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da, asta am gindit si eu, proiectul artistic a fost sustinut cu finantare UE, prin 500 innovative workshops, exhibitions and activities in 9 European countries , si daca a fost koosher/halal/whatever politically correct sa sustina o chimera intre om si caine, ei bine am si eu ceva fantezii ce mi-ar placea sa fie finantate... p.s. ... indecent intirziat... UE a finantat-o si pentru a produce un iaurt in care enzimele folosite in fermentatie contineau adn-ul "artistei" si https://www.nextnature.net/2013/03/maya-yoghurt-fermented-drink-made-with-human-lactic-acid/
Maja Smrekar, din Slovenia, artista, si-a implantat in uter, un ovul al ei, fertilizat cu adn canin, in cadrul unui proiect artistic , si aici un clip , si a si fost premiata , caci juriul a decis ca: “What is making this artwork so special is the total commitment of the artist” https://www.aec.at/prix/en/gewinner/jury-statement/ numle proiectului este ARTE_mis (2016/2017 ) si a fost finantat si sprijinit de : Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture, European Commission - Horizon 2020 (DITOs) cf. http://prix2017.aec.at/prixwinner/25890/ ... si ca sa fim lamuriti, "... ARTE_mis project is understood as a reference to think beyond humanistic limitations in order to survive in the future. " .... wow... materialul genetic canin, a fost extras din tesutul adipos si nu a fost utilizata sperma...
WiFi Krack (key reinstallation attacks) - all WiFi vulnerable
gutui replied to QuoVadis's topic in Stiri securitate
la o cautare dupa "WPA2" in baza de date a patentelor, gasim US9491621B2 punctul 13, Claims, pag.8/8 [...] 13. A method for communicating data in a wireless communications network, comprising: transmitting a beacon to a station, the beacon comprising a Wi-Fi Protected Access II pre-shared key (WPA2-PSK) authentication type; receiving an authentication request from the station, the authentication request comprising the WPA2-PSK authentication type, a first secure attribute exchange (SAE) information element, and a station nonce; transmitting an authentication response to the station, the authentication response comprising the WPA2-PSK authentication type, the first SAE information element, and an access point nonce; generating a pairwise master key (PMK) identifier based on the first SAE information element; receiving an association request from the station after generation of the PMK identifier, the association request comprising a key confirmation derived from the PMK identifier and a second SAE information element; and transmitting an association response to the station in response to receiving the association request, the association response comprising the key confirmation and the second SAE information element. [...] vulnerabilitatea Krack pare a fi rezultatul specificatiilor cit si a implementarii. @yoyois protocolul “four-way handshake” folosit, functioneaza cam asa : (AP catre client) stabilim o cheie doar pentru aceasta sesiune. iti trimit un set de date unic, pe sesiune, pe care sa-l folosesti tu. (client catre AP) OK, ia de aici un set de date unic, pe sesiune, pachet de date generate de mine, pe care sa le folosesti tu. in acest moment, ambele parti isi "amesteca" impreuna parolele de retea Wi-Fi ( Pre-Shared Key sau PSK) si cele doua pachete de date transmise genereaza o cheie unica pe sesiune. astfel, se evita utilizarea directa a PSK in datele tansmise criptat in reteaua Wi-Fi, si se asigura cheia unica pe sesiune. (AP catre client) confirma acordul asupra setului de date ca fiind suficient pentru a se construi cheia unica. (Client catre AP) confirma si el acordul sau. nu vad cum ar putea fi extras Pre-Shared Key-ul. -
WiFi Krack (key reinstallation attacks) - all WiFi vulnerable
gutui replied to QuoVadis's topic in Stiri securitate
[...] So unless your Wi-Fi password looks something like a cat's hairball (e.g. ":SNEIufeli7rc" -- which is not guessable with a few million tries by a computer), a local attacker had the capability to determine the password, decrypt all the traffic, and join the network before KRACK. KRACK is, however, relevant for enterprise Wi-Fi networks: networks where you needed to accept a cryptographic certificate to join initially and have to provide both a username and password. KRACK represents a new vulnerability for these networks. Depending on some esoteric details, the attacker can decrypt encrypted traffic and, in some cases, inject traffic onto the network. But in none of these cases can the attacker join the network completely. And the most significant of these attacks affects Linux devices and Android phones, they