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Everything posted by m1dst1k

  1. Persoane dragu?e zici? HAHAHA ! Bine ai venit ?i ?edere pl?cut?.
  2. m1dst1k


    Ai nevoie de o tema care sa arate simplu dar in acelasi timp si profesional.
  3. Attacks are the techniques that attackers use to exploit the vulnerabilities in applications. Attacks are often confused with vulnerabilities, so please try to be sure that the attack you are describing is something that an attacker would do, rather than a weakness in an application https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Attack
  4. m1dst1k

    Site de stiri

    Din moment ce a zis ca o gasesti pe google, nimic . Ti-a dat totul aproape mura-n gura .
  5. 3 Jelly Host , Free Unlimited Space Disk , Unlimited Bandwidth , Free Email Addresses , Free Ftp , Free Databases , Free Domain From 3 Jelly
  6. Parola trebuie sa contina cel putin o cifra sau un simbol. Eroarea mea: Your computer IP address is blocked from registration. If you are using proxy please disable it and try again. Alternatively you can try to register from a different computer or ask your friend to fill a registration form for you.
  7. https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/54baabc005a07424b2ca248091a36f9ac4aaa1a60973ab8c20fd44a12155836c/analysis/
  8. The difference is that if the keylogger is trial you can't create a remote server.
  9. A security flaw in pakistanintelligence.com, a pakistani job portal gave an opportunity to Anonymous hacker to gain access to their server. Anonymous left the about us page "www.pakistanintelligence.com/text_pages.php?id=1 " defaced with the text "hacked by anonymous " "You b33n h4ck3d by #F**kYouSec. OHai all....time to look for a job using some other service...we haz ALL UR infoz...Y?... cuz i can...and U b33n sold out by poor security " The message posted by the hacker. The hackers also claimed to have leaked 2Gb of logs zipped into 24Mb file, uploaded to anonfiles website. This is not the first time the site is being under the cyber attack. The same page was defaced in 2011. We are not sure whether the same vulnerability allowed him to gain the access. Update: Cyber War News analyzed the dump and found the leak contains personal data of individuals who registered in the portal which include name, contact info, job type and more. It also includes the login credentials of admin account. Screenshot:http://imgur.com/YVsbQMC Sursa:ehackingnews.com
  10. esti cumva din Caransebes?
  11. Mai ai de lucrat putin la partea de html la Contact caci nu ai pagina si la blog imaginile sunt redimensionate ? in latime prea mult.
  12. http://www.ptsecurity.com/download/PT-devteev-CC-WAF-ENG.pdf
  13. Rog un admin sa stearga acest post
  14. La facultate incepi de la inceput toate materiile, dar nu asta conteaza.Te sfatuiesc sa inveti C++ pentru a-ti forma o idee despre programare si pentru a intelege sintaxele.Vei fi nevoit sa inveti algoritmii din liceu pentru admitere ca nu are cum sa-ti ceara la admitere sa le faci un program prea complicat care sa apeleze biblioteca windows..
  15. and why Germany and Luxembourg it's not working ?
  16. hmm, paid till 07 march 2013 ? asta ar insemna ca a expirat, nu ? + ca serverele Germany si Luxembourg nu functioneaza, iti da eroare ca fiind expirata licienta functioneaza doar restu si alea cred ca free edition
  17. PRO, daca putem ajuta pe cineva de ce nu ?!
  18. User : Marvada Pinga Serial : 00-67NK4K-BRUCE-07E Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?ilctwjo793b2wd9
  19. http://i41.tinypic.com/9vkxfs.jpg frumos, mersi !
  20. off: la statisticile date de tine mai ai nevoie sa inveti ceva de aici ? on: salut
  21. m1dst1k


    Contact by =IvanAndreevich on deviantART Vezi aici, sunt o gramada.Cauta si in partea dreapta si mai jos si unde gasesti.Sper sa te ajute !
  22. Naruto Shippuden sau Manga
  23. m1dst1k


    Si acel border negru poti sa-l schimbi poate gasesti ceva care sa se asorteze cu viitorul banner.
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