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Suntem pe forum de securitate si programare, si permiteti topicuri despre creearea de virusi si malware ? Inafara de furat carduri / identitati / fisiere private, etc lucruri ilegale nu iese nimic bun de aici.
Aroganta de level 9000.
SourceTree e pentru .git strict ( merge si github cred ), pentru github poti folosi aplicatia lor
Am lucrat pe SVN la inceput, era foarte usor cu turtoise SVN, git e mai "complicat" din linia de comanda, dar cu SourceTree e genial.
Eu am 3 ani de experienta PHP si m-am angajat la o firma IT in Cluj pe clasa a 12 a, anu asta in februarie. Nu prea conteaza cat faci, conteaza cum faci.
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Pe scurt : CSS 3 Animations Triggered while scrolling Story Box Learn More : Story Box Download : https://github.com/easy-development/jquery-story-box Story Tale : Learn More : Story Tale Download : https://github.com/easy-development/jquery-story-tale
Bossul Tudor nume pe skype, esti penibil .
Paypal a trimis "newsletter" in care iti da discount 10 euro la ceva telefon nou, nu stiu daca a mai fost postat. Se cheama Jolla, si pare destul de "fancy". Pareri ?
Product Page : Site Templates - Jana - Business Template | ThemeForest Preview Page : Easy Development | Jana - Business Template Also, daca aveti sugestii sau comentarii, feel free
Daca vreti ceva "mai tare". Zend_Text_Table - Zend_Text - Zend Framework
Poti sa o cumperi si sa-ti areti respectul fata de munca autorului, tu ce crezi ?
L-am scris mai devreme in engleza, poate va ajuta. So, today I've started my next product in Laravel. I've worked around 8 hours to get a good installer done, just wanted to point out some tips for other people who are going to "pursue it". If you're going to use migrations, I got this code after 4 hours of research, and I mean it, it was almost impossible to find an exact match of it. Sometimes the Symfony Command Line needed me to define the STDIN myself. So I added a little check, also the Laravel Migrate asks you if "Are you sure" if you're running it in production. So I had to find a way past this, and eventually I found the "--force" parameter, which has to be used like this, there was no code example from PHP how to set it, only by command line, so after 15 minutes of staring at some migration functions, I've "understood" that it actually has to be the key parameter, not the value like this array("--force") // STDIN Fallback, we need that. if(!defined("STDIN")) define('STDIN',fopen("php://stdin","r")); Artisan::call('migrate', array("--force" => true)); Also, before doing that a database connection has to be done, after I've dissected all the available products & softwares I could get my hands on, they were all hardcoding mySQL only. And I wanted to make my installer let you chose between any Database Connections available, mySQL, sqlite, pgsql, sqlsrv . So after asking the users for their "settings", I've "parsed" them like this into the config, so the database connection could actually work. Config::set('database.default', $receivedInformation['connection_driver']); foreach($receivedInformation['connection'][$receivedInformation['connection_driver']] as $key => $value) Config::set('database.connections.' . $receivedInformation['connection_driver'] . '.' . $key, $value); Hope this helped . Good luck !
Esti constient ca din paypal poti sa dai "Refund" / "Report" etc. Poti trimite primul linistit, eu nu mi-as face griji, si la transfer as scrie "Web Development Services - upFront Payment" plm.
N-am fost atent, merge bine, am testat si cu numere gen 156, am facut cu math.h, sqrt si pow. #include <iostream> #include <math.h> int main() { int number,divider, mySum, displayed = 0; std::cin>>number>>divider; mySum = number; do { int currentCut = 0; while(pow(divider, currentCut) < mySum) { currentCut++; } if(currentCut != 0) currentCut--; if(displayed != 0) std::cout<<" + "; else displayed = 1; std::cout<<divider<<" ^ "<<currentCut; mySum-= pow(divider, currentCut); } while(mySum != 0); return 0; } Online Demo : https://ideone.com/K2DZUl
-- Removed something P.S nu e testat #include <iostream> int main() { int number,divider; std::cin>>number>>divider; std::cout<<number<<" ^ "<<(number / divider); for(int i = 1; i <= number % divider; std::cout<<number<<" ^ 0", i++); return 0; }
"1000" + "40" + "1000" + "30" + "1000" + "20" + "1000" + "10" = "100040100030100020100010"
Doar un "up", e ultima zi in care il puteti descarca gratuit. Thanks
Pune un PNG de exemplu sa stim cum si ce ai nevoie, ca sa stim cum sa-ti trimitem oferta.
Scuze, acum am vazut cati ani ai, te las in pace, stiu perioada, si eu am trecut prin ea, lasa ca trece.
Ca ai o parere prea buna despre tine, mai cresti.
N posturi de genul asta am vazut de cand m-am inregistrat si nimeni care o facut un asemenea post nu a facut nimic dupa. Ce sfaturi vrei ? Sfaturi poti sa ceri cand stii deja minim bazele.
Salut, Fisierul meu a fost ales ca free file of the month pe codecanyon, daca vreti sa il incercati, puteti sa il descarcati gratuit de aici : JavaScript - jQuery Multiple Tag Select | CodeCanyon Demo : Easy Development | jQuery Multiple Tag Select Daca aveti vreo sugestie sau aveti nevoie de ajutor, please tell
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