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Microsoft Buys GitHub For $7.5 Billion
tjt replied to ImiDucCuMandrieSteagul's topic in Stiri securitate
Eu observ un pattern in achizitiile lor: 1. Skype - tool de comunicare 2. Linkedin - tool de interconectare 3. Github - tool de colaborare Am impresia ca viziunea lor incepe sa fie 'business oriented' fara sa le mai pese de restul. Prin cele 3 achizitii pot oferi oricarei companii tot ce are nevoie pt a isi desfasura activitatea. Cine stie poate intr-un viitor nu prea indepartat o sa vedem un OS ce le combina /faciliteaza functionalitatile lor. -
It's an open secret: Tesla cars are powered not only by batteries but by open-source software. Until recently, though, Tesla hasn't lived up to its obligations under open-source licenses, but now Tesla is finally releasing some of its Linux source code for the Model S and X cars. The Tesla GitHub repository contains the code for the Model S/X 2018.12 software release. Specifically, it holds the system image on the Tesla Autopilot platform, the kernel sources for its underlying hardware, and the code for its Nvidia Tegra-based infotainment system. Tesla will release additional open-source code for other systems in their cars soon. According to Tesla, "Work is underway on preparing sources in other areas as well, together with a more coordinated information page. We wanted to let you know about this material as it is available now while work continues on the other parts." The electric car thought-leader will also update its code as updated software releases are made. You can't build your own Tesla binaries for your car yet though. The Tesla Linux code is still missing source code files and has incomplete build instructions. Tesla has been slowly working with the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) to release its code according to strictures of Linux's Gnu General Public License version 2 (GPLv2). SFC leaders Bradley M. Kuhn and Karen M. Sandler wrote: "Conservancy has been engaging with Tesla on its GPL compliance since June 2013, when we advised Tesla that we had received multiple reports of a GPL violation regarding Tesla's Model S. Customers who purchased Tesla's Model S received on-board system(s) that contained BusyBox and Linux, but did not receive any source code, nor an offer for the source." The SFC, and other open-source licensing groups, have been working with Tesla to convince its upstream software providers, NVIDIA and Parrot, to disclose complete, corresponding source (CCS) releases for all GPL'd binaries found in Tesla's Model S. In doing this, Tesla privately provided the Conservancy with multiple rounds of CCS candidates. These source code releases aren't complete yet as required by the GPL. CCS reports have become the standard document of GPL enforcement since 1998. This is the first time though that "circumstances have allowed us to share such a report with the public without violating our Principles." In turn, the SFC has reviewed the "CCS candidates and provided technical feedback on how to improve the candidates to reach compliance. In this process, we provide detailed reports explaining how the candidate releases fall short of GPL's requirements." That's because, Kuhn and Sandler wrote, "This part of the process is the longest, most difficult part of GPL enforcement. We often wish we could celebrate the triumph of moving from a no-source-or-offer violation to the next step of 'incomplete sources provided'. However, we also can't lose sight of the fact that compliance means meeting all GPL's requirements, so we don't convey false hopes with an incomplete release. We must ultimately remain focused on user freedom in our efforts." Still, Tesla has major strides forward in how it treats open-source software. Tesla has elected to publish its incomplete CCS candidates. While the SFC would prefer companies provide adequate CCS immediately, "We realize that this can be a challenging process and recognize that Tesla has struggled for years with upstreams to yield proper CCS. We believe Tesla's new approach also has merit, because it allows the entire community to discuss and contribute in public and collaboratively assist Tesla in complying with the GPL." That said, the SFC knows that "many of you, particularly those Linux-savvy folks who bought Tesla vehicles, have reached high levels of frustration with the lengthy time this GPL compliance effort is taking. Nevertheless, this situation shows precisely why patience is essential for successful enforcement work; it gives us the opportunity to welcome violators to become contributors to the copyleft software community. Our community's history is filled with such success stories." Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/tesla-starts-to-release-its-cars-open-source-linux-software-code/ Tesla's github: https://github.com/teslamotors
ceva basic: file_changed = false #load data from file for x in ...: if blocked: while not file_changed: #check if file content changed # load new data # set file changed to false # set blocked to false time.sleep(1) #do stuff #when blocked set blocked to true and continue Poti sa iti salvezi intr-un fisier datele de care ai nevoie.
