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Everything posted by aelius

  1. MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (MPI-1, MPI-2 and MPI-3). The goals of MPICH are: (1) to provide an MPI implementation that efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms including commodity clusters (desktop systems, shared-memory systems, multicore architectures), high-speed networks (10 Gigabit Ethernet, InfiniBand, Myrinet, Quadrics) and proprietary high-end computing systems (Blue Gene, Cray) and (2) to enable cutting-edge research in MPI through an easy-to-extend modular framework for other derived implementations. See our collaborators. MPICH is distributed as source (with an open-source, freely available license). It has been tested on several platforms, including Linux (on IA32 and x86-64), Mac OS/X (PowerPC and Intel), Solaris (32- and 64-bit), and Windows. Please see the README, CHANGES, and RELEASE_NOTES files in the distribution for more details. See download page for more details. MPICH was originally developed during the MPI standards process starting in 1992 to provide feedback to the MPI Forum on implementation and usability issues. This original implementation was based on the Chameleon portability system to provide a light-weight implementation layer (hence the name MPICH from MPI over CHameleon). Around 2001, development had begun on a new implementation named MPICH2. MPICH2 implemented additional features of the MPI-2 standard over what was implemented in the original MPICH (now referred to as MPICH-1). The final release of the original MPICH is 1.2.7p1. The version numbers of MPICH2 were restarted at 0.9 and continue to 1.5. Starting with the major release in November 2012, the project is renamed back to MPICH with a version number of 3.0. Check out our news and events for more informations. MPICH and its derivatives, form the most widely used implementations of MPI in the world. They are used exclusively on nine of the top 10 supercomputers (November 2013 ranking), including the world’s fastest supercomputer: Tianhe-2. Official page: MPICH | High-Performance Portable MPI Documentation: Guides | MPICH
  2. Hiawatha Web Server Introduction: Hiawatha is an open source webserver with a focus on security. I started Hiawatha in January 2002. Before that time, I had used several webservers, but I didn't like them. They had unlogical, almost cryptic configuration syntax and none of them gave me a good feeling about their security and robustness. So, I decided it was time to write my own webserver. I never thought that my webserver would become what it is today, but I enjoyed working on it and liked to have my own open source project. In the years that followed, Hiawatha became a fully functional webserver. Secure: Hiawatha has been written with security in mind. This resulted in a highly secure webserver in both code and features. Hiawatha can stop SQL injections, XSS and CSRF attacks and exploit attempts. Via a specially crafted monitoring tool, you can keep track of all your webservers. Easy to use: You don't need to be a HTTP or CGI expert to get Hiawatha up and running. Its configuration syntax is easy to learn. The documentation and examples you can find on this website will give you all the information you need to configure your webserver within minutes. Lightweight: Although Hiawatha has everything a modern webserver needs, it's nevertheless a small and lightweight webserver. This makes Hiawatha ideal for older hardware or embedded systems. Special techniques are being used to keep the usage of resources as low as possible. Official webpage: https://hiawatha-webserver.org/
  3. This page contains a quick reference guide for Linux 2.6+ tuning for Data Transfer hosts connected at speeds of 1Gbps or higher. Note that most of the tuning settings described here will actually decrease performance of hosts connected at rates of OC3 (155 Mbps) or less, such as home users on Cable/DSL connections. - Linux Tuning These notes are intended to help users and system administrators maximize TCP/IP performance on their computer systems. They summarize all of the end-system (computer system) network tuning issues including a tutorial on TCP tuning, easy configuration checks for non-experts, and a repository of operating system specific instructions for getting the best possible network performance on these platforms - TCP Tune
  4. Most people know how problematic protection against SYN denial of service attacks can be. Several methods, more or less effective, are usually used. In almost every case proper filtering of packets is a viable solution. In addition to creating packet filters, the modification of the TCP/IP stack of a given operating system can be performed by an administrator. This method, the tuning of the TCP/IP stack in various operating systems, will be described in depth in this article. While SYN attacks may not be entirely preventable, tuning the TCP/IP stack will help reduce the impact of SYN attacks while still allowing legitimate client traffic through. It should be noted that some SYN attacks do not always attempt to upset servers, but instead try to consume all of the bandwidth of your Internet connection. This