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Windows: - Nu am virusi - Nu imi merge greu - Nu imi da erori - E documentat pe MSDN - E piratat, deci gratuit Aduceti si voi argumente. De ce e mai bun Linux? Ce sistem de operare aveti? Si fara Ubuntu sau alte pule-n cur ca daca va intreb despre "Linux" nu o sa aveti habar.
Se muta la gunoi. Sa nu mai prind cu Havij si alte rahaturi. Nu sunteti in stare manual, gasiti-va alte cacaturi de facut.
[NEW][FUD]Cryptech 1.0 | Extension spoof | Crypt DC5 [NEW][FUD]
Nytro replied to weno's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Se muta la gunoi, trebuia sa postezi la RST Market daca vrei bani. -
Topic de cacat, se muta la gunoi.
De ce postezi aici? Ban 2 zile si mutat la gunoi. PS: Nu inteleg cum ai tu de gand sa "hackuiesti" un act legislativ.
Bun, am citit si eu aberatiile. Club ShowOff ar trebui sa fie una dintre categoriile principale ale forumului. Problema e mentalitatea tuturor. Bine, ii excludem pe cei care vin cu rahaturi gasite cu Havij si le mutam topicurile la gunoi, dar daca sunt gasite manual, e ok. Bine, de cele mai multe nu exista factorul etic: "motivul", dar se gasesc si se exploateaza SQLI-uri. De ce doar SQLI? Pentru ca nimeni nu vrea sa isi largeasca orizonturile. Au invatat toti un UNION SELECT si gata, considera niste cunostinte pur DE BAZA ca "dovada suprema a hacking-ului". De asemenea, pe langa continutul primului post, exista factorul cel mai important: parerea celorlalti utilizatori. Acum, cum sa zic, nu inteleg de ce gasind un SQLI cu dork intr-un site de 2 lei, "atacatorul" asteapta lauda suprema si doreste sa fie pupat in cur de toata lumea si considerat zeul lor. Nu e prima oara cand vedem un cacat de SQLI, stim cu ce se mananca, chiar daca nu vedeti ca stam sa postam. Asadar, daca se iau in considerare: popularitatea site-ului cu pricina, motivul atacului si tehnica folosita, atunci da, e un post demn de respect. Dar cum se posteaza porcarii, nu va asteptati la laude. Categoria nu se va inchide, eu nu sunt de acord. Nici nu putem limita accesul, nu are rost. Oricine e liber sa posteze ce considera un ShowOff. Daca e de cacat, va fi mutat la gunoi, si de aceea ii inteleg pe cei care ii iau la misto pe cei care se asteapta la mult prea mult pentru o porcarie. Nu toti gasesc Blind SQLI intr-un cookie de pe un site important, avand si un motiv pentru asta, asadar sa nu ii privim de sus pe cei care posteaza, pentru ca si noi am inceput tot cu porcarii. RST Market nu stiu ce vreti sa fie, sunt multi oameni care au chestii de oferit sau doresc diverse servicii sau produse, contra-cost. Eu oricum nu am inteles aceasta categorie, pentru ca vad numai posturi cu root-uri, scannere si alte rahaturi inutile, dar acestea se cauta. Nu inteleg nici cu ce va incanta pe unii sa se inchida o anumita categorie. Nu va place ce e acolo, nu o vizitati. Dar pentru unii probabil chiar este utila, si poate scot ceva bani, desi sfatul meu ar fi sa lase cacaturile astea si sa puna mana pe "sapa", sa munceasca pentru ceva. Desigur, nu sunt de acord nici cu inchiderea acestei categorii, desi ar fi frumos daca cei care vand/cumpara tot felul de porcarii acolo ar evolua si ei la lucruri mai avansate, si ar constata cu stupoare ca daca invata putina programare, pot crea chiar ei acele scannere. Ce vreau sa subliniez e ca acea categorie e utila unor membri, iar daca unii nu vand sau nu cumpara nimic, nu stiu care ar putea fi problema lor.
Sa-mi faca si mie cineva un rezumat. Eu nu sunt de acord sa se inchida.
PHP 5.4SVN-2012-02-03 htmlspecialchars/entities Buffer Overflow
Nytro replied to The_Arhitect's topic in Exploituri
Uhuuu, arata bine. Problema e acel UTF-8, ca nu cred ca e extrem de folosit -
Hai sa formam un grup si sa mergem. Bine, daca sunt in oras...
