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Everything posted by Dragos

  1. Este VBScript. VBScript Tutorial - Introduction
  2. Pentru toate... $rasp = MsgBox(36,"Intrebare","Vrei un loc in plus pentru o bere?") If $rasp = 6 Then $var = DriveGetDrive( "CDROM" ) If NOT @error Then For $i = 1 to $var[0] CDTray($var[$i],"open") Next EndIf EndIf
  3. Mai usor.. Deschizi notepad si scrii asta : rst = MsgBox("vrei un loc in plus pentru o bere?",4,"rstcenter") If rst = 6 then Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7") Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject Next ' cdrom End If End If Si salvezi ca nume.vbs si apoi deschizi.
  4. Dragos


    Am mai discutat cu neme pe messenger despre aceasta retea de socializare, dar vreau sa fac o prezentare generala. iOrbix este o retea de socializare aparuta pe 7 aprilie. A fost creata de catre doi moderatori hi5 (Nuno Peralta si Andrew Davis). Am contribuit si eu la site de cand eram moderator hi5 (octombrie 2009). Tutorial despre cum se foloseste, aici. Teoretic, ar trebui sa fie mult mai bun decat hi5 cand va fi lansat oficial (acum e in stadiul de beta). Dar, multi romani zic ca e o copie a hi5-ului v1.0 plin cu reclame. Vreau sa aud si parerea voastra.
  5. @demon: Da, ai dreptate @bebe: Hai sa-ti explic MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) este o functie criptografica de tip hash unidirectional, care livreaza ca rezultat o valoare fixa ca lungime de 128 biti. Pentru ca pot fi criptate si parole de genul : qwerty1234. Si in dictionarul roman-englez, englez-roman parca nu era cuvantul cand am cautat ultima oara. Pentru a "sparge" un hash, se folosesc de cele mai multe ori bruteforcere.
  6. Vorba lui Torvalds, chiar n-ai invatat nimic?
  7. Foarte tare! Addicted to PacMan
  8. Token-ul il folosesti ca sa intri pe mail-ul victimei. EDIT: Asta ar fi metoda, doar daca nu au modificat-o cei de la Yahoo! <?php $string="TOKENULTAUAICI"; print("Original string=$string \n"); $decoded=yahoo64_decode($encoded); print("Decoded string=$decoded \n"); function yahoo64_decode($source) { $yahoo64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._"; $len=strlen($source); if($source[$len-1]=='-') { $plus=2; } if($source[$len-2]=='-') { $plus=1; } if($plus>0) { $len-=4; }; $dest=""; for($i=0;$i<$len;$i+=4) { $chr1=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i]); $chr2=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+1]); $chr3=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+2]); $chr4=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+3]); $dest.=chr(($chr1<<2)|($chr2>>4)); $dest.=chr((($chr2&0xF)<<4)|($chr3>>2)); $dest.=chr((($chr3&0x3)<<6)|($chr4&0x3F)); } switch($plus) { case 1: { $chr1=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i]); $chr2=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+1]); $dest.=chr(($chr1<<2)|($chr2>>4)); } break; case 2: { $chr1=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i]); $chr2=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+1]); $chr3=Index($yahoo64,$source[$i+2]); $dest.=chr(($chr1<<2)|($chr2>>4)); $dest.=chr((($chr2&0xF)<<4)|($chr3>>2)); } break; } return($dest); } ?>