kind of flood is outside the scope of scope of this article, as is the filtering of packets which has been discussed elsewhere. What can an administrator do when his servers are under a classic, non-bandwidth flooding SYN attack? One of most important steps is to enable the operating system's built-in protection mechanisms like SYN cookies or SynAttackProtect. Additionally, in some cases it is worth tuning parameters of the TCP/IP stack. Changing the default values of stack variables can be another layer of protection and help better secure your hosts. In this paper I will concentrate on: - Increasing the queue of half-open connections (in the SYN RECEIVED state). - Decreasing the time period of keeping a pending connection in the SYN RECEIVED state in the queue. This method is accomplished by decreasing the time of the first packet retransmission and by either decreasing the number of packet retransmissions or by turning off packet retransmissions entirely. The process of packet retransmissions is performed by a server when it doesn't receive an ACK packet from a client. A Packet with the ACK flag finalizes the process of the three-way handshake. Note that an attacker can simply send more packets with the SYN flag set and then the above tasks will not solve the problem. However, we can still increase the likelihood of creating a full connection with legitimate clients by performing the above operations. We should remember that our modification of variables will change the behavior of the TCP/IP stack. In some cases the values can be too strict. So, after the modification we have to make sure that our server can properly communicate with other hosts. For example, the disabling of packet retransmissions in some environments with low bandwidth can cause a legitimate request to fail. In this article you will find a description of the TCP/IP variables for the fallowing operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, RedHat Linux 7.3, Sun Solaris 8 and HP-UX 11.00. These variables are similar or the same in current releases. Definitions: SYN flooding and SYN spoofing A SYN flood is a type of Denial of Service attack. We can say that a victim host is under a SYN flooding attack when an attacker tries to create a huge amount of connections in the SYN RECEIVED state until the backlog queue has overflowed. The SYN RECEIVED state is created when the victim host receives a connection request (a packet with SYN flag set) and allocates for it some memory resources. A SYN flood attack creates so many half-open connections that the system becomes overwhelmed and cannot handle incoming requests any more. To increase an effectiveness of a SYN flood attack, an attacker spoofs source IP addresses of SYN packets. In this case the victim host cannot finish the initialization process in a short time because the source IP address can be unreachable. This malicious operation is called a SYN spoofing attack. We need to know that the process of creating a full connection takes some time. Initially, after receiving a connection request (a packet with SYN flag set), a victim host puts this half-open connection to the backlog queue and sends out the first response (a packet with SYN and ACK flags set). When the victim does not receive a response from a remote host, it tries to retransmit this SYN+ACK packet until it times out, and then finally removes this half-open connection from the backlog queue. In some operating systems this process for a single SYN request can take about 3 minutes! In this document you will learn how to change this behavior. The other important information you need to know is that the operating system can handle only a defined amount of half-open connections in the backlog queue. This amount is controlled by the size of the backlog queue. For instance, the default backlog size is 256 for RedHat 7.3 and 100 for Windows 2000 Professional. When this size is reached, the system will no longer accept incoming connection requests. Read more: Hardening the TCP/IP stack to SYN attacks | Symantec Connect Community
  5. "A Hacker" )) Cat de penal
  6. Am votat cu "Fa-i datele publice" iar mai jos argumentez asta. Sunt baieti aici care au gasit gramada de vulnerabilitati in companii mari precum Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, NTT si altele. Au gasit vulnerabilitatile, le-au reportat si au primit bani si respect pentru asta. Dupa ce s-au rezolvat bug-urile, au facut public ce au descoperit. Este ETIC si corect din orice punct de vedere. Acele companii deruleaza programe de gasire a vulnerabilitatilor si recompenseaza oamenii. Suntem o comunitate de oameni pasionati de IT, nu suntem escroci. Din cate am inteles, Valium a mai cerut inca 300 de euro de la oameni si a primit. Acum cere inca 3000 si ameninta in stanga si in dreapta. Serios, asta e santaj de cea mai joasa speta si nu are nicio legatura cu hacking-ul. Cred ca stim cu totii cat de greu e sa iti ridici un business. In mod sigur nu v-ar placea sa arunce un gigel cu mocirla in stanga si in dreapta si sa va ceara si gramada de bani. Atitudinea este gresita din start. NU avem nevoie de escroci aici. Si asa ne-a fost patata imaginea de pomana iar unii dintre noi au platit scump.
