper in local exchanges, electricity substations, and even church lightning conductors. Several copper thieves have been injured mistaking live wires for dead ones. Copper prices push cable thefts to new high ? The Register
  13. Rogue emails posing as LinkedIn alerts directs users to a malicious page, which attempts to infect them with a variant of the ZBot information stealing trojan. The spam campaign was launched yesterday and according to Cisco Security it was the largest such attack known to date, that targeted LinkedIn users. At one point, the fake emails accounted for well over 25% of the total spam traffic registered by the company's systems. The messages come with a subject of "LinkedIn Alert" and have their header spoofed to appear as originating from a communication@linkedin.com address. It appears that spammers have abused a legit LinkedIn email template in order to make the emails look more authentic, a technique we've seen used a lot this summer. Recipients are reminded of an invitation from a friend and are informed that two pending messages await their response. All links present in the emails have been modified to point to a malicious page. Users who end up on this website will see a message reading "PLEASE WAITING.... 4 SECONDS," after which they get redirected to Google. "During those four seconds, the victim’s PC is infected with the ZeuS data-theft malware via a drive-by download," warns Henry Stern, senior security researcher at Cisco's IronPort Systems. Drive-by downloads are a type of attack, which involves websites infecting visitors' computers with malware in a way that is completely transparent to them. This is usually achieved by exploiting vulnerabilities in outdated versions of popular applications, such as Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Java or the browsers themselves. ZBot (ZeuS bot) is a widespread information stealing trojan commonly used by fraudsters to steal online banking credentials, credit card details and other sensitive information. This attack is particularly worrying because LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. This means that the risks might not be only to them personally, but also the organizations they work for. Rogue LinkedIn Emails Direct Users to Zbot Drive-By Download - Softpedia
  14. Microsoft on Monday added new security features to its Windows Live Hotmail Web mail service to help users regain control of hijacked accounts. Citing a trend of spammers seizing legitimate accounts, Microsoft said it was kicking off new techniques to sniff out compromised Hotmail accounts, as well as giving users more ways to reclaim inboxes snatched by criminals. Microsoft first touted the features last May , before it rolled out a massive Hotmail upgrade. Rather than rely on an alternate e-mail address and a single secret question-answer pair for resetting an account password, Hotmail now lets a user set one or more "trusted PCs" or a mobile phone as proof that she is the real owner of the account, said Dan Lewis, a senior product manager with the Hotmail team. "On other services, if a spammer has [an account's] password, he can change the [password reset] proofs," said Lewis. "But recognizing that more accounts are being targeted for comprising, we're not going on the assumption that you only need one proof to reset the password." In one of the most famous abuses of a password reset feature, University of Tennessee student David C. Kernell got control of the Yahoo Mail account of former Gov. Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential election by answering a single security question . Kernell was later convicted on a federal felony charge and a federal misdemeanor charge. Instead, Hotmail users can now tag multiple PCs -- Lewis wasn't sure of how many, only that more than one was possible -- as a proof. Users locked out of their account by a hijacker can regain control simply by logging in from one of the previously-set trusted machines. To use a PC as proof, users must have installed Windows Live Essentials , a suite of for-free applications Microsoft offers for download. Users can also enter a mobile number as another proof. That phone will then receive an unlocking code via a text message when the user asks for a password reset. "People will always be able to get their account back," said Lewis. "Spammers are not going to be able to hack into their cell phone or their trusted PC." With those proofs in place, more users will be able to reset their passwords without help from Microsoft support. "Medium-term, people will have a better self-service recovery path," Lewis said. Microsoft boosts Hotmail password reset security | ITworld
  15. Security researchers from Vietnamese security vendor Bkis, warn of a new wave of spam emails distributing the Oficla trojan, which pose as package delivery failure notifications from the United States Postal Service (USPS). The rogue messages come with a subject of "USPS Delivery Problem NR#######" (where # is a random digit) and have a spoofed From field to appear as originating from a federal@usps.com address. What sets these emails apart from other Oficla distribution campaigns is the use of an image instead of plain text to deliver the message. This technique attempts to trick simple anti-spam filters. The image shows the logo of the United States Postal Service and an unusually well formulated message that reads: "Unfortunately we failed to deliver the postal package you have sent on the 19th of September in time because the recipient's address is erroneous. "Please print out the shipment label attached [uSPSLabel.doc] and collect the package at our office." The attachment is actually called USPSLabelDoc.zip and contains a variant of the Oficla trojan downloader, which as of today has only a 32.6% detection rate on VirusTotal. According to Nguyen Van Sao, malware researcher at Bkis, the trojan drops a file called bfky.ojo in the system32 folder and adds it to the [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell] registry key in order to start on each system reboot. Oficla, also called Sasfis by some vendors, is a family of downloader-type trojans, which are commonly used as distribution platform for other malware; rogue antivirus programs in particular. Oficla distribution campaigns such as this one, are one of the primary factors responsible for a spike in the number of emails carrying malicious attachments during recent months. As usual, people are advised to treat all email attachments with suspicion, including those appearing to originate from known organizations. While non bulletproof, scanning them on online services like VirusTotal before opening, might serve as a good indication if they are malicious or not. Fake United States Postal Service Emails Distribute Trojan Downloader - Softpedia