  9. Mie imi ruleaza foarte bine pe wine...
  10. Cei aproape 500 de milioane de utilizatori ai retelei sociale Facebook au fost tinta unui nou atac cu virus. O companie de securitate a avertizat userii Facebook sa nu dea click pe un link ce pretindea a fi “cel mai sexi videoclip din toate timpurile”, in fapt, nimic altceva decat o capcana destinata a infecta PC-urile. Se pare ca mii de useri au fost loviti de acest virus, care parea sa fie postat pe contul unui prieten pe Facebook. Postarea mai continea: “Acesta este fara indoiala cel mai sexi videoclip din toate timpurile!”, si este insotit de ceea ce pare a fi un video thumbnail cu o femeie intr-o fusta scurta pe o bicicleta pentru exercitii. Clipul conduce userul catre o pagina de unde ar trebui sa instaleze un software necesar deschiderii clipului. Pachetul descarcat s-a dovedit a fi un software care deruleaza, afiseaza sau descarca reclame in calculatorul utilizatorului. Virusul se raspandeste prin postarea automata de mesaje in paginile prietenului celui deja infectat. http://www.hit.ro/internet-securitate/Capcana-pe-Facebook-Cel-mai-sexi-videoclip-din-toate-timpurile
  11. Security giant Symantec announced a definitive agreement to acquire VeriSign's security-related business for $1.28 billion yesterday. According to the deal, Symantec will take over VeriSign's server authentication, secure socket layer (SSL) and identity protection services, as well as its public key infrastructure (PKI). VeriSign is one of the organizations that play a critical role on the Internet as we know it today. The company operates two of the Internet's DNS root nameservers and is the registry operator for the .com and .net domain name TLDs. All changes to the Internet's root zone file are also operated by VeriSign after they pass the U.S. Department of Commerce’s approval. Even though none of the company's operations described above are affected by Symantec's acquisition of its so-called 'trusted Internet infrastructure' services, the deal is still significant, as VeriSign is the largest Certification Authority (CA) on the Internet, with over three million issued certificates. The widely recognized "VeriSign Secured Seal" symbol that has a checkmark in a circle design will also become the property of Symantec and be used for its future business when the deal is finalized. According to Symantec's President and Chief Executive Officer, Enrique Salem, with this acquisition, the security vendor wants to strengthen its position on the information- and identity-protection market. "With the combined products and reach from Symantec and VeriSign, we are poised to drive adoption of identity security as the means to provide simple and secure access to anything from anywhere, to prevent identity fraud and to make online experiences more user-friendly and hassle-free," he said. The agreement also has Symantec taking ownership of a 54% majority equity stake in VeriSign's Japanese subsidiary. The deal is still waiting for approval from the regulators, but it is expected to close by the end of the third quarter. VeriSign's revenue from authentication-related services was of $410 million for 2009 fiscal year, with the SSL business alone generating 85% of it. Nine hundred of the company's employees will join Symantec's Enterprise Security Group led by Francis deSouza. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Symantec-Buys-VeriSign-142589.shtml
  12. Problema a fost in aranjarea proasta a tabelelor in DreamWeaver. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9894/19793462.png Rezolvarea a fost rescrierea paginii. http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/5328/20560518.png
  13. Ardamax fura informatiile de pe calculatorul victimei si ti le trimite tie sub forma de log-uri. Pentru mai multe informatii: log files - C?utare Google
  14. Rezolvat..
  15. Da-mi te rog codul prin pm sau pe mess.
  16. Exista o versiune numita Hackquiztador Romania ce functioneaza HackQUIZtador Romanian by totti93 - Trilulilu Video Jocuri