  7. Injurati-va pe PM. Merci,
  8. Salut, Daca te ajuta cu ceva: Sunt zener acele diode. (mai exact, nu au ca scop redresarea unei tensiuni). Ele sunt puse intre plus si minus pentru a stabiliza tensiunile la un anumit prag. (in cazul in care aceste valori sunt depasite). In diagrama mica (cea cu dioda) este specificat faptul ca sunt diode stabilizatoare de 5,1 Volti. Desigur, trebuie respectata polaritatea. R1 + R2 sunt pentru caderea de tensiune. BZX79C5V1, Zener Diode, 5.1V 500mW / abatere (toleranta): 5%
  9. Au fost mitinguri anti taxe. Rezultatul a fost zero. Au fost mitinguri anti guvern. Rezultatul a fost zero. Atata timp cat nu intereseaza pe nimeni iar Romanul revoltat arata cam asa, nu o sa se schimbe nimic. Lasa sa vina razboiul, il astept demult. Vreau sa trag pe roata niste politicieni.
  10. Eu am avut .org cu page rank 6 si iesa foarte bine pe cautari pe o nisa pe care e batalie mai mare ca pe poker. Nu cred ca conteaza prea mult daca e .net, .org, .com (Sa nu fie extensie pe tara totusi). Cred ca totul se rezuma la de cat de bun esti in seo, ce continut ai si link-urile de calitate catre tine.
  11. There are many things to consider when securing a web application but a definite "quick win" is to start taking advantage of the security HTTP response headers that are supported in most modern browser. It doesn't matter which development platform you use to build your application, these headers will make a notable difference for the security of your website anyway! The screenshot shows what the security headers look like. The security headers are included in the web server's response to a browser — instructing the browser to enable (or disable) certain security features. They're invisible to the user, but you can have look at them with tools such as Fiddler or the developer tools that are built into the major browsers. In IE or Chrome press F12, in Opera (Ctrl+Shift+i), in Firefox (Ctrl+Shift+k), for Safari have a look here to enable the developer tools. A great thing about these response headers is that they're very easy to get started with. In many cases you might not even have to change a single line of code in your application as you can set the headers either through your application's configuration, or they can likely be set by whatever web server you use. If you're building ASP.NET applications I would like to point you to NWebsec, an ASP.NET security library that lets you easily configure these headers for your application. Go and have a look at the documentation, it explains how you can configure the headers through web.config. Don't worry, if you're the MVC kind of person you can use filter attributes instead. You'll find the library on NuGet so you'll be up and running in a matter of minutes! Disclaimer: I built it, so I think it's pretty cool. A quick note: Last year, I gave a lightning talk at the ROOTs conference about the role browsers play for your online security. There I also discussed security headers. Slides and video are online if you want to check them out: "The browser - your best friend and worst enemy" (slides / video). Now let's have a look at the headers and how they can improve the security of your website. The security headers Here's the security headers that are supported by some or all of the major browsers at the time of writing. - X-Frame-Options - Strict-Transport-Security - X-Content-Type-Options - X-Download-Options - X-XSS-Protection - X-Content-Security-Policy / X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only - X-WebKit-CSP / X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only We'll have a look at each header and discuss their merits. I've included some important references for each header so you can study them in more detail if you'd like. To remove any doubt that these headers help prevent attacks that are both real and practical, I've also included some videos showing how some of the attacks work. Read more: Security through HTTP response headers
  12. Ma intreb cum convertesti tu 12vcc in 110 sau 220vca cu ajutorul unui transformator, tinand cont ca transformatoarele functioneaza numai cu tensiune alternativa. De asemenea, te rugam sa acorzi atentie la data la care a fost facut un thread sau cand s-a vorbit ultima oara in el.