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Nu se uita pe diploma nimeni si nici nu e necesar sa mentionezi in CV faptul ca faci la IF sau la ID. Bagi ceva gen "Student Computer Science, X University". Faptul ca nu ai o diploma e un drawback foarte mare mai ales la nivel de entry-level. Multi de la HR o sa te ignore fara diploma, Diploma iti asigura o invitatie la un interviu, dar restul depinde tot de cunostinte,personalitate, starea de spirit a persoanei cu care stai de vorba, etc.
http://www.idifr.ase.ro/programe-id @horus https://www.4icu.org/ro/ : ...................... 4. Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti ...................... 43. Universitatea Titu Maiorescu
Majoritatea comentariilor sunt pe langa subiect. Omul nu a intrebat "ce facultate sa fac ca sa devin programator?" si nici "E bun ASE-ul sa devin programator ?". El doreste sa obtina o diploma astfel incat sa faca un career switch. Pana acum niciun comentariu nu a venit cu o alta alternativa la facultatile ID propuse de el si nici cu PRO / CON legat de ce a intrebat IT-ul nu inseamna numai programatori. Cum am zis mai sus, intre ASE si Titu Maiorescu, eu recomand ASE-ul.
Eu zic ca e mai facultate decat Calculatoare de la Politehnica Oradea sau Calculatoare de la Universitatea Tehnica Botosani. (nu stiu daca exista facultatile respective, dar cred ca s-a inteles ce vreau sa zic) Eu zic ca ASE-ul ar fi mai bun pentru ca de multe ori am vazut ca pe la banci in IT se prefera persoane absolvente de facultati economice.
Toate cartile lui Robert Greene sunt foarte, foarte bune. Mi se pare foarte bun modul cum prezinta anumite concepte prin mici povestioare inspirate din istorie.
Gala Forbes 30 sub 30 2018. Cei mai influenți tineri au fost premiați la Gala Forbes 30 sub 30 Într-o atmosferă de excepție, peste 700 de invitați au participat la Face Club Bucharest la cea de-a șaptea ediție a Galei Forbes 30 sub 30. Eveniment deja cu tradiție, această gală îi premiază pe cei mai remarcabili tineri dintr-o arie largă de domenii, de la business, sport și artă, până la avocatură sau IT Pornit de la modelul de succes internațional FORBES 30 UNDER 30, ediția românească, FORBES 30 SUB 30, este un proiect care radiografiază mediul de business al tinerilor lideri sau antreprenori, aducându-i în prim-plan pe aceia care au reușit să rupă clișee, să facă o diferență pozitivă în societate. Din 2012, Forbes România a început să spună poveștile de succes ale unor tineri cu vârsta de sub 30 de ani. În cadrul galei, Forbes România i-a premiat pe cei mai reprezentativi tineri din generațiile anterioare care s-au remarcat prin evoluția frumoasă în cariera sau business-ului lor. [...] – Andrei Avădanei – Inițiator Defcamp [...] Felicitari @Andrei Articolul complet il gasiti aici: https://www.forbes.ro/gala-forbes-30-sub-30-2018-cei-mai-influenti-tineri-au-fost-premiati-la-gala-forbes-30-sub-30-115137
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JTAG on-chip debugging: Extracting passwords from memory
tjt replied to Nytro's topic in Electronica
Parerea mea este ca ceea ce au facut ei este un tutorial despre cum sa conectezi un JTAG. Nu mi se pare ceva amazing. -
Domeniul IT e atat de vast si cu atat de multe oportunitati.... nu inteleg de ce toti vor sa fie developeri aka sclavi pe plantatie.
Cred ca din cauza asta: https://news.bitcoin.com/south-korea-end-anonymous-crypto-trading/
Stiu ca pentru casinourile / agentiile de pariuri online este necesara o licenta pentru a putea functiona in Romania. Cu plus500, bitfinex, polonex, etc. nu ar trebui sa fie la fel ?
Ai cumparat IOTA prin bitfinex sau ai luat de la cineva?
Au luat-o la vale toate https://coinmarketcap.com Stie cineva de ce?
In ultimul timp au cam "explodat" toate in sus. Oare cat o sa tina?
De IOTA ce parere aveti ? M-ar bate gandu sa cumpar cateva unitati .
Audiobooks in romana/engle
"nu beneficiez de banii necesari " --- ce pompos suna asta .
Foarte bun topicul.
E de apreciat ca ai dat un search inainte si ca nu ai facut inca un topic Ceva lejer, UNIBUC, eventual ASE partea de info. Ceva mai greu, dar mai bine vazut si cu posibilitatea de a te implica in mai multe proiecte, Politehnica. Ca oras, Bucurestiul e mai ok decat Clujul daca ne referim la preturi.
De ce nu se pune o zi si in weekend (ex: vineri si sambata) ?
Avem productii istorice in agricultura la grau, floarea-soarelui, secara, rapita si mai nou si la Coca-Coala :))))) Sursa: http://adevarul.ro/news/politica/liviu-dragnea-mihai-tudose-2000-antena-3-1_59f0adad5ab6550cb87a8780/index.html