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Everything posted by Vlachs

  1. Pentru ca nu stii despre ce vorbesti, Indexerele astea de 2 bani(ca si GSA Indexer) se folosesc de stats sites si alte site-uri de genu, deep link indexer nu functioneaza pe nici unu dintre ele si ca efect te trezesti cu multe backlink-uri daunatoare.
  2. Sa nu folositi prostiile astea, sunt ok doar pentru domeniu dar va treziti cu zeci/sute de backlink-uri de slaba calitate.
  3. Si de ce il postezi aici ? Macar pune un host calumea...
  4. Sunt 2 plangeri impotriva ta, CogX si Eddie au aratat ca esti tepar deci ban si bye bye.
  5. Nu chiar, gandeste-te ca el salveaza pe HDD dar nu are cine sa le foloseasca sau cel putin iti ofera timp sa poti sa iti schimbi parola.
  6. Poate nu ai vazut ca este trecut si un Windows 7 in exemplu.
  7. Deschid startup manager si task manager, inchid orice din firewall inafara de browser, platesc si am timp sa ajung sa schimb parola pana se prinde grasanu ce nu merge.
  8. Vlachs

    Ziua parolei

    Parola generala = It would take a desktop PC about 11 minutes to crack your password Email-uri = It would take a desktop PC about 2 trillion years to crack your password
  9. Tu habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti. Inainte de C4T a fost Rowarez-ul, au fost razboaiele intre MT si Rowarez, intre ISR si Rowarez, rowarez-ul era compus din codex, eu, black si pax si uite ca rowarez-ul facea fata majoritatea forumurilor de hacking din romania, nu a fost spart niciodata cat am fost eu/pax/black pe el, aveam un privat mai stufos si mai valoros decat orice forum din romania din nisa hacking/warez si erau incluse multe chestii faine pe el facute de noi. Nu ai prins momentele cand "le faceam" diferite chestii celor de pe MT sau ISR(gen furam privatul/tineam jos) sau nu stii ca pur si simplu am avut acces la tot serverul ISR si nu din cauza ca mi-au dat ei(P...host.ro). Am ajuns moderator pe ISR pentru ca aveam si calitati, cea ce nu se poate spune si despre tine si tine cont ca asta a fost acum cativa ani si tu tot nu esti in stare de nimic nici acum. Si ps: Zi-mi un alt forum de warez romanesc care chiar vindea acces la VIP si zone dedicate pe vremea aia, well nimeni inafara de noi.
  10. Depinde si de unde iti iei backlink-urile, ce tip de backlink-uri, fa-i cateva pe .ro
  11. Mai expertule, DDOS-ul nu se opreste din scripturi si cacaturi software, in fine, tastez degeaba.
  12. Stii h4sh cum e faza cu astia noi, intodeauna cei care vin se dau destepti si au pretentii, prin postul tau cu "scriptul" ai reusit sa ma faci sa imi schimb parerea, te credeam o persoana inteligenta cu potential. O alta greseala, ai ales sa te duci pe ISE, unde "aia dau flood pana iti ard placa de retea"(citat). Trebuie sa intelegi ca sunt si persoane bune pe rst si copii, intodeauna o sa fie persoane cu care sa te certi si sa porti discutii in contradictoriu, nu are rostul sa iti bati capul cu toata lumea, de asta nu mai activeaza multi, ideea e sa intelegi ca e doar un forum si atata tot, nu e ca si cum te-as fi scuipat pe scarile blocului. Multi au fost, multi au plecat, multi o sa vina. Mult noroc!
  13. Pai fi atent, asa iti dai ddos singur, tii conexiuni deschise, etc DDOS-ul de obicei consuma banda, expertule.
  14. Vrei sa pun iar poze cu tine, aia speciala in care se vede ca ai puf si nu mustata ?
  15. Nu e chiar noua, asta cred ca e a doua incercare a lor, cred ca asta spune tot https://www.isecenter.com/forum/6-isecurity-official-projects.ist
  16. In mare e acelasi, putin restilizat.
  17. [h=2][TUTORIAL] How To Use Xrumer For SEO - Tier'ed Link Building - GODOVERYOU[/h] Xrumer can post to a variety of different CMS'es. On some of these, your links will be around for months or years and can easily gain PR. On some of them, your links may only appear on the first page for days, hours, or minutes. Because of this constant fact, it is best to use these different link sources in a tactical manner. What I mean by that is to use them in the means that will provide the most stability to your site's link juice, and therefore ranking while still benefiting from Xrumer's flexibility and speed. The rule of thumb is simple: The more stable the link, the safer it is to put closer to your site. The more liquid the link, the farther it should be from your domains. This is NOT the only way to build links using Xrumer - this is the way I build links and much like assholes and opinions, everyone has their own way to build links with xrumer. In this methodology, it is a three tier'ed approach, but it could easily be condensed into two tier's without a significant impact to the systems overall performance. Tier 1: Typically for tier 1, you will want to use platforms and methods that will fit the following criteria. You can find the links using the links database analysis tool, and xrumer reports the actual location of the link in the success tab. The links will exist in that location for months if not years. The resources or sites that the links exist on have moderate domain PR (4 or greater), and if it is your preference, aren't already spammed to death. EDU/GOV links are ideal here. (TIP: Private WIKI Pages that won't get edited) There's a few different approaches you can take here. Example Approach 1: I use xrumer's 'anti-spam' system for this most of the time. Antispam is a system that will take a given niche, and build a database of information for it. Then xrumer will register on forums, and post decent looking replies to topics using the database of sentences