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Everything posted by Spock

  1. Corect. Toti participantii (cu mici exceptii) sunt code monkeys.
  2. Spock


    126 Cred ca s-a strecurat o greseala prin test, ca a 2-a oara tot 126 mi-a dat. Si sunt convins ca am facut bine.
  3. Ala rage ca o vaca pe moarte.
  4. These kids nowadays... AMD, Aziz17, blackgxg, cAm, Ellimist, Gecko, georginson, k7vlad, kyler0, LegendKiller, Maverick, MazaBoY, mihaim1980, Nokia94, o_O01, p3tru, Raven, selected, Skream Example, tiodr, []kw3rln, bogdannbv, CyberneticGOD, demisec, DLD, F.A.Q., firewind, immun3, kandykidd, LiviuCool, motoclubs, roby09, wtfid, xplosive, []AnDrEwBoY[]
  5. On: La multi ani! Sa va traiasca colegii de forum! Off: S-ar putea sa vin si eu la Y! Open Hack. Sa vorbesc cu baietii de la ESA, ma parasutez din ISS. Daca vreti sa ne vedem, lasati-mi un nr. de telefon pe PM. Sub centura asta.
  6. Spock

    j1c0 admin?

    j1c0 for president! http://i.imgur.com/cP5XQ.jpg Kiddin', dar daca vrei, poti sa fii baiatul cu apa. Perpetuarea speciei?
  7. Spock


    @Andrei: "Seven" e baiatul care a castigat kit-ul de la Viorel?
  8. Si eu sunt curios. Mi-o iau maine
  9. Azi, 4 aprilie, o gasiti la toate chioscurile. S&T
  10. A beautiful mind - e cu un matematician. O minte sclipitoare (2001) - IMDb Stiu ca sunt Spock si ca n-am sentimente, dar m-a rascolit de tot filmul.
  11. Hobby Dar nu vorbim despre SCARA robots gen asta: YouTube - High Speed Adept Cobra Fastest SCARA Robot. E mai mic, si are 2 grade de libertate, si e mult mai incet.
  12. CNC pick-and-place. uC: ATmega328, programator: Arduino Uno. Trebuie sa sti C++. Daca esti interesat, PM me.
  13. Tot DSL zic si eu.
  14. Just for the record, nu eu sunt "Spo0k^^/ Spo0k^^".
  15. Pura curiozitate.
  16. Cat stati la PC/zi? Sariti peste glumele cu 25/24 h. Multumesc.
  17. Spock


    Fritzing is an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to work creatively with interactive electronics. We are creating a software and website in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, developing a tool that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and to create a pcb layout for professional manufacturing. http://fritzing.org/
  18. In pasive.
  19. 1. .rpm este de 3 ori mai rapid pe un OS bazat pe RedHat decat .deb pe un OS bazat pe Debian mai rapid = despacheteaza/instaleaza mai repede pachetele 2. yum e mai rapid decat apt. Dar daca esti idiot, recomand sa folosesti apt, pt. ca yum nu are un front-end. 3. Ubuntu este free, libre & open-source, RedHat e commercial. 4. Ubuntu e pt. home useri, RedHat a pt. businiess. Nota bene: RedHat e folosit si pt. supercomputers.
  20. The linux-kernel mailing list FAQ
  21. ^ Mersi. O sa verific maine, ca acu' is obosit. Revin cu un raspuns. Cat despre blocarea portului 5900, nu se pune problema. Ca pe Ubuntu sunt home user, si n-am umblat cu iptables. Deci vine cu permisiunile si regulile default.
  22. Clientul e conectat la adresa IP interna a serverului, deci in acelasi LAN. Da. Da Nu stiu pt. ca nu am reusit sa ma conectez nici prin ssh de pe Android. Intre timp, am luat de pe market al client VNC. Si imi da eroarea "no route to host". E bulit routerul?
  23. Yeah, the great hacker T3sc is owned! Threads: 13,660 Posts: 24,097 Members: 2,148 Size: 92.9MB Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/325533448/al...l.zip.html Password: blackmarket.es /// yeah, but if is easy to hack, why the great hacker didn't make the security? noobs vBulletin is easy to hack, when you have a shell on a webserver with 400 forums/websites/blogs to hack(and after tell me:"I can hack any vb, i use my brain", lmao), but when is a fixed target, you are only a kids which don't know anything. /// You try to look smart! but you are a big skiddie! http://alboraaq.com/forum/forumbackup-12...-78148.sql http://alboraaq.com/forum/forumbackup-12...-00a9e.sql And you don't know idiot, the install folder must be deleted? http://alboraaq.com/forum/11ins/install.php Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/325533448/al...l.zip.html Password: blackmarket.es /// haha, this database was created today/yesterday: 24.12.2009 Members:2146 And to see the real size, look in phpMyAdmin idiot. (anyway the size, can be changed easy) STFU /// haha, idiot, i never say about me, i'm a hacker, like you. i show you, i owned you, now, hack my forum, vBulletin 3.8.0 (you say as you can hack any vBulletin, i want to see) Look at you, you are only a idiot which want to be a "hacker"... Please shut up! And if i don't have full acces on your forum, how i can know again your "install" folder? http://alboraaq.com/forum/love/install.php And i don't want to put a fucking index on your shit, because i'm not a kid like you. I only showed what i can, and nothing more! /// hahahahaha you can show my insttal fail becuse you can use dork or some thing OMFG, WHAT A IDIOT, How i can use dorks to find your folders fucking loser. (for a update on google, need 1 day , and exist .htacces skiddie, i can't find with google these shits ) /// LOL, what idiot, he is hacked, and laugh! ok f.aggot, enough, you are owned, and that it's. And maybe i created a exploit for vBulletin and IPB, loser! /// hahah, i don't want to be a hacker. I never say that! I'm a simple pentester, nothing more. Yeah, you aren't like me, because you are a fa.ggot ///
  24. Am instalat un client VNC pt. Android (android-vnc-viewer). Am instalat un server de VNC pt. Ubuntu (x11vnc). Am pornit serverul, am scanat cu nmap si am vazut ca portul 5900 e open. Mi-am luat adresa interna cu ifconfig, mi-am setat o parola cu vncpasswd, am introdus toate datele in android-vnc-viewer si imi zice ca nu vrea sa se conecteze. Nu specifica motivul. Help. Mersi.
  25. Judecati oamenii dupa criterii irelevante, prostilor. In Ro predomina prejudecatile. Treceti peste ele.
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