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Everything posted by dany_s_v

  1. Acesta este un site Pay Per Install, este foarte bun pentru cei care folosesc FaceBook are oferta FaceBook Cover destul de interesanta, dar si ceva playere video destul de atragatoare. Ofera si link direct pentru download Aici va puteti inscrie.............. PM pt. link si detalii Date Installs Referrals Revenue 2013-11-25 13 $0 $1.36 2013-11-24 17 $0 $1.72 2013-11-23 15 $0 $0.24 2013-11-22 14 $0 $0.76 2013-11-21 12 $0 $1.45 2013-11-20 11 $0 $1.74 2013-11-19 20 $0 $1.38 2013-11-18 8 $0 $1.46 TOTAL: 110 $0 $10.11 bani facuti in 8 zile fara promovare doar postate 3 linkuri pe fb Update: 2013-10-03 Rates increased for US ($1.10) | AU ($0.50) | DE ($0.30) Metode de plata: paypal, payza, webmoney, paxum You will get paid if your balance is larger than $20. We pay NET15. That means you'll get your money for previous month after 15 days. We pay on paypal,paxum,payza,webmoney(minimum $20) or wire transfer(minimum $500). Aici aveti Rata/cat plateste pe install pentru fiecare tara: Code Country Rate US United States $1.10 GB United Kingdom $0.50 AU Australia $0.50 CA Canada $0.30 FR France $0.30 DE Germany $0.30 NL Netherlands $0.25 DK Denmark $0.15 IT Italy $0.15 ES Spain $0.15 IE Ireland $0.15 CH Switzerland $0.15 NZ New Zeland $0.15 JP Japan $0.15 AT Austria $0.15 FI Finland $0.10 MT Malta $0.10 SG Singapore $0.10 LU Luxembourg $0.10 ZE South Africa $0.10 AE United Arab Emirates $0.10 BE Belgium $0.10 SE Sweden $0.10 SM San Marino $0.05 AR Argentina $0.05 CY Cyprus $0.05 RU Russian Federation $0.05 BS Bahamas $0.05 BR Brazil $0.05 GR Greece $0.05 NO Norway $0.05 KE Kenya $0.05 PL Poland $0.05 FJ Fiji $0.05 MX Mexico $0.02 QA Quatar $0.02 UG Uganda $0.02 JM Jamaica $0.02 TT Trinidad and Tobago $0.02 TZ Tanzania $0.02 LB Lebanon $0.02 AM Armenia $0.02 BH Bahrain $0.02 ET Ethiopia $0.02 SL Slovenia $0.02 MY Malaysia $0.02 KW Kuwait $0.02 GT Guatemala $0.02 MQ Martinique $0.02 LT Lithuania $0.02 PT Portugal $0.02 GH Ghana $0.01 CR Costa Rica $0.01 MN Mongolia $0.01 MM Myanmar $0.01 CL Chile $0.01 MU Mauritius $0.01 AZ Azerbaijan $0.01 OM Oman $0.01 NP Nepal $0.01 MG Madagascar $0.01 SD Sudan $0.01 CN China $0.01 CM Cameroon $0.01 DO Dominican Republic $0.01 NI Nicaragua $0.01 BO Bolivia $0.01 HK Hong Kong $0.01 PR Puerto Rico $0.01 UY Uruguay $0.01 KZ Kazakhstan $0.01 MZ Mozambique $0.01 AO Angola $0.01 PE Peru $0.01 HT Haiti $0.01 EC Ecuador $0.01 SV El Salvador $0.01 VE Venezuela $0.01 CO Colombia $0.01 KH Cambodia $0.01 YE Yemen $0.01 DZ Algeria $0.01 MD Moldowa $0.01 ZW Zimbabwe $0.01 LV Latvia $0.01 TH Thailand $0.01 PH Phillippines $0.01 TW Taiwan $0.01 EG Egypt $0.01 SA Saudi Arabia $0.01 SL Slovakia $0.01 AL Albania $0.01 BG Bulgaria $0.01 PK Pakistan $0.01 MA Morocco $0.01 ID Indonesia $0.01 IN India $0.01 TN Tunisia $0.01 RO Romania $0.01 HU Hungary $0.01 TR Turkey $0.01 BA Bosnia and herzegowina $0.01 HR Croatia $0.01 PY Paraquay $0.01 HN Honduras $0.01 RE Reunion $0.01 GP Guadeloupe $0.01 LK Sri Lanka $0.01 PA Panama $0.01 BD Bangladesh $0.01 RS Serbia $0.01 CZ Czech Republic $0.01 EE Estonia $0.01 AF Afghanistan $0.01 UA Ukraine $0.01 VN Vietnam $0.01 MK Macedonia $0.01 JO Jordan $0.01 SN Senegal $0.01 ME Montenegro $0.01 NG Nigeria $0.01 BY Belarus $0.01 GE Georgia $0.01 Spor la bani
  2. S-a lansat 2.0,Acum ca nu mai e beta e pe bune,spor la $$$
  3. Nu inteleg nimic din postul tau. on: Financial Statements are LIVE!! 10/03/2013 Sorry for the delay in posting these. We will post year-to-date profit & loss and year-to-date Balance sheet on the 1st and 15th of every month. This will allow you to see where our money is coming from, and see where it is going. Se poate descarca softul,iar in legatura cu earnings potential inca se fac teste dar acum merita rulat ca se contorizeaza castigul zilnic! Bafta! http://www.ipuservices.com/user/signup/?referred_by=IPU03645
  4. Lansat 24 sept 2013 Un singur plan; 240% dupa 10 zile (depozitul inclus in total, deci 100% plus 140% profit) . Balanta se actualizeaza in timp real, la milisecunda Plata se face instant (eu am sa retrag o data pe zi) Depozit minim 1$, depozit maxim, 10.000$ Accepta; STP, PM, EP, Okpay Link inscriere 1instant:https://1nstant.com/p/victoras Link fara referral: https://1nstant.com Imi place mult ce scrie la rubrica FAQ. Simplu , transparent si la obiect. (va rog sa cititi) Si ca de obicei; Atentie: Site de investitii cu grad ridicat de risc ! Investiti doar ceea ce sunteti dispusi sa pierdeti PS; Bate fiereul pana-i cald. Succes!
  5. Mai asteptam,cat e beta nu are rost sa tineti softul pornit
  6. 09/16/2013 $71,000+ in payouts - and we have not even started yet! We have had a tremendous amount of feedback regarding our BETA software, and we have tried to implement as many of the changes that made sense that we could. The download/install issues have been addressed as well as the earnings potential, power matrix, etc. This new version 1.1 will be released shortly, we will advise all of you by email when you may download it. In cateva zile o sa-i dea drumul la soft $$$
  7. Visa - Mastercard - American Express - Payza - EgoPay - SolidTrustPay - Western Union - OKPay 09/11/2013 All methods now accepted for payments in and payments out. Exista metoda pt a tine conturile pe alt site,dupa inregistrare dati pm si va ajut,nu trebuie sa tineti pc aprins
  8. Amr 2 zile up:)
  9. merge si la paid to promote?
  10. up:)
  11. What We Do - Idle Processor Utilization Services, LLC, purchases unused/idle computer processing power at a fair price, then re-packages it and sells it at a profit. 100% of profits are distributed to our Members, which include all Division Managers. It is our goal to distribute the ownership of Idle Processor Utilization Services, LLC, to ANY Member who wishes to invest time, money, and energy into this project. This is not altruism - this is fair compensation for hard work, planning, and execution. What YOU Do - You EARN MONEY by simply leaving your computer on. No purchase is necessary at all to earn money. Simply Register (below), and download the process software (Available 9/1). That is it. Of course, you can multiply your earnings if you wish, although doing so is not required. You may build a referral list (you make % of referrals), you may upgrade your membership, you may build (or buy) a downline, install more computers, etc. The possibilities - and the earnings - are endless. What you earn is completely up to you!
  12. Asemanator cu Digitalgeneration doar ca in 1 sept. e deschiderea oficiala,plateste in : PayPal Payza EgoPay AlertPay MoneyPak Western Union Standard Pack: Run Processor $.01- $2.00 Daily Downline - Layer 1: 1% Downline - Layer 2: 0% Downline - Layer 3: 0% Refer A Division Account: $1 Buy/Sell Leads: no LLC Income - Ownership: no 2. Regional Pack: Run Processor $.01- $2.00 Daily Downline - Layer 1: 5% Downline - Layer 2: 1% Downline - Layer 3: 0% Refer A Division Account: $10 Buy/Sell Leads: no LLC Income - Ownership: no 3. Division Pack: Run Processor $.01- $2.00 Daily Downline - Layer 1: 10% Downline - Layer 2: 5% Downline - Layer 3: 1% Refer A Division Account: $50 Buy/Sell Leads: yes LLC Income - Ownership: yes Care vreti: http://www.ipuservices.com
  13. Descarcam sa faci tu bani,ce retardat esti!
  14. o dovada de plata ,a primit careva din cei inscrisi?
  15. este si merge dar muncesti pt a pune tot sistemul pe roti,apoi te uiti doar la statistici:)
  16. Da intradevar merita am 2 luni de cand lucrez cu filesonic si am reusit cine e interesat il pot ajuta fiindca nici eu nu am stiut multe si eu am fost sprijinit.id mes: dany_s_v
  17. La segmenti te-ai uitat?
  18. hai ca eu ma bag :id meu ca sa va zic daca merita e : dany_s_v
  19. ))),mi-ati schimbat ziua !
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