  17. rstcenter.ro.ro
  18. La multi ani, la multa fericire, la multa iubire, la mult noroc si la multe dorinte implinite.
  19. Am probleme cu wine. Unele jocuri si programe (de ex: Eufloria) nu imi merg.
  20. Ok, o sa ma uit data viitoare.
  21. May 19, 2010, 12:40 PM — IDG News Service — A U.S. district court judge has ordered the permanent closure of an Internet service provider long accused of hosting and distributing spam, spyware, child pornography and other illegal content, at the request of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Judge Ronald Whyte of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in San Jose has ordered that the computer servers and other assets owned by Pricewert, doing business as 3FN.net, be sold by a court-appointed receiver. Whyte also ordered the company to turn over US$1.08 million in illegal profits to the FTC, according to court documents. Whyte's orders, dated April 8, were made public by the FTC Wednesday. Several security experts supported the FTC's case against 3FN, Whyte wrote in a disgorgement order. "These experts had analyzed data derived from internet searches which establish that defendant, an internet service provider, was engaged in widespread illegal activity," he wrote. "There seems to be little doubt from the information provided that Pricewert functioned primarily as an internet service provider for illegal activity." There were a "relatively small number of apparently legitimate customers" of the company, Whyte wrote. The FTC, in June, charged that 3FN actively recruited criminals to distribute spyware, viruses, Trojan horses, phishing e-mails and pornography featuring children and animals. The company, doing business under several names, advertised its services in a variety of underground sites, including a chat room for spammers, the FTC charged. The company's distribution of illegal and malicious content and deployment of botnets compromised thousands of computers and was an unfair business practice, the FTC alleged. The Pricewert.com and 3FN.net Web sites were down Wednesday. An e-mail to the contact person for Pricewert listed on whois bounced back. Whyte issued a temporary restraining order against the San Jose company in June. That order prohibited 3FN's upstream Internet providers and data centers from providing services to the ISP. Spam volume on the Internet dropped by 15 percent following the June shutdown, security vendor M86 Security said. In June, Pricewert spokesman Max Christopher complained that the FTC was "blaming providers for bad customer actions." The ISP "shielded its criminal clientele" by ignoring take-down requests from the online security community and by shifting the Internet Protocol addresses of criminals in order to avoid detection, the FTC alleged. The FTC also alleged that 3FN operated large botnets and recruited so-called bot herders to run the networks of compromised computers. Botnets are often used to send spam and launch denial-of-service attacks. http://www.itworld.com/security/108343/judge-permanently-shuts-down-isp-catering-spam-porn?source=itw_rss
  22. An underground cybercrime forum has been hacked, with once walled-off information uploaded onto file-sharing networks. The attack on German e-crime site Carders.cc has led to the wider disclosure of stolen credit card details and passwords from victims along with data on the forum's criminal denizens. A database file containing communications exchanges between 5,000 members and a file containing the contact details of forum members and data on members' IP addresses on have been uploaded in three separate files onto to the Rapidshare P2P network, security blogger Brian Krebs reports. The IP address file is appended with an explanation of how the attack against Carders.cc was pulled off. Insecure filesystem permissions on the site's web server facilitated the attack, it's claimed. The vigilante group that carried out the attack, which is also promoting a new e-zine called Owned and Exposed, claims it wanted to cut the crew behind Carders.cc down to size after attacks on other forums helped stimulate the growth of the cybercrime hangout. These claims remain unverified. German cybercrime forum hacked ? The Register
  23. Incearca sa introduci codul javascript la comentarii dupa care sa intri cu proxy pe site (javascript enabled). Daca este xss persistent si TRECE de filtre, poti introduce cookie grabber sau o pagina pentru phishing.
  24. Foarte tare aia cu FBI ) Bravo neme!
  25. Google has played down concerns about user privacy, arguing that pictures and personal information shared on social networking sites could be more damaging than the data it collects through its search engine. Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive, said that it was crucial that people distinguished between "real harm" and perceived harm. The company has been at the centre of a privacy storm after it admitted that its Street View cars had mistakenly collected information sent over unencrypted Wi-Fi networks. "It's highly unlikely that we've captured any useful data in that," Schmidt told a round-table at the Zeitgeist conference in London. "And nothing has been done with that data." The Information Commissioner's Office has ordered Google to destroy all of the personal data that it inadvertently collected, but said it would be taking no further action against the company, a decision that has drawn criticism from privacy campaigners. Larry Page, Google's co-founder, agreed that it was important to acknowledge that some things that happen online are potentially more harmful than others. "On social networking sites, there really is a ton of data that is being made public," said Page. "And some of that is now being made public and semipublic when it didn't used to be. And that really has changed society on a whole number of levels, and it does cause harm and it does cause worry. Most of the issues that we face are around our search logs, and you can't prove that anyone has been harmed in that case." Schmidt said that society faced some soul-searching about what privacy compromises they were prepared to accept in the digital age. "Society as a group has not yet decided what is appropriate and not appropriate in the privacy sphere," said Schmidt. "Each culture and government will ultimately make the decision. And they will differ [between countries]. "We do understand that this is a very serious issue. We're not in any kind of denial or lack of understanding about the importance of the question." Google also dismissed the threat posed by social-networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Facebook, which has 450 million users worldwide, recently signed an agreement with Microsoft to enable Facebook users to create and share documents from within the social networking site, and Facebook's photo-storage and chat facilities are seen by some industry commentators to compete directly with Google. "There's a tendency to think of the internet as a zero-sum game with only one winner," said Schmidt. "The internet allows for multiple winners, and those winners can win in ways that aren't compatible with each other." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/7739420/Google-plays-down-privacy-fears.html
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