[h=1]Fondatorii Pirate Bay, condamna?i la închisoare în Suedia[/h]01 februarie 2012 | 16:19 Aurelian Mihai Pirate Bay este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute ?i longevive website-uri dedicate g?zduirii ?i distribuirii de fi?iere torrent, devenit faimos pentru modul în care a reu?it s? evite toate ac?iunile legale demarate de-a lungul anilor, în care fondatorii s?i au fost acuza?i înc?rcarea legii drepturilor de autor prin facilitarea accesului la software piratat, filme noi preluate direct din s?lile de cinema ?i alte crea?ii protejate. Fondatorii Pirate Bay, condamna?i la închisoare în Suedia Din nefericire pentru milioanele de fani din lumea întreag?, aventura prin tribunalele suedeze la care au luat parte fondatorii s?i - Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde ?i Carl Lundström, respectiv co-fondatorul Gottfrid Svartholm, pare s? se apropie de un deznod?mânt dureros dup? ce Curtea Suprem? a dat un r?spuns negativ ultimului apel înaintat de website. Dup? ce au fost condamna?i la închisoare în anul 2010 sub acuza?ia de facilitare a înc?lc?rii legii drepturilor de autor, cei trei fondatori au f?cut apel, ob?inând reducerea sentin?ei ini?iale de 1 an, la o perioad? cuprins? între 2 ?i 8 luni. Cei trei au contestat sentin?a cu un nou apel, la rândul s?u respins de Curtea Suprem? în cursul zilei de azi. Prin urmare, sentin?ele finale r?mân fixate la 12 luni pentru Gottfrid Svartholm, 10 luni pentru Fredrik Neij, 8 luni pentru Peter Sunde ?i 4 luni pentru Carl Lundström, la care se adaug? ?i o amend? de 6.8 milioane de dolari reprezentând costurile de judecat? ?i alte daune - sum? infim? dac? ne raport?m la veniturile lunare ob?inute de Pirate Bay din publicitate ?i dona?ii . Totu?i, exist? posibilitatea ca cei patru s? scape f?r? a isp??i m?car o singur? zi de închisoare, deoarece sistemul legal suedez permite comutarea sentin?elor mai mici de 12 luni la închisoare cu suspendare. Decizia ?ine îns? de bun?voin?a tribunalului suedez. În compara?ie cu atitudinea extrem de ostil? cu care este tratat fenomenul pirateriei online peste ocean, sentin?a dat? de tribunalul suedez este una blând?, ce las? s? se în?eleag? c? acesta nu este ultimul capitol în istoria Pirate Bay. Via: Engadget.com Sursa: Fondatorii Pirate Bay, condamna?i la închisoare în Suedia
[h=1]Leading Kernel Maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman Joins The Linux Foundation[/h] By Linux_Foundation - January 31, 2012 - 10:45pm Kroah-Hartman joins distinguished group of Linux Foundation fellows, including Linus Torvalds, to advance the operating system SAN FRANCISCO, February 1, 2012 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux, today announced that Greg Kroah-Hartman is joining the organization as Fellow. Kroah-Hartman is among a distinguished group of software developers that maintain Linux at the kernel level. In his role as Linux Foundation Fellow, Kroah-Hartman will continue his work as the maintainer for the Linux stable kernel branch and a variety of subsystems while working in a fully neutral environment. He will also work more closely with Linux Foundation members, workgroups, Labs projects, and staff on key initiatives to advance Linux. The Linux Foundation Fellowship program provides financial support to software developers working on Linux and open source community projects. Under the auspices of this fund, The Linux Foundation works with users, vendors and developers to identify where and how additional work or resources could accelerate development efforts and spur the adoption of Linux and open source software. “The Linux Foundation does extremely valuable work, and I am proud to join the organization,” said Greg Kroah-Hartman. “I’m excited to continue my work on the Linux kernel alongside the best developers in the world and to increase collaboration among Linux Foundation members and kernel developers.” “Greg is among the