  13. Nu ne bagam peste deciziile moderatorilor/adminilor sa scoatem banuri fara un motiv bine intemeiat. Sa nu aveti obiectii de facut si sa nu se supere omul ce v-a dat ban, va propun altceva. Va scot banurile si aveti 5 zile timp sa puneti fiecare cate 10 stiri bune de securitate sau cate 5 tutoriale (photoshop, windows, linux, php, python ... sau orice altceva tehnic si de calitate) Ati calcat pe bec si ati luat ban. Cred ca si ceilalti mods/admins sunt de acord sa va scoatem banurile dar sa prestati ceva munca pentru comunitate Daca incalcati intelegerea, aveti ban permanent de la mine, si va adaug la usere un sufix cu "_Labar". Nu incercati sa ma furati la cantar. Usere: - askwrite - Cifre - Byte-ul Deal ?! Au fost de acord toti. In cateva minute o sa fie banurile scoase. Deci aveti timp 5 zile. ---------------------------- edit - 02.03.2014 Thread-uri facute de Byte-ul https://rstforums.com/forum/82145-boeing-launches-ultra-secure-black-smartphone-has-self-destruct-feature.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82147-chameleon-virus-spreads-across-wifi-access-points-like-common-cold.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82159-optic-nerve-nsa-hacked-into-webcam-millions-yahoo-users-private-images.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82162-dissecting-newest-ie10-0-day-exploit-cve-2014-0322-a.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82173-yahoo-vulnerability-allows-hacker-delete-1-5-million-records-database.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82200-hackercare-aims-hack-healthcare-startups.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82201-auroracoin-airdrop-approaches-iceland-adopts-cryptocurrency.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82199-amex-debuts-its-most-mobile-integrated-rewards-focused-credit-card.rst Threaduri facute de Cifre https://rstforums.com/forum/82136-fortress-may-first-public-company-own-millions-dollars-bitcoins-disclose.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82137-mt-gox-files-bankruptcy-claims-63-6m-debt.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82144-how-use-twitter-bootstrap-create-responsive-website-design.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82151-how-create-windows-store-app-using-html-javascript.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82187-creating-new-google-play-multi-level-navigation-scratch.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82188-how-encrypt-custom-configuration-section-asp-net.rst Threaduri facute de askwrite https://rstforums.com/forum/82134-photoshop-cum-sa-faci-un-logo-sigla.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82138-photoshop-dispersion-effect-smoke-cs7.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82139-photoshop-cum-sa-faci-un-banner-web-animat.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82140-photoshop-soft-focus-effect.rst https://rstforums.com/forum/82142-photoshop-glowing-line-effect.rst askwrite pare ca ne-a cam furat la cantar cu deal-ul. Cifre si Byte-ul chiar au postat baietii. // edit: Puteti continua baieti. Daca mai faceti si voi ocazional cate un post de calitate oamenii vor tine cont de ele. Asta e ideea unei comunitati.
  14. Cablul de antena este coaxial si are 75 ohmi. Cablul pentru antenele wireless are de regula o impedanta de 50 de ohmi si lucreaza in frecvente foarte mari. Iti recomand sa folosesti cablu standard de extensie pentru wireless.
  15. Folosesc des un adaptor usb to serial pentru a ma conecta pe diverse echipamente. Dupa update-ul la Mavericks, am constatat ca nu ma mai pot conecta. Cam aceiasi problema a fost si la Lion. macbook ~$ cd Work/ macbook Work$ curl -o osx-pl2303.kext.tgz http://www.xbsd.nl/pub/osx-pl2303.kext.tgz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 52512 100 52512 0 0 177k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 178k macbook Work$ tar zxvf osx-pl2303.kext.tgz x osx-pl2303.kext/ x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/ x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/Info.plist x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/MacOS/ x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/Resources/ x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/Resources/COPYING x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings x osx-pl2303.kext/Contents/MacOS/osx-pl2303 macbook Work$ cd osx-pl2303.kext macbook osx-pl2303.kext$ ls Contents macbook osx-pl2303.kext$ cd .. macbook Work$ sudo cp -R osx-pl2303.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ Password: macbook Work$ sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext/ macbook Work$ sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext/ macbook Work$ sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/osx-pl2303.kext macbook Work$ sudo kextcache -system-cache macbook Work$ kextstat|grep 2303 138 0 0xffffff7f820ee000 0xb000 0xb000 nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 (1.0.0d1) <110 36 5 4 3> Functioneaza perfect driverul. Sursa: xbsd.nl - PL2303 Serial USB on OSX Lion
  16. Salut, Uitandu-ma la adresa ta ip, nu cred ca ai vreo sansa. Se foloseste squid/proxy local, sunt filtre, etc. De ce vrei sa faci asta ?