don't affect Macs, iPhones, or Windows systems. Even when feasible, these attacks require physical proximity: An attacker on the other side of the planet can't exploit KRACK, only an attacker in the parking lot can. [...] Nicholas Weaver [...] One of the problems with IEEE is that the standards are highly complex and get made via a closed-door process of private meetings. More importantly, even after the fact, they're hard for ordinary security researchers to access. Go ahead and google for the IETF TLS or IPSec specifications -- you'll find detailed protocol documentation at the top of your Google results. Now go try to Google for the 802.11i standards. I wish you luck. The IEEE has been making a few small steps to ease this problem, but they're hyper-timid incrementalist bullshit. There's an IEEE program called GET that allows researchers to access certain standards (including 802.11) for free, but only after they've been public for six months -- coincidentally, about the same time it takes for vendors to bake them irrevocably into their hardware and software. This whole process is dumb and -- in this specific case -- probably just cost industry tens of millions of dollars. It should stop. [...] Matthew Green -
Clubul de la Roma publica in 1991: “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.” prelua teze mai vechi, seful Daimler AG reimpacheteaza "comercial" aceleasi obsesii, cit sa faca digerabila decizia ce ni se va impune. ii incomodam, sintem prea numerosi, inutili si periculosi pentru ei.
recitesc Leaganul pisicii, din cauza asta.
WiFi Krack (key reinstallation attacks) - all WiFi vulnerable
gutui replied to QuoVadis's topic in Stiri securitate
Vulnerability Note VU#228519 Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) handshake traffic can be manipulated to induce nonce and session key reuse. Vendor Information for VU#228519 Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) handshake traffic can be manipulated to induce nonce and session key reuse. -
North Korea 'hackers' steal US-South Korea war plans
gutui replied to QuoVadis's topic in Stiri securitate
acum, fara a mai face misto, chestia asta are acum ceva avint, partea buna e ca se va putea fenta usor ...
sintem aproape de acel meoment, se fac progrese remarcabile via http://geekologie.com/2013/11/so-can-i-x-box-one-kinect-sensor-can-see.php
povestea cu camerele video seamana mai degraba cu un patent IBM, https://cryptome.org/2016/05/ibm-tracker-16-0531.pdf ... cine stie, poate e deja dat in productie in China. in plus, au deja in faza de testare beta, un “social-credit system” bazat printre altele si pe istoricul de navigare pe net, postarile facute, continutul mesajelor, site-urile accesate, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-34592186 , https://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21711902-worrying-implications-its-social-credit-project-china-invents-digital-totalitarian , http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/05/24/chinese-citizens-want-the-government-to-rank-them/ , https://qz.com/1049669/chinas-tencent-hkg-0700-is-quietly-testing-a-social-credit-score-based-on-peoples-online-behavior/ . in baza scorului obtinut, cetateanul are acces la credite mai ieftine sau mai scumpe, la servicii sociale, pina si siteurile de dating promoveaza pe cei cu un scor bun... si canada e pe cale sa introduca un astfel de sistem. de fapt, inca de prin 2010, in diverse medii sistemul era deja anuntat. p.s. idiocracy pc screen vs win8 p.p.s. "The base of these new pieces that are going up include whatever fiber optics are necessary for those Homeland Security items.”In other words, anti-terror technology. Could that one day include facial recognition? p.p.p.s The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expanding the kinds of information that it collects on immigrants to include social media information and search results. The new policy, which covers immigrants who have obtained a green card and even naturalized citizens, will take effect on October 18th. ... doar pentru posesorii de green card? si British visitors to US may be asked for passwords and phone contacts at airports ...
Subgraph OS: Adversary resistant computing platform
gutui replied to Nytro's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
via : https://micahflee.com/2017/04/breaking-the-security-model-of-subgraph-os/ ... stiu autorul e implicat in echipa Qube OS- 1 reply
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https://github.com/evilsocket/bleah via https://www.evilsocket.net/2017/09/23/This-is-not-a-post-about-BLE-introducing-BLEAH/
poate incerci un kickstarter ...
