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Everything posted by aelius

  1. Instalezi asterisk, 4psa, FreePBX sau altceva pentru VOIP pe o "cutie mica". (server)
  2. aelius


  3. Autorul acestui thread a avut cel putin 3 threaduri in care cerea sa-l ajute cineva sa dea ddos la o pagina, sa faca deface la o alta, sa faca nu stiu ce reporturi pe ceva pagini de facebook, in timp ce el are un site asa zis nationalist pe care publica tot felul de articole de cacat. (articole despre panarame despuiate ridicate la rang de vedete peste noapte, posturi diverse despre ciori si mass-media. Si da, nu-mi plac ungurii, dar chiar nu cred ca doriti sa va pierdeti timpul cu campanii si revolutii pe internet. Pula noastra, stiam ca oamenii din IT sunt mai deschisi la minte. Si recunoasteti, unguroaicele chiar sunt bune. Sunt multe familii mixte si traiesc fara sa-i doara capul de ceva. Cacanaria asta de ura pleaca de la politicieni. Si tu ba gigele, minunatule nationalist care esti: Nationalitatea trece prin stomac. Daca STATUL nu te sprijina cu ceva si platesti in jur de 80% taxe, esti un SCLAV. Spune-ne si noua ce protectie sociala ai sau ce ti-a oferit statul pana acum? Vezi ca problema noastra consta intr-o pagina pe facebook. No shit. Daca stati in case si o sa va scarpinati la pula pe facebook credeti ca veti schimba ceva ?
  4. // Update: E doar un server Lynnfield Intel Xeon CPU Xeon3430 @ 2,4 Ghz 4 Core, 4 Threads, 8MB Cache 16 GB Memory 2 x 500 GB SATA2 Raid 1 Software Monthly traffic: 20 TB Network Port Speed: 100Mbps 2 IP Addresses included with custom reverse DNS Monthly cost: 60 euro Setup fee: 0
  5. Este un db fara adrese ip. Toate au fost inlocuite de mine cu cateva zile inainte ( iar restul de autentificari sunt cu adresa ip a frontendului.
  6. Poate reusiti sa rezolvati si tcp/ip flaws, special pentru RST. Pe mine ma enerveaza ca headerele pachetelor pot fi alterate
  7. <hahah> Eu folosesc Oust Browser. Viata mea s-a schimbat in bine. </hahah>
  8. CMD (apple) + R la pornire. Iti trebuie mac keyboard. Recovery/Install se face online, nu ai nevoie de CD, Stick, etc ...
  9. "This Power Saver use a state of the electrical technology to actively monitor and improve the power factor of your household or office appliances. In addition, the intelligent technology optimizes the voltage and current demands thus reducing the active power/ KwH demands and achieves up to 35% savings on your electricity bill. It reduces waveform distortions. It also acts as a voltage stabilizer by storing emery for up to 10 seconds and therefore suppliers the load with constant voltage during momentary power surges. As a result, this power saver prolongs lifespan of the electrical appliances." Hahhahahaha, astia nu au invatat ce cacat e energie activa si reactiva. In plus, chiar sunt convinsi ca un cacat mic cu motz invelit in staniol auriu ce contine un condesator de capacitate mica, poate asigura un consum pentru 10 secunde (exemplu, in cazul unui compresor de frigider - fiind un motor, la pornirea lui consumul este mult mai mare decat cel de functionare)
  10. Cea mai tare prezentare pe o comunitate IT. Banuiesc ca si merele iti plac mai mult daca-s ale altuia
  11. Sunt AP-uri specializate ce utilizeaza controllere (scule hardware separate) si au protectii inclusiv pe canale daca sunt utilizate AP-uri multiple pe controller. Nu aveti ce le face, cel putin nu stiu sa existe vreo tehnica asa ca va pierdeti timpul.
  12. Update; Doua bucati: Cpu Model: Xeon 3065 @ 2.33 GHz Cpu Specs: 2 Core, 4MB L2 Cache 2 x 160 GB SATA2 Raid 1 Mirror Memory: 8 GB Monthly traffic: 20 TB Network Port Speed: 100Mbps 2 IP Addresses included with custom reverse DNS Monthly cost: 45 euro Setup fee: 0 euro *** Nota: nu se accepta niciun fel de continut ilegal *** //update: s-au dat.
  13. Modifica "CHALLANGE" in "CHALLENGE" atat in site cat si in titlul topicului deschis. Sau scrie in romaneste daca e grea engleza.
  14. Ba, ce calange ? Si de ce ai mai pus target "aHR0cDovL3doaXRlLWhhY2tlcnMuY29tL2NoYWxsYW5nZS94c3MtY2hhbGxhbmdlLWhhcmQucGhw" cand se vede in status bar la browserul tau de unde citeste.
  15. Si Microsoft de Romarg SRL. Am inteles ca technet e gazduit pe shared cu 3 usd pe an.
  16. Sa ne suga pula, Gabriel Mazilu si angajatii lui. Aia labagii care cheltuie din banul public sa stea la filaje dupa himere.
  17. Ma intreb de ce ai postat asta chiar de pe ip-ul tau ) The IP Address is: 188.173.X.X The host name is: 188-173-X-X.next-gen.ro
  18. Idee: sms gateway + un abonament bun cu sms-uri nelimitate catre orice retea in RO. Ei vad ca au adsense.
  19. Salutari, Userul d3vtn si-a luat ban pentru teapa. Adresa acestuia de email utilizata la inregistrare pe RST a fost alecsandru.daniel@gmail.com IP Address Search for User: "d3vtn" Registration IP Address Post IP Addresses [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address] [Find More Users with this IP Address]
  20. Update Sunt doar trei servere: Sandy Bridge Intel CPU Intel i5-2500 @ 3.3 Ghz 4 Core, 4 Threads, 6MB L2 Cache 16 GB DDR3 Memory 2 x 500 GB SATA2 Raid 1 Software Monthly traffic: 20 TB Network Port Speed: 100Mbps 2 IP Addresses included with custom reverse DNS Monthly cost: 60 euro * Setup fee este 0 pentru ca sunt deja pe stoc si au ramas de la clientii ce au facut upgrade // update: mai e unul.
  21. A intrat: https://www.dropbox.com/s/isjokvmeez0n8mx/Screenshot%202014-03-21%2023.28.50.png si a si vazut threadul. Last Activity Today 07:53 PM La foametea care e in unii, pt. 400 de euro ar fute-o si pe ma-sa Noi vorbim de ban pe forum
  22. @verdelemeu: Simplu fapt ca-i dam ban utilizatorului (o sa-i dam), nu te ajuta cu nimic in cazul tau. Ai dat banul, nu-l mai vezi inapoi iar el isi poate face alt user si poate sta in continuare aici. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vq4xfg7gqg6vlc4/Screenshot%202014-03-21%2023.23.06.png Pula noastra, exploit pt. apache 5.x si apache e abia la versiunea 2.x. Sunteti cei mai tari oamenilor.
  23. Intr-o tara in care statul s-a pisat pe tine, te astepti sa primesti dreptate pe un forum ?
  24. Salut, Orice discutie care deviaza de la subiect este mutata in categoria respectiva. Atata timp cat nu a fost sters, nu vad sa fie vreo problema. Nu vad despre ce injurii e vorba
  25. A Bitcoin exchange is blaming its colocation provider for a security breach that left to the theft of about $100,000 in virtual currency. Ottawa-based Canadian Bitcoins says that staff at the Rogers Data Center failed to check the identity of a scammer using a tech support web chat, allowing him access to the company’s servers. “It is important to note that this breach occurred without any authentication being performed by the Rogers Data Centre staff whatsoever,” the exchange said in a statement. The Oct. 1, 2013 incident was outlined in a story by The Ottawa Citizen, which said an online chat user claimed to be James Grant, the owner of Canadian Bitcoins. Here’s an excerpt: Rogers told the paper that it has offered a credit to Canadian Bitcoins, which has instead removed its equipment from the Rogers data center. “Canadian Bitcoins has requested a full accounting from Rogers regarding the security breach at their Ottawa Data Centre and also filed a police report,” the company said. “The situation surrounding this customer is unique to this customer, and does not apply to any other customer of Rogers Data Centres. Rogers has been fully co-operative with authorities in the investigation,” Rogers told the newspaper. An email to Rogers customers, which was posted on Reddit, said the incident occurred while the facility was operated by Granite Networks, which in the process of being acquired by Rogers. “ It should be noted that this incident took place during the acquisition period before Rogers Data Centres had full business operational control of the facility,” the email read. “Once Rogers Data Centre had taken full operational control of this Granite location, its full suite of security protocols was implemented.” Source: Bitcoin Exchange Blames Data Center Provider for $100,000 Theft | Data Center Knowledge More info about attack: http://www.coindesk.com/canadian-bitcoin-exchange-lose-100000-in-attack/
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