  17. aelius


    Nu am patit chestii de genul dar banuiesc ca se intampla ocazional din cauza unui echipament prost configurat la ISP. (cei la care este serverul dedicat cu RST-ul) Am folosit cateva luni bune ceva echipamente de la Fortinet si se intampla des sa fie blocati clientii legitimi (cand era prea mare queue-ul, la atacuri sau pur si simplu considera el ca sunt pachete invalide). Chestia cu anuntatul adresei ip ca blackhole in sesiunile externe BGP imi pare lame rau. Asta nu e filtrare. Poti spune ca ISP-ul iti face denial of service catre tot ce nu e in tara.
  18. aelius

    Fun stuff

    Decand o fi gura langa vagin nu am idee Mai continua legea oricum, era "fara acordul acesteia"
  19. Dupa mine, nu as tine cont de vreo regula scrisa. Ma enerveaza la culme cei cu root0 uid0 eth0 si porcarii de genul. In rest, intrebarile diverse, chiar daca par putin cretine, nu ma deranjaza. Chiar si o idee cretina se poate materializa in ceva ok (care la inceput pare cretina)
  20. Just two days before Apple has disclosed a critical Security flaw in the SSL implementation on the iOS software that would allow man-in-the-middle attacks to intercept the SSL data by spoofing SSL servers. Dubbed as CVE-2014-1266, the so-called ‘goto fail;’ vulnerability in which the secure transport failed to validate the authenticity of the connection has left millions of Apple users vulnerable to Hackers and Spy Agencies, especially like the NSA. Last Friday, Apple had also released updated version iOS 7.0.6 to patch the vulnerability, which was first discovered in Apple's iOS Devices, but later company had acknowledged its presence in Mac OSX also, that could allow hackers to intercept email and other communications that are meant to be encrypted in iPhone, iPad and Mac computer. Affected versions include iOS up to version 7.0.5 and OS X before 10.9.2. Security Researchers confirmed, 'Nearly all encrypted traffic, including usernames, passwords, and even Apple app updates can be captured.' with man-in-the-middle attack. Apple Vulnerability and NSA I am sure; you still remember the NSA's DROPOUTJEEP Hacking Tool, implant for Apple iOS devices that allows the NSA to remotely control and monitor nearly all the features of an iPhone, including text messages, Geo-Location, microphone and the Camera. DROPOUTJEEP program was developed in 2008 to conduct espionage on iPhone users, which was revealed by the documents provided by Edward Snowden a month ago. "The initial release of DROPOUTJEEP will focus on installing the implant via close access methods." document reads. According to the vulnerability details published by a Google's Security Researcher 'Adam Langley', a basic mistake in a line of the SSL Encryption code almost screwed up the iOS SSL certificate verification process with an open invitation for the NSA's Prying Eyes. "This sort of subtle bug deep in the code is a nightmare," Adam Langley said on his blog, "I believe that it's just a mistake, and I feel very bad for whoever might have slipped in an editor and created it." Security researchers, Jacob Applebaum said last December, "Either the NSA has a huge collection of exploits that work against Apple products, meaning that they are hoarding information about critical systems that American companies produce and sabotaging them, or Apple sabotaged it themselves." Although, those old techniques are no longer in circulation, but the NSA has a track record of continually evading the privacy of users by exploiting vulnerabilities in various softwares and obviously NSA's capabilities have improved significantly in the past five years. In the DROPOUTJEEP document, the NSA also admitted, 'A remote installation capability will be pursued for a future release.' That means, it's practically possible that the NSA had already discovered this iOS SSL flaw in an effort to hack iPhone users' remotely by sniffing data and spoofing them to install malware. An Unanswered Question 'Was the Apple intentionally injected backdoors for NSA or the flaw was an