world’s most talented software developers and is providing unmatched contributions to the advancement of Linux,” said Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation. “We’re looking forward to working even more closely with Greg and to allow him to expand his focus on the kernel.” Kroah-Hartman created and maintains the Linux Driver Project. He is also currently the maintainer for the Linux stable kernel branch and a variety of different subsystems that include USB, staging, driver core, tty, and sysfs, among others. Most recently, he was a Fellow at SUSE. Kroah-Hartman is an adviser to Oregon State University’s Open Source Lab, a member of The Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board, has delivered a variety of keynote addresses at developer and industry events, and has authored two books covering Linux device drivers and Linux kernel development. The Linux Foundation Fellows today include Till Kamppeter, Greg Kroah-Hartman, Janina Sajka, Richard Purdie and Linus Torvalds. Previous Fellows include Steve Hemminger, Andrew Morton, Andrew Tridgell and Ted Ts’o. For more information on Linux Foundation Fellows, please visit the Linux Foundation Fellowship website. About The Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2000, the organization sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and promotes, protects and advances the Linux operating system by marshaling the resources of its members and the open source development community. The Linux Foundation provides a neutral forum for collaboration and education by hosting Linux conferences, including LinuxCon, and generating original Linux research and content that advances the understanding of the Linux platform. Its web properties, including Linux.com, reach approximately two million people per month. The organization also provides extensive Linux training opportunities that feature the Linux kernel community’s leading experts as instructors. Follow The Linux Foundation on Twitter. ### Trademarks: The Linux Foundation, Linux Standard Base, MeeGo, Tizen and Yocto Project are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. Sursa: Leading Kernel Maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman Joins The Linux Foundation | The Linux Foundation Vedeti si: Linux kernel chief exits SUSE, takes vendor-neutral oversight role
[h=1]Google, condamnata pentru abuz de pozitie dominanta de catre un tribunal francez fiindca serviciul Maps este gratuit si afecteaza concurenta[/h] de Vlad Barza HotNews.ro Miercuri, 1 februarie 2012, 17:52 Economie | IT Un tribunal comercial din Paris a condamnat Google pentru abuz de pozitie dominanta dupa ce o companie de servicii de cartografiere s-a plans ca serviciul Google Maps afecteaza concurenta din piata prin faptul ca este gratuit pentru majoritatea companiilor. Firma Bottin Cartographes spune ca decizia este una istorica si reprezinta o dovada ca practicile Google in domeniul hartilor sunt abuzive, informeaza AFP. Tribunalul a condamnat Google sa plateasca 500.000 euro daune companiei Bottin Cartographes plus o amenda de 15.000 euro. Google spune ca va face apel si adauga ca o aplicatie gratuita si de foarte buna calitate este benefica pentru toti internautii si pentru proprietarii de site-uri. Cei de la Google mai spun ca in domeniu exista o concurenta reala. Cei de la Bottin se arata entuziasmati ca "dupa o batalie de doi ani" s-a luat "o decizie fara precedent" de condamnare atat a Google Inc, cat si a Google France. Ei mai spun ca tribunalul a constatat ca practicile Google in domeniul hartilor online sunt abuzive si pun piedici concurentei. Compania Bottin furnizeaza servicii asemanatoare cu cele din Google Maps, insa contra-cost. Sursa: Google, condamnata pentru abuz de pozitie dominanta de catre un tribunal francez fiindca serviciul Maps este gratuit si afecteaza concurenta - IT - HotNews.ro Francezii astia sunt penibili...
