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Walt Disney's internet subsidiary and several of its partners have been sued for allegedly using cookies based on Adobe's Flash Player to track highly personal information about their users, many of whom were minors. The LSOs, or locally shared objects are better known as Flash Cookies, and their ability to gather detailed user information over long periods of time without a trace has been understood since at least 2007. Now, attorneys representing people who browsed websites that employed the technology claim it was used to track them in ways that violate the sites' privacy policies. For instance, the habits of one individual who browsed articles on depression, were uniquely tracked across a network of partners, according to the complaint. The suit was filed in US District Court in Los Angeles against Walt Disney Internet Group, Clearspring Technologies, Warner Bros. Records, and several other companies that shared the cookies. The affiliates fail to adequately warn users about the information-sharing arrangement, which according to the complaint, allows “zombie cookies” to be restored even after a user has gone through the trouble of deleting them. “Using Flash cookies to re-identify users overrides this control, with little available redress for users,” the complaint, which seeks class-action status, states. “Although users may arguably protect themselves by periodically deleting their Flash cookies as well, the means for doing so are extremely obscure and difficult even for savvy consumers to use. Flash specifically attempts to obfuscate data within each LSO by controlling the format and forcing a binary serialization of any stored data, thus bypassing the web browser's same-origin security policy, allowing an application hosted on one domain to read data or code hosted on another.” A research paper (PDF here) released last year by UC Berkeley researchers famously exposed the ability of Flash cookies to surreptitiously “respawn” deleted cookies. It served as a wakeup call about the uncanny persistence of the tracking files. What's more, Flash cookies can store up to 100 KB of data, 25 times more than normal cookies. The suit alleges the companies violated a raft of laws, including the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Computer Crime Law, the California Invasion of Privacy Act and trespass and personal property statutes. The complaint is here. ® Bootnote To Adobe's defense, company officials have stated in comments (PDF) submitted to the FTC that their policy “condemns the practice of using Local Storage to back up browser cookies for the purpose of restoring them later without user knowledge and express consent.” That's a great first step. Now the company should release a free consumer tool that makes it easy to manage and delete the new-fangled cookies. Disney sued for spying on kids with 'zombie cookies' ? The Register
Browserul celor de la Microsoft, Internet Explorer a fost lansat in urma cu 15 ani. Desi de-a lungul anilor a avut suisuri si coborasuri – cea mai controversata versiune, IE6, a avut numeroase bug-uri de securitate, devenind unul dintre cele mai criticate browsere. Totusi, chiar si asa Internet Explorer ramane in continuare cel mai popular browser din lume. Prima versiune Internet Explorer a debutat pe 16 august 1995 si era bazata pe Mozaic, un browser web pe care Microsoft l-a licentiat de la o companie numita Spyglass Inc. Incepand cu versiunea 3.0, Microsoft a inceput sa includa Internet Explorer in Windows, sporindu-si semnificativ cota de piata si reusind astfel sa elimine complet dominatia browserului Netscape Navigator. Insa, popularitatea Internet Explorer a inceput sa scada odata cu aparitia Firefox, in 2004, in mare parte ca raspuns la problematicul IE6. Dupa