accident???' If it was an accident, then Apple would have been able to release patches for both iOS and Mac OS X at the same time, instead of releasing the patches for both, it silently released a fix for iOS devices on Friday night, but when the cryptographers and security experts began criticizing the company for leaving OS X without the patch, they finally acknowledged Mac OS X too; But it's the 4th day after disclosure and no patch yet has been released for Mac OS X. Also, Apple contacted CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Errors database) on 8th January 2014 to reserve the bug number CVE 2014-1266 for the SSL vulnerability and later they have released updated iOS 7.1, which was also vulnerable to the flaw that Apple had already discovered. However, Apple categorically denied working with the NSA on a backdoor after it was accused last December of creating a way for the US intelligence agency NSA to access contacts and other data in iPhones. On Dec. 31, Apple spokesperson released a statement saying: In 2013, The US Department of Defense passed Apple's iOS 6 for the Government use, that means if the NSA was aware of this flaw, they didn't seem to have informed them. To Check, whether your web browser is vulnerable to SSL flaw, Click here and to be safe, you are recommended to use an alternate web browser, rather than Safari web browser and avoid using public and unsecured networks. UPDATE: Apple has finally today releases Mac OS X 10.9.2, which includes a fix for a major SSL security flaw and bringing with it a number of "improvements to the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac." Source: Apple's SSL Vulnerability might allow NSA to hack iOS Devices Remotely - The Hacker News ---- Nota: "Security Researchers confirmed, 'Nearly all encrypted traffic, including usernames, passwords, and even Apple app updates can be captured.' with man-in-the-middle attack." Sa fim seriosi, in Franta au redirectat google si i-au pus un certificat manarit pentru a snifa utilizatorii. Sunt scule hardware pentru interceptare la nivel de isp de cel putin 8 ani. Da chiar au luat-o razna toti cu NSA-ul ...
  21. 31 este numar prim; 531 nu este
  22. mareste si txqueuelen pe interfata de retea ifconfig eth0 |grep txqueuelen ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 5000 Hai ca deschidem un thread deseara despre posibilitatile de filtrare cu iptables, ipfilter, packet filter. Cred ca or sa fie mai multi interesati. Ideea e ca odata ajunse conexiunile sa fie procesate de aplicatii, este prea tarziu (atacul si-a atins scopul)
  23. InnoDB este row-level locking. La aplicatiile intensive, MyISAM produce incarcarea serverelor.
  24. @gogusan: Merci pentru post. Nu utilizez protectia dos din nginx pentru ca filtrez inainte cu iptables. Nu vreau sa filtrez pachetele la nivelul ala si prefer ca pachetele sa nu fie acceptate de server. multi_accept on; # nu este ok pentru ca se produce aglomerare. 4x64000 -> este setat foarte mare pentru a fi sigur ca imi sunt acceptate toate conexiunile (de asemenea, in sysctl sunt valori f. mari) 5 core -> aici nu inteleg, nu exista five core
  25. "Windows Server vine preinstalat pe mai mult de 50% din noile servere cumparate." - Poate Supermicro ceva (nu stiu exact). La HP, DELL nu e nimic instalat pe ele. De acord, furnizorii hardware incearca sa vanda cat mai multe odata cu un server (licente os, licenta ilo, etc ...). In aproximativ 5 ani de dat servere dedicate, doar doi clienti au inchiriat servere cu windows (unul un DL380 si altul un DL580). Windows server nu are cum sa dispara, cel putin nu vad cum. Fiecare OS este cu scopul lui. In orice caz, au si ei solutii foarte decente si stabile: Hyper V, Microsoft Exchange Server. Nu sunt cu solutiile windows, dar astea doua chiar sunt reusite. Imi mai place windows mobile. Este foarte fluid si stabil fata de Android. Gresala microsoft-ului este ca nu sunt apropiati de developeri si majoritatea aplicatiilor sunt closed-source.
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