it has collected. These replies will include a link back to your site. Because the system is using ore-collected text, it often survives moderation. An example of the success of this system could be widely found on backlinksforum.com when it was active. Since that is now down, trafficplanet.com has not done much better at eliminating the problem either, which when you look at their Admin... it is to be expected. (I personally have a 80%+ stick rate for links on that forum.) Warriorforum is absolutely flooded with it, but with the volume of posts they have there, it easily disappears in the mass. Typically you can find the responses on threads that have the keyword 'SEO' in the title as most SEO spammers have the keyword SEO in their lists somewhere. Now that you know my little secret, make sure that you don't hit SEO topics. If you are going to send your anti-spam monster to hit these kinds of niches, go on over to one of those two boards and read about how the noobs think the sky is falling that week (since it changes every week or month it seems), and setup accordingly. Your posts will simply blend in to the mess of noob idiocy on either example forum. The reason that anti-spam is so successful, even on these forums where you would think a moderator or community would be bright enough to catch it is simple: most mods don't have an idea as to what to look for in terms of antispam content footprints. When you take into consideration that these 'SEO' moderators can't spot it, you can see how easily successful it is on non-SEO forums. In fact, it would normally take a massive mistake in the pre-collected text for it to be caught at all. Example Approach 2: Xrumer can register and post articles on article dashboard directories, and these would make excellent places for your tier 1 spam. Typically you will want to pre-filter your links list for PR, and weed out the auto-approve directories. I often will do this with Article Marketing Robot at first, then use Xrumer on the directories that fit my criteria. The reason is the Xrumer can post hundreds of thousands of 'articles' a day. If you modify your installation to work on various other blog/article/web 2.0 resources, these would also make an excellent example of what you can use for tier 1 links. Example Approach 3: Carefully worded and macro generated replies in mass can also be used, but the stick rate will be lower than with antispam in SOME cases. It depends on your linkslist. In this case, it is absolutely critical that you get more comfortable with the #quote macro. By using the #quote macro, you can quote the text in the post above yours automatically and add in generic comments such as "^^^ +1 THIS!!!" or "Yep, yep yep..." and "Hit the nail on the head there..." Keep your link in your signature and get what you can Original: [TUTORIAL] How To Use Xrumer For SEO - Tier'ed Link Building - GODOVERYOU
  18. Teoretic ar putea, dar cred ca nu o sa il accepte ca simplu utilizator, daca ar fi un retailer sau ceva de genu, atunci cred ca sansele ar fi mai mari.
  19. http://www.yztracker.com/Pages/Home/index.aspx
  20. Si nu mai bine vorbeai prin pm cu unu dintre admini decat sa te apuci sa injuri
  21. Ma amuza ce vad. Sa va luam pe rand. @h4sh Cand am inchis topic-ul am avut un singur motiv, cel de a opri offtopic-ul si replicile inutile, toti pe net sunt zmei, 90% din cei de pe rst se dau zmei...dar nu sunt, lumea pe net minte enorm de mult, m-am invatat minte. Legat de Backtrack/Kali, e doar un OS cu ceva tool-uri, era ceva grozav daca erau facute de ei si os-ul era de asemenea. MS de asemenea, il consider un loader(engine) cu diferite vulnerabilitati in el si atat. Mie unu personal mi se pare penibil sa folosesti MS, in viziunea mea de nestiutor si tampit, esti un fel de "script kiddies", iei ceva facut de cineva si omfg "ce am realizat eu", ma intreb cati dintre cei care folosesc MS stiu si ce se intampla in spate, cati dintre utilizatorii MS porteaza scriptul respectiv. @Pielesios Demisec, wtf, ce discutii port eu cu tine, doar pe chat si atata tot, nu stiu altceva de tine, nu esti o persoana caruia ii acord atentie, nu cred ca te-am banat sau am avut vreo tangenta si nu stiu eu. Nu vad de ce as da-o in ocolite cu tine, nu vad de ce as face asta pentru ca pentru mine...sa nu fiu rau...nu prezinti interes. Daca ai ceva de reprosat si spui ca stam de vorba pe mess si ne salutam, lamureste-ma si pe mine. @ UnUser - tu esti ratatul de myky, prima data cand am interactionat noi 2 a fost pe un forum de hacking(cred ca isr unde am ajuns si supermoderator), pe tine de asemenea nu te bag in seama pentru ca esti un nimeni. De ce ti-am retinut nick-ul, pentru ca erai prea ratat si imi era greu sa uit cine esti, pe langa tine mai tin minte un ratat de pe hackmd, amandoi dominati top-ul, deci .... no fuck given.
  22. Sunt foarte multe persoane care sunt genii in domeniul info sec si nu au nici un fel de acreditare(menita sa iti ia banii). "Cei care nu sunt buni in domeniul lor, predau" - regula universala. Acestea fiind spuse, topic closed. PS: In loc sa faceti ceva util pentru voi(macar pentru voi, ca pentru comunitate...), stati si futeti menta aiurea.
  23. Ideea e simpla, totul tine de unde iei ofertele, in mare ti se ofera un widget/link pentru o anumita oferta, macros in aplicatia ta pentru a da click pe un banner de pe site si de acolo dai signup automat(tot macros). Nu ar avea de ce sa se prinda, totul e sa nu faci niste sume mari pe zi incat sa intre la suspiciuni.
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