Understanding the bin, sbin, usr/bin , usr/sbin split Rob Landley rob at landley.net Thu Dec 9 15:45:39 UTC 2010 On Tuesday 30 November 2010 15:58:00 David Collier wrote: > I see that busybox spreads it's links over these 4 directories. > > Is there a simple rule which decides which directory each link lives > in..... > > For instance I see kill is in /bin and killall in /usr/bin.... I don't > have a grip on what might be the logic for that. You know how Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie created Unix on a PDP-7 in 1969? Well around 1971 they upgraded to a PDP-11 with a pair of RK05 disk packs (1.5 megabytes each) for storage. When the operating system grew too big to fit on the first RK05 disk pack (their root filesystem) they let it leak into the second one, which is where all the user home directories lived (which is why the mount was called /usr). They replicated all the OS directories under there (/bin, /sbin, /lib, /tmp...) and wrote files to those new directories because their original disk was out of space. When they got a third disk, they mounted it on /home and relocated all the user directories to there so the OS could consume all the space on both disks and grow to THREE WHOLE MEGABYTES (ooooh!). Of course they made rules about "when the system first boots, it has to come up enough to be able to mount the second disk on /usr, so don't put things like the mount command /usr/bin or we'll have a chicken and egg problem bringing the system up." Fairly straightforward. Also fairly specific to v6 unix of 35 years ago. The /bin vs /usr/bin split (and all the others) is an artifact of this, a 1970's implementation detail that got carried forward for decades by bureaucrats who never question _why_ they're doing things. It stopped making any sense before Linux was ever invented, for multiple reasons: 1) Early system bringup is the provice of initrd and initramfs, which deals with the "this file is needed before that file" issues. We've already _got_ a temporary system that boots the main system. 2) shared libraries (introduced by the Berkeley guys) prevent you from independently upgrading the /lib and /usr/bin parts. They two partitions have to _match_ or they won't work. This wasn't the case in 1974, back then they had a certain level of independence because everything was statically linked. 3) Cheap retail hard drives passed the 100 megabyte mark around 1990, and partition resizing software showed up somewhere around there (partition magic 3.0 shipped in 1997). Of course once the split existed, some people made other rules to justify it. Root was for the OS stuff you got from upstream and /usr was for your site- local files. Then / was for the stuff you got from AT&T and /usr was for the stuff that your distro like IBM AIX or Dec Ultrix or SGI Irix added to it, and /usr/local was for your specific installation's files. Then somebody decided /usr/local wasn't a good place to install new packages, so let's add /opt! I'm still waiting for /opt/local to show up... Of course given 30 years to fester, this split made some interesting distro- specific rules show up and go away again, such as "/tmp is cleared between reboots but /usr/tmp isn't". (Of course on Ubuntu /usr/tmp doesn't exist and on Gentoo /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp which now has the "not cleared between reboots" rule. Yes all this predated tmpfs. It has to do with read- only root filesystems, /usr is always going to be read only in that case and /var is where your writable space is, / is _mostly_ read only except for bits of /etc which they tried to move to /var but really symlinking /etc to /var/etc happens more often than not...) Standards bureaucracies like the Linux Foundation (which consumed the Free Standards Group in its' ever-growing accretion disk years ago) happily document and add to this sort of complexity without ever trying to understand why it was there in the first place. 'Ken and Dennis leaked their OS into the equivalent of home because an RK05 disk pack on the PDP-11 was too small" goes whoosh over their heads. I'm pretty sure the busybox install just puts binaries wherever other versions of those binaries have historically gone. There's no actual REASON for any of it anymore. Personally, I symlink /bin /sbin and /lib to their /usr equivalents on systems I put together. Embedded guys try to understand and simplify... Rob -- GPLv3: as worthy a successor as The Phantom Menace, as timely as Duke Nukem Forever, and as welcome as New Coke. Sursa: http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2010-December/074114.html
[h=1]Online Hacking/Programming Challenges[/h] Just a short list. Please let me know of ones I am missing: HAX.TOR :: Hacking Challenges - Free Shell Account - Security TryThis0ne - Hacking Challenges! Hack This Site! NetWars - Cyber Hacking Challenge http://intruded.net/ OverTheWire - Wargames https://cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk/index.php HackQuest :: Learn about Hacking, Cracking, JavaScript, PHP, Cryptology and Password security http://www.try2hack.nl/ https://www.hacking-lab.com/ Offensive Security Online Security Training Challenge <Code/Racer> - Battle it out and learn the code... Brought to you by Treehouse SmashTheStack Wargaming Network The Python Challenge Sursa:
[h=1]FBI Says Social Media-Sniffing App Will Protect Privacy[/h] By Damon Poeter January 30, 2012 05:45pm EST The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Monday that a social media monitoring application it is seeking to develop will be vetted to ensure it protects the privacy of individuals and protected groups before being used. The FBI's Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC) made waves last week with a FedBizOpps.gov post requesting information about the potential for building an app capable of sniffing through online media sites and social networks to look for emerging threats around the world. Absent any context, the ad led to speculation that the feds are ginning up a "Big Brother"-type operation to snoop on users of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms frequented by hundreds of millions of people around the globe. But if such an application is developed and used by the FBI, the agency's Privacy and Civil Liberties Unit "will review the legal implications of the application and ensure that we meet all privacy requirements prior to the application being implemented," an FBI spokesperson told PCMag.com. "The intent is to view publicly available open-source, non-private social data that is readily available on the open Internet," Special Agent Ann Todd of the FBI's Office of Public Affairs said. "The application will not focus on specific persons or protected groups, but on words that relate to 'events' and 'crisis,' and activities constituting violations of federal criminal law or threats to national security. Examples of these words will include 'lockdown,' 'bomb,' 'suspicious package,' 'white powder,' 'active shoot,' 'school lock down,' etc." Todd also reiterated that the Jan. 19 post on FedBizOpps.gov was a request for information (RFI) only. The FBI sought "to determine the capabilities of the IT industry to provide an open-source and social media application," she said, adding that "[t]he RFI was issued for market research and planning purposes only ... t was not intended to solicit proposals and no submissions will be accepted as official offers for contract." Sursa: FBI Says Social Media-Sniffing App Will Protect Privacy | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
[h=2]SEC Takes Action Against Hacker[/h] By Steve Ragan on January 27, 2012 The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged a trader and four firms for what it calls a “brazen and systematic scheme”, which involved more than $850,000 in ill-gotten funds, and more than $2 million in customer compensation. According to the SEC on Thursday, a trader in Latvia was charged for conducting a widespread online account intrusion scheme in which he manipulated the prices of more than 100 NYSE and Nasdaq securities. The SEC alleges that Igors Nagaicevs, who has not been served with the charges due to the fact he is overseas, broke into online brokerage accounts more than 150 times over the last 14 months, and drove stock prices up or down by making unauthorized purchases or sales in the hijacked accounts. “Nagaicevs engaged in a brazen and systematic securities fraud, repeatedly raiding brokerage accounts and causing massive damages to innocent investors and their brokerage firms,” said Marc J. Fagel, Director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office. To make matters worse, four firms were charged with allowing the transactions, because they did not register Nagaicevs as a legitimate broker. Each of the trading firms provided him online access to trade directly in the U.S. markets through an account held in the firm’s name. “These firms provided unfettered access to trade in the U.S. securities markets on an essentially ********* basis,” said Daniel M. Hawke, Chief of the SEC’s Market Abuse Unit. “By failing to register as brokers, the firms and principals in this case exposed U.S. markets to real harm by evading crucial safeguards of the federal securities laws. We will not allow firms like these to fly under the radar and become safe havens for market abuse.” Alchemy Ventures, Inc., KM Capital Management, LLC, Zanshin Enterprises, LLC, and Mercury Capital were the firms named by the SEC. Two of the associates working for two of the named firms agreed to settle for $35,000 each in fines. The SEC’s administrative action will determine whether the non-settling trading firms and principals violated the broker registration provision of the federal securities laws, or whether the non-settling principals aided and abetted and caused the firms’ violations, and what sanctions, if any, are appropriate as a result. The SEC’s actions occurred on the same day that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued an investor alert and a regulatory notice about an increase in financially motivated attacks targeting email. Sursa: SEC Takes Action Against Hacker | SecurityWeek.Com
Pseudo-hackeri sau ce gre?eal? face presa în c?utare de adrenalin? pentru cititori? | WorldIT
[VB.NET-SNIPPET] Fragmente de cod pentru keyloggere
Nytro replied to raynor009's topic in Programare
Nu vad keylogger-ul... -
Nu ma Pax nu mai e cum era inainte.