A number of them voiced their distrust in emails to one another, seen by Reuters, and in written comments that are part of the process. The suspicions stem largely from internal NSA documents disclosed by Snowden that showed the agency had previously plotted to manipulate standards and promote technology it could penetrate. Budget documents, for example, sought funding to "insert vulnerabilities into commercial encryption systems." More than a dozen of the experts involved in the approval process for Simon and Speck feared that if the NSA was able to crack the encryption techniques, it would gain a "back door" into coded transmissions, according to the interviews and emails and other documents seen by Reuters. "I don't trust the designers," Israeli delegate Orr Dunkelman, a computer science professor at the University of Haifa, told Reuters, citing Snowden's papers. "There are quite a lot of people in NSA who think their job is to subvert standards. My job is to secure standards." sursa: http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1BW0GV via : https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2017/09/iso_rejects_nsa.html#comments
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uOm3 ... imi este dificil sa inteleg strania "coincidenta" si "inrudire" geografica... #SiLe Cyber , e din Ciudanovita , tot Caraş-Severin, o fosta localitate , acum doar o favela pe o halda radioactiva.... p.s.... reeditat tirziu in ambele cazuri, "inrudite" geografic, personajele omit sa incerce macar sa-si mascheze IP-urile... ca si elemente de subcultura a unui grup cu "specializare" de nisa ingusta, in aceste cazuri, apar elemente de conditionare de tip "submissive training"... iar personajele in discutie, vai mie, vulnerbile si lipsite norma pe metrica impactului actiunilor lor... eu, fara a incerca a dovedi ceva ...cuiva, incerc doar sa le inteleg demersul, dincolo de declarativele zornaitoare facute pentru "master/mistress" si membrii "clanului".
da, au schimbat legendarea personajului, http://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/povestea-hackerului-d3v1x-liceanul-aurel-spart-serverul-ministerului-educatiei-siteul-anaf-1_599476295ab6550cb80c37d8/index.html , " [....] Procurorii DIICOT spun că în spatele lui „Ninja300 HaCKer” este un tânăr care a împlinit 18 ani în iunie 2017, Alexandru Cosmin, din satul Sasca Montană (Caraş-Severin). [...]" in final, localizarea personajului e ca itinerarul turmei in transhumanta , initial suceava, apoi vilcea, acum cind scriu, sasca montana.... e pacat sa distrugi retorica propagandei incurcindu-te cu elemnte factuale...
gresit, in discutie e un handler ( https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/handler ), 1-2 patsy ( http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=patsy ) , o vulnerabilitate SQL cunoscuta si lasata in "groapa uitarii", SQL injection ... si aici e necesar un background sonor care sa puncteze momentul in registrul dramatic,
e vorba despre astia http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=Ninja300 HaCKer a carui pagina de facebook este https://www.facebook.com/Ninja300.Defacer/ stirea originala a fost https://www.monitorulsv.ro/tipareste/Cei-doi-adolescenti-care-au-lansat-atacuri-informatice-asupra-ISU-Suceava-au-fost-prinsi-238461 acum, ni se spune ca TREBUIE sa credem ca adolescentul/adolescentii romani in primul lor post, de pe pagina asociata activitatii de hacker, scriu in limba materna cam asa:" 076x xxx xxxx Acest numar de telefon este al uni prost un copil retarde de 12 ani" , ca scriu corect in limba engleza, iar in anumite cazuri folosesc linii de comentariu in interiorul codului sursa, scrise in bahasa indonesia , un fel de lingua franca inrudita cu malay. ca hackeri moldavi fiind, lucreaza incepind de la ora 02 am, doar in zilele de lucru si nu in weekend.... ca isi incep activitatea de defeace a siteurilor postind mesaje in engleza ... si ca initial se folosesc de imagini asociate unui hentai despre o echipa de baschet nipona, teme muzicale din topul de prin sumatra de sud... iar la final o imagine prima oara publicata pe deviant art, ulterior extrem de populara intre adolescentii fani ai hentaiului amintit anterior. si lista detaliilor incomode poate continua... ma opresc caci nu vreau sa intrerup ciorovaila cu amanunte care ar ruina narativul oficial, cu comentarii despre antropologia contractorului extern care personifica un hacker roman, adolescent sovin, consumator de droguri grele cit si de droguri recreationale. cu bine.