aproximativ 2 ani de neglijenta, cei de la Microsoft au reinceput sa lucreze din greu la browser-ul lor, versiunea 7 venind cu imbunatatiri semnificative fata de IE6, atat pe partea de securitate, cat si pe cea de stabilitate. Conform ultimelor date furnizate de companiile de cercetare, Internet Explorer are o cota de piata de 60.74%, urmat de Firefox, care detine 23.75%, Chrome, Safari, Opera si altele. In prezent, Microsoft se pregateste de lansarea urmatorului capitol in istoria Internet Explorer: IE9. Prima versiune beta a browser-ului este programata sa apara pe 15 septembrie, la un eveniment in San Francisco. Internet Explorer implineste 15 ani | Hit.ro
Piosenia unor oameni este fara limite. Chris Juby, un barbat in vasta de 30 de ani din SUA si-a propus sa condenseze fiecare capitol al Bibliei in formatul de 140 de caractere al retelei de micro-blogging Twitter. Proiectul a demarat duminca, cu Geneza, primul capitol din Vechiul Testament, si se va sfarsi pe 8 noiembrie 2013, cu ultimul capitol din Noul Testament, in total un traseu de 1.189 de capitole. Intr-un interviu acordat The Telegraph, Juby si-a explicat motivatia: “Cultura noastra depinde foarte mult de Scriptura. Oameni ca Shakespeare sau Dickens au facut adesea referire la textile biblice pe care noi acum le consideram obscure. Sper ca prin aceste rezumate, sa ii inspir pe oameni sa citeasca ei insisi Biblia, de la cap la coada. Eu fac doar rezumatul”. Un american va rezuma Biblia pe Twitter | Hit.ro
Microsoft va lansa pe data de 15 septembrie Internet Explorer 9 în versiune beta, conform unor informa?ii ap?rute pe mashable.com. Primele informa?ii despre IE 9 au început s? apar? în noiembrie, iar pe YouTube au ap?rut deja preview-uri cu ultimul browser de internet de la Microsoft. De?i este în continuare cel mai utilizat browser din lume, Internet Explorer a început s? piard? din cota de pia?? în special în fa?a Firefox, dar ?i a browserului realizat de Google.
Ubuntu l-am folosit cateva luni de zile, dupa aceea am instalat Mandriva. Amandoua sunt ok.
De la începutul anului viitor vom avea c?r?i de identitate noi, pe modelul pa?apoartelor. Noul buletin se va numi carte electronic? de identitate ?i va con?ine date biometrice, inclusiv amprente. Ministerul Administra?iei ?i Internelor a propus un proiect de lege prin care datele de identitate vor fi stocate pe un cip. Acesta va con?ine fotografia posesorului dar ?i amprentele. “Cartea electronic? de identitate este de tip smart card ?i con?ine date cu caracter personal, inclusiv date biometrice ale titularului, în format tip?rit ?i/sau în format electronic, precum ?i elemente de particularizare ?i de siguran??. Datele biometrice incluse în cartea electronic? de identitate sunt imaginea facial? ?i imaginile impresiunilor papilare a dou? degete” se arat? în proiectul de modificare ?i completare a Ordonan?ei de urgen?? 97/2005, aflat în dezbatere public? pe site-ul MAI. O noutate apare în cazul copiilor care, începând cu vârsta de 6 ani, pot de?ine carte de identitate electronic?, în vederea calatoriei în str?in?tate. Tot de la 1 ianuarie ?i cet??enii str?ini reziden?i vor avea c?r?i electronice de reziden??. Ministerul de Interne sus?ine c? introducerea noului sistem nu presupune cheltuieli bugetare suplimentare. Sursa: Din 2011 vom avea carti de identitte cu cip | Blog Noua Dreapt? Alte leg?turi: NU VREM CIPURI!!!NU SUNTEM ANIMALE SA AVEM CIP!!! Impreuna spre marea biruinta legionara
ai pm........................
Ai mancat kkt Foc de artificii pe cerul Romaniei' date=' la noapte! Va fi ploaie de meteoriti - Stirileprotv.ro[/url']
d-z EDIT: Nu mai fac decat userbaruri cu texte animate.
Ca sa nu mai fac alt topic.. Care vreti asa (cu text animat): - dati-mi pm.
Fa-mi te rog un userbar cu synthesis, fundal negru si in stanga textul <?php .. ?> pe albastru.