  16. Novell might not be sure about what it wants to do with itself, but the company has been pretty clear what it wants you to do with its products. It wants to build virtual software appliances with all kinds of software stacks running inside of virtual machines and atop its SUSE Linux Enterprise distro. Today, Novell spins up the SUSE Appliance Toolkit 1.1, an online tool that the company unveiled last year as SUSE Studio and improved earlier this year to help developers create virtual software appliances, keep them updated with security patches, and share with their partners privately or through a public gallery. With the 1.1 release of the toolkit coming out today, Novell is making good on its promise of supporting the deployment of virtual software appliances on Amazon's EC2 compute cloud, which is based on a variant of the Xen hypervisor and supporting its own Amazon Machine Image (AMI) format. SUSE Appliance Toolkit 1.1 can also package up virty software appliances for the KVM hypervisor - including the KVM hypervisor that is in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 as well as embedded in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.5 and Ubuntu 10.04. Red Hat has also created a stand-alone version of KVM (an open source project that it controls) called Enterprise Virtualization (or RHEV for short). Finally, the updated tool also can spin up an appliance and plunk it into an Open Virtualization Format (OVF) container, which is a semi-portable format that may some day evolve into a truly portable virtual server container. SUSE Studio went into alpha testing in February 2009, and was an online tool for creating appliances to run atop a streamlined SUSE Linux stack that was in turn plopped into a VMware ESX Server virtual machine. SUSE Studio went into production in July 2009, a few months after the SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 was delivered, and in January 2010, SUSE Studio was transformed into the SUSE Appliance Toolkit, with the intent of supporting a mix of hypervisors used for private and public clouds. The 1.0 release of the toolkit could spin up software appliances for Xen (from Citrix Systems, Oracle, Red Hat, or SUSE) hypervisors or VMware ESX Server or ESXi hypervisors. It could also spit out images in a raw ISO image so they could be deployed on bare metal, as well as put LiveCD images on USB sticks, CDs, or DVDs. For the ESX Server hypervisors, the toolkit spits out VMDK images (that's a VMware format) and has been tested on ESX Server 3.5 and 4.0; Novell has not yet tested the appliance toolkit's output to see how it supports ESX Server 4.1. Being able to spin up appliance images for EC2 and spit them out onto the Amazon cloud meshes with Novell's EC2-based SUSE Linux licensing, which was announced back in August. Novell is only selling priority-level (24x7) support contract for SUSE Linux licenses on Amazon, and the pricing through Amazon comes to $50 per month, $140 per quarter, or $480 per year. Assuming you can get a lot of server slices on an internal cloud based on the same iron Amazon is using, the Amazon EC2 pricing for SUSE Linux was considerably higher. But it is not convenience to buy, management, and power your own server, either. Novell may be open when it comes to hypervisors in the SUSE Appliance Toolkit, and itwas certainly open even when it came to its openSUSE open build service, which predates the toolkit and which allowed companies to spin up SUSE, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, and CentOS images for deployment on bare metal machines. But the openSUSE Build Service didn't help sell SUSE Linux, and the toolkit is absolutely designed to help push modified versions of SUSE Linux into the market and to generate a support revenue stream. So don't look for Novell to package up appliances running anything but SUSE Linux. Novell SUSE appliance toolkit hugs Amazon EC2 ? The Register
  17. A $200,000 credit card fraud is suspected to have resulted from hackers compromising the Point-of-Sale (POS) system at a Florida restaurant with malware specifically designed for it. Dave Wendland, the owner of Julie's Place, a Tallahassee eating house dating back to 1978, began learning from his customers of fraudulent out-of-state charges on their credit cards back in July. Soon afterward he was contacted by the Leon County Sheriff's Office Financial Crimes Unit, which was investigating a $200,000 fraud involving over 100 payment cards, that were all used at his business. The investigation is still underway, but a technician with the company that installed the Point-of-Sale system at the restaurant has found evidence that hackers penetrated its firewall and deployed malware specifically targeting that model of card terminals. The terminals are called Aloha and are manufactured by Radiant Systems, one of the largest providers of such systems in the country. According to BankInfoSecurity, a Radiant representative stressed that the company's product is not vulnerable and blamed the restaurant for not employing enough security layers, as required under PCI. [industry standards] Wendland does not agree with this claim, but has since replaced the entire POS system and deployed better network software. "Our POS system is completely 'locked down' now," he says. Colin Sheppard, director of incident response at Atlanta-based information security and compliance vendor Trustwave, which was called in to assist with forensics in this case, says that this type of attacks are increasing, especially those involving keyloggers or RAM scrappers. This incident is very similar to one that we reported last month, which involved an Austin restaurant chain called Tino's Greek Cafe. Just as in this case, preliminary investigations concluded that the breach was somewhere in the network between the restaurant and the processor, but other parties involved claimed that it was likely in the POS. Targeted Malware Used in Florida Restaurant PoS Breach - Softpedia
  18. tickles
  19. Da. Congratulations loki. Asta e raspunsul.
  20. doi, de ce am impresia ca 7n e al tau si iti faci reclama?
  21. Nu. Gandeste-te ca e iarna. Trage si trece ceva timp si moare (din cauza ca a tras). Daca era vara, nu se intampla asa ceva. Deci e ceva legat de iarna. Think high.
  22. Asta e una. Mai e cealalta. Think at winter.
  23. Nu.. Un om isi cumpara o pusca si se duce la vanatoare. Indiciu: ==QYsF2YpB3byRHIh52b6BCf8BycvJXdnlmcmBCctlGdv5WY
  24. Nu. Nu a avut intentia de a se sinucide. Gandeste-te ca el trage undeva si peste cateva secunde (sa zicem 30 de secunde) moare.
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