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Felicitari SlicK ! Uite am pus si eu pe fileshare : http://www.fileshare.ro/457676461.52
Pare distractiv ,dar totusi bietu cal
Foarte interesant postu,cred ca o sa mearga Mersi
Nu prea inteleg ce vrei sa spui,dar daca te referi la faptul daca stiu cum functioneaza... raspunsul este Nu
Felicitari Nytro Am vazut ca te pricepi bine in VB Apropo Nodu nu il vede
Cu acest program poti downloada o anumita "fila" sa zicem asa de pe un site/forum...etc
http://www.virustotal.com/ro/resultado.html?bc7b223c4c3899767faa44bd331cbdd3 Download: http://www.fileshare.ro/456645354.245
http://www.virustotal.com/ro/resultado.html?5c53857ebe59c747c673d8649e13ebee Download: http://www.fileshare.ro/456636288.08
Tre sa imi bag pun si eu cateva melodii pe telefon Mersi mult
Wireless Internet Access Hack Tools This is one of the most comprehensive All in One tools for learning and putting into effect the art of the 'Wireless Hack'. These tools, apps and guides will teach and help you to access WEP protected Wireless Networks, Wireless Connections and also find connections and networks much easier. This AIO is intended for learning purposes only, and was put together in one Neat .exe file to make it easy to handle, and use. It is a Windows and Linux based AIO, and teaches you the realm of both OS's. What is Included: Kismet-2005-08-R NetStumbler-0.4.0 Wellenreiter-v1.9 WEPcrack 0.1.0 airsnort-0.2.7e wepwedgie-0.1.0-alpha Hotspotter-0.4 Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Bash Guide for Beginners The Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Second Edition Made specifically for AKTeAM! and it's fans, and put together by Phorum.ws Release Crews for sharing throught the p2p networks and Warez Communities. Please only use this as a learning experience and to access all the knowledge needed to access all types of wireless connections for your own personal interest and knowledge http://rapidshare.com/files/75495974/AOI.Wireless.H4KT00l5.rar
Merge pe IE7 (am incercat la net),chiar si Firefox...dar nu mai stiu care Apropo...impresionant baieti ! Faceti o treaba foarte buna
La mine merge... +ceea ce zic cei de la megasecurity (adica merge) Poate ai gresit ceva...
mersi alien Uite am pus pe RS http://rapidshare.com/files/75661607/UltimateHacking2007.rar.html
Mi-a placut mult postu lui Nemessis din multe motive Din cat am vazut eu sunt multi oameni capabili pe acest forumu si de aceea rst nu se v-a prabusi !
Imi pare rau dar acum nu pot, imi fac timp maine
Ca sa nu lungesc vorba ... citeste cu atentie ce am spus si mai usor cu jignirele si apropo cu "Zero[tampit]Hack" tine-ti gura Tre sa ma apar nu ? asa ca raspund Las jignirile la o parte...nu am luat "restul userilor la pula ca fac offtopic" aici citeste ce am spus,dar tu ai facut tampiti o un forum intreg cee ce nu cred ca o sa fie multi de acord,ei bine nu am fost folositor forumui,deci o sa incerc sa ajut mai mult-->pare ciudat nu...pai aici e o poveste intreaga si te intreb eu pe tine Tu cand te inregistrezi pe un forum ce vrei sa faci acolo? dar nu raspunde aici ca se face un topic aiurea da-mi pm Daca erai un "domn" iti vedeai de treaba...eram nervos si nu regret ce am scris Numai bine
Ba eu imi bag pwla,am niste nervi ca draq Ce draq tot aveti mah ? Eu am venit aici ca sa ma dezvolt pe forumu asta si sa ajut sa devina un forumu de hacking adevarat(cu toate ca nu am eu cine stie ce cunostinte),mi-a placut ce am vazut si acum incepeti toti sa fiti stresati de copii(ba si voi si toti am fost copii) Nu mai bine v-a vedeti de treburi voastre Uite un exemplu cei de la zerohack : ei mereu se inregistreaza pe cele mai noi si bune forumuri cu hacking si tot posteaza acolo...si bine fac,muncesc pe orice forumu,nu iau,pleaca si apoi se duc la offtopic si incep sa zica ca a ca nu le plac useri,ca is copii,tot felu te tampenii Ba ajutati forumu ! Gata ca nu mai suport,ma duc la o bere Va rog,repet va rog nu incepeti sa comentati pe ce am spus