The German government has advised ministers not to use BlackBerry and iPhone devices due to “a dramatic increase of attacks against” its networks. A general ban on the use of smartphones in certain German ministries is also being considered, Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière confirmed to the country’s business daily newspaper Handelsblatt yesterday. He said that ministers and senior civil servants had been told to instead use Simko2 gadgets offered by T-Systems, following advice from the German federal office for information security (BSI). Berlin expressed concern that data for the BlackBerry smartphone passes through two Research in Motion centres in the UK and Canada. De Maizière added that there was a possible risk of “political IT attacks” from organised crime and foreign intelligence agencies and said that such harm to the government could increase with the use of the BlackBerry and other smartphones. "The BlackBerry infrastructure is a closed proprietary system. [but] the access standard to our networks must be determined by the government and not by a private company," he told the newspaper. His comments came after Canada-based RIM was forced to shift servers to Saudi Arabia after that country briefly banned use of the BlackBerry. Government officials in the United Arab Emirates also threatened to restrict the BlackBerry service. De Maizière added that the German ministry was first advised to avoid using BlackBerry and iPhone devices in November 2009. The spotlight is now on Germany, following concerns in Saudia Arabia and the UAE where security services complained they were not given access to RIM's servers. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/10/german_government_mulls_blackberry_iphone_ban/
Telecoms test and network intelligence firm Tektronix Communications has acquired DDoS mitigation firm Arbor Networks. The terms of the deal, announced Monday, remain undisclosed. Arbor's Peakflow is widely used by carriers as a DDoS prevention platform, while its eSeries platform is used for broadband service optimisation. Tektronix said Arbor's technology will position it to offer network security for converged carrier networks and next-generation data centers, even as cybercrooks move from volume-based attacks to more sophisticated application strikes targeted at specific services, including Domain Name System (DNS) and cloud-based infrastructures. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/10/tektronix_arbor_networks/
Terminati cu off-topicul. ON: Eu am gazduire de la PowerHost si merge foarte bine.
Welcome to RST! Te pot ajuta eu cu PHP daca ai probleme/intrebari/etc.
Uite Trailerul asta e misto.
Activitatea Perseidelor incepe pe 17 iulie ?i se incheie pe 24 august.
Stelele cazatoare vazute de voi fac parte din ploaia Perseidelor. Calendarul lunii August 2010 | blog http://syngov.blogspot.com/2010/08/ploaie-de-stele-perseidele.html Este un eveniment anual.
Wordpress - cod de securitate pe pagina de logare
Dragos replied to Dragos's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Gata, am corectat -
Se poate sa fi fost asta si la tine 007m.. Apropo, articolul acela e din 2009
"Explicatia am primit-o pe site-ul ANM: aseara, la ora respectiva, norii se aflau la o distanta mare, de aproximativ 40 km de Gherla, undeva in sudul judetului Bistrita-Nasaud (vezi harta radar, portiunea rosu-portocalie). A fost vorba cel mai probabil de nori strato cumulus, aflati la o altitudine de peste 2000 m."
Nori misterio?i, cu fulgere f?r? tunete (VIDEOx2)
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Researchers have identified a kernel-level vulnerability in Windows that allows attackers to gain escalated privileges and may also allow them to remotely execute malicious code. All versions of the Microsoft OS are affected, including the heavily fortified Windows 7. The buffer overflow, which was originally reported here, can be exploited to escalate privileges or crash vulnerable machines, IT research company Vupen said. The flaw may also allow attackers to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. The bug resides in the “CreateDIBPalette()” function of a device driver known as “Win32k.sys.” It is exploited by pasting a large number of color values into an improperly allocated buffer, potentially allowing attackers to sneak in malicious payloads, vulnerability tracking service Secunia warned. It affects fully patched installations of every supported Windows platform, from Windows XP SP 3 to Windows Vista, 7, and Server 2008. The latter three versions contain several defenses designed to lessen the effect of security vulnerabilities. It wouldn't be surprising if code execution attacks were possible only on earlier versions that don't have the defenses, which include DEP, or data execution prevention, and ASLR, short for address space layout randomization. There are no reports of the vulnerability being exploited in the wild. Microsoft said it is investigating the reports but didn't have additional information. Microsoft is scheduled to issue a record 14 security bulletins during next week's Patch Tuesday. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/06/unpatched_windows_kernel_vuln/