EXCLUSIV Discutie cu hackerii #antisecRO: Aceste atacuri au ca scop dezvaluirea coruptiei si a adevarului exact asa cum este el, cum il gasim noi, la ei....nu cum stie populatia din minciunile altora De Adrian Vasilache | hotnews.ro – Vi, 27 ian. 2012 Grupul de hackeri intitulat #antisecRO a spart joi site-urile Directiei generale de asistenta sociala si protectia copilului Giurgiu si ale Institutului de Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara Horia Hulubei si au repostat baza de date a acestuia pe o pagina de internet, accesibila oricui. In aceeasi zi, Centrul national de raspuns la incidente de securitate cibernetica (CERT-RO) a contactat organizatia detinatoare a domeniului unde erau postate datele si a blocat accesul la date. HotNews.ro a contactat gruparea #antisecRO in incercarea de a afla mai multe despre motivele pentru care au fost sparte cele doua site-uri. Reporter HotNews.ro: Care sunt motivele pentru care ati spart cele doua site-uri - al unei directii de asistenta sociala si al unui institut de fizica? (multi oameni semnaleaza ca nu inteleg de ce ati ales aceste tinte in locul unora care chiar au "o influenta negativa asupra populatiei"). #antisecRO: Cele doua tinte au fost alese datorita gradului de coruptie si a banilor cheltuiti aiurea de catre cele 2 institutii, dar si datorita faptului ca sunt foarte slab securizate, si am preferat sa icnepem de aici. Dupa cum stiti, la Giurgiu este un grad foarte ridicat de coruptie, in comparatie cu celelalte orase, motiv pt care am si decis ca acel site sa fie primul care sa fie dat jos. Reporter HotNews.ro: O alta curiozitate tine de datele IFIN-HH pe care le-ati afisat public pe internet. M-am uitat putin pe cateva dintre ele, recunosc ca nu foarte atent, insa erau adrese de e-mail fara user sau parola a.i. sa poti accesa contul, ID-uri si alte date personale aparent fara nici o importanta - Puteau fi folosite in vreun fel acele date de catre oamenii care le-au vazut ulterior pe internet? Cum? #antisecRO: In legatura cu IFIN-HH, datele care le-am publicat reprezinta un 70% din total, iar acest 70% arata destul de bine cum banii populatiei sunt cheltuiti drept aiurea pe niste rahaturi, iar unele sume de acolo nu coincid deloc cu realitatea...dupa calculele noastre, unele ar trebui sa coste mai putin de un sfert din sumele care apar acolo...cine s-ar fi gandit ca pana si o institutie ca IFIN-HH poate fi corupta? Reporter HotNews.ro: Ce considerati ca ati realizat cu acest atac? #antisecRO: Aceste atacuri au ca scop dezvaluirea coruptiei si a "adevarului" exact asa cum este el, cum il gasim noi, la ei....nu cum stie populatia din minciunile altora Reporter HotNews.ro: Multi au luat in ras acest "atac" al vostru, vazut ca o joaca, si au adresat si critici legate de greselile de scriere din limba engleza. Cum explicati aceste greseli? #antisecRO: In legatura cu greselile gramaticale, atat va pot spune....toate sunt facute cu un scop, si ma opresc aici pe tema asta...cine o sa inteleaga bine, cine nu, la fel de bine...nu ne intereseaza ce spune lumea despre noi. Reporter HotNews.ro: Ulterior CERT-RO a anuntat ca a blocat accesul la pagina unde ati postat datele. Cum comentati? Aveti sa le transmiteti vreun mesaj? #antisecRO: CERT-RO este o institutie la fel de corupta ca toate celelalte...va spun asta din surse sigure...pe noi nu ne sperie cu absolut nimic...CERT-RO reprezinta whitehats, aparent inteligenti dar foarte corupti...si culmea, colac peste pupaza, avem oameni infiltrati si acolo, si oricand am putea dezvalui multe, dar deocamdata nu este cazul, insa, daca va fi, o vom face cu siguranta....oficial pot sa va spun ca avem de mult acces la planurile lor, monitorizam o parte din adresele lor de mail si activitatea lor pe unele servere ale institutiei....sunt multe care, daca situatia o va cere, vor fi date publicitatii...CERT-RO este o jucarie a guvernului, neinteresanta pentru noi cel putin. Reporter HotNews.ro: In mesaj anuntati ca nu va veti opri aici si ca "Tintele urmatoare sunt majoritatea site-urilor guvernamentale, precum si celor a firmelor mari din Romania". Din nou, care sunt motivele? #antisecRO: Motivele pentru care am inceput aceste atacuri cred ca sunt destul de clare: CORUPTIA...tot ce se cheama coruptie va fi data publicitatii de catre noi, indiferent de numele persoanei sau al institutiei. Reporter HotNews.ro: Puteti da ceva mai multe detalii legate de genul de autoritate sau firma pe care o vizati? #antisecRO: Vizam orice institutie guvernamentala care se va dovedi a fi corupta sau orice firma care face activitati ilegale, impreuna cu iubitii nostri guvernanti Reporter HotNews.ro: Puteti sa ne spuneti cateva informatii despre voi (de genul cati sunteti, ce varste, de ce faceti asta, de cat timp, daca sunteti numai romani, care este relatia cu politia, daca va este sau nu frica de consecinte etc..) - in masura in care considerati ca informatiile nu va pot face rau. #antisecRO: Despre noi nu va putem spune decat urmatoarele: suntem foarte putini romani care facem parte din aceasta grupare #antisec, #antisec reprezinta ********* si Lulzsec, ne puteti gasi oricand pe mIRC (server irc.anonops.com port 6667, chan #romania si #antisec).si ca un mesaj pentru CERT-RO: ar fi bine sa va uitati in oglinda si sa stati deoparte, ca sa nu iasa un razboi pe care nu il veti castiga niciodata! si nici nu dorim sa se lase cu demisii si scandaluri la nivel inalt....cred ca toata lumea trebuie sa manance o paine in vremurile astea...faceti cumva si pastrati-va painea!" Sursa: ?EXCLUSIV Discutie cu hackerii #antisecRO: Aceste atacuri au ca scop dezvaluirea coruptiei si a adevarului exact asa cum este el, cum il gasim noi, la ei....nu cum stie populatia din minciunile altora - Yahoo! ======================================================= "a spart joi site-urile Directiei generale de asistenta sociala si protectia copilului Giurgiu" - Ratati #1 "(CERT-RO) a contactat organizatia detinatoare a domeniului unde erau postate datele si a blocat accesul la date" - Ratati #2 "Cele doua tinte au fost alese datorita gradului de coruptie" - Ratati #3 "sunt foarte slab securizate" - Ratati #4 "acel site sa fie primul care sa fie dat jos" - Ratati #5 "Aceste atacuri au ca scop dezvaluirea coruptiei" - Ratati #6 "greselile gramaticale, atat va pot spune....toate sunt facute cu un scop" - Ratati #7 "avem oameni infiltrati si acolo" - Ratati #8 "Motivele pentru care am inceput aceste atacuri cred ca sunt destul de clare: CORUPTIA" - Ratati #9 "Vizam orice institutie guvernamentala care se va dovedi a fi corupta" - Ratati #10 "ca sa nu iasa un razboi pe care nu il veti castiga niciodata" - Ratati #11 Dupa ce sunt se caca in mijlocul drumului, il mai iau si la palme. Nu inteleg cum cei din presa pot sa fie atat de ratati si sa faca publice astfel de pseudo-interviuri. 1. Protectia copilului Giurgiu? Ce dracu ma, nu au gasit si ei altceva? 2. Se intereseaza de ei, si e posibil sa pateasca ca altii, dintr-o porcarie sa se trezeasca cu cazier, atunci sa vad cat de mandri vor mai fi de "vitejiile" lor 3. Tintele au fost alese daca nu cu un dork de Google, atunci cu ghiciul, la intamplare, ce o fi o fi 4. Asta arata varsta lor, limbajul pe care il foloseam si noi cand aveam 15 ani, "scuza" 5. O sa dea cu LOIC in el, ca si Anonimusii cap de tanc? Foarte "inteligent" 6. Au avut ca scop sa devina pseudo-vedete peste noapte. Daca erau baieti cu cap, faceau publice datele, daca avea ceva interesant, nu o baza de date luata prin SQLI si nu se bateau cu pumnii in piept ca sunt asa razboinici 7. Daca nu sunt in stare sa scrie corect, e clar... Si ce scuza penibila 8. Da, mamele lor dau cu matura acolo 9. Ce cacat de coruptie la PROTECTIA COPILULUI GIURGIU? Cat de ratati sa fie oamenii sa creada asa ceva? 10. Vizeaza orice cacat de site vulnerabil la SQL Injection, poate cel putin fac si ei manual si nu cu Havij 11. Din nou "modestia", de parca ar fi in stare sa faca ceva, la cert probabil nu sunt pusti de 12 ani care nu stiu macar structura unui pachet TCP, nu stiu cine se cred astia, dar imi pare rau pentru ei. Ce ma frustreaza e ca astfel de ratati fac de ras termenul de "hacker" asociat in mod stupid de presa pulii, de oameni care nu stiu sa instaleze un Windows, dar scriu articole legate de ITSec. Muie! Si ma enerveaza sa vad ca pe langa Anonimusi mai exista astfel de specimene la noi in tara, care se bat cu pumnii in piept pentru un cacat de SQL Injection (cand niciunul nu stie ce e un SGBDR), si care se cred periculosi pentru ca exista LOIC si ei "stiu" sa apese pe un buton, crezand ca asta le deschide drumul cate cunoasterea absoluta.
Ma asteptam la o obfuscare a codului. Ai idee ce e la acea locatie? Cred ca face parte din header-ul .NET dar nu stiu ce.