Nu l-am incercat dar o sa-l incerc pana maine Uite ce zic cei de la megasecurity.org Server: c:\WINDOWS\system32\svchot.exe Size: 9,218 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\svshoct.exe Size: 131,235 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\svshost.exe Size: 131,235 bytes Added to Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon "Shell" Old data: Explorer.exe New data: explorer.exe svshost.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{z6B2445-1963-9142-A0DB-DBDB9E15FB9z} "StubPath" Data: svchot.exe AutoRun Tested on Windows XP November 14, 2007
Naspa rau,h4ck-you.org sunt buni Oricum sigur cei de la hackyou.org nu o sa renunte h4cky0u will be back up soon... looks like it's been done again sigh. http://www.hackyou.net/forums/ -sufera de acelas lucru
AIO TOOLS - phpBB Auto Hacking Tools - Keygen & Patch Pack 2007 Trojan Horses - Yuri RAT v1.2 - MofoTro v1.7 BETA - Charon - Beast v2.0.7 - Omerta v1.3 - Theef v2.10 - Combined Forces R.A.T - MoSucker v3.0 - ProRat v1.9 Fix2 - Subseven v2.2 - Girlfriend v1.35 - Back Attack 1.8 - Turkojan v3 Keyloggers - Elite Keylogger v1.0 - SKL v0.1 - KeySpy v2.0 - A++++ - Curiosity - Keylogger - KeyCopy Binders - Daemon Crypt Public v2 - NT Packer v2.1 - EES binder v1.0 - File Injector v3 - Bytes Adder - FreshBind v2.01 - YAB v2.01 - NakedBind v1.0 - Amok Joiner WebHacks/WordLists Brute Forcers - Munga Bunga 's Official - Brutus - Authentication Engine Test 2 - wwwHack v1.946 - FTP Brute Hacker - FTP Brute Forcer.tar.gz - Unix - Wbrute.tar.gz - Unix - Shadow Scanner-Brute Forcer - Hackers Utility v1.5 - POP3 brute forcer - Unix CGI-Bug Scanners - NStealth HTTP Security Scanner v5.8 - Attack Toolkit v4.1 & source code included - Scanarator - Legion NetBios Scanner v2.1 - NetView v1.0 - CGI Vulnerability Scan - CGI Scanner v4.0 - VoidEye CGI scanner PHP Shells - Cyper Eye 5 (asp) - Rootshell (php) - r57Shell (php) - backdoor (php) - Indexer (asp) - NT Daddy (asp) - NST View (php) - REM View (php) - C99Shell (php) - AjanShell (asp) - CASUS (php) RFI & RCE - XML-RPC Scanner & Exploiter - PHPAttacker - phpinjection scan exploit 2006 v2 - iis5dav scan exploit 2006 v2 SQL InjecTion & XSS TooLz - SQLRecon - SQLVulnscan - Casi v4.0 - ForceSQL - SQLPing 2 - SQL-XSS Tool - SQL Bruteforce Apache Hacking TooLz - Apache Chunked Scanner - Apache Hacker Tool v 2.0 - Apache h4x0r Viruses - Hippi virus - Sasser - W32. Blaster .Worm - Midnight Massacre - 00001 - Nimda - Loveletter virus - Happy '99 - MXZ Virus Builders - DR VBS - VBSwg 2 beta - Virus builder - p0ke's WormGen 2.0 - RESIDUO - DoS Virus MSN Hacks & Bots - HoaX Toolbox 1.1 - MSN Extreme 3.0 - MessenPass v1.06 - Advanced Blood Scroller - Nudge Madness - Advanced Instant Messengers Password Recovery - Contact Spy - Msn Explosion - Encrypted Messenger Port & IP Scanners - Blues Port Scanner - ProPort v2.2 - SuperScan v3.0 - Net Scan Tools v4.2 - LanSpy v2.0 - Bitchin Threads v3.1 - Trojan Hunter v1.5 - SuperScan v4.0 - Neotrace PRO v3.25 trial&crack Nukers And Flooders - Rocket v1.0 - RPCNuke v1.0 - Panther Mode1 - 56k - Panther Mode2 - ISDN + - Final Fortune v2.4 - Battle Pong - Technophoria - Assault v1.0 - ICMP Nuker - CLICK v2.2 Exploits - Internet Explorer CSS Exploit - Jpeg of death - WMF maker - MS04011 lsasrv.dll rpc auto hacker v2 - Windows WMF Download and Exec Exploit - WINRAR 3.41 corrupt zip file (Proof of Concept) - MPACK - ICE PACK Packers & Encrypters - Themida - Morphine PsTools is a Tool Pack from sysinternals (Microsoft) EXTRA! - Telnet Tutorial - The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses - Great Tutorials Pack Download: password: hacksector
Exact ce spunea BanKai,pentru asa ceva ar trebui sa vorbesti cu parintii tai,cu tine sau de ce nu cu un psihiatru daca tot nu esti multumit si vrei sa ajutor de genu asta(fara suparare) Vorba lui GoodKat Corect
Yakoza 3.2 (Trojan-Spy.Win32.Yazoka.e) http://www.virustotal.com/ro/resultado.html?35f85c32e1666a35157052531b16ece0 Download: http://www.fileshare.ro/455745221.405
Este un RAT,adica creezi un server il trimiti cuiva si apoi te conectezi la Pcu lui/ei,ToxicBlood are dreptate --> http://www.megasecurity.org/trojans/b/biohazard/Biohazard0.0.1.1alpha.html -->Failed to extract Server
In concluzie si prin urmare ,daca esti treaz inseamna ca glumesti