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Everything posted by m1dst1k

  1. m1dst1k


    Eu zic sa schimbi acel banner, sa pui ceva mai fain si poate-ti tragi si un logo care sa vina la tema aia (ceva simplu) .
  2. La multi ani !
  3. La multi ani !
  4. Learn HTML and CSS step by step Am inceput sa urmaresc si eu aceste tutoriale si am vrut sa le impart cu voi.Sper sa va ajute la ceva, pe mine unul m-au ajutat foarte mult . Enjoy !
  5. m1dst1k

    Ziua parolei

    Parola de la facebook: It would take a desktop PC about 2 quadrillion years to crack your password Parola de la forum: t would take a desktop PC about 52 seconds to crack your password
  6. 16
  7. Paste fericit, RST !
  8. Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, Yukihiro “matz” Matsumoto, blended parts of his favorite languages (Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp) to form a new language that balanced functional programming with imperative programming. He has often said that he is “trying to make Ruby natural, not simple,” in a way that mirrors life. Building on this, he adds: Ruby is simple in appearance, but is very complex inside, just like our human body. Since its public release in 1995, Ruby has drawn devoted coders worldwide. In 2006, Ruby achieved mass acceptance. With active user groups formed in the world’s major cities and Ruby-related conferences filled to capacity. Ruby-Talk, the primary mailing list for discussion of the Ruby language, climbed to an average of 200 messages per day in 2006. It has dropped in recent years as the size of the community pushed discussion from one central list into many smaller groups. The TIOBE index, which measures the growth of programming languages, ranks Ruby as #9 among programming languages worldwide. Much of the growth is attributed to the popularity of software written in Ruby, particularly the Ruby on Rails web framework2. Ruby is also totally free. Not only free of charge, but also free to use, copy, modify, and distribute. Initially, Matz looked at other languages to find an ideal syntax. Recalling his search, he said, “I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python.” In Ruby, everything is an object. Every bit of information and code can be given their own properties and actions. Object-oriented programming calls properties by the name instance variables and actions are known as methods. Ruby’s pure object-oriented approach is most commonly demonstrated by a bit of code which applies an action to a number. Sursa: ruby-lang.org
  9. ?edere pl?cut?
  10. m1dst1k


    Eu zic ca nu o sa faci bani din tutoriale, banii adevarati cu ajutorul photoshop-ului se fac pe layout-uri si logo-uri
  11. Salut,Luca. Bine ai venit pe aici,la cat mai multe emoticoane,DUDe
  12. Poate reuploada careva fisierele dropbox?
  13. Off: Daca tot faci o alta versiune cum zici tu sa fii atent ca verbul a crea in engleza e "to create". On: Felicitari pentru efortul depus.
  14. 50% din site e facebook si subscribe wtf?! Mai ai mult de lucru la site si dupa la tutoriale.
  15. uite aici alt link: https://rapidshare.com/files/145956206/ISR%20Stealer%200.4.1.rar
  16. are careva aceste tutoriale sa faca un reupload ?
  17. good job .
  18. @yoyois: da-mi te rog si mie hash-ul
  19. nu vin amestecate si l-am testat si eu merge foarte bine. multumesc!!
  20. se simte,multumim
  21. Mie unul imi place site-ul ca si continut dar la design e mult de lucru,banner-ul e pixelat. P.S: design-ul
  22. mie nu imi merge
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