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Everything posted by bio.sh

  1. That's why I've said "personally"
  2. Personally I wouldn't take the chance to recover suspected compromised documents...what's done it's done...
  3. Cat timp forumul nu are activitate, nu vad de ce cineva ar mai intra aici? No content, no people...pretty straight forward
  4. O razbunare pe un serviciu online se poate face in multe feluri, ai destule metode
  5. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/R00tS3c/DDOS-RootSec/master/Botnets/loader_multi.go
  6. bio.sh


    POC : https://haxx.in/files/blasty-vs-pkexec.c
  7. Summary ======================================================================== We discovered a Local Privilege Escalation (from any user to root) in polkit's pkexec, a SUID-root program that is installed by default on every major Linux distribution: "Polkit (formerly PolicyKit) is a component for controlling system-wide privileges in Unix-like operating systems. It provides an organized way for non-privileged processes to communicate with privileged ones. [...] It is also possible to use polkit to execute commands with elevated privileges using the command pkexec followed by the command intended to be executed (with root permission)." (Wikipedia) This vulnerability is an attacker's dream come true: - pkexec is installed by default on all major Linux distributions (we exploited Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and other distributions are probably also exploitable); - pkexec is vulnerable since its creation, in May 2009 (commit c8c3d83, "Add a pkexec(1) command"); - any unprivileged local user can exploit this vulnerability to obtain full root privileges; - although this vulnerability is technically a memory corruption, it is exploitable instantly, reliably, in an architecture-independent way; - and it is exploitable even if the polkit daemon itself is not running. Reference link : https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2022/q1/80
  8. Does your mother know what you are doing on the internet?
  9. I use my personal number because I have nothing to hide , can't advise otherwise
  10. bio.sh

    Rst Beer time?

    Personal zic da pentru ambele
  11. Q: "What makes you qualified for this position?" A: "I have no life" ....YOU'RE HIRED
  12. Facem o intrevedere prin Centru pe 20(weekendul viitor) despre bere si security (sau poate doar bere) ? Yey or ney?
  13. E si multa trolleala...dar daca esti atent gasesti multe lucruri misto
  14. https://raidforums.com/Thread-🔰-Pentester-Academy-All-Courses-🔰
  15. Curiozitate sa fie, in rest o sa-ti dai seama singur cu timpul
  16. Ai tu o tigara? jk Bine ai venit!
  17. SI uite asa mai dispar cateva sute de gb din ssd-uri #Multam
  18. eu stiu ca tigara era dupa
  19. Ai asa multa incredere in oamenii